Most Read in Emotion Psychology

ColorPsychology of Color
Exploring cultural associations between colors and emotions.

Psychology of EmotionsHate Emotion
What is emotional hatred, why do people experience it and where does it come from?

Emotions and MemoryEmotions and Memory
How do your emotions affect your ability to remember information and recall past memories?

Psychology of HappinessPsychology of Happiness
The psychology behind happiness - how positive affect is quantified and what influences happiness.

EmoticonsEmoting With Emoticons
How emoticons influence emotional communication via instant messaging and emails.
Types of Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsAnxiety Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsEnvy Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsGuilt Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsHate Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsJealousy Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsLove Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsNarcissism Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsPride Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsSelf Pity Emotion
Psychology of EmotionsVanity Emotion
In this Category

ColorPsychology of Color
Exploring cultural associations between colors and emotions.

Music and EmotionUnhappy Music Creates 'Pleasant' Emotions - Study
Listening to sad music can create 'pleasant' emotions, according to a recent study.

Psychology of HappinessPsychology of Happiness
The psychology behind happiness - how positive affect is quantified and what influences happiness.

Brittany and BobName Letter Effect
Exploration of the name-letter effect - people's attraction to potential partners with similar names to them.

Emotions and MemoryEmotions and Memory
How do your emotions affect your ability to remember information and recall past memories?

Psychology of EmotionsLove Emotion
An exploration of the emotion of love from a psychological perspective.

ForgivenessWalk It Off?
Aerobic exercise increases the ability to overcome grudges and to forgive others, the findings of a recent study suggest.

HappinessWorld's Happiest Countries to Live In
Countries with the happiest residents revealed in the 2017 World Happiness Report.

False LaughterBrain Recognizes 'Fake' Laughter
False laughter activates different brain regions to natural emotional response, according to fMRI study.

EmoticonsEmoting With Emoticons
How emoticons influence emotional communication via instant messaging and emails.

Animal EmotionsDo Animals Emote?
A look at how animals experience emotions and the differences between human and non-human emotions.

Psychology of EmotionsVanity Emotion
What are the different types of vanity?

Psychology of EmotionsSelf Pity Emotion
The emotion of self pity explored.

Psychology of EmotionsPride Emotion
Why do we experience pride and what happens when we do?

Psychology of EmotionsNarcissism Emotion
A look at narcissism, a preoccupation with oneself: what happens when we experience it?

Psychology of EmotionsEmotional Attraction
What causes emotional attraction? Are physical attributes the primary factors that determine attraction or is similarity more important?

Psychology of EmotionsJealousy Emotion
What happens when we feel jealous of someone else? A look at jealousy as an emotion in various situations.

Psychology of EmotionsHate Emotion
What is emotional hatred, why do people experience it and where does it come from?

Psychology of EmotionsGuilt Emotion
An exploration of the emotion of guilt and its relationship to self pity.

Psychology of EmotionsEnvy Emotion
What is the experience of envy and how does it differ from jealousy?

Psychology of EmotionsAnxiety Emotion
A look at the experience of anxiety and its origins.

How Love HappensThe Three Components of Relationships
Find out what makes a successful relationship.

Love and EmotionHow Love Happens
A look at the types of love in relationships between partners, parents and family members, and how gender can affect the like or love we feel for best friends and partners.

Psychology of EmotionsUnconscious Ideas and Emotions
The link between the unconscious and emotion.

EmotionUnconscious Ideas
The unconscious and emotions.

Psychology of EmotionsModel of Emotions
More information on emotions.

How do we define emotions?

Psychology of EmotionsEmotion Guide
Why do people and animals experience emotions, and what makes us experience different types of emotions. Ian Heath looks at emotional states, the link between the sub-conscious and our feelings.
Psychology of EmotionsWhat Factors Influence Attraction?
Factors affecting attraction, and the Halo Effect.
Many thanks to Ian Heath for his contributions, Copyright © 2002 Ian Heath. All Rights Reserved