Covid-19 Response Plan Scoil Bhride Straffan, February 2021

Page created by Raymond Osborne
Covid-19 Response Plan Scoil Bhride Straffan, February 2021
Covid-19 Response Plan
             Scoil Bhride Straffan, February 2021

1. Scoil Bhríde, Straffan COVID-19 Policy
    COVID 19 Policy Statement

2. Planning and Preparing for Return to School
     a. School Buildings
          b. Signage

3. Procedure for Returning to Work (RTW)

4. Return to work safely and Lead Worker Representative

5. Safety Statement and Risk Assessment

Managing the risk of spread of COVID-19
8. Control Measures

9. Access to the Building
    a. Contact Log
        b. Arrival/Dismissal
             d. Arrival in the Morning:
                 e. Dismissal in the Evening:
                      h.Yard Supervision

10. Dealing with a suspected case of Covid-19
    Isolation Room:

11. Staff Responsibilities:
12. Curriculum

13. Special Educational Needs

14. Impact on Certain School Activities

15.Cleaning Regime

16. Covid-19 Related Absence Management

17. Wellbeing:

18. Parent Responsibilities:
  This Covid-19 Response Plan is designed to support the staff and Board of Management (BOM) in putting
  measures in place that will prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Scoil Bhríde, Straffan.

  The Covid-19 Response Plan details the policies and practices necessary for a school to meet the
  Government’s ‘Return to Work Safely Protocol’, the Department of Education and Skills plan for school
  reopening and to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the school environment. The plan incorporates
  current advice about measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in the community issued by the National
  Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET).

  It is important that the resumption of school based teaching and learning and the reopening of school
  facilities comply with the protocol to minimise the risk to students, staff and others. As the advice issued
  by NPHET continues to evolve, this protocol and the measures management and staff need to address
  may also change.

  The response plan will support the sustainable reopening of our school where the overriding objective is
  to protect the health of staff and pupils while promoting the educational and development needs of the
  children in the school.

  In line with the Return to Work Safely Protocol, the key to a safe and continued return to work, and re-
  opening of our schools requires strong communication and a shared collaborative approach between the
  Board of management, staff, pupils and parents.

        Underlying Principles
           ● The school has a responsibility to make every effort to ensure the safety, health and
              well-being of all members of our school community – children, parents and staff. This
              plan has been formulated to better ensure that the school can exercise that duty of

           ● Assuming it is in keeping with public health advice and guidelines issued by the
             Department of Education and Skills, it is preferable for all children to return to school for
             all five days of the school week and for a full school day. This plan has been formulated
             to achieve that aim.

           ● It is not possible to eliminate the risk of infection. However, with the co-operation of
             all members of our school community, it is possible to minimise the risk of the virus
             being introduced to school and the consequent risk of its spread.
● As well as co-operation, the flexibility and goodwill of all will be required to ensure the
            plan can be implemented.

The assistance and cooperation of all staff, pupils, parents/guardians, contractors and visitors is critical to
the success of the plan.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this document. However,
should errors or omissions be identified, please notify us so that appropriate measures can be taken to
rectify the same.

Note: The plan is a live working document and may be reviewed and amended to take into account new
guidance from,,,;;
1. Scoil Bhríde, Straffan COVID-19 Policy

This COVID-19 policy outlines our commitment as a school to implement the plan and help prevent the
spread of the virus. The policy will be signed and dated by the Principal and Chairperson of the Board of
Management and brought to the attention of staff, pupils, parents and others.
COVID 19 Policy Statement
Scoil Bhríde is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our staff and a safe
learning environment for all our pupils. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID- 19
Response Plan. The BOM and all school staff are responsible for the implementation of this plan
and a combined effort will help contain the spread of the virus. We will:
• continue to monitor our COVID-19 response and amend this plan in consultation with our staff
• provide up to date information to our staff and pupils on the Public Health advice issued by the
HSE and
• display information on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and correct hand-washing
• agree with staff, a worker representative who is easily identifiable to carry out the role outlined in
this plan in relation to summer provision
• inform all staff and pupils of essential hygiene and respiratory etiquette and physical distancing
• adapt the school to facilitate physical distancing as appropriate in line with the guidance and
direction of the Department of Education and Skills
• keep a contact log to help with contact tracing
• ensure staff and pupils engage with the induction / familiarisation briefing provided by the
Department of Education and Skills
• implement the agreed procedures to be followed in the event of someone showing symptoms of
COVID-19 while at school
• provide instructions for staff and pupils to follow if they develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19
during school time
• implement cleaning in line with Department of Education and Skills advice
All school staff will be consulted on an ongoing basis and feedback is encouraged on any concerns,
issues or suggestions.
This can be done through the Lead Worker Representative(s) Sue Brosnan/ Mairead Mangan/
Deputy Lead Worker: Amanda Nash

