Introducing Behaviorism
Behavioral PsychologyBehavioral Approach
Behavioral Therapies
Shock TherapyShock Therapy
Flooding For PhobiasImmerse to Overcome?
Cognitive PsychologyCognitive Behavioral Therapy
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Erik Erikson's theory of the stages of human development.

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How Pavlov's experiments with dogs demonstrated that our behavior can be changed using conditioning.

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The psychology driving our clothing choices and how fashion affects your dating prospects.

Behavioral PsychologyBehavioral Approach
The behavioral approach explained: Introduction to the branches of behaviorism in psychology, assumptions of the approach and an evaluation.

Stimulus-ResponseLike a Carrot On a Stick
How the Stimulus-Response Theory explains our behavior in psychology.
In this Category

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The psychology driving our clothing choices and how fashion affects your dating prospects.

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If you jumped out of a plane, would you overcome your fear of heights?

Limits to AltruismWould You Deliver a Lost Letter?
A 'dropped letter' experiment reveals that the affluence of a neighborhood can affect whether or not residents engage in an altruistic acts.

ImprintingWhy First Impressions Matter
How first impressions from birth influence our relationship choices later in life.

Behavioral PsychologyClassical Behaviorism
Overview and in-depth review of classical behaviorism in psychology.

Operant ConditioningOperant Conditioning
A look at operant conditioning as a process of learning, and how Skinner's box experiments demonstrated the effect of reinforcements on behavior.

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Albert Bandura's influential Bobo doll experiments reveal how children imitate TV violence and the behavior of others.

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A look at the life of Ivan Pavlov, his contributions to behavioral psychology and his discovery of classical conditioning.

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Researchers find link between video game use and gender stereotypes in new study.

Pavlov's DogsPavlov's Dogs
How Pavlov's experiments with dogs demonstrated that our behavior can be changed using conditioning.

Behavioral PsychologyHow Skinner Shook the Behaviorism World
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TeleologyTeleological Behaviorism
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AltruismBats & Goodwill
Why do we help other people? When Darwin introduced his theory of natural selection - often referred to as 'survival of the fittest' - he revolutionized and crystallized thought and theory in regards to how traits evolve in species.

MethodologyMethods In Behaviorism
What is methodological behaviorism in psychology, and how does it differ from other types of behaviorism?

Behavioral PsychologyBehavioral Approach
The behavioral approach explained: Introduction to the branches of behaviorism in psychology, assumptions of the approach and an evaluation.

Behavioral PsychologyMaslow's Hierarchy of Needs
What motivates humans? Maslow's hierarchy pyramid explains.

Behavioral PsychologyFlooding For Phobias
How flooding is used as a treatment for phobias.

Stimulus-ResponseLike a Carrot On a Stick
How the Stimulus-Response Theory explains our behavior in psychology.

Behavioral PsychologyErikson's Stages of Human Development
Erik Erikson's theory of the stages of human development.

Behavioral PsychologyMore On Altruism
Why do vampire bats show kindness to each other, and is it a selfless act?
Behavioral Psychology Timeline
- 1911 Edward Thorndike (1874-1949) describes the Law of Effect in behavioral conditioning.
- 1913 John B. Watson publishes Psychology as the Behaviorist Views it, the "Behaviorist Manifesto".
- 1913 John B. Watson publishes Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It, describing Methodological Behaviorism.
- 1920 John B. Watson demonstrates classical conditioning in the Little Albert Experiment.
- 1938 B.F. Skinner carries out Skinner's Box experiment using an "operant conditioning chamber".
- 1943 Abraham Maslow publishes A Theory of Motivation, identifying a heirarchy of human needs.
- 1947 B.F. Skinner publishes a study observing superstitious tendencies in pigeons.
- 1951 Solomon Asch begins a series of experiments looking at conformity in group situations.
- 1967 Thomas Stampfl identifies Flooding as a behavioral therapy for phobias.
- 1971 Reciprocal Altruism identified in Robert Trivers' paper, The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism.