2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge Competition Rules & Guidelines For Year 1 - Year 6 Students

Page created by Anne Keller
2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge Competition Rules & Guidelines For Year 1 - Year 6 Students

               2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge
                     Competition Rules & Guidelines
                                     For Year 1 – Year 6 Students

                              Important Timeline of JUMP JAM Registrations and Events
           Event List                                    Location / Venue                                 Event Dates
           Entries Open                                  Online                                           Wednesday 22nd July
           Entries Close                                 Online Video Entry                               Wednesday 26th August
           Tickets on Sale                               Online at Trybooking.com                         Friday 25th September
           Live Competitions                             Goldfields Baptist College Hall                  Thursday 22nd October

Open to all JUMP JAM Licensed Schools
JUMP JAM licensed Schools may compete using any one JUMP JAM song/routine that its school has licensed. Objective: To allow students from
all JUMP JAM licensed schools to participate and experience competition, confidence, team building, fun, fitness and leadership opportunities.

Video Entry Required: Schools must film their team(s) and upload the video file via Google Doc’s, then submit an online entry form with the video
link by Wednesday 26th August 2020. Teams will be pre-judged and streamed for performance order and potentially placed in divisions for the Live
competition on 22nd October. The video allows us to place teams of the same ability in the same division. There is an option for written coaching
feedback from your video, at a cost of $65 per team. Should you select this option, the coach will receive written feedback about your teams’ video
entry and the option of 1 more video submission feedback closer to the competition. If entering the Challenge category, Costumes, Formations and
Patterns are not necessary at the video/entry form stage. However, if you have already done them, we will give feedback should you select this option.
This year we will not be available for team coaching at your school.

2020 Categories
• Strictly Freshman Year 1-3; Students that have never competed previously at any JUMP JAM Live competition. However, any student in 2019
   that were year 1 or 2 can compete again in this Strictly Freshman. Teams in this category can consist of students between Year 1 and Year 3.
   No costumes or choreography changes permitted
• Strictly Freshman Year 4-6; Students that have never competed previously at any JUMP JAM Live competition. Teams in this category can
   consist of any students between Year 4 and Year 6. This means that teams can be mixed between these year levels, or they can be made
   up of one-year level only, e.g.: Year 6 students only. No costumes or choreography changes permitted
• Strictly Open Year 4-6 (New category for 2020); Students that have competed previously at any JUMP JAM Live competition. However,
   Freshman students can compete in this category, if you need for numbers. Teams in this category can consist of any students between Year 4
   and Year 6. This means that teams can be mixed between these year levels, or they can be made up of one-year level only, e.g.: Year 6
   students only. No costumes or choreography changes permitted
• Challenge Year 1-3, 4-6 & All Boys; Students that have competed previously at any JUMP JAM Live competition. However, new students can
   compete in this category, if you need for numbers. This category requires Costumes and Formation/Pattern Changes.

             The JUMP JAM Championships Entry Form will be available from 22nd July until midnight on the 26th August 2020
                                             at https://www.jumpjam.co.nz/aus-comp/
2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge Competition Rules & Guidelines For Year 1 - Year 6 Students
General JUMP JAM Competition Rules and Guidelines
Number of Students/Teams You May Enter
Multiple teams per category in either competition. Team size – minimum 8 students, maximum 18 students (all boys teams minimum 6 students,
maximum 18 students). If we do not have enough entries in each category, we have the right to combine two categories or not run this category at
the competition.

Team Entry Fee
• Entry fee for Strictly & Challenge will be $25 per team member and includes an original JUMP JAM T shirt (please note, this fee is for the first
   two teams entered). The cost for the 3rd or 4th team from the same school will be $15 for each team member, based on the smallest team sizes.
• Coach can purchase T-Shirts for $15 each with team entry forms
• Payment by Direct Credit 504097548 BSB # 484799, Brett Fairweather Kidz Aerobix please use your “school name & Comp” as reference One
   payment per school. You can pay for multiply teams or competitions with the one deposit.
• Payment via PayPal (credit card) are accepted with a 4.2% transaction fee.

