
Spidey Super Stories #43

Wayback Wednesday takes us back to a team-up between Spider-Man and Daredevil under the big top in the pages of Spidey Super Stories #43. After literally running into each other swinging around the Manhattan skyline, the characters will be brought back together at the circus where Peter is sent to take photos for The Daily Bugle and where Karen and Foggy take Matt Murdock as a surprise. What neither hero knows is the circus is under the control of the Ringmaster and his mind-controlling magic hat. No, really.

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – The Unicorn Unleashed

  • Title: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – The Unicorn Unleashed
  • wiki: link

“The Unicorn Unleashed” gets a bit obscure in tapping and old Iron Man villain and repackaging it as a member of the crew we saw Spider-Man (Hudson Thames) take down in the previous episode who acquires the helmet from Doc Ock‘s () black market. Playing on the cliffhanger of Harry (Zeno Robinson) learning Peter’s secret identity, he becomes Spider-Man’s tech support which builds a friendship Peter than struggles to bring over into his real life to the consternation of Nico (Grace Song).

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – Hitting the Big Time

  • Title: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – Hitting the Big Time
  • wiki: link

“Hitting the Big Time” is really just an excuse to put Peter Parker (Hudson Thames) in a bunch of goofy costumes designed by Norman Osborne (Colman Domingo). While none, but the last (which still looks a bit too Anti-Venom to me), are really on brand or functionally make any sense (other than potentially sell toys), there’s certainly fun to be had with Spidey trying his luck in the various outfits. Eventually the pair settle on a new look for the hero.

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Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends – Along Came Spidey

  • Title: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends – Along Came Spidey
  • wiki: link

With a new Disney+ show exploring the origins of  the latest version of Spider-Man, Spidey Sunday takes us back to my favorite animated version of Spider-Man‘s (Dan Gilvezan) origin story in the Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends episode “Along Came Spidey.” The episode, which premiered in Fall 1982, hits all the classic moments of the classic Spider-Man origin story while framing it in an extended flashback caused by current events. After Aunt May (June Foray) is injured during a fight between the Spidey Friends and the Shocker (John Stephenson), a guilty Peter considers giving up the mantle of Spider-Man and tells his friends how he got his powers and the important lesson he learned about power and responsibility.

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – The Parker Luck / Secret Identity Crisis

  • Title: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – The Parker Luck / Secret Identity Crisis
  • wiki: link | link

The second and third episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man focus on  Peter Parker‘s (Hudson Thames) internship as Oscorp which turns out to be nothing more than the machinations of Norman Osborne (Colman Domingo) to identify Spider-Man from the most likely young suspects and thank him for saving Harry‘s (Zeno Robinson) life. Both Peter’s internship and his mentorship with Norman get off to rocky starts, but there are positives as Peter enjoys working with Dr. Carla Connors (Zehra Fazal) on an experiment and, despite initially turning down his offer of help, discovers how useful Norman can be as an ally when fighting a pair of pretty lame baddies in Speed Demon (Roger Craig Smith) and Tarantula (Anairis Quiñones).

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