Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive PsychologyCognitive Approach
Cognitive Therapies
Most Read in Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive PsychologyCognitive Approach
Introduction to the cognitive approach in psychology. Explanation and evaluation of this approach.

Learning LanguagesHow to Learn a Language
How do we learn languages? A look at theories of language acquisition with criticisms of these theories.

SuperstitionSuperstitious Pigeons
How Skinner's pigeon experiment revealed signs of superstition in pigeons.

Rational EmotiveThink Rationally.
Overview to Rational Emotive Therapy as a treatment in psychology. Includes explanations of different developments in the RET field and an evaluation of the treatment.

Choice PsychologyPsychology of Choice
How psychology explains the everyday decisions that we make, and how we are unaware of the influences that guide the choices we make.

InteractiveAre You a Maximizer or a Satisficer?
Discover your approach to decision-making with the maximizer vs satisficer quiz.
In this Category

Black HumorDark Sense of Humor Linked to Intelligence
People who appreciate taboo jokes and other forms of black humor show higher levels of intelligence, according to a recent study.

StudyFacial Attraction Influences Gaze
Facial attractiveness affects visual gaze, according to a new study.

Language and PoliticsLanguage Reveals Your Politics
A study reveals people's sentence construction often reflects their political ideology.

InteractiveAre You a Maximizer or a Satisficer?
Discover your approach to decision-making with the maximizer vs satisficer quiz.

Cold Reading TestPsychic or Cold Reading?
Take the psychology reading test and see what cold reading could say about you.

Choice PsychologyPsychology of Choice
How psychology explains the everyday decisions that we make, and how we are unaware of the influences that guide the choices we make.

Narrative TransportationHow Narratives Influence Us
How fictional characters and events in TV shows, films and novels influence our attitudes and behavior.

BlinkingThe Secret Behind Magic Tricks?
A study reveals that split-second periods of blinking coincide with key moments of deception during magic tricks.

Problem SolvingSolving Life's Problems
What techniques do we use to solve problems? A look at brainstorming, experimentation, introspection and simulation, with evaluations of each method.

Animal CommunicationAnimal Language
How do animals communicate with each other? A look at the Lana project, Washoe, a comparison with human communication and evaluation of research.

Measuring IntelligenceMeasuring Intelligence
A look at theories of human intelligence, and how we can categorize difference types of intelligence.

Free WillDoes Free Will Exist?
Exploration of the free will vs determinism debate, including a look at compatibilism.

Excessive ChoiceTrusting Our Choices
Can too many choices be bad for us, and how much can we trust our own decisions?

Learning LanguagesHow to Learn a Language
How do we learn languages? A look at theories of language acquisition with criticisms of these theories.

False LaughterBrain Recognizes 'Fake' Laughter
False laughter activates different brain regions to natural emotional response, according to fMRI study.

Maximizers and SatisficersMaximizers Vs Satisficers
Do maximizers or satisficers take the best approach to decision making, and which personality type is happiest with their decisions?

Cognitive PsychologyCognitive Approach
Introduction to the cognitive approach in psychology. Explanation and evaluation of this approach.

SuperstitionSuperstitious Pigeons
How Skinner's pigeon experiment revealed signs of superstition in pigeons.

Decision MakingElection Day Temperatures Influence Voting Choices - Study
Temperature affects decision making and influences voters' preferred candidate on election day, according to new research.

Language Acquisition StagesStages of Language Acquisition
What stages do we go through to learn our language?

Rational EmotiveThink Rationally.
Overview to Rational Emotive Therapy as a treatment in psychology. Includes explanations of different developments in the RET field and an evaluation of the treatment.

Cognitive PsychologyCognitive Behavioral Therapy
How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be used as a treatment. Article includes an introduction to CBT, exposure therapy, the Negative Triad as well as the successes and criticisms of the treatment.

Cognitive PsychologyTheories of Learning
Theories in psychology of how we acquire knowledge and skills.

Cognitive PsychologyPsychology or 'Cold' Reading Explained
What is cold reading and what's the psychology behind it?