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Multicenter Study
Balanced chromosome abnormalities inv(16) and t(15;17) in therapy-related myelodysplastic syndromes and acute leukemia: report from an international workshop.
Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 2002 April
The Workshop identified 48 unselected patients with therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myeloid leukemia (t-MDS/t-AML) and inv(16), and 41 patients with t(15;17) after chemotherapy (CT) and/or radiotherapy (RT) for a malignant or nonmalignant disease. The primary diseases were: breast cancer, 33 patients; lymphomas, 24 patients; various other solid tumors, 30 patients; and nonmalignant diseases, 2 patients. The general type of previous therapy was RT only in 10 patients with an inv(16) and in 12 patients with a t(15;17), alkylating agents plus topoisomerase II inhibitors in 24 patients with an inv(16) and in 18 patients with a t(15;17), topoisomerase II inhibitors only in 5 patients with an inv(16) and in 2 patients with a t(15;17), alkylating agents only in 6 patients in each subgroup, and other types of chemotherapy in 3 patients in each subgroup. Most CT-treated patients (69%) also received RT. The latency period to development of t-MDS/t-AML was short: a median of 22 months in patients with inv(16) and 29 months in patients with t(15;17). Twenty-six patients (54%) with an inv(16) and 17 patients (41%) with a t(15;17) had additional cytogenetic abnormalities, which were unrelated to age and survival in both subgroups. Trisomy of chromosomes 8, 21, and 22 and del(7q) were the most frequent additional abnormalities in the inv(16) subgroup, whereas +8, -5, and del(16q) were most frequent in the t(15;17) subgroup. The disease was overt t-AML in 38/48 patients (79%) with an inv(16) and in 38/41 patients (93%) with a t(15;17). Thirty-three of 39 intensively treated patients (85%) with an inv(16) obtained a complete remission, whereas 24 of 35 intensively treated patients (69%) with a t(15;17) obtained a complete remission. The median overall survival of intensively treated patients was 29 months in both cytogenetic subgroups. In the inv(16) subgroup, patients younger than 55 years of age had a longer survival when compared with older patients (P = 0.006). The study supports the observation that t-MDS/t-AML with inv(16) and t(15;17) is often associated with prior therapy with topoisomerase II inhibitors; however, a notable finding was the high frequency of treatment with only radiotherapy, 29% of t(15;17) and 21% of inv(16). Response rates to intensive chemotherapy in this study were comparable to those of de novo disease.
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