LIST: 9 routes for Pasig City’s bus service for health workers and frontliners

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LIST: 9 routes for Pasig City’s bus service for health workers and frontliners
Mayor Vico Sotto says the Pasig Bus Service will remain operational to carry essential frontline government personnel and health workers

MANILA, Philippines – Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto said the city bus service will remain operational to carry frontline government personnel and workers. 

He said only those who are exempted from the quarantine will be accommodated. Social distancing will also be observed. 

Below are the 9 routes for the Pasig Bus Service:

Route 1: City Hall – Sheridan 

– Bus 2, 3, 5, and 6 (8-12am, 1-4pm)

Route 2: City Hall – Santolan (B) 

– Bus 4 and 10 (8-12am, 1-4pm)

Route 3: Lucky Gold – PCGH

– Pasig City Bus (6am and 5pm)

Route 4: City Hall – Pasig City General Hospital

– Pasig City Bus and Coasters (6am and 5pm)

Route 5: City Hall – Santolan (A)

– Bus 2, 3 4 (6-8am, 5-7pm)

Route 6: City Hall – Kalawaan

– Bus 5 (6-8am, 5-7pm)

Route 7: City Hall – Kenneth

– Bus 10 (6-8am, 5-7pm)

Route 8: City Hall – Rosario

– Bus 7 (6am and 5pm)

Route 9: Mega Market – Shaw (19 stops)



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