THE Pittsworth property Lazy Daze remains on the market after being put to auction by Ray White Rural.
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Located 5km from Pittsworth, the impressive 110 hectare (273 acre) property features an eloquent two storey residence.
The property is described as undulating basalt country with black to chocolate soils. About two-thirds of Lazy Daze was cultivated, but is now under blue grass. The balance of the property is described as shaded grazing.
Lazy Daze is divided into five main paddocks. The majority of the fencing is new with electric offsets.
Other improvements include a steel portable cattle yards with Warwick vet cattle crush and a loading race.
Water is supplied from two bores which supply four troughs and a water system. There are also two stock dams.
Contact Matt Cleary, 0428 987 340, Ray White Rural.