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SPRING 2019 Dear Fellow Physical Therapist: Congratulations! By acquiring this Candidate Guide, you have been proactive in your interest in and pursuit of specialist certification. The specialist certification program has been designed to identify and define physical therapy specialty areas and to formally recognize physical therapists who have attained advanced knowledge and skills in those areas. Certification also assists the public and health care community in identifying therapists with acknowledged expertise in a particular field of practice and demonstrates that physical therapists are devoted to addressing the unique needs of the people with whom we work. Certification is achieved through successful completion of a standardized online application and examination process. Coordination of this program is provided by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS), the governing body for approval of new specialty areas and certification of clinical specialists. Specialty councils representing the 9 recognized specialty areas have been appointed to delineate and describe the advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities of clinical specialists; determine specific requirements for certification; and develop the certification examinations. The dedicated volunteers currently giving their time and service to the development of this process are listed in the rosters in the beginning of this booklet. APTA established this program in 1978 to provide formal recognition for physical therapists with advanced clinical knowledge, competence, and skills in a special area of practice. The program evolved from the membership of special interest sections of APTA as a way to encourage and facilitate the professional growth of individual members and thereby facilitate growth of the entire profession. Certified specialists have clearly demonstrated their commitment to service by the variety, depth, and consistency of their professional involvement. Their desire to attain formal recognition of their advanced clinical knowledge, competence, and skills reflects their devotion to their profession and their patients. In these times of dramatic health care reform, dedication to public service by providing high quality physical therapy services is paramount. If you share these personal and professional principles, then you are in the right place! Please join the growing number of physical therapists who have chosen this pathway of professional development. Thank you for your interest and I wish you success in this endeavor. Sincerely, Robert Sellin, PT, DSc Board-Certified Clinical Electrophysiologic Clinical Specialist Chair, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
ROSTERS AMERICAN BOARD OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SPECIALTIES SPECIALTY COUNCIL AMERICAN BOARD OF PHYSICAL SPECIALTY COUNCIL ON GERIATRIC THERAPY SPECIALTIES PHYSICAL THERAPY Robert Sellin, PT, DSc Chair Nicole Dawson, PT, PhD, Chair Board-Certified Clinical Electrophysiologic Clinical Board-Certified Geriatrics Clinical Specialist Specialist Board-Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist Marie A. Johanson, PT, PhD Karma Marie Peters, PT, DPT Board-Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist Board-Certified Geriatrics Clinical Specialist Ronald Barredo, PT, DPT, EdD, Chair Morris Beato, PT, DPT Board-Certified Geriatrics Clinical Specialist Board-Certified Geriatrics Clinical Specialist Board-Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist Robin Myers, PT, DPT Board-Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist Sandy Ganz, PT, DSc Board-Certified Geriatrics Clinical Specialist Eric Pelletier, PT, DPT Board-Certified Pediatrics Clinical Specialist Teresa L. Schuemann, PT, DPT, ATC Board-Certified Sports Clinical Specialist Sean Lowers PT, DPT Board-Certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist Julie Peterson, PT, DPT Board-Certified Women’s Health Clinical Specialist Nancy Orr, PhD Marcia Ditmyer, PhD, MS, MBA
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 6. SITTING FOR THE EXAM 1.1. American Physical Therapy Association....................... 1 6.1. Computer Testing.................................................................. 6 1.2. American Board of 6.2. Test Centers and Testing Conditions.............................. 6 Physical Therapy Specialties.............................................. 1 6.3. Exam Time................................................................................ 6 1.3. Specialty Council................................................................... 1 6.4. Admission to Test.................................................................. 6 1.4. Additional Physical Therapy Examinations.................. 1 6.5. Testing Regulations and Rules of Conduct.................. 7 1.5. National Board of Medical Examiners®.......................... 1 6.6. Irregular Behavior During 1.6. Prometric.................................................................................. 1 the Examination Process..................................................... 7 1.7. Restriction of the Term 6.7. Canceled or Delayed Exam Administration Board-Certified Specialist................................................... 1 or Problems at the Testing Center................................... 7 6.8. Exam Deferral......................................................................... 8 2. CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 6.9. Equipment Malfunction...................................................... 8 2.1. General Requirements........................................................ 1 6.10. Incomplete Examinations................................................ 8 2.2. Other Requirements............................................................ 1 2.3. Steps to Complete Certification...................................... 2 7. EXAM RESULTS 2.4. Maintenance of Specialist Certification (MOSC)........ 2 7.1. Exam Results and Notification......................................... 8 2.5. Ineligibility for Certification.............................................. 3 7.2. Scaled Scores.......................................................................... 8 7.3. Passing Scores........................................................................ 8 3. APPLICATION PROCESS 3.1. Application Deadline........................................................... 3 8. CONFIDENTIALITY 3.2. Procedures for Application Review................................ 3 8.1. Confidentiality of Applicant Identity............................. 9 3.3. Services for Persons With Disabilities............................ 3 8.2. Confidentiality of Examination Content....................... 9 3.4. Certification in More Than 1 Specialty Area................ 3 3.5. Submission of Application................................................. 3 9. GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION................9 3.6. Application Review Fee...................................................... 4 3.7. Time Limit for Active Application/Reapplication...... 4 10. PROCEDURES FOR REVIEW OF DECISIONS 3.8. Address Changes................................................................... 4 10.1. Reconsideration of Decision Regarding Eligibility to Sit for the Exam..................... 8 4. SCHEDULING THE EXAM 10.2. Appeal to ABPTS of Specialty Council’s 4.1. Examination Fee and Scheduling Permit..................... 4 Decision Regarding Eligibility 4.2. Test Dates................................................................................. 