Signed: _________________________________ Date: __________________
2. Planning and Preparing for Return to School

The Board of Management of Scoil Bhríde aims to facilitate the resumption of school based
teaching and learning and the return to the workplace for staff. The return to work must be
done safely and in strict adherence to the advice and instructions of public health authorities
and the Government.
Details for the reopening of the school facility and the applicable controls are outlined in this
document and is guided by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (SHSPC) guidance on the
reopening of schools .

a. School Buildings
Before re-opening schools in the new school year, schools are reminded to check the following:
• Does the water system need flushing at outlets following low usage to prevent Legionella
• Has school equipment and mechanical ventilation been checked for signs of deterioration or
damage before being used again;
• Have bin collections and other essential services resumed.

b. Signage
Schools will be required to display signage outlining the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and
to support good hand and respiratory hygiene. The following is a link to the dedicated area of
the Health Protection and Surveillance Centre (HPSC) website where there are a number of
posters, including those appropriate for primary school pupils, located. Irish versions are also
available here

3. Procedure for Returning to Work (RTW)
In order to return to the workplace, staff must complete a Return to Work (RTW) form, which is
available electronically or from the Principal. A hard copy is attached also at Appendix 1.
A RTW form should only be completed at least 3 days prior to any proposed date of return to
the workplace.
On receipt of the completed form the Principal will provide: details of the Induction Training for
completion by staff prior to the return to the workplace and details of any additional health and
safety measures in place in the school to facilitate the staff member’s return to the school
Note: Induction Training for staff will be developed by the Department in consultation with
stakeholders and made available for all schools and staff.
4. Return to work safely and Lead Worker Representative
Responsibility for the development and implementation of the Covid-19 Response Plan and the
associated control measures lies primarily with the Board of Management and the School
The Return to Work Safely protocol provides for an agreed procedure between management
and staff to appoint a Lead Worker Representative to carry out a specific role.
Note: The process for appointment of the Lead Worker representative in schools will be agreed
centrally between the Department of Education and Skills and the education partners. That
process, once agreed, will be circulated to all schools in advance of the re-opening of schools.
The role of the worker representative is to ensure that Covid-19 measures are adhered to in the
workplace as follows
• Work collaboratively with the employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
safety, health and welfare of employees in relation to COVID-19.
• Promote good hygiene practices such as washing hands regularly and maintaining good
respiratory etiquette along with maintaining social distancing in accordance with public health
• Assist with the implementation of measures to suppress COVID-19 in the workplace.
• Monitor adherence to measures put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
• Consult with colleagues on matters relating to COVID-19 in the workplace.
• Make representations on behalf of their colleagues on matters relating to COVID-19 in the
If a staff member has any concerns or observations in relation to the Covid-19 Response Plan
and control measures or the adherence to such control measures by staff, parents/guardians,
contractors or visitors, he/she should contact the lead worker(s) who will engage with the

Name of Lead Worker representative: Sue Brosnan/ Mairead Mangan
Contact Details: [email protected]/ [email protected]

Name of Deputy Worker Representative: Amanda Nash
Contact Details: secretary@straffanschool

Training for the Lead Worker Representative can be found here.
All staff, parents/guardians, contractors and visitors have a responsibility both as individuals
and collectively to have due regard for their own health and safety and that of others and to
assist with the implementation of the Covid-19 Response Plan and associated control measures.
Procedure for Returning to Work (RTW) & Appendix 6 Checklist for School Management
A RTW form should be completed and returned to the school before returning to work. Staff
will be requested to confirm that the details in the pre-return to work form remain unchanged
following subsequent periods of closure such as school holidays.

