First appeared in 1996, Java is one of the most popular programming languages for developing application software and deploying it in a cross-platform computing environment. It is widely used in smartphones, embedded devices, supercomputers and enterprise servers. Currently, Java is the third most popular language on Github, after JavaScript and Python.
We all know the importance of programming cheat sheets, especially for beginners. It helps you save a lot of time and accomplish a particular task. We have gathered some of the most useful and complete cheat sheet that will increase your productivity. Let’s begin.
Table of Contents
20. Java Fundamentals Cheat Sheet
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
It’s a small and very basic cheat sheet for beginners, which includes Java data types, conversions, string methods, arithmetic operator, and text formatting details.
19. Java Midterm Cheat Sheet
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
This is a brief cheat sheet containing String methods, abstract classes, interface, array methods, vocabulary, loops, math method, escape sequence and much more.
18. Java EE Security Essentials
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
This is a detailed cheat sheet that explores web module security, authentication authorization, application client security and EJB module security with in-depth examples.
17. Java Quick Reference
Format: PDF
It’s basic cheat sheet for beginners to check out logical operators, flow control, array and class syntax, arithmetic operators, keywords and Java extension packages.
16. APIs of Common Libraries
Format: OnlineWebpage
This cheat sheet summarizes the most commonly used Java language features, including, math library, Java library cells, type conversion, anatomy of while-loop, break statements, arrays, command line, graphs, redirection and piping.
15. OverAPI Java
Format: OnlineWebpage
OverAPI contains almost all basic and commonly used elements of data structure, string, object oriented topic, and classes. Clicking on each element would take you to the new webpage that provides the description of the element (that you’ve clicked) along with examples.
14. Using XML in Java
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
Since Java is a diverse platform, it has numerous solutions for working with XML. This detailed guide offers an overview of different XML processing technologies in Java, along with a use case of each technology.
13. Java Collections Cheat Sheet
Format: PDF
All Java programs have one thing in common – they all use Java collections. This brief cheat sheet will help you know about the collections framework, correct use cases, implementation details and how to choose the appropriate collection type.
12. Java 8 Best Practices
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
This cheat sheet (created by Rebellabs) uncovers the hot topics of the Java 8 – default methods, lambdas, streams and using optional to represent absent values.
11. Java For Dummies
Format: OnlineWebpage
You can divide your Java program into several categories. This cheat sheet would tell you about all those categories. It includes keywords, literals and identifiers in the Java API.
10. Core Java Concurrency
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
It’s a long cheat sheet that helps programmers working with multi-threaded code understand the concepts of core concurrency and how to apply them. It covers inbuilt Java features such as thread, concurrent collections, Locks, thread coordination abstraction and executors.
9. Java Generics Cheat Sheet
Format: PDF
Java Generic cheat sheet provides an overview Generic basics, wildcards, intersection types, method overloading, recursive generics and covariance.
8. Java Elements
Format: JPG and OnlineWebpage
Keep this cheat sheet for a quick reference while learning Java. It contains the basic code structure, data types, functions and inputs and outputs.
7. Java Cheat Sheet for C++ Programmers
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
As the name suggests, the cheat sheet is for those who regularly code in C++ language and all of the sudden have switched to Java. It explains the concept of Java by comparing it with the concepts of C++. Moreover, it also shows what Java has that C++ don’t and vice versa.
6. Java OOP Concept
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
The cheat sheet contains all elements that will strengthen your understanding on Java object oriented programming paradigm. It contains the basic components, including inheritance, override, encapsulation, HashMap, HashList, interface, attribute and access modifier, and constructor.
5. Java 8+ Cheat Sheet
Format: OnlineWebpage
This cheat sheet is based on Cay Horstmann’s lecture (who has written more than dozen of programming books for students and professionals). It is published on Github and includes lambda expression, collections, streams and optional information.
4. Java GUI Development
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
To build standalone Java applications, one can use either SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) or Java Swing. Both methods share some commonality, but each has its own benefits. This reference guide will help you get started with either.
3. Java Vs. Python
Format: JPG and OnlineWebpage
We all have seen big debates between static and dynamic typing among many programming languages. Well, this infographics is nowhere similar to any kind of debate, but it compares the two world’s most popular languages.
Read: 20+ Helpful Python Cheat Sheet of 2017
2. Java Glossary
Format: OnlineWebpage
This is a quick summary of the Java language syntax. It only contains the elements that you may be likely to forget, including control structure, literals, links, primitives, immutables, Javadoc, and more.
1. Core Java
Format: PDF and OnlineWebpage
Read: What’s New In Java 9 | 19 Added Features and Changes
The cheat sheet gives you an overview of key aspects of the Java language and references on the core library, most commonly used tools and new Java 8 features.
Useful! Thank you!