4 to Sit for the Exam............................................................... 8 4.3. How to Schedule an Appointment at 10.3. Procedures for Review of a Testing Center...................................................................... 4 Certification Actions........................................................... 9 4.4. Refunds and Cancellations................................................ 4 10.4. Appeal to APTA Board of Directors of ABPTS Decision to Deny Certification.......................... 9 4.5. Rescheduling an Exam........................................................ 5 5. PREPARING FOR THE EXAM 11. EXAM CONTENT OUTLINE & 5.1. Description of Specialty Practice (DSP)......................... 5 SAMPLE QUESTIONS 5.2. Exam Content Outline......................................................... 5 11.1. Exam Content Outline....................................................10 5.3. Preparation for the Exam................................................... 5 11.2. Sample Questions............................................................10 5.4. Review Materials and Courses.......................................... 5 5.5. Study Groups.......................................................................... 5 12. RESOURCE GUIDE INFORMATION..................... 12 5.6. Exam Development.............................................................. 5 5.7. Exam Question Format....................................................... 5 5.8. Answer Strategy.................................................................... 5 5.9. Tutorial...................................................................................... 6
1. GENERAL INFORMATION and certification of medical and health science professionals. NBME provides test development, test administration, editorial 1.1. American Physical Therapy Association production, and psychometric services to ABPTS and the The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is a national specialty councils. professional organization representing more than 100,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and physical 1.6. Prometric therapy students throughout the United States. Its goals are to serve its members and to serve the public by increasing the NBME currently delivers the specialist certification examinations understanding of the physical therapist’s role in the health care by computer through Prometric. Prometric administers testing system, and by fostering improvements in physical therapy programs for educational institutions, professional associations, education, practice, research, and professional development. corporations, and other organizations. Examinations are delivered in test centers that have secure rooms dedicated to The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) prohibits test delivery. preferential treatment or adverse discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, sexual Note: Prometric test center locations are subject to change, orientation, disability or health status in all areas including, and there is no guarantee that a center listed on the Prometric but not limited to, its qualifications for membership, rights website at the time of application will be available for a future of members, policies, programs, activities, and employment ABPTS administration. The most efficient way for candidates to practices. check for test center locations is to log on to www.prometric. com/ABPTS and select “locate a test center.” This provides the APTA established the specialist certification program in 1978 to most up-to-date information. provide formal recognition for physical therapists with advanced clinical knowledge, experience, and skills in a special area of 1.7. Restriction of the Term Board-Certified Specialist practice, and to assist consumers and the health care community APTA’s House of Delegates adopted a policy that no physical to identify physical therapy specialists. therapist shall purport to be a “Board-Certified Clinical Specialist” unless (s)he has successfully completed the 1.2. American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties certification process as developed by the American Board of Coordination and oversight of the specialist certification Physical Therapy Specialties (HOD 06- 94-23-39). In addition, process is provided by the American Board of Physical Therapy ABPTS does not permit applicants for certification to state that Specialties (ABPTS), which is the governing body for approval they are “board eligible.” of new specialty areas and certification of clinical specialists. ABPTS comprises board-certified physical therapists from different specialty areas; a physical therapist member of the 2. CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS APTA Board of Directors; an individual with expertise in test 2.1. General Requirements development, evaluation, and education; and a nonphysical Applicants must hold a current permanent/unrestricted license therapist member representing the public. to practice physical therapy in the United States or any of its possessions or territories. In addition, applicants are required 1.3. Specialty Council to pay the application review fee. The Specialty Council, representing the area of geriatric physical therapy, has been appointed to delineate the Applicants must meet the minimum eligibility requirements advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities for their specialty for the 2020 examination by the application deadline of July areas; to determine the academic and clinical requirements for 31, 2019. certification; and to develop the certification examinations and oversee the maintenance of specialist certification. The Council Applicants must submit a complete application and review fee comprises 4 board-certified specialists in the practice area. for each specialist certification examination. ABPTS does not permit applicants to use the same direct 1.4. Additional Physical Therapy Examinations patient care hours for different specialty areas. Individuals interested in Cardiovascular & Pulmonary, Clinical Electrophysiology, Neurologic, Oncologic, Orthopaedic, 2.2. Other Requirements Pediatric, Sports, and Women’s Health certifications must complete a separate online application, accessible through Applicants must meet requirements for Option A or Option B. APTA’s Specialist Certification Program website (www.abpts. org). Option A Applicants must submit evidence of 2,000 hours of direct 1.5. National Board of Medical Examiners patient care as a licensed United States physical therapist The National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®) is a nonprofit (temporary license excluded) in the specialty area within the organization that strives to provide the highest quality testing last ten (10) years, 25% (500) of which must have occurred and research services to organizations involved in the licensure within the last three (3) years. Direct patient care must include Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 1
