Ebe Dancel takes break from music scene, public performances


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Ebe Dancel takes break from music scene, public performances

Rob Reyes

'I've decided to stop doing public performances unless I really, really feel like it. But right now, I really, really don't feel like it,' says singer Ebe Dancel

MANILA, Philippines – Singer Ebe Dancel, whose soothing voice took fans through both the best and worst moments, said in an interview that he would “stop doing public performances.” 

In an interview with One Music PH which was posted on August 16, Ebe took acoustic singer Migz Haleco around Los Baños, where the former Sugarfree lead singer is based.

“I’ve decided to stop doing public performances unless I really, really feel like it. But right now, I really, really don’t feel like it,” he said. 

Ebe explained he did not want to be “dramatic” about his decision, so he did not want to make a formal announcement. He thanked One Music PH for visiting him and giving him an avenue to make public his decision. 

“My doctor actually said I’m ultra introverted…as in the extreme kind,” said Ebe. Recalling conversations with his doctor, Ebe said whenever he performs, he feels “bits and pieces” being taken away from him. 

The singer opened up about his depression, including the stigma that continues to surround the condition. “It’s like any other disease. It’s your body telling you something is wrong,” said Ebe. 

The turning point, said Ebe, was when he had a panic attack right smack in the middle of performing during IISA, a joint concert with Johnoy Danao and Bullet Dumas. “Right in the middle of my set I actually stopped breathing…I realized I had a panic attack right in the middle of the song.”

“That was the point I knew…it’s over, I can’t play anymore,” he said.

“I didn’t want it to reach a point na I was disrespecting the stage na (already) because music gave me this kind of life,” he added. 

Ebe did not say if the break was going to be temporary or permanent. “Will I come back to music? Probably, probably not. I don’t want to think about it, I didn’t want to be dramatic about it…it’s just I’m tired,” he said. – Rappler.com

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