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Maine DOE officials were in town this week to take a look. The town is looking to build a new high school, and consolidate Narragansett and Village elementary schools into one new building.
Construction is expected to start in early spring and includes plans to install a new playground, remove a basketball court for later relocation and more.
The Dempsey Center officially relocated its South Portland office to Rock Row this week. New England Cancer Specialists also has started operations at the campus.
The Planning Board on Monday, Feb. 3, unanimously voted 7-0 to recommend contract zone approval for developer Nick Troiano for Gorham Fairways, setting up final approval needed from the Town Council.
Sam Johnson has coached Westbrook football for the past three years with 10 years on the team's coaching staff. He played wide receiver for Westbrook as a teammate of linebacker Trevor Bates, who has a Super Bowl ring as a member of the New England Patriots.
A Gorham woman is suing the town for denying a request for a home building permit to modify her property to allow first-floor access for her sister, who uses a wheelchair.
Beth Hayden, a math teacher at Bonny Eagle High School, was one of this year's recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
An MDOT spokesman said the construction bid will likely go out in October. The cost has risen from an estimated $8 million last January to $10.4 million.
Repairs, estimated to cost about $110,000, are already underway after construction materials arrived earlier than expected, according to an MDOT spokesman.
Gorham ended the agreement to share a space at the North Scarborough Fire Station nearly three years ago, but agreed to revisit the concept in the future if necessary. So far, town officials say Gorham's Central Station serves the area effectively.