activities in each of the elements of patient/client management specialist. This new model has been titled the “Maintenance of applicable to the specialty area and included in the Description Specialist Certification” and includes the following elements: of Specialty Practice (DSP). • Professional Standing and Direct Patient Care Hours These elements, as defined by the Guide to Physical Therapist • C ommitment to Lifelong Learning Through Professional Practice, are examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and Development intervention. • P ractice Performance Through Examples of Patient Care Option B and Clinical Reasoning Applicants must submit evidence of successful completion • C ognitive Expertise Through a Test of Knowledge in the of an APTA-accredited postprofesssional clinical residency Profession completed within the last 10 years that has a curriculum plan reflective of the Description of Specialty Practice: Geriatric Requirement 1: Professional Standing and Direct Patient Physical Therapy (DSP). Experience from residencies in which Care Hours the curriculum plan reflects only a portion of the DSP will not • In years 3, 6, and 9, a specialist must submit evidence be considered. of current licensure as a physical therapist in the United States or any of its possessions or territories. Applicants must submit evidence of successful completion of an APTA-accredited post professional Geriatrics clinical residency. • In years 3, 6, and 9, a specialist must submit evidence Applicants who are currently enrolled in an ABPTRFE-accredited of 200 hours of direct patient care acquired in the clinical residency, or enrolled in a residency program that has specialty area within the last 3 years. Direct patient care been granted candidacy status, may apply for the specialist hours accrued in year 10 may be applied to the year 3 certification examination in the appropriate specialty area requirements for the next MOSC cycle. prior to completion of the residency. These applicants will be conditionally approved to sit for the examination, as long as they Requirement 2: Commitment to Lifelong Learning Through meet all other eligibility requirements, pending submission of Professional Development evidence of successful completion of the ABPTRFE-accredited • E ach board-certified specialist is obligated to participate clinical residency to APTA’s Specialist Certification Program no in ongoing professional development, within his or her later than 1 month before the examination window opens. To designated specialty area, which leads to a level of practice verify your residency program’s accreditation status, please visit consistent with acceptable standards. Each specialist may www.abptrfe.org. choose to pursue professional development that leads to a level of practice beyond prevailing standards. 2.3. Steps to Complete Certification • A web-based system to track continuing competence in a Certification as a Physical Therapy Clinical Specialist consists of 2 specialty area will be developed. This system will provide an major steps: individual account tracking mechanism for each specialist STEP 1. You must submit evidence that you have fulfilled the to record professional development activities during years minimum eligibility requirements as defined by the specialty 3, 6, and 9 of his or her certification cycle. There is not council. This includes completion of all required application an hour requirement in this area, but the specialist must forms, fees, documentation of the required practice hours, and show evidence of professional development activities other requirements specified by the specialty council. (equivalent to 10 MOSC credits) within 2 of the 3 designated activity categories in years 3, 6, and 9. By year 9, a specialist You must meet all requirements by the application deadline, must have accrued a minimum of 30 MOSC credits and July 31, 2019. The specialty council will not consider experience demonstrated professional development in each of the toward the minimum eligibility requirements that was not 3 designated activity categories. These activities include acquired by the application deadline. professional services, continuing education coursework, publications, presentations, clinical supervision and STEP 2. Following completion of Step 1 and approval of the consultation, research, clinical instruction, and teaching. application, the candidate must sit for and receive a passing score on the computer-based certification exam. Requirement 3: Practice Performance Through Examples of Clinical Care and Reasoning Certification is awarded for a period of 10 years. ABPTS has • The purpose of this requirement is to document adopted a model of continued competency throughout the continuing competency in patient/client management in years of certification rather than a one-time recertification the specialty area. process as the certification period lapses. This model is titled the “Maintenance of Specialist Certification (MOSC).” Please • T he specialist will use an online system to complete 1 review details of the MOSC program in Section 2.4. reflective portfolio submission in years 3, 6, and 9 of his or her certification cycle. These reflective portfolio 2.4. Maintenance of Specialist Certification (MOSC) submissions will be used to demonstrate the specialist’s use of clinical care and reasoning. Each submission ABPTS has developed a model for maintaining certification that must have a reflective component and must have focuses on continuing competence of the physical therapist documentation that reflects clinical reasoning. Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 2
• These reflective portfolio submissions will not be 3.3. Services for Persons With Disabilities scored but will be screened for completion of required The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) information and reflection. provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act for Requirement 4: Cognitive Expertise Through a Test of Knowledge individuals with documented disabilities who demonstrate a in the Profession need for accommodations. • D uring year 10 of the certification cycle, the specialist It is the responsibility of the person with a disability to provide will be required to sit for a recertification examination, advance notice and appropriate documentation of the disability comprising approximately 100 items. The exam will with a request for test accommodations. If an applicant identifies be specialty specific, assess an individual’s cognitive functional limitations or special needs that would prevent him expertise in the specialty area, and reflect contemporary or her from taking the certification exam under standard testing specialist practice. conditions, ABPTS in consultation with its testing agency, will • T he exam blueprint breakdown for this exam will mirror evaluate and respond to that applicant’s needs for special that of the initial certification exam, as noted in the arrangements. various Descriptions of Specialty Practice. Items will be Any requests must be submitted to ABPTS, accompanied by coded and pulled from existing specialty item banks. the appropriate forms and uploaded at the time of the online application submission for the exam (by July 31, 2019). The • Successful completion of requirements 1-3 are request for testing accommodations must include verification prerequisites for sitting for the recertification exam. If of the disabling condition from a professional specializing in the a specialist fails to receive a passing score after the first relevant area and a description of the requested accommodation. attempt, he or she will be permitted to sit for the exam 1 Applicants will be notified in the fall of the decision regarding additional time and will maintain his or her certification the request and the accommodations that will be provided. during this 1-year grace period. If accommodation is not requested in advance, availability of Any additional questions/concerns should be be addressed accommodation cannot be guaranteed. to staff at [email protected] or 800/999-APTA (2782), ext Note: Certain testing accommodations may require shared cost 3390. with candidate. 