5. Safety Statement and Risk Assessment

COVID-19 represents a hazard in the context of health and safety in the school environment. A
template risk assessment to identify the control measures required to mitigate the risk of
COVID-19 in school settings is attached at Appendix 2.
Scoil Bhríde has reviewed their emergency procedures involving fire safety, first aid, accidents
and dangerous occurrences to consider any new risks that arise due to the school’s COVID-19
Response Plan. Any changes to the schools existing emergency procedures have been
Scoil Bhríde also reviewed their existing risk assessments to consider any new risks that arise
due to the school’s COVID-19 Response Plan. Any changes to the school’s current risk
assessments have also been documented.

Infection Prevention Control Measures - To prevent Introduction and Spread of COVID-19 in
    ● Advise staff and pupils to self-isolate or restrict their movements at home if they display
        any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and contact their family doctor to arrange a test
    ● Advise staff and pupils not to return to or attend school in the event of the following: if
        they are identified by the HSE as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
    ❖ if they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus
    ❖ If they have travelled outside of Ireland; in such instances staff are advised to consult
        and follow the latest Government advice in relation to foreign travel.
    ❖ Advise staff and pupils to cooperate with any public health officials and the school for
        contact tracing purposes and follow any public health advice in the event of a case or
        outbreak in the school;

Hand Hygiene
There is a requirement for access to hand washing facilities after activities that are likely to soil
hands, for example playing outside or certain sporting activities as hand sanitiser does not work
on dirty hands Alcohol-based sanitiser must not be stored or used near heat or naked flame

Physical Distancing Ventilation
The Department has published guidance setting out the practical steps for good ventilation in
accordance with public health advice ‘Practical Steps for the Deployment of Good Ventilation
Practices in Schools’ The guidance sets out an overall approach 2 for schools that windows
should be open as fully as possible when classrooms are not in use (e.g. during break-times or
lunch-times (assuming not in use) and also at the end of each school day) and partially open
when classrooms are in use. The guidance provides that good ventilation can be achieved in
classrooms without causing discomfort, particularly during cold weather.

Use of PPE in Schools
Medical Grade Masks Schools must provide medical grade masks in the EN16483 category to all
SNAs and teachers in special schools and special classes and those staff by necessity that need
to be in close and continued proximity with pupils with intimate care needs including School
Bus Escorts.

6. General advice to prevent the spread of the virus

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 it is important to know and recognise the
symptoms. They are:
• High temperature
• Cough
•Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
• Loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste

The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in a school is to minimise the risk of
introduction of the disease into the school setting in the first place.

This can be achieved through the following measures:
• Promote awareness of COVID-19 and its symptoms amongst staff, pupils, parents and visitors.
• Advise staff and parents of pupils who have symptoms of COVID-19 or other acute infectious
diseases not to attend school, to phone their GP and follow the HSE guidance on self-isolation.
• Advise staff and parents of pupils who have been identified by the HSE as contact of a person
with COVID- 19 not to attend schools and to follow the HSE advice on restriction of movement.
• Ensure that staff and pupils know what to do if they develop symptoms at school.
• Everyone entering the school building should be required to perform hand hygiene with hand
• Visitors to school during the day should be by prior arrangement and should be received at a
specific contact point.

Staff, pupils and visitors should at all times adhere to the up to date advice and instructions of
the public health authorities in relation to protecting oneself and others against the risk posed
by the Covid-19 virus.

Updated advice from the HSE is available on its website –
The Department of Education and Skills will ensure all updated advice is circulated to schools.
(Scoil Bhríde, Straffan) will arrange for this advice to be circulated to staff, pupils and visitors in
a timely manner.

a. Wash your Hands Frequently
Regular hand washing with soap and water is effective for the removal of COVID-19.

