I enjoyed every part of this bust especially painting the different textures. Another great sculpt by Young B. Song and flawless casting makes Young Miniatures busts a joy to paint. It’s the first bust I painted and got me my first gold medal in master’s painting category at Euroma 2021.
Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Gold Great paintSam1991
ThanksMariano del Olmo
Great painting Sam. Gold! Best,Sam1991
Great line of ancient warriors! GoldSam1991
ThanksMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold from me!Sam1991
Gold :)Sam1991
ThanksHolger SchwarzPLUS
Das ist eine sehr gelungene Arbeit Sam ! Die Stoff und Metallmalung ist Extraklasse ! Meine Achtung vor Deiner Leistung und GoldSam1991
ThanksTheodoros Giannakopoulos
Dark and threatening. Gold.Sam1991
ThanksLuis UgartePLUS
Great job! Gold!Sam1991
ThanksAle Moro
Nice Job! Gold!Sam1991
ThanksClive Jackson
Very nice study with this bust! Gold!Sam1991