2.5. Ineligibility for Certification 3.4. Certification in More than 1 Specialty Area Item writers and reviewers are not eligible to sit for the Applicants must submit a complete set of online application specialist certification examination in their specialty area for 2 materials and fees for each specialist certification exam. A years from the date of involvement in the process. certified specialist who applies for certification in a second Specialty council members, ABPTS members, and cut-score specialty area is not permitted to submit the same direct study participants are prohibited from sitting for the specialist patient care hours that he or she submitted for certification in certification exam for a period of 2 years from the date of the first specialty area. The Specialist Certification Program staff participation in the certification process. will review previously submitted applications for duplication of hours. 3. APPLICATION PROCESS 3.5. Submission of Application 3.1. Application Deadline It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application is completed according to instructions. Completed applications and application review fees for the 2020 specialist certification examinations must be submitted online In addition, it is imperative that you enter your name on the to the APTA Specialist Certification Program on or before July application exactly as it appears on the identification form you 31, 2019. Applications submitted after the deadline may not be intend to present at the test center. Please note that the way reviewed. your name is entered on the application is also the way your name will appear in the APTA membership database. 3.2. Procedures for Application Review The Specialist Certification Program staff will review all submitted Applicants who opt to pay the review fee by check should documents and will notify applicants by email regarding approval send the application fee with the appropriate payment form to sit for the exam within approximately 6 weeks. Applicants who described in Section 3.6 below in a single mailing to: are advised to revise or provide new documents will be instructed APTA to resubmit materials to APTA headquarters by a specified deadline. Specialist Certification Application If the applicant does not resubmit by the specified deadline, P.O. Box 75701 the record will indicate that he or she has not met the minimum Baltimore, MD 21275 eligibility requirements and is not approved to sit for the 2020 If applicable, verification of current physical therapy license exam. must be sent separately by your state licensing agency. Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 3
3.6. Application Review Fee APTA Member: $810 The nonrefundable application review fee must be submitted Non-APTA Member: $1,535 with your online application to the APTA Specialist Certification Contact the Specialist Certification Program at 800/999-2782, Program on or before July 31, 2019. ext 8520, for additional information about sitting for the Payment of the review fee may be made by check (payable specialist certification examination in an international location. to APTA) or by credit card (MasterCard, VISA, Discover, or Before the end of December, after your examination fee has American Express). The Payment Form must accompany your been received, APTA’s Specialist Certification Program will fee. The applicant review fees are listed below: send you an email with instructions on how to access and APTA Member: $525 download your electronic scheduling permit online. You must Non-APTA Member: $870 print your scheduling permit before you contact Prometric to Member/Non-APTA Member Reapplication: $170 schedule a test date. Check to make sure that the information on your permit is correct, and that your name (first name, Note: Reapplication fee is due by August 31, 2019. middle initials, last name) exactly matches your name on the identification you will use on the day of the examination. If 3.7. Time Limit for Active Application/Reapplication the name on your permit does not match the name on your Applicant files will remain active for only 2 consecutive exam identification, you must contact APTA immediately. Name administrations. However, eligibility for the second exam changes or corrections cannot be made within 7 business days administration requires an online reapplication submission by of your scheduled testing date. You will be denied admission August 31, along with a $170 reapplication fee, as well as the to the test if the name on the permit does not match the name current examination fee by November 30. This policy applies to on your identification. those who choose to delay sitting for the exam, those who are not approved to sit for the examination, and those who do not 4.2. Test Dates pass the exam. Eligible reapplicants will receive reapplication The examination will be administered at testing centers information by email directly from the Specialist Certification worldwide between the dates of February 29 and March 14, Program. To reapply, you must submit an online reapplication, 2020. verification of current licensure to practice physical therapy, updated direct patient care hours, and any other requested 4.3. How to Schedule an Appointment at a Testing Center documentation. The APTA, Specialist Certification Program The Specialist Certification Program will notify approved must receive this documentation by the reapplication deadline candidates when they may begin to schedule a date to sit for the next scheduled exam. Reapplicants must meet the for the examination. Candidates are not eligible to schedule current practice requirements to be eligible to sit for the exam. a session until they have paid their exam fee and have their After 2 consecutive exam administrations, you must submit scheduling permit. an entirely new application and initial applicant review fee to You must print or download your scheduling permit before apply for specialist certification. you contact Prometric to schedule a testing appointment. To schedule a testing appointment, you will need to provide 3.8. Address Changes Prometric with the scheduling number that is included on Should your mailing address, email address, or phone number your scheduling permit. Appointments are assigned on a change, please notify the APTA Specialist Certification first-come, first-served basis; therefore, you should schedule Program immediately. The Specialist Certification Program an appointment as soon as possible after you have accessed maintains separate records from APTA’s membership database, your scheduling permit. If you delay scheduling you may not so candidates must email ([email protected]) or phone be able to make an appointment at your preferred test site or (800/999-2782, ext 8520) the department. for your preferred test date. You should report any problems in scheduling a testing appointment to the Specialist Certification Program at least 4 weeks before the first day of the testing 4. SCHEDULING THE EXAM window to give ABPTS an opportunity to resolve the problem. 4.1. Examination Fee and Scheduling Permit Prior to your testing appointment, you can log in at the URL The examination fee is submitted after you have been notified that provided by the Specialist Certification Program to access and you are eligible to sit for the exam. The fee must be received by the reprint your permit if necessary. APTA Specialist Certification Program on or before November 30, 2019. 4.4. Refunds and Cancellations You may pay the examination fee by check (payable to APTA) or The Applicant Review Fee is not refundable. You must notify by credit card (MasterCard, VISA, DISCOVER or AMEX), by mail the specialist certification program staff through the on-line or online. Please note that both first-time and repeat test takers application system deferment process if you decide, for any must pay the following examination fees: reason, not to sit for the 2020 exam. Upon receipt of written notification, your examination fee will be refunded minus 20% of the fee. Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing. Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 4