Follow the HSE guidelines on handwashing:
For advice from HSE on how to wash your hands the following link will be helpful:

b. Hand Hygiene and Hand Sanitisers
Hand hygiene can also be achieved by the use of hand sanitisers (when hands are clean).
Hand sanitisers are more readily deployed in school settings to avoid disruption to teaching and
learning and to avoid congestion of staff and pupils waiting to use hand washing facilities.
They will be available at entry and exit points and in each classroom.

c. Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose and Mouth
Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can
transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth.

d. Physical Distancing
Physical distancing is recommended to reduce the spread of infection in the workplace.
Note: Guidance on the physical distancing requirements will be informed by public health
advice for schools and will be updated periodically.

e. Practice respiratory hygiene
Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means
covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your bent elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as
cold, flu and Covid-19.
Good hygiene practices and washing your hands properly and regularly can help stop the
spread of the virus. It is, therefore, crucial that all staff adhere to this advice and adopt the
following practices as strictly as possible.

f. Do • Wash your hands properly and often
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze
• Put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

g. Do Not
• Touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
• Share objects that touch your mouth – for example, bottles, cups, cutlery, etc.

h. People at Very High Risk (Extremely Vulnerable):
Current public health guidelines have identified groups who are defined as being at very high
risk. The HSE has set out these groups, which include people who:

• are over 70 years of age - even if you're fit and well
• have had an organ transplant
• are undergoing active chemotherapy for cancer
• are having radical radiotherapy for lung cancer
• have cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma who
are at any stage of treatment
• are having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer
• are having other targeted cancer treatments which can affect the immune system, such as
protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors
• have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or who are still taking
immunosuppressive drugs
• severe respiratory conditions including cystic fibrosis, severe asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, lung
fibrosis, interstitial lung disease and severe COPD
• have a condition that means you have a very high risk of getting infections (such as SCID,
homozygous sickle cell)
• are taking medicine that makes you much more likely to get infections (such as high doses of
steroids or immunosuppression therapies)
• have a serious heart condition and you are pregnant
The advice for this group is available from the HSE. Staff who are in this group should self-
declare on the Return to Work form if they believe that they are at very high risk. Details of the
leave arrangements that will apply will be updated by the Department of Education and Skills.
If the Board/Principal is unsure whether or not staff fall into the very high-risk category, advice
will be sought from the Occupational Health Service.

Managing the risk of spread of COVID-19

8. Control Measures
A range of essential control measures have been implemented to reduce the risk of the spread
of Covid-19 virus and to protect the safety, health and welfare of staff, pupils,
parents/guardians and visitors as far as possible within the school .
These control measures are outlined in this document.
The control measures shall continue to be reviewed and updated as required on an ongoing
It is critical that staff, pupils, parents/guardians and visitors are aware of, and adhere to, the
control measures outlined and that they fully cooperate with all health and safety
Staff, in particular, should note that they have a legal obligation under Section 13 of the Safety,
Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 to comply with health and safety requirements and to
take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, their colleagues and other parties
within the workplace.
Posters have been made available to schools to help promote hygiene, use of face coverings
etc. Please see here.

Dealing with a Suspected Case of COVID-19
School staff should be encouraged to download the HSE COVID-19 tracker app to assist Public
Health for contract tracing purposes both in and out of the school setting.

The following control measures have been put in place:

a. Return to Work Form
Staff will be required to complete a RTW form at least 3 days prior to any return to the school
facility (see section 2 above). The purpose of the RTW form is to get confirmation from staff
that, to the best of his/her knowledge, he/she has no symptoms of Covid-19 and is not self-
isolating or cocooning or awaiting the results of a Covid-19 test. See RTW form here.

b. Induction Training
All staff will undertake and complete Covid-19 Induction Training prior to returning to the
school building. The aim of such training is to ensure that staff have full knowledge and
understanding of the following:
    ● Latest up to-date advice and guidance on public health
    ● Covid-19 symptoms
    ● What to do if a staff member or pupil develops symptoms of Covid-19 while at school
    ● Outline of the Covid-19 response plan
    ● Cleaning Procedures
    ● Training for caretakers, teachers and SNAs is provided by the DES. See link here.

Staff will be kept fully informed of the control measures ins place in the school and their duties
and responsibilities in preventing the spread of Covid-19 and with any changes to the control
measures or guidance available from the public health authorities.

