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What’s Happening at Ravenswood
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Community Opportunities
Recent studies show that increased parent involvement at the elementary school level leads to increased student achievement.
Here are some ways you can get involved:
Friends of Ravenswood School (FORS) is our non-profit organization that works to build community, manages school communications and raises money to benefit our school.
Our Bilingual Advisory Council (BAC) & International Club work to meet the needs of non-native English speakers in our community as well as highlight and celebrate Ravenswood’s International diversity.
Our Fine Arts Magnet Education (FAME) committee supports our integrated arts curriculum.
Parents lead many of our extracurricular activities and our Room Parents support each classroom’s teacher(s) and parents.
Donations to Friends of Ravenswood School help us fund a variety of educational expenses and needs.
Our Mission
We provide outstanding academics, an integrated arts approach, a strong sense of global community and a commitment to social justice.