4.5. Rescheduling an Exam helpful methods of examination preparation include, but are If you are unable to keep a testing appointment and would like not limited to, advanced level texts, Physical Therapy, and other to reschedule, you must contact Prometric by 12:00 pm local journals containing current physical therapy research. You may time of the second business day prior to your appointment. The also want to review the Description of Specialty Practice and rescheduled test date must fall within the testing window. Fees the content outline to determine what content will be covered from your previously scheduled test will be transferred to the on the exam and to direct your study efforts. rescheduled exam as follows: 5.4. Review Materials and Courses a. If you contact Prometric by 12:00 pm local time of A resource guide listing prepared by APTA’s Geriatrics Section the second business day prior to your test date, you can be found on page 11. Some sections hold review courses will be permitted to reschedule without penalty. related to advanced practice in their specialty area. Applicants If you provide less than 2 business days’ notice, should contact their section directly to receive information. Prometric will charge a $101 fee to reschedule your Neither ABPTS nor the specialty councils review or endorse the examination (rescheduling fees vary for international content of review materials and courses. sites). b. If you cancel your appointment within 2 business 5.5. Study Groups days or do not appear on your test date, you must The APTA Specialist Certification Program maintains a list of contact Prometric Candidate Cares at the phone candidates who are interested in participating in study groups. number listed in the permit and pay a $101 fee To be included in study group listings, select “participate in study to reinstate your eligibility record in order to group” and answer “yes” on the online application. The study reschedule your appointment within the testing group list of candidates who have indicated their interest will be window (rescheduling fees vary for international generated by November 17, 2019. sites). 5.6. Exam Development The specialist certification examinations are developed by 5. PREPARING FOR THE EXAM specialty councils of ABPTS. APTA has contracted with the 5.1. Description of Specialty Practice (DSP) NBME to assist in the development, administration, scoring, The Descriptions of Specialty Practice (DSP) are documents and reporting of results for the certification examinations. developed for each specialty area that outline the knowledge, Using the DSP as a basis, the specialty councils make the final skills, and abilities related to clinical practice in the specialty determinations regarding the exam content and the number of area. The DSP content is based on a detailed practice analysis items in each area. conducted by the specialty council. A practice analysis involves Questions (items) for the exam are solicited from content area extensive research, including survey data and judgments of experts currently practicing in the specialty area representing subject matter experts, of the knowledge, tasks, and roles that the full range of practice settings and focus in all regions describe advanced specialty practice. The specialty council of the country. Item writers attend workshops and receive develops the written exam from the DSP and includes a instruction to enable them to write high-quality, practice- percentage of questions from each of the major content areas related test items. Test items undergo extensive editing and identified in the practice analysis. Because applicants will find review by subject matter experts and professional test editors the DSP for their specialty area helpful in organizing exam before specialty councils approve them to be placed on the preparation, a copy is made available electronically to each new examinations. applicant upon receipt of the application and payment of the application review fee. If you wish to purchase an advance copy 5.7. Exam Question Format of the DSP, please contact APTA’s Member Services at 800/999- Questions (items) are designed to test synthesis and analysis 2782. levels of cognitive skills, as well as content knowledge. The exam is composed of objective multiple-choice questions with 5.2. Exam Content Outline 4 or 5 answer choices. The questions either stand alone or are The content outline for the exam that specifies the percentage part of a series that relates to a presented case study. Beginning of questions in each major content area is found on page 10. on page 9 are sample questions that are representative of the The content outline is presented as an approximation of the format of questions for each exam, but may not necessarily test construction and should not be interpreted as an exact reflect the ability level or content of the items. There are 200 distribution of test items. items on the exam, consisting of 50 questions in each 1½-hour time block. 5.3. Preparation for the Exam 5.8. Answer Strategy You declare your intent to sit for the specialist certification You should consider answers to each question carefully and exam at the time of application and are expected to begin eliminate the least likely ones instead of randomly selecting an preparation for the exam at that time. You are responsible for answer. Please keep in mind that there is no penalty for incorrect determining the method and amount of preparation necessary responses. Since test scores are based on the actual number of for the exam. Results from candidate surveys suggest that questions answered correctly, it is to the candidate’s advantage Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 5
to select an answer for each question rather than leaving any will be kept confidential, and the time you take to complete this blank. There is only one best answer for each question. survey will not detract from your allotted examination time. 5.9. Tutorial 6.4. Admission to the Test After you are approved to sit for the examination, the Specialist You should arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes before Certification Program will make available a tutorial so that your scheduled testing time on your testing day. If you arrive you may practice using the testing software prior to your late, the test center administrator may refuse you admission. If test day. The tutorial can be accessed on the APTA Specialist you arrive more than 30 minutes after your scheduled testing Certification website (www.abpts.org/SpecCertExamTutorial/). time, you will not be admitted. In that event, you must pay a You should acquaint yourself with the testing software well $101 fee to Prometric to reinstate your eligibility record in order before your test date. Test center staff are not authorized to to reschedule your appointment within the testing window provide instruction on use of the software. (rescheduling fees vary for international sites). The tutorial will also be available at the beginning of the Upon arrival at the test center, you must present a printed examination session. You may use up to 10 minutes before copy of your scheduling permit or present it electronically beginning the examination. The