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High resolution CT findings in community-acquired pneumonia.

PURPOSE: Our goal was to clarify the high resolution CT (HRCT) findings of community-acquired pneumonia based on pathologic findings and to make a differential diagnosis between bacterial and atypical pneumonias.

METHOD: This study evaluated 32 cases with community-acquired pneumonia, including 18 cases with bacterial pneumonia and 14 cases with atypical pneumonia [mycoplasma pneumonia (n = 12), chlamydia pneumonia (n = 1), and influenza viral pneumonia (n = 1)]. HRCT images in these cases were space consolidation, ground-glass attenuation, thickening of the bronchovascular bundle, and distribution of abnormal attenuation.

RESULTS: Bacterial pneumonia frequently showed air space consolidation with segmental distribution (72.2%) that tended to locate at the middle and outer zones of the lung. Atypical pneumonia frequently showed centrilobular shadow (64.3%), acinar shadow (71.4%), air space consolidation and ground-glass attenuation with lobular distribution (57.1 and 85.7%, respectively), and tendency of the lesions to distribute at the inner layer of the lung in addition to the middle and outer layers (85.7%).

CONCLUSION: Characteristic HRCT findings of both bacterial and atypical pneumonia were demonstrated. These HRCT features seemed to reflect pathologic findings and the manner of lesional progression. This information may support the appropriate antibiotic therapy in medical practice.

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