If a staff member is unsure about any aspect of the Covid-19 Response Plan, the associated
control measures, or his/her duties, he/she should immediately seek guidance from the Lead
Worker Representative.

c. Know the Symptoms of COVID-19
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 it is important to know and recognise the
symptoms. Full guidance on COVID-19 symptoms is available from the HSE but they include:
    ● fever or high temperature
    ● cough
    ● shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
    ● loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste

d. Respiratory Hygiene
Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means
covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your bent elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and safely into a nearby bin.
By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as
cold, flu and COVID-19.

e. Hand Hygiene
   ● Staff and pupils should understand why hand hygiene is important as well as when and
      how to wash their hands.
   ● Schools should promote good hygiene and display posters throughout the schools on
      how to wash your hands. Follow the HSE guidelines on handwashing here.
   ● Hand hygiene can be achieved by hand washing or use of a hand sanitiser (when hands
      look clean).
   ● Hand Sanitizers will be available at all entry points to the school and at entry points to
      the classroom.
   ● Pump Sanitizers will be available for the pods in each classroom also.
   ● Use of hand hygiene facilities including wash hand basins will be managed so as to avoid
      congregation of people waiting to use wash hand basins and hand sanitisers.
   ● There will be access to hand washing facilities after activities that are likely to soil hands,
      for example playing outside or certain sporting activities as hand sanitiser does not work
      on dirty hands through using handwashing facilities in the bathrooms.
   ● Care should be taken to clean up any hand sanitiser spills to prevent risks of falls.
   ● Warm water is preferable to hot or cold water for hand washing but if the plumbing
      system only supplies cold water, a soap that emulsifies easily in cold water should be
   ● Wash hand basins, running water, liquid soap and hand drying using paper towel
      facilities will be provided in all toilets, kitchens and any food preparation areas.
   ● Hand sanitiser is suitable for use for hand hygiene when hands are not visibly soiled
      (look clean).
   ● When hand rubs/gels are being used in school care should be taken to ensure that
      pupils do not ingest them as they are flammable and toxic.
   ● Young children should not have independent use of containers of alcohol gel. Hand
      sanitizer will be placed at all entry points into classrooms and exit and entry routes into
      the school. At each POD there will be a pump hand sanitizer made available also.
      Parents are being asked to provide a 500ml bottle of hand sanitizer which each pod will
      use under the direction of the class teacher.
   ● Posters displaying hand washing techniques and promoting hand washing will be placed
      on walls adjacent to washing facilities and can be laminated or placed in a plastic sleeve.

f. Frequency of Hand Hygiene
Pupils and staff should perform hand hygiene:
●   on arrival at school
   ●   before eating or drinking
   ●   after using the toilet
   ●   after playing outdoors
   ●   when their hands are physically dirty
   ●   when they cough or sneeze

g. Physical Distancing
Physical distancing will look different across the various ages and stages of learning. Care
should be taken to avoid generating tension or potential conflict and some flexibility in the
implementation of measures may be required at times.

It is also recognised that it is not always possible for staff to maintain physical distance from
pupils and it is not appropriate that they would always be expected to do so where this could
have a detrimental impact on the pupil i.e. if a child sustains an injury and requires first aid.

However, where possible staff should maintain a minimum of 1 metre distance and where
possible 2 metres. They should also take measures to avoid close contact at face to face level
such as remaining standing rather than sitting beside/crouching down.

Physical distancing falls into two categories:
   ● increasing separation
   ● decreasing interaction

Increasing Separation
The guidelines provided by the Department of Education on optimal school layout and should
be used by schools to increase separation to the greatest degree possible.

To maintain physical distancing in the classroom, primary schools and special schools should:

   ● reconfigure class spaces to maximise physical distancing
   ● utilise and reconfigure all available space in the school in order to maximise physical

To support primary schools and special schools in the implementation of physical distancing in
the classroom, the department has developed a suite of illustrative classroom layouts of
potential options (including arrangements for special classes) which are in accordance with the
public health advice, and assumes:

   ● the room is clear of any unnecessary furniture/shelves and so on, on the walls
   ● a variety of classroom sizes

Funding will be provided under the enhanced minor works grant to facilitate this classroom re-
configuration works. This funding will be provided to schools by mid-August.