Google Drive Uploading Instructions
 1. Save your video to your computer and rename it to your school name and the category.
 2. Open drive.google.com. Create a Google Drive account with a username and password. If you already have a username and password, go
     to step 3.
 3. At the top left of the page, click the New button and select File Upload from the drop-down menu. This opens a browser window that opens
     your My Documents folder – navigate to the video file and click Open.
 4. This starts the upload process, which depending upon the size of the file and internet connection speed, can take some time. You’ll see a box
     that shows the progress of your file upload.
 5. Once uploaded, right click the file and click Share, or double click to open the file and click the 3 vertical dots at the top right-hand corner of
     the screen, then select Share.
 6. Click Get Shareable Link in the top-right corner of the sharing box. Select the link sharing option Anyone with the link can view. To see a
     full list of options, click More.
 7. Copy the URL of the shareable link and place on your entry form
Please ensure your video is never uploaded to any social media or website due to copyright laws and a condition of entry into this competition.
Issues uploading files please visit Google Support and Google Support Answers for more help in getting the shareable link

Guidelines for Filming
 • Good natural lighting is essential. Limit shadows over performer’s faces & bodies. (examples shown on video link below)
 • Use a clean backdrop e.g. a Curtain. Or remove all visible clutter.
 • Use a tight frame from left to right side of picture. All team members need to be in the frame at all times. Remember we need to see faces so
     get as close as possible without chopping anyone out. If the odd hand, foot or arm gets cut off that’s OK. When videoing, keep tight within a
     4.5m x 4.5m frame for your staging/filming area. A common problem for feedback, is when teams use a bigger stage area and/or the spacing’s
     are wide, it is difficult to see all team members’ faces/expressions clearly.
 • It is highly advisable to use a Hi Definition video camera/phone/iPad for extra clarity
 • If entering the Challenge category, Costumes, Formations and Patterns are not necessary at the video/entry form stage. However, if you have
     already done them, we will give feedback.
 • We have compiled some examples of 5 team video submissions, to show you what we mean by natural lighting, tight formations and quality of
     camera/high definition video. Click this link Video Submission Examples

Choreography Changes
• Teams are not permitted any choreography or formation changes in the Strictly category. Chose a formation that allows all team members to be
   seen and stay in this formation. Follow the JUMP JAM video exactly. If in doubt email us [email protected]
• For the Challenge category at the live competition, teams are judged on their pattern & formation changes up to 25% of the original JUMPJAM
   choreography. Note, no new moves are allowed in 2020.

Costumes and Props
• For Strictly teams at the live competition, students will compete in the JUMP JAM t-shirt supplied as part of your entry fee. No make-up or body
   props are allowed for this competition. Matching hair ribbons are accepted.
• For Challenge teams at the live competition, themed costumes and body props are encouraged and are 10% of the marking criteria.
• Please note: body props only. NO set props. Props may include hats, fans, pom poms, face paint, masks, hand held cardboard cut outs etc.
   However these must remain on your team member at all times or thrown/placed off stage. If they remain on stage during a performance up to 0.1
   mark will be deducted per item. This is due to safety reasons for the performers on stage.

• Choose one original JUMP JAM song in its original length from any JUMP JAM Resource Kit, which your school has licensed. Music on the day
   will be the music soundtrack only NOT the video soundtrack with Brett’s voice (no voice cueing).

•    At the live competition the stage will be 6m wide x 6m deep and will have a centre marker at the very front. As you enter the stage please use
     the centre marker to line up spacing’s to position the team in the centre of the stage.