test driver is easy to understand (e.g. via Smartphone) and an unexpired, government-issued and requires little or no prior computer experience. form of identification (such as a current driver’s license, valid passport, or military ID) that includes both your photograph 6. SITTING FOR THE EXAM and signature. If your identification contains your photograph but not your signature, you may use another form of unexpired 6.1. Computer Testing identification that contains your signature, such as student/ The specialist certification examinations are administered employee identification card or a credit card, to supplement by computer. The examination questions are presented on your photo-bearing, government-issued identification. computers, and candidates provide their responses using a As a security procedure, you will be photographed before you mouse or keyboard. NBME works with Prometric to deliver begin taking the examination. You will also sign a test center these examinations worldwide at more than 300 test centers. log, and store your personal belongings in your assigned locker. Approved candidates should contact Prometric as soon as You will be scanned with a handheld metal detector and be possible once they have their scheduling permit to schedule a asked to empty and turn out your pockets prior to entry into testing appointment. Candidates may take the test on any day the testing room to confirm that you have no prohibited items. that it is offered during the testing window, provided that there You will be required to remove eyeglasses for visual inspection is space at the Prometric test center of choice. by the test center administrators. Jewelry, except for wedding and engagement rings, is prohibited and hair accessories are 6.2. Test Centers and Testing Conditions subject to inspection. You should not wear ornate clips, combs, Prometric provides computer-based testing services for academic barrettes, headbands, and other hair accessories. Any examinee assessment, professional licensure, and certification. Please be wearing any of these items may be prohibited from wearing aware that there may be test takers from other professions them in the testing room, and asked to store such items in their taking examinations during your test administration. Their exam locker. These inspections will take a few seconds, and will be schedule may differ from your schedule, and they may arrive and done at check-in and upon return from breaks. depart at different times. If you brought a printed copy of your scheduling permit, the Test These test centers provide the resources necessary for secure Center Staff will collect it. You will be provided with laminated administration of the examination, including video and audio writing surfaces and markers. You will be instructed to write your monitoring and recording, and use of digital cameras to record name and Candidate Information Number (CIN) on one of the the identity of candidates. laminated writing surfaces provided. Your scheduling permit will be retained by the Test Center Administrator. You may request 6.3. Exam Time access to the permit during the examination if it becomes You should arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled testing necessary for you to rewrite the CIN on the laminated writing appointment. surface. Test Center Staff will escort you to your assigned testing The official exam time begins the moment that you enter your station and provide brief instructions on use of the computer Candidate identification number. There are 200 questions on the equipment. Laminated writing surfaces and markers issued exam. The exam is administered during a seven (7) hour testing are to be used for making notes and/or calculations during session, which consists of a brief tutorial (up to 10 minutes), four the testing session. They should only be used at your assigned 1½-hour test-blocks, and 50 minutes of optional break time to be testing station, and only after you have begun your examination used after any block. Please note that if you finish a section early, by entering your CIN. You must enter your CIN to start the you may not use the extra time for a different section of the exam, examination, which will begin with a brief tutorial prior to the however, this time will be available as additional break time. first test block. If you have filled the laminated writing surfaces and need additional space for making notes, you will need If you have unused time after you complete the examination, you to notify test center staff and a replacement will be provided. will be given the opportunity to complete an online survey about Laminated writing surfaces must be returned to test center staff the test administration. The purpose of the survey is to evaluate at the end of the testing session. the test scheduling and delivery procedures. Your responses Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 6
Important Note: You will not be admitted to the testing room • Seeking and/or obtaining access to examination materials without presenting either a printed or electronic copy of • Impersonating a candidate or engaging another individual your permit and an unexpired, government-issued form of to take the examination by proxy identification (such as a driver’s license or passport) that includes • Giving, receiving, or obtaining unauthorized assistance both your photograph and signature. during the examination or attempting to do so The name on your scheduling permit must exactly match the • Making notes of any kind during an examination except name on your identification form. The only acceptable difference on the erasable writing surface provided at the test center would be the presence of middle name or middle initial, or suffix • Memorizing and/or reproducing examination materials on one document and its absence on the other. If you do not • Failure to adhere to test center regulations present your permit and required identification on the exam • Possessing unauthorized materials during an examination day, you will be denied admission to test. In that event, you must administration (eg, recording devices, photographic pay a fee to Prometric to reschedule your test (see section 4.5 for equipment, electronic paging devices, cellular telephones, additional instructions). reference materials) 6.5. Testing Regulations and Rules of Conduct • Any other behavior that threatens the integrity of the Test center staff monitor all testing sessions. Candidates specialist certification examinations must follow instructions of test center staff throughout the Looking in the direction of the computer monitor of another examination. Test center staff are not authorized to answer candidate during the examination may be construed as questions from candidates regarding examination content, evidence of copying or attempting to copy, and a report testing software, or scoring. of such behavior may result in a determination of irregular If staff observes a candidate violating test administration rules behavior. Candidates must not discuss the examination while or engaging in other forms of irregular behavior during an a session is in process. Test center administrators are required examination, the test center staff will not necessarily tell the to report all suspected incidents of irregular behavior. A candidate of the observation at the time of the examination. candidate who engages in irregular behavior or who violates Test center administrators are required to report such incidents test administration rules may be subject to invalidation of their to NBME; each is fully investigated. examination. Candidates may not bring any