A simple cheatsheet of teaching-related language to use in the classroom or on ngā kirita. Use Paekupu for pūtaiao specific language.
Weekdays | Months | Numbers |
Rāhina | Kohi-tātea | Tahi |
Rātū | Hui-tanguru | Rua |
Rāapa | Poutū-te-rangi | Toru |
Rāpare | Paenga-whāwhā | Whā |
Rāmere | Haratua | Rima |
Rāhoroi | Pipiri | Ono |
Rātapu | Hōngongoi | Whitu |
| Here-turi-kōkā | Waru |
| Mahuru | Iwa |
| Whiringa-ā-nuku | Tekau |
| Whiringa-ā-rangi | |
| Hakihea | |
Planning & Classroom Vocabulary
- Ākonga: Student
- Akoranga: Lesson
- Angitu: Success
- Aorakitanga: Excellence
- Aromatawai: Assessment
- He pātai?: Any questions?
- Hiamo Vibrancy
- Kaiako: Teacher
- Kia: Be / let it be (e.g. kia kaha)
- Kia Angitu: Be successful
- Kotahitanga: Working as One
- Kēmu Patapatai: Quiz
- Mahere Kōwae: Unit Plan
- Mahi Kāinga: Homework
- Mahi mō tēnei rā: Work for today
- Mahi Ngātahi: Group Activity
- Mahi Tuatahi: Do Now/Starter
- Matapaki: Discussion
- Meka rānei Hori: True or False?
- Ngohe Tūhono: Jigsaw Activity
- Ngohe: Task/Activity
- Ngā Kirita: Slides
- Ngā Mahere Akoranga: Lesson Plans
- Ngā Whāinga Ako: Learning Outcomes
- Ohia Manomano: Brainstorm
- Pātai: Question
- Pitopito Kōrero: Snippet of Information (Notes)
- Rangahau: Research
- Rangatiratanga: Citizenship
- Rōpū: Group
- Tauira: Example/Model
- Taurangi Rāwekeweke: Independent Variable
- Taurangi Whakamauru: Dependent Variable
- (Ngā) Taurangi Whakatina: Control Variables
- Te Reo: Maori
- Te/Ngā: The (singular)/the (plural)
- Tākaro: Game
- Tuhi Tīpoka: Note Taking
- Tūhura: Investigation
- Whai Huarahi: Opportunities
- Whāinga Whānui: Aim
- Whaka: Cause to happen
- Whakakite: Demonstration
- Whakamātau: Experiment
- Whakamātau Tika: Fair Test / Experiment
- Whakamātau Whakaaro:Thought Experiment
- Whakamātautau: Examination
- Whakaritenga: Preparation
- Whakapae: Hypothesis
- Whakatika: Answer
- Whakawai: Practise
- Whakawhanaungtanga: The act of building relationships
- Whanauga: Someone you are related to
- Whānau: Family
- Wo wai koe?
- Who are you?
- Ko Finn au
- I am Finn
- Nō hea koe?
- Where are you from?
- Nō Ōtautahi ahau
- I am from Christchurch
- Pai tō mahi!
- Good work!
- Ngā mihi i tō mahi!
- Acknowledgements for your work!
- Ka rawe tō mahi!
- Fine/great work!
- Tau kē!
- Awesome!
- Tino pai tō mahi!
- Your work is really great!
- Whakamiharo ana!
- Superb!
- Mīharo
- Wonderful
- Koia kei a koe!
- You’re awesome!
- Ka mau te wehi!
- Amazing!
- Kei runga noa atu!
- Outstanding/just the best!
- Tēnā koe (Name)
- Dear (Name) (greeting one person)
- Tēnā kōrua
- Greeting two people (don’t insert the names)
- Tēnā koutou
- Greeting three or more people
- Kia ora
- Hello, good morning, good afternoon and thank you
- Kia ora kōrua
- Hello to two people
- Kia ora kotou
- Hello to three or more people
- Mōrena/Ata Mārie
- Good morning
- Nā
- From
- Nāku, nā
- Yours faithfully
- Nāku iti noa, nā
- Yours sincerely
- Ngā mihi
- Kind regards or thank you
- Ngā mihi nui
- Kind regards (with more emphasis on gratitude)
- Hei konā mai
- Goodbye for now
- Mā te wā
- Bye for now, see you later
- Noho ora mai
- Stay well, look after yourself, good bye
- Kia pai tō rā
- Have a nice day
- Kia pai tō kōrua rā
- Have a nice day (two people)
- Kia pai tō koutou rā
- Have a nice day (three or more people)
- Kia pai tō rā whakatā
- Have a great weekend!
- Ngā mihi
- Thank you
- Ngā mihi nui
- Thank you very much
- Ngā mihi maioha
- Thank you with appreciation
- Aroha mai
- Sorry, I’m sorry, my apologies
- Kei te pēhea koe?
- How are you? (one person)
- Kei te pēhea kōrua?
- How are you? (two people)
- Kei te pēhea koutou?
- How are you? (three or more people)
- Kei te pai
- I’m well
- Kei te tino pai
- I’m very well
- Kia manahau!
- Enjoy!
- Ka mau te wehi!
- Awesome! Fantastic!
- Mere Kirihimete
- Merry Christmas