Who’s Cute?
Scientifically speaking, a person, animal, or object is cute. It has a small-sized body with a disproportionality large head and eyes and round and soft body features. In general, anything that reminds you of a human infant is cute.
Konrad Lorenz was a zoologist who studied the science of cuteness among humans. He came up with the idea that humans adore people, animals, and things that trigger their love for babies.
But nowadays, cuteness is sometimes a matter of being beautiful or ugly.
A Quiz to Measure Your Cuteness
The test is a set of twenty appearance-, behavior-, and relationship-related questions. Its goal is to expose how cute you are and why people think you’re adorable.
If you are mainly concerned about your look, take the ‘How Attractive Am I?’ It can provide you with an analysis solely based on your style and physical features. The quiz on this page is different in that it analyzes your behaviors and traits, too.
Find Out What Type of Cute You Are
The term ‘Cute’ comes from the root word ‘Acute,’ which means keen, intelligent, or perceptive. But about a hundred years ago, people started using it to refer to pretty and desirable girls. But it’s now a much broader term that describes anyone or anything with adorable features.
When it comes to people, there are different types of adorable looks and personalities. The Cuteness Quiz uses the information you provide to identify your sweetness type and discover if it’s something about your appearance, character, or both.
Here are the most common cuteness types:
When someone says you’re cute, they most likely mean you look good. “Cute” was initially used to refer to pretty girls. But now, it includes all kinds of prettiness regardless of gender.
Many people who ask, “Am I cute?” are influenced by the Asian definition of adorableness. They want to look like anime girls or boys who melt everyone’s hearts with their innocent, childish looks and personalities.
Cute can also mean you are a lovely, caring, and sweet person. In this sense, being adorable has nothing to do with your personality. And people think you’re cute because of your loveable character.
It’s not all about looks. Sometimes, a person’s intelligence and smartness make them cute. Think of Sen Takatsuki from Tokyo Ghoul, for example. She’s knowledgeable, which adds to her adorableness.
Some Guys Ask, ‘Am I Cute?’ too.
The Cuteness Quiz is not meant to work for girls only. Many participants visit this page having questions like, ‘Am I cute for guys?’ But our test is gender-neutral, and anyone can take it regardless of their gender.
Fun fact, many boys love to know that they look cute in the eyes of others. And despite the old-fashioned views, the desire to be loveable is not a feminine trait anymore.
How the Cuteness Quiz Works
The test measures your adorableness by inspecting three affecting aspects, your look, personality, and experiences. Here’s what you need to know about each part.
Inspect your physical features.
The test tries to create a virtual profile of your appearance to match it with its database. Each culture has its distinct definition of cuteness. But we’ll be looking for universally accepted features that everyone agrees would make a person adorable.
Analyzing your behaviors.
Things you do and the way you do them affect your cuteness level. That’s why the quiz includes several questions about your traits. We want to know how your personality is changing people’s views about you. Does it make them feel you’re sweet, or it’s an inconsiderable factor?
Looking into the compliments you receive.
You may ask things like, “Am I cute?” despite hearing dozens (if not hundreds) of compliments about your look and personality. We all tend to ignore the nice comments we hear because they seem fake or too good to be true. But the quiz considers every compliment you receive and analyzes them equally. It’s the most genuine way to find out if someone is cute, no matter how skeptical you might be.
Stop Asking, “Am I Cute?” Here’s Why
Being cute is nothing extraordinary special. You don’t need to be cute to be loveable. In fact, as we age, we lose most features associated with cuteness. But that doesn’t make us less valuable or unlovable. Fun fact, you can find many people out there who actually hate being called cute since it makes them feel childish or weak.
Being adorable doesn’t have a solid definition. And everyone has their unique understanding of what’s adorable and what’s not.
The ‘Am I Cute Quiz’ does not label the participants or make them feel bad about their appearance/personality. It’s just an entertaining test to measure some aspects of your look, behavior, and personality. Please, take the results lightly, and feel free to contact us if you find any of the questions or results offensive.