The teacher’s desk should be at least 1 metre and where possible 2 metres away from pupil

Classroom Organisation: Bubbles & Pods
    ● There is no social distancing required for Juniors to 2nd class, and these children should
       be located in the smaller rooms and the larger rooms in the school should be used for
       the senior classes
    ● The creation of Pods within Class Bubbles is an additional measure rather than an
       absolute requirement. If it is necessary to divide a class bubble into a Pod, design the
       size of the Pod as small as possible as is reasonably practical in the specific classroom
       context. Keep a 1 metre distance between Pods within the Class Bubble, and wherever
       possible, between individuals within the Pod.
    ● Bubbles are essentially the classes. Bubbles are not meant to mix with each other.
       Therefore 1st class cannot mix with the other 1st class etc.
    ● Pods are a group of pupils of 4-6 pupils.
    ● Pods should be from Juniors-6th Class to help with organising books and other
    ● From Juniors to 2nd, a metre should be maintained where possible between pods.
    ● From 3rd-6th children must be seated where possible one metre apart and each pod
       must be seated where possible one metre apart also.
    ● Each teacher to consider how best to seat their class in pods within their bubble. See
       DES document for illustrations.
    ● See DES Checklist for maintaining physical distancing in the classroom. CPSMA advised
       to keep a record of this checklist.
    ● When making class pods, please use the friends list that were made last June. If
       possible think of SEN groupings that may be withdrawn, but friends should be the
       priority when making pods.
    ● Code of Behaviour-need to consider this here too. SET may be able to support.
● Teacher’s desk needs to be a minimum 1m away and if possible 2 m away from pupil’s
   ● Teachers will ensure there is increased ventilation by opening windows and increasing
     movement breaks.

Decreasing Interaction
It is recognised that younger children are unlikely to maintain physical distancing indoors.
Therefore achieving this recommendation in the first four years of primary or special schools, is
not a pre-requisite to reopening a primary or special school for all pupils-Junior Infants-2nd

Where possible work stations should be allocated consistently to the same staff and children
rather than having spaces which are shared.

The risk of infection may be reduced by structuring pupils and their teachers into Class Bubbles
(that is, a class grouping which stays apart from other classes as much as possible) and discrete
groups or “Pods” within those class bubbles, to the extent that this is practical.
Generally speaking the objective is to limit contact and sharing of common facilities between
people in different Class Bubbles (and Pods within those Class Bubbles) as much as possible,
rather than to avoid all contact between Pods, as the latter will not always be possible.

The aim of the system within the school is that class groupings mix only with their own class
from arrival at school in the morning until departure at the end of the school day.

Additional measures to decrease interaction include:
   ● limit interaction on arrival and departure and in hallways and other shared areas
   ● social physical contact (hand to hand greetings, hugs) should be discouraged
   ● where pupils need to move about within the classroom to perform activities (access to a
       shared resource) it should be organised to the greatest degree possible to minimise
       congregation at the shared resource
   ● staff and pupils should avoid sharing of personal items
   ● encourage pupils to avoid behaviours that involve hand to mouth contact (putting
       pens/pencils in the mouth)
   ● where teaching and learning involves use of keyboards or tablets, the contact surface of
       the device should be cleaned regularly and hand hygiene encouraged
h. Use of Protective Personal Equipment (PPE)

   ● It is now recommended that all staff wear face coverings, similar to those worn in shops
     or on public transport, when a physical distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained.
   ● It is not recommended that children attending primary school wear face-coverings.
   ● Visors/face coverings will be purchased for all staff to wear. Staff will be provided with
     visors and one washable mask which should be washed daily.
   ● See link for managing face masks here.
   ● Staff who are attending to particular care needs or who will be administering 1st Aid will
     wear appropriate PPE including gloves, aprons and face masks.
   ● Appropriate PPE will be worn when dealing with suspected Covid 19 cases.
   ● The use of disposable gloves in the school by pupils or staff is not generally appropriate
     but may be necessary for intimate care settings. Routine use does not protect the
     wearer and may expose others to risk from contaminated gloves.
   ● Routine use of disposable gloves is not a substitute for hand hygiene.
   ● Bum bags to be supplied for all staff to keep supplies in such as face masks, wipes,
     sanitisers, plasters etc.

i. First Aid
The standard First Aid/emergency procedure shall continue to apply in schools. In an
emergency or in case of a serious incident, schools should call for an ambulance or the fire
brigade on 112/999 giving details of location and type of medical incident.
Children who need medical attention that can not be attended to outside will be brought in by
the SNA to the area opposite 3rd classroom near staffroom. Mandy to phone parents if
required. The class teacher will look after the child then to allow the SNA to return to the yard.
Rota on the designated staff member will need to be agreed on.