personal belongings into the 6.7. Canceled or Delayed Exam Administration or Problems at testing area, including but not limited to the following: the Testing Center Every effort is made to administer an examination at the • M echanical or electronic devices, such as cellular scheduled test time and location. On occasion, however, exam telephones,calculators, watches of any type, electronic administrations may be delayed or canceled in emergencies such paging devices,recording or filming devices, radios as severe weather, a natural disaster that renders a Prometric • Outerwear such as coats, jackets, head wear, gloves Testing Center (PTC) inaccessible or unsafe, or extreme technical • Book bags, backpacks, handbags, briefcases, wallets difficulties. If Prometric closes a testing center where you have already scheduled a testing appointment, it will reschedule the • Books, notes, study materials, or scratch paper examination appointment at no additional charge. • Food, candy, gum, or beverages In that event, Prometric will attempt to notify you in advance If you bring any personal belongings to the test center, you of your testing appointment to schedule a different time and/ must store them in a designated locker outside the testing or center. Rescheduling an appointment for a different time or room. You should keep in mind that the lockers are small and center may occur at the last minute due to limited availability of that mechanical or electronic devices stored in lockers must be seats in a PTC. turned off. Making notes of any kind during an examination, except on the laminated writing surface provided at the test One week prior to testing, you are advised to confirm your center, is not permitted and removal of those materials from appointment with Prometric and maintain flexibility in any travel the secure testing area during a testing session or break is arrangements you may make. prohibited. If you experience an emergency situation on the day of your Note: Although the site provides noise-reducing headphones, examination that you feel may jeopardize your ability to perform you are encouraged to bring your own cordless soft-foam effectively on the examination, you may be eligible to postpone earplugs (subject to inspection). sitting for the examination until 2021. However, please note that if you opt to still sit for the examination and are not successful, 6.6. Irregular Behavior During the Examination Process this is not a basis for appealing examination results and your Irregular behavior includes any action by candidates or others abiliity to sit again in 2021 at no additional cost may be in when solicited by a candidate that subverts or attempts to jeopardy. subvert the examination process. Test center administrators Any candidate, once checked in and seated at a test station, who are required to report any irregular behavior by a candidate is delayed to take the examination by more than 30 minutes during the examination. Irregular behavior may include, but is because of technical difficulties, is responsible for reporting the not limited to, the following: Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 7
delay to the Specialist Certification Program at 800/999-2782, examination fee is nonrefundable for incomplete examinations. ext 8520, as soon as possible. For such cases, the candidate may be eligible to choose to reschedule his or her examination at no 7. EXAM RESULTS additional charge. Before deciding to reschedule, you should 7.1. Exam Results and Notification be sure that there is another appointment available during the After ABPTS meets in May 2020 to make certification decisions, testing-block. The test administration will not be considered score reports will be prepared for online distribution in mid- “irregular” if you choose to remain and test despite the delay. June 2020. The score report specifies your examination score, You will receive the maximum number of hours available to the passing score on the examination, and feedback on your candidates to complete the exam even if the test is delayed. performance in the major competency areas tested. In mid- Any candidate, once checked in and seated at a test station, who June 2020, the Specialist Certification Program staff will send has a concern or complaint about the test center environment, you an email notification announcing that score reports are should immediately report the problem to the test center available online, including instructions on how to access and administrator. If you feel that the problem was not resolved to download your score report. your satisfaction, you should contact the Specialist Certification Although there is a time lapse between the close of the Program at 800/999-2782, ext 8520, as soon as possible. examination window and the availability of examination results, 6.8. Exam Deferral much is happening during this period of time. Key validation takes place after the exam window closes in March. Key validation is a Candidates may defer their examinations through the ABPTS process of preliminary scoring and item analysis of the exam data, online application system located at www.abpts.org. To access followed by careful evaluation of the item-level data, to identify your application click on “Online Application” from the Quick potentially flawed or incorrect items prior to final scoring. During Links menu. It is recommended that you review the deferral April and early May, standard setting committees are convened at guidelines before submitting your deferral. Please note you will the NBME to participate in content-based standard setting studies. receive an email confirming the deferment. The outcome of each committee’s standard setting meeting is the 6.9. Equipment Malfunction recommendation of a passing standard of each of the specialty examinations during their May meeting. NBME then scores the Should you experience any difficulty with the computer, please specialist certification examinations and candidates are notified notify the test center administrator immediately. Do not wait of their exam results as soon as this information is received by the until you have completed the exam to bring equipment Specialist Certification Program. malfunctions to the attention of the test center administrator. Once again, if you feel that the problem was not resolved to 7.2. Scaled Scores your satisfaction, you should contact the Specialist Certification While your score is based on the number of questions answered Program at 800/999-2782, ext 8520, as soon as possible. correctly, it is a scaled score. ABPTS requires a scaled score of 500 to pass the examination. Scaling is a procedure that Please note that, occasionally, a computer at the test center may converts raw scores (number of correct responses) to a more need to be restarted. Prometric has appropriate safeguards in easily interpretable scale. The purpose of scaling scores is place to ensure the integrity of candidate examination data. to simplify things by keeping the passing score at the same As soon as a candidate answers a test item, the response is number (eg, 500) for all exam forms, while the raw scores immediately copied and saved on the candidate’s directory necessary for passing may vary for different forms. on the server at a center. If there is a computer restart, the driver locates the results from the directory and picks up 7.3. Passing Scores where the examinee left off. The system does not change or The certification examinations assess a clearly defined domain delete any responses. Thus, examination data are captured at of knowledge and skills. You will be certified upon achievement the instant