
Weight loss and energy enhancing diet supplement.


With thousands of diet supplements being marketed online, you can’t be sure which one truly works. Dexamine claims that it can give key areas of weight loss.

But does this claim supported by a potent formula? What about testimonials by different users online?

Read on and learn if Dexamine is truly plausible for weight loss.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Dexamine?

This brand is owned and marketed by Giant Sports International LLC, a supplement manufacturer based in New Jersey.

Some of its health claims include:

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  • Increases thermogenesis
  • Helps control appetite
  • Enhances Focus, Drive, Motivation and Mental Energy


As you can see, Dexamine offers fat burning and appetite suppressing effects which are also offered by popular diet pills online such as Nature Thin, PhentaSlim or Phen24.

Giant Sports International has their own website though they don’t offer enough information about Dexamine. Aside from its ingredient facts, their website never explained how this formula works for weight loss.

This diet pill is also a bit pricey with $29.99 per bottle, though this investment will last you for sixty days.

Plus, I never found any refund or money back guarantee offer from their website. If you buy from third party retailers such as Amazon, then you can avail their return policy benefits.

Dexamine Ingredients

The proprietary blend of Dexamine is dosed at 350mg per serving, which is not that potent compared to other fat burners such as Hiprolean, Avaprex or Exitor.

Dexamine only offer three key ingredients – caffeine, kigellia africana extract and bai mudan white tea extract.

Other ingredients include gelatin, rice flour and magnesium stearate.


How does Dexamine Work?

Dexamine is obviously formulated to stimulate your body using known thermogenic agents.

All three ingredients of Dexamine – kigellia africana, caffeine and white tea are all known to affect the central nervous system, which elevates both mental and physical performance.

According to MayoClinic, cafffeine works by reducing your feelings of hunger and your desire to eat but only for a brief time. Caffeine also increases your energy and stimulates thermogenesis.

The caffeine dosage of Dexamine is not bad with 200mg per serving, though other brands offer a higher doses. But remember that too much caffeine can lead to negative adverse health effects.

Kigellia africana meanwhile is a potent stimulant and has anti-microbial, antioxidant and aphrodisiac health properties.

According to an article by Nutrient Journal, kigellia africana’s stimulating effect is perfect for your pre-workout and energy-boosting needs. Plus, this herb is also diuretic which helps aid urinary disorders.

However, kigellia africana has been investigated and proven to be toxic in animal tests. Possible side effects include mouth and skin blisters.

Lastly, Dexamine has bai mudan (bai mu dan) white tea. Like its sister herb green tea, white tea also has potent polyphenols which helps your body to get rid of toxins and free radicals.

Bai mudan’s polyphenols can help prevent hardening of arteries and may trigger some measures of energy boost for your slimming program. – Science Direct.

So Can Dexamine Help You Lose Weight?

Dexamine can trigger some measures of weight loss for you due to its stimulant ingredients. Like other supplements here, stimulants can help boost both mental and physical performance.

Plus, this brand may also trigger sudden boost of energy spike for a brief time just like what you get from drinking your favorite cup of coffee.

So if you want energy and metabolic boost, Dexamine can truly deliver.

How about Safety?

Dexamine is likely safe though you have to consider its stimulant potency especially if you are allergic to caffeine.

With 350mg of stimulating formula, it is important that you assess your caffeine tolerance when taking this diet pill.

So to ensure a safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take Dexamine.


According to its label, start by taking one capsule per day with 16 to 20 oz of water after breakfast, but before noon on an empty stomach.

Once you assessed your tolerance. you may go to two capsules, but never under any circumstances exceed 2 capsules in a 24-hour period.

Do not use for more than 8 continuous weeks without a 4-week break in use.

Dexamine Review Summary

Based on its formula, Dexamine is most likely plausible for your weight loss program. Whether you are dieting or exercising, this supplement can support your endeavors.

Just make sure that you first check your reactions to stimulants so that you’ll get safe supplementation.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1997ed”]

  • Natural formula
  • Can support all key areas of weight loss
  • Supports brain health
  • Good reviews online
  • May boost your energy levels
  • Moderately priced


Where to Purchase Dexamine?

Dexamine can be purchased directly at its official website or selected online supplement retailers.

We recommend that you check out our top-rated brand here – PhenQ.

This supplement has the right formula that can finally help you lose weight. Click the link below to read more about this diet pill.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – PhenQ” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

phenqPhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.

With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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