9. Access to the Building
Staff Duties
   ● Not to return to or attend school in the event of the following:
   ❖ if they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus
   ❖ If they have travelled outside of Ireland; in such instances staff are advised to consult
       and follow latest Government advice in relation to foreign travel.
   ● Cooperate with any public health personnel and their school for contact tracing purposes
       and follow any public health advice given in the event of a case or outbreak in their
   ● Undergo any COVID-19 testing that may be required in their school as part of mass or
       serial testing as advised by Public Health
a. Contact Log
The school should maintain a log of staff and pupil contacts.
Visitors/Parents who enter the school will need to fill in a contact log form which will be located
in the secretarial office.

The Data Protection Commission has provided guidance on the data protection
implications of the return to work protocols. This advice can be found here:
Schools are reminded that all school records and data must be maintained and
processed in compliance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Acts. The
responsibility for compliance with the legislation rests with each school (or ETB) in their
role as data controller.

If an adult has to collect a child during the course of the school day, the following arrangements
will apply:
    ● All visitors must phone beforehand before visiting the school.
    ● There will be a table outside for parents to drop forgotten items on so as to avoid
        unnecessary entry.
    ● When the adult arrives at the school, they should use the intercom at the front door of
        the school to alert the office that they have arrived.
    ● The child will be brought from their class to the adult by Mandy. The parent will wait in
        the porch area to avoid having to sign the contact log form.
    ● The adult who is collecting will be asked to sign the child out. The sign in sign out book
        can be left out in the porch. A space will be made that is completely waterproof.
    ● No adult should enter the school building, unless invited to do so and must wear a mask.

b. Arrival/Dismissal
Phased Return:
Following the recent school closure, there is a phased return planned for the school community
as follows:

   ● Monday 1st March: Junior infants- 2nd Class, SET and SNAs

   ● Monday 15th March (tbc): 3rd-6th classes
d. Arrival in the Morning & Dismissal Procedures:
Children to go directly to their classrooms from 9.05am in the morning. (15 minutes from
Croke Park Supervision to support this.)
No lining up in the yard.
Supervision of children in their classrooms and at the entry points in the morning will be similar
to a wet morning rota in previous years.
SNAs to wait for their children at entry points relevant to children in their care and then
escorted them to their classroom.
No parents are permitted to enter the building.

Children to enter and exit the school as follows:
Exit times included below also.

                                 A: Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

     ●   On arrival, all pupils to proceed directly to class through allocated route and door - no yard
         line up
     ● All classes to enter/ exit school building grounds through allocated door only.
     ● Pupils proceed through most direct gate to their allocated door on arrival.
     ● JI - 4th class allocated gate on dismissal (walked out by teachers due to staggered dismissal
     ● 5th & 6th pupils - walked to front of sch/ basketball court by teachers, to exit via most
         convenient gate.
     ● Staggered dismissal times (to leave classrooms) to alleviate overcrowding (see below)
 See below:

 Junior Infants -             Enter/ exit school/ grounds through front main gate
 Ms. Grace (1.50pm)           Proceed through junior infant yard
                              Enter/ exit building through JI door

 Junior Infants -             Exit school/ grounds through front main gate
 Ms. Kennedy (1.55pm)         Proceed through junior infant yard
                              Enter/ exit building through JI door

 Senior Infants -             Exit school grounds through front bottom gate
 Ms. Fagan (1.50pm)           Proceed across basketball court
                              Enter/ exit building through SI door

 Senior Infants -             Exit school grounds through front bottom gate
 Ms. Gibbons (1.55pm)         Proceed across basketball court
                              Enter/ exit building through SI door
●   Bus children: 2.45pm (small gate)
    ●   Creche children: 2.45pm (main gate)

1st Class -                Exit school grounds through front main gate
Ms. Keena/ Brosnan         Enter/