Freud and Personality
Fixation TestAre You Fixated?
Most Read in Freudian Psychology

31 Defense Mechanisms31 Defense Mechanisms
A look at common defense mechanisms we employ to protect the ego.

Sigmund FreudFather of Psychoanalysis
Who was Sigmund Freud and how did his theories become so influential in psychology?

ArchetypesLiving Up to Archetypes
Exploring the realm of Carl Jung's collective unconscious and the archetypes that live within it.

Fixation TestAre You Fixated?
What's your personality type? Find out with this test.

PsychodynamicsPsychodynamic Model
How Freud's theories of the human psyche seek to explain the influence of our subconscious.

Freud QuizTest Your Freudian Knowledge
Test your knowledge of Sigmund Freud and Freudian psychology with this revision quiz.
Freud Cases

Freud CasesThe Case Book of Sigmund Freud
Introduction to Sigmund Freud's case histories, including Little Hans, Anna O and Wolf Man.

Daniel SchreberFreud and Daniel Schreber
A look at Sigmund Freud's interpretation of Daniel Schreber's fantasies detailed in Memoirs of My Nervous Illness.

DoraFreud and Dora
A look at the background and dreams of Sigmund Freud's well-known patient, Dora.

Little HansThe Case of Little Hans
How Freud used a boy's horse phobia to support his theories.

The Case of Rat ManRat Man
Case study of Sigmund Freud's client Rat Man (Ernst Lanzer), whose obsessive thoughts helped Freud to develop his theories.

Wolf ManThe Case of Wolf Man
A history of Wolf Man, a client of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.
In this Category

31 Defense Mechanisms31 Defense Mechanisms
A look at common defense mechanisms we employ to protect the ego.

Defense MechanismsDefense Mechanisms
An exploration of the psychological defense mechanisms we use to cope with anxious situations.

Freud CasesThe Case Book of Sigmund Freud
Introduction to Sigmund Freud's case histories, including Little Hans, Anna O and Wolf Man.

Daniel SchreberFreud and Daniel Schreber
A look at Sigmund Freud's interpretation of Daniel Schreber's fantasies detailed in Memoirs of My Nervous Illness.

Wolf ManThe Case of Wolf Man
A history of Wolf Man, a client of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Defense MechanismsDefense Mechanisms Quiz
Test your knowledge of defense mechanisms in psychology with this revision quiz.

Fixation TestAre You Fixated?
What's your personality type? Find out with this test.

Freud QuizTest Your Freudian Knowledge
Test your knowledge of Sigmund Freud and Freudian psychology with this revision quiz.

ArchetypesLiving Up to Archetypes
Exploring the realm of Carl Jung's collective unconscious and the archetypes that live within it.

Little HansThe Case of Little Hans
How Freud used a boy's horse phobia to support his theories.

DoraFreud and Dora
A look at the background and dreams of Sigmund Freud's well-known patient, Dora.

The Case of Rat ManRat Man
Case study of Sigmund Freud's client Rat Man (Ernst Lanzer), whose obsessive thoughts helped Freud to develop his theories.

The Case of Anna OAnna O
The life and case study of Anna O: how Sigmund Freud was influenced by one woman's experiences.

PsychodynamicsPsychodynamic Model
How Freud's theories of the human psyche seek to explain the influence of our subconscious.

Sigmund FreudFather of Psychoanalysis
Who was Sigmund Freud and how did his theories become so influential in psychology?

Freudian PsychologyPsychosexual Theory
Freud's reputation for sexually-oriented theories on our behavior was confounded by his theory of psychosexual development.

Freudian PsychologyNeo-Freudian Psychologists
Proponents of neo-Freudian theory.

Freudian PsychologyThe Neo-Freudians
What movement arose from Freud's original theories?

Freudian PsychologySigmund Freud
Who was Freud and why was he so influential?

Freudian PsychologyFree Association
The technique used by Freud in his treatment of clients.

Freudian PsychologyEvaluation of Freud
Advantages and criticism of Freudian theory.
Freud Quizzes

Defense MechanismsDefense Mechanisms Quiz
Test your knowledge of defense mechanisms in psychology with this revision quiz.

Freud QuizTest Your Freudian Knowledge
Test your knowledge of Sigmund Freud and Freudian psychology with this revision quiz.
Neo-Freudian Psychology

Freudian PsychologyThe Neo-Freudians
What movement arose from Freud's original theories?

Freudian PsychologyNeo-Freudian Psychologists
Proponents of neo-Freudian theory.
Freud Timeline
- 1856 Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, is born in modern Czech Republic.
- 1882 Following university, Freud begins working at Vienna General Hospital.
- 1899 Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams, looking at meanings behind dreams.
- 1923 Freud publishes The Ego and the Id, an exploration of the development stages of the 'id', 'ego' and 'super-ego'.
- 1938 Freud flees Vienna due to Nazi persecution and moves to London.
- 1939 Sigmund Freud dies in London.