• Mothering Sunday: A chance to celebrate mothers and consider the implications of mothering for mission

  • Helping your teen navigate Snapchat: A Christian parent’s guide to helping them flourish online

  • It’s not all in the head - Physical activity is really important for the mental and spiritual health of youth and children

  • Siblings of youth and children with additional needs need support too - Here’s five things Christian parents can do

  • The Garden the Curtain and the Cross is a great resource for Christian parents to try in the run up to Easter

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Awkward Questions


What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?


Mentions of God’s creation appear at various points thoughout the Bible but the main place where we read about this is in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Genesis doesn’t talk about dinosaurs roaming the earth. But then neither does it mention cats, penguins or squirrels!


Why didn’t God answer my prayer?

Do you have some prayer quandries you want to ask God about?


Why is there so much pain in the world? Why doesn’t God stop it?

What’s the toughest question on suffering you have had to answer? 


The questions young people have about sharing their faith, and how to answer them

What do you think stops young people sharing their faith?

Talking war_1

​How to talk to your children about war

Has war ever been a topic you have discussed?


Why did God make the world?

Is this a question you have ever been asked?

Help with parenting

Writing for NexGen

Articles on this site are aimed at those with an interest in the next generation of the church, especially parents and carers. If you would like to submit an article for consideration take a look at the content on the website before you do. Most new articles are around 500 words. You may prefer to email an idea in the first instance. Please send a sample of other work you have done. Details of fees can be obtained if you need one and we can arrange a mutually convenient deadline if we accept your idea. We reserve the right to edit the work as we need to. Email [email protected]

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