Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Molecular analysis of factor VII deficiency in Italy: a frequent mutation (FVII Lazio) in a repeated intronic region.

Human Genetics 1993 November
Molecular defects and polymorphic haplotypes of coagulation factor VII gene were studied in eight unrelated Italian subjects with factor VII deficiency, seven having the factor VII- variant, one the factor VIIR variant. An intron 7 mutation, which alters the consensus donor splice site sequence, was found in six subjects. The presence of the founder effect is suggested by their common geographical origin (a mountain area in the Lazio region) and by the identical polymorphic haplotype underlying the mutation. A different mutation, also located in the 5' monomer of the repeated intron 7 sequence, was found in the heterozygous condition in a subject from Northern Italy. New polymorphic alleles were detected in the repeated intron 7 region in subjects from Eastern Africa. Two missense mutations in codon 97 (Gly-->Cys, Gly-->Ser), the first found in the compound heterozygous condition with the frequent intron 7 mutation, suggest the presence of a hot spot mutation site in the second epidermal growth factor domain. Two neutral dimorphisms at codon 333Ser and 115His were detected, the last in linkage disequilibrium with the 353Arg/Gln polymorphism, and showing differences in frequency in the FVII deficient and control subjects.

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