Social Influence

Minority InfluenceMinority Influence
Minority influence enables individuals to change the opinions of others. We look at how it changes opinions and the factors that affect minority influence.

InfluenceSocial Influence
Why do people to conform in groups? A look at how social influence affects opinions and behavior.

AschSocial Influence, Conforming In Groups
The Asch conformity experiments were a series of studies that starkly demonstrated the power of conformity in groups.

Social RolesSlave To Your Role?
Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment revealed how social roles can influence our behavior. We look at how it was conducted and what we can learn from it.
Media Influence

InfluenceInfluence of Language
How the words we use and media language affect our thinking.

InfluenceSubliminal Advertising
How subliminal advertising has been used to influence the public, including examples.
Most Read in Influence

Social RolesSlave To Your Role?
Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment revealed how social roles can influence our behavior. We look at how it was conducted and what we can learn from it.

InfluenceSubliminal Advertising
How subliminal advertising has been used to influence the public, including examples.

False MemoriesFalse Memories
How false memories are created and can affect our ability to recall events.

Brainwashing, its origins and its use in cults and media.
Compliance Techniques

CompliancePersuasive Techniques
What are compliance techniques and how are they used to persuade us to agree to requests?
Techniques in Depth

Door-in-the-Face TechniqueThe "Door-in-the-Face" Technique
How the door-in-the-face technique is used to persuade people to comply with requests.

Foot-in-the-DoorFoot-in-the-Door Persuasion
How the 'foot-in-the-door' technique is used as a compliance strategy.

IngratiationPersuasion With Ingratiation
How ingratiation techniques such as self-presentation and likability are used to persuade people.

Low-Ball TechniqueLow-Ball Technique
How the low-ball technique is used in sales scenarios to persuade customers to purchase products, and in other situations as a compliance-gaining strategy.

Norm of ReciprocityHow the Norm of Reprocity Influences Behavior
The norm of reciprocity leads us to reward helpful behavior. But how is this social norm is used to influence our actions and purchasing decisions?
In this Category

IngratiationPersuasion With Ingratiation
How ingratiation techniques such as self-presentation and likability are used to persuade people.

Brainwashing, its origins and its use in cults and media.

Low-Ball TechniqueLow-Ball Technique
How the low-ball technique is used in sales scenarios to persuade customers to purchase products, and in other situations as a compliance-gaining strategy.

InfluencePsychology of Influence
What causes us to obey to authority figures such as police, teachers and politicians and why do people conform to social norms?

Narrative TransportationInfluenced By Stories?
A study reveals how the Big Five personality dimensions influence audiences' narrative transportability.

Foot-in-the-DoorFoot-in-the-Door Persuasion
How the 'foot-in-the-door' technique is used as a compliance strategy.

Social RolesSlave To Your Role?
Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment revealed how social roles can influence our behavior. We look at how it was conducted and what we can learn from it.

False MemoriesFalse Memories
How false memories are created and can affect our ability to recall events.

Decision MakingElection Day Temperatures Influence Voting Choices - Study
Temperature affects decision making and influences voters' preferred candidate on election day, according to new research.

Minority InfluenceMinority Influence
Minority influence enables individuals to change the opinions of others. We look at how it changes opinions and the factors that affect minority influence.

Door-in-the-Face TechniqueThe "Door-in-the-Face" Technique
How the door-in-the-face technique is used to persuade people to comply with requests.

Norm of ReciprocityHow the Norm of Reprocity Influences Behavior
The norm of reciprocity leads us to reward helpful behavior. But how is this social norm is used to influence our actions and purchasing decisions?

MemoryLeading Questions
How leading and loaded questions influence the answers people give.

InfluenceSocial Influence
Why do people to conform in groups? A look at how social influence affects opinions and behavior.
Psychology IssuesTruth Drugs

InfluenceInfluence of Language
How the words we use and media language affect our thinking.

InfluenceSubliminal Advertising
How subliminal advertising has been used to influence the public, including examples.

AschSocial Influence, Conforming In Groups
The Asch conformity experiments were a series of studies that starkly demonstrated the power of conformity in groups.

CompliancePersuasive Techniques
What are compliance techniques and how are they used to persuade us to agree to requests?

Ambient MusicManipulation By Music
How background music in stores and supermarkets influences consumers' purchasing decisions.