2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge Competition Rules & Guidelines For Year 1 - Year 6 Students
•   Preliminary/Video Submission; Brett Fairweather and a panel of judges.
•   Live competition Australasian Head Judge – Cindy Smith. Judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

•   Teams will compete to win a perpetual Trophy in each Category, plus a smaller one to keep and Certificates for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd
•   There will be a participation certificate for all students 4th place down.
•   Certificates in Presentation Certificates are awarded to teams whose overall presentation excels
•   Certificates in Technical Execution Certificates are awarded to teams who display correct technique.
•   Certificates in Costume Certificates are awarded to teams whose costumes clearly display a link to the music, design & theme.
•   Certificates in Creative Transitions Certificates are awarded to teams whose formation changes are creative & connect with the music.
•   Certificates in Sportsmanship Certificates are awarded for kindness, courteousness, politeness and support to other teams and volunteer
    staff, listening and following directions. This applies to team members, coaches and supporters.

                                                         Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can our school enter more than one team in the competition or in the same category? Yes. You are permitted to enter multiple teams per
   category. If schools want to enter more than 1 team in the same category, they must be all different students in each team.
2. If some of my students competed last year in Strictly, can they compete in Strictly Freshman this year.
     • In a Year 1-3 Strictly category, any student in 2019 that were year 1 or 2 can compete again in this Strictly Freshman.
     • In the Year 4-6 Strictly Freshman category, No, student that has previously competed can enter for a team of 8-9 students. However, in a
         team of 10 – 14 students up to 2 previously competed students can compete with this team and must be placed in the back-row wings/sides.
         In a team of 15 -18 students, up to 3 previously competed students can compete with this team and must be placed in the back-row
3. For Strictly can the students wear costumes and matching hair ribbons? No, this category students cannot wear costume or make up.
   However, they can wear hair ribbons and if you want you can match their shorts or shoes.
4. What do we do if a team member is injured or absent on the day. If a team member is unexpectedly sick or unavailable on the day of the
   competition and you are under the minimum number of team members required. E.g. less than 8 students. Up to 10 points may be deducted from
   the scoring. We highly recommend you have a reserve for instances like this.
5. What is your best piece of advice? Read and re read the rules. Get the students to read the rules too. Use a video camera in rehearsals from
   day one. Aim to use a high definition camera if possible. Through filming, let the students assess themselves (judge, using the marking schedule).
   Remember to add plenty of vocals, this is the main area most teams miss out on points.
6. Can we wear sports shoes or bare feet? Yes to both.
7. What if a student has to pull out, can we get a refund? No, unless cancellation is advised in writing (email) before the 1st September
8. What do we do if a team member is injured or absent from the filming. As long as you are filming with the minimum number required for
   your category, do nothing. If you are under your minimum number by one person, due to member(s) being unexpectedly sick or unavailable on
   the day of filming. Please email us before Wednesday 26th August prior to the entries being watched to let us know.
9. Can a student dance up a year level? Yes. But not down a year level. E.g. a year 3 can perform in a year 4-6 category. But a year 4 cannot
   perform in a year 1-3 category

                            Basic Competition Scoring for Strictly & Challenge Categories
Presentation 50% of Score
                      Convincing & confident performance                                   10
                      Attitude with facial expressions & character acting                  10
                      Vocal calls/chants, singing (Yr 1-3 Strictly = 5 points)             10
                      Total                                                                30

                         Head Judge Bonus Points
                         Spine tingling performance creating that ‘Magic’                  Up to 3 Points

Demonstrate a Confident and Convincing performance (No mistakes…very well-rehearsed and convincing actors, especially if the routine has a
theme). We will be looking for the team (ALL members from back row to the front) that is, “owning the routine”. Not just the most confident leader in
the centre front. Are they eyeballing the judges and audience or are their eyes down?

