The Queanbeyan Age

Wayne pedals through Paradise, bringing joy to people of all ages

Eileen Wood
Updated December 23 2024 - 11:40am, first published 8:00am
Wayne Sticher (kneeling) with 108-year-old May Baker and her carer on a trishaw peddled by John Tempest. Picture supplied
Wayne Sticher (kneeling) with 108-year-old May Baker and her carer on a trishaw peddled by John Tempest. Picture supplied

It's another perfect day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and happy trishaw passengers are laughing and waving to joggers and walkers.

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Eileen Wood

Eileen Wood

Senior Journalist

I'm a senior news journalist at The Senior newspaper, the leading publication bringing targeted news on issues affecting older Australians. We cover NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, SA and WA. If you have a story idea I would love to hear it. You can email me: [email protected] or phone The Senior 02-4355-5000, mob. 0487 495 805