a candidate responds to a question; the computer of a passing score on the examination. The passing score is can be restarted, if necessary, without losing or corrupting based on a detailed analysis of exam data and a recommended examination data. performance standard from a panel of clinical subject matter experts. This panel includes physical therapists in the specialty 6.10. Incomplete Examinations representing diversity in practice setting, years of experience, After you start taking an examination, you cannot cancel theoretical perspective, and geographic region. or reschedule that examination unless a technical problem Upon receiving board-certification, the candidate will: prevents you from completing your examination. As noted in section 6.9, if you experience a computer problem • receive a certificate recognizing board certification as a during the test, notify test center staff immediately. The specialist in an area of physical therapy testing software is designed to allow the test to restart at • be entitled to note they are“board-certified”in their specialty the point it was interrupted. In most cases, your test can • receive a board certified specialists lapel pin in his or her be restarted at the point of interruption with no loss of specialty area testing time. If you do not finish the exam for any reason • be recognized by his or her colleagues at APTA’s annual you are not permitted to resume the incomplete sections of Ceremony for Recognition of Clinical Specialists at APTA’s the test. You must reapply for the next regularly scheduled Combined Sections Meeting administration (see section on “Reapplication” 3.7). The Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 8
• b e included in the online Directory of Certified Clinical 10.2. Appeal to ABPTS of Specialty Council’s Decision Regarding Specialists in Physical Therapy Eligibility to Sit for the Exam An applicant who wishes to submit an appeal must contact 8. CONFIDENTIALITY the Specialist Certification Program for a complete copy of the procedures. 8.1. Confidentiality of Applicant Identity Applicant names, application documents, and test scores are An applicant whom the Council has determined upon considered confidential. Only Specialist Certification Program reconsideration to be ineligible may appeal the decision to staff, members of the American Board of Physical Therapy ABPTS. An applicant may challenge the Council’s application Specialties, members of the Specialty Council, and designated of the eligibility requirements to his or her case, but not the staff at the NBME and its subcontractors shall have access to requirements themselves. The applicant must submit his or this information. Applicant identity can be released for study her appeal no later than 2 weeks from the date of the Council’s group purposes only, with the consent of each applicant. decision on reconsideration. The appeal must be in writing and Copies of test scores will be released only at the written request must be addressed to the Chair of ABPTS at the APTA Specialist of the candidate. Certification Program. For purposes of determining compliance with the foregoing deadline, a request for reconsideration will 8.2. Confidentiality of Examination Content be deemed submitted on the postmark date. The appeal must All candidates must sign/acknowledge the Affidavit & Pledge specify the grounds on which it is based. of Confidentiality in their online application for certification. The Appeal Committee, a committee of ABPTS, will be Candidates must not disclose examination content to others or responsible for the review and disposition of requests from reproduce any portion of the examination in any manner. The applicants for appeal of a Specialty Council decision. The Appeal examination of any candidate who violates these security rules Committee will make its decision no later than 30 days from the will not be scored. date of receipt of the request for appeal. The Appeal Committee will send written notification of its decision to the Chair of the 9. GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION Specialty Council and the applicant by certified mail, return Applicants or candidates who are determined to have receipt requested, no later than 7 days from the date of its engaged in fraud, misrepresentation, or irregular behavior decision. in the application or examination process, to have disclosed examination content to others or reproduced any portion of 10.3. Procedures for Review of Certification Actions the examination in any manner, or to have violated the Affidavit A candidate who wishes to request that ABPTS reconsider its & Pledge of Confidentiality will be subject to disciplinary decision to deny certification must request a complete copy of action, to be determined by ABPTS, which may include, procedures from the Specialist Certification Program. without limitation, withdrawal of any certification granted and permanent or temporary exclusion from the certification The purpose of the ABPTS reconsideration procedure is to process. Before taking disciplinary action, ABPTS will give the enable a candidate to challenge an ABPTS decision denying individual written notice of the evidence against the candidate certification and to seek relief from untoward circumstances and an opportunity to respond. associated with the onsite administration of the examination and errors in the transmission of examination responses due to technical malfunction. To be considered, the request must 10. PROCEDURES FOR REVIEW OF DECISIONS include supporting evidence of technical malfunction. 10.1. Reconsideration of Decision Regarding Eligibility to Sit for Candidates must submit a request for reconsideration in writing the Exam and address the request to the Chair of ABPTS at the APTA An applicant whom the Specialty Council has determined Specialist Certification Program. To request reconsideration, to be ineligible may request the Council to reconsider its the candidate must submit a written request no later than 2 denial of eligibility. The request for reconsideration must weeks after the date of the letter notifying the candidate of specify the grounds on which it is based. An applicant may exam results. For purposes of determining compliance with submit new information in support of his or her request for the foregoing deadline, a request for reconsideration will be reconsideration. An applicant may challenge the Specialty deemed submitted on the postmark date. The request for Council’s application of the eligibility requirements to his or reconsideration must specify the grounds on which it is based her case, but not the requirements themselves. An applicant and the corrective action sought. Within 7 days of the receipt of may not appeal to ABPTS unless he or she has first submitted a request for consideration ABPTS will acknowledge in writing a request for reconsideration to the Council. An applicant the receipt of the request, including the date on which the must submit his or her request for reconsideration no later request was received. than 2 weeks from the date of the denial letter. For purposes of determining compliance with the foregoing deadline, a 10.4. Appeal to APTA Board of Directors of ABPTS Decision to request for reconsideration will be deemed submitted on the Deny Certification postmark date. The Specialty Council will notify the applicant A person may not appeal to the APTA Board of Directors in writing of its decision on reconsideration. unless he or she has submitted a request for reconsideration Geriatric Specialist Certification Candidate Guide 9
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