Attitude is the appropriate emotion in each specific routine. Smiling and having Fun is generally a good start in presentation. Some routines are party
songs, others display power-energy, being cool, even scary, how about animated, comic, serious, culturally appropriate, and themed to the music &
dance era of the time and anything from the lyrics that adds to it you can interpret. While attitude is obviously important, attitude should be positive.
Show a sense of humour within your attitude to enhance your fun score. Using facial expressions and character acting will enhance your
performance. If you select a song like “I Like To Move It” animal type expressions will add value to your scoring. Utilise the theme of the chosen song
with your face as much as you can. For example, if the song is from a movie become that character e.g. act like “Danny” from Grease the movie
“Greased Lightning” JUMP JAM 4. A good tip is to initially get them to sing the entire song aloud as a way of practicing facial expressions and the
emotions behind them.

Vocalising is an effective way of displaying passionate presentation and keeping audience involved. Tip, be loud and clear and be heard over the
music. Not just mime the words
Singing = Have the whole team sing any part of the song. As a guide sing up to 50% of the song max.
Calls = Are vocal samples relating to the song/theme. It’s often one word or sound from the song.
2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge Competition Rules & Guidelines For Year 1 - Year 6 Students
Chants = An original sentence you have created that sends a message to the audience. Most often it is the school name. Examples are “P.I.N.E.H.I.L.L
Pinehill” chanted by Pinehill School or “We are here to entertain you” or “JUMP JAM Rocks”

Technical Execution 50% of Score
                      Team moves with synchronicity & in time with the music               10
                      Energy of movement and exercise value                                10
                      Clarity & Sharpness of movement                                      10
                      Total                                                                30

                         Head Judge Bonus Points
                         Difficulty of routine chosen to perform – Performed with          Up to 3 Points
                         excellent technical execution

Team moves with Synchronicity Your team moves as one and in time with the music. Think detail from head to toe. E.g. all head movements should
be choreographed. Hands should be all either a blade, fist, star or in character. Feet should all be pointed or flexed. Use video analysis to see whom
in the team looks different and why? Check everyone knows their spacing and stays in shape. The judge’s eye should not be drawn away

Energy of movement and exercise value: Using current choreography we expect each team member to be powerfully executing the movements
within the given range of the original routine. Judges ask “could that move be executed with more energy?” Power is defined as strength x speed.
Your team should be physically exhausted when they come off stage (like they have been sprinting for 3-4 minutes). JUMP JAM is a fitness exercise
programme so please remember that. Please execute each movement to its full range of motion. e.g. if the song says “get on up then down” aim to
reach to full extension upwards and then dynamically squat all the way down. Show a contrast. In simple language, think BIG! Extend from fingers to

Clarity of movement: an example is when students finish the move by bringing their feet tightly together and/or placing their hand/fist back on their
hip or wherever their start/finish position is e.g. star jumps. Every movement when broken down frame by frame has a start and end position (use
video analysis). Sharpness of movement is at the end range of motion with each move; hold a sharp pause for a split second to emphasis razor
sharpness of movement. Some of the best examples of this ‘sharp’ technique, are seen on YouTube in the World Hip Hop or Cheerleading

In the event of a tie, the team with the highest PRESENTATION score will be the winner. If there is still a tie then an equal placing shall be awarded.

                            Additional Competition Scoring for Challenge Categories Only
Creativity of Moves- Transitions                                                    Costumes
  Pattern & Formations                                                               Links with theme of routine                      5
  Shapes (e.g. circle, v shape)                                                      Attention to detail                              5
  Total                                                                30            Total                                           10

Creativity of Moves
Patterns, Formations & Shapes: Think shapes-triangles, diagonals, diamonds, lines, circles, stars, snakes, waves, peel offs etc. Think what pattern
you can create that paints a picture, tying the pattern shape or formation into the theme of the song will score very highly. Think contrast of students
moving in/out, fwd/back, open/close (like a flower), cannon/domino effects. Try not to have an excessive amount of shapes. As a guideline change
approx. 25% of the original choreography with pattern/formation changes. Remember we are after a variety. Repeating a pattern over and over doesn’t
necessarily gain more points.

Links with Theme of Routine: If your team walked onstage, could we guess what JUMP JAM routine it Is, or by the end of the routine did it become
obvious? If your song doesn’t have an obvious theme, could your costume lend itself to one?

