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WATCH: Trailer for ‘Whisper of the Heart’ live action sequel is out

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WATCH: Trailer for ‘Whisper of the Heart’ live action sequel is out

GROWN UP. Nana Seino plays Shizuku in the upcoming sequel to the hit anime 'Whisper of the Heart.'

Shochiku Films' YouTube

The trailer shows viewers what happens to Shizuku and Seiji 10 years after they fall in love

MANILA, Philippines – The live-action sequel for Studio Ghibli’s hit 1995 film Whisper of the Heart is set to premiere soon, with the official trailer released on Wednesday, April 13.

Whisper of the Heart is an animated coming-of-age romance that tells the story of a 14-year-old girl named Shizuku who befriends a boy named Seiji. As they get to know each other, Shizuku pursues her dream of becoming a writer, inspired by how Seiji works toward his own dream of becoming a master luthier. 

WATCH: Trailer for ‘Whisper of the Heart’ live action sequel is out

At the end of the movie, the two fall in love, with Seiji saying that he wants to marry Shizuku someday.

The live-action sequel is set 10 years after the events of the original movie. Based on the trailer, Shizuku and Seiji are living apart but have kept in touch with handwritten letters. To rekindle their relationship, the two decide to reunite.

The sequel stars Nana Seino as Shizuku and Tori Matsuzaka as Seiji.

It is set to premiere in Japan in October. –

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