harry brearley portland works

Hear the Harry Brearley Story on 17 October from 7 to 9pm

Harry Brearley – Much more than Stainless (1871-1948)

An illustrated talk by Robin Fielder, formerly of Sheffield Industrial Museums

On Wednesday 17 October, Portland Works will be delighted to welcome Robin Fielder who will deliver the first in a series of lectures on the cutlery and steel industries. The doors will open at 6.30pm with the lecture running from 7pm to 9pm. Refreshments will also be served.

Tickets are just £3.50 (students £2.50)

To reserve your seat please call 07392 082058 or email [email protected].

About the Lecture

Harry Brearley discovered stainless steel in 1913, and it was here at the Portland Works that Ernest Stuart forged the first rustless cutlery for him.  This story will be illustrated with Harry’s own sources.

He also wrote the best account of growing up in a Sheffield Victorian slum, where he started work aged 12, and developed his political ideas.  Even before the stainless discovery his renown as a metal analyst gave him a comfortable living.  This illustrated talk uncovers a wider picture of Harry’s life and work, and the ideals which led him to use his unexpected wealth for the benefit of people sharing the “straitened circumstances” of his own childhood.

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Heritage Lecture: From Gun Barrels And Armour Plate To Stainless Steel Knives And Forks

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