Attention to Detail: 5 points given here to teams that put lots of clever thought into the finer detail in the costume. Think head to toe.

Consider the following:
1. Select costumes that make it easy to see the sync, clarity & energy of movements. E.g. choosing a tent type costume may make it difficult for
    clarity of movement to be judged.
2. When applying make-up be careful in choosing excessive face paint/makeup, or anything making it difficult for the presentation judge to mark smiling
    and facial expressions e.g. a mask, hats covering or shadowing the face. On the other hand, it is important to high light the eyes, eyebrows and
    lips. Stage lighting will drain colour from the face.
3. Use of highly patterned fabrics may effectively ‘blind’ the judges. As the stage is lit, the use of ‘Bling’ or light reflective resources will really make
    your costume ‘pop’ e.g. sequins, jewellery ($2 shop and Spotlight are great places), glitter paint, etc.
4. Keep in mind costumes should respectably cover the student, be non-revealing and age appropriate

Finally, the purpose of costumes is to let the students dress up (fancy dress) and have boosted confidence to enhance their theatrical performance
on stage.

     In the past teams, have been strong in some areas and not received any points in other areas. e.g. forgot to add vocal chants. Aim to score
                                           maximum points in each subsection. Literally, tick each box!

2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge Competition Rules & Guidelines For Year 1 - Year 6 Students
Category Definitions For The JUMP JAM Championships
If schools want to enter more than 1 team in the same category, they must be all different students in each team.
A student can dance up a year level, for any reason in any category.

Strictly Freshman Year 1-3
Teams in this category can consist of students between Year 1 and Year 3. •This means that teams can be mixed between these year levels, or
they can be made up of one year level only, e.g.: Year 2 students only. Any student in 2019 that were year 1 or 2 can compete again in Strictly
Freshman. No choreography changes, costumes or make-up allowed

Strictly Freshman Year 4-6
Teams in this category can consist of students between Year 4 and Year 6. •This means that teams can be mixed between these year levels, or
they can be made up of one year level only, e.g.: Year 6 students only. This section is for new students only that have never competed before at a
JUMP JAM competition. No choreography changes, costumes or make-up allowed

Strictly Open Year 4-6 (New category for 2020) Teams in this category can consist of any students between Year 4 and Year 6. This means that
teams can be mixed between these year levels, or they can be made up of one-year level only, e.g.: Year 6 students only

Challenge Year 3-6 All Boys’ Team:
All schools can enter this category. This category is for the boys only, Teams in this category can consist of boys between Year 3 and Year 6. This
means that teams can be mixed between these year levels, or they can be made up of one year level only, eg: Year 5 boys only. Costumes,
make-up and up to 25% Pattern & Formation changes are allowed and encouraged. These are both part of the judging criteria. Teams in this section
can have a minimum of 6 members up to 18

Challenge Year 1-3:
All schools can enter this category. Teams in this category can consist of students between Year 1 and Year 3. This means that teams can be mixed
between these year levels, or they can be made up of one year level only, e.g.: Year 2 students only. .As above, this category is allows the option
of costumes, make-up and up to 25% Pattern & Formation changes. These are both part of the judging criteria.

Challenge Year 4 - 6:
All schools can enter this category. Teams in this category can consist of students between Year 4 and Year 6. This means that teams can be mixed
between these year levels, or they can be made up of one year level only, e.g.: Year 5 students only. As above, this category is allows the option
of costumes, make-up and up to 25% Pattern & Formation changes. These are both part of the judging criteria.

Video Examples To Assist With Training & Rule Clarification
Posture & Clarity Of Movement , Range Of Motion , Energy Of Movement, Sharpness Of Movement , Brett explaining formation changes , How to
time Choreography changes , Training tips workshop

2020 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strictly & Challenge Competition Rules & Guidelines For Year 1 - Year 6 Students
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