Ethics of Journalism

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

Ethics of Journalism

Build or refine your process for making ethical decisions — before you’re faced with a tough call on deadline.

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  • Develop a process for making ethical decisions — before you're faced with a tough call on deadline

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

SKU: NUSDT104-18 Tag:

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the guiding principles and values of ethical journalism
  • Develop and follow a rational process for figuring out your options when faced with an ethics problem
  • Identify ethical issues in stories you cover
  • Practice sound ethical decision-making
  • Justify the decisions you make to your editors, your colleagues and your audience

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.


  • Develop a process for making ethical decisions — before you're faced with a tough call on deadline

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Ethical decision-making is as essential to a journalist’s craft as interviewing, writing, editing, photography and design. As a journalist, you can — and should— hone this skill.

This course will help you develop a process for making ethical decisions — before you’re faced with a tough call on deadline. It will help you identify and understand the ethical questions that can arise in any story you are working on. And it will give you the confidence to make those tough calls and defend your decisions to your editors, your colleagues and your audience.

At Poynter, we take ethics seriously. That’s why you’ll find so much rich content in this course. This is not a course to work through once and leave behind. You are likely to find yourself coming back to it again and again for help making challenging decisions and to learn from others who have faced similar dilemmas.

This course is designed to give you the techniques and tools you need to confront complex and complicated ethical issues, make difficult decisions and support those decisions with clear and rational thought.



This is a self-directed course you can take on your own time. It’s available as soon as you enroll.

Who should enroll

Journalists and other newsroom leaders who want to make sound decisions, as well as anyone interested in the ethical guidelines for fair, accurate and honest journalism.


  • Kelly McBride
    Senior Vice President and Chair of Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership
    Kelly McBride is a journalist, consultant and one of the country’s leading voices on media ethics and democracy. She is senior vice president and chair...
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  • Al Tompkins, Senior Faculty, Broadcast and Online
    Al Tompkins
    Al Tompkins is the former senior faculty for broadcasting and online. He has taught thousands of journalists, journalism students and educators in newsrooms around the...
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  • Bob Steele
    Bob Steele is the director of the Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics, DePauw University, in Greencastle, Ind., and is the Nelson Poynter Scholar for Journalism...
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  • Caitlin Johnston
    Caitlin Johnston is a journalist whose work has appeared in the Tampa Bay Times, The Dallas Morning News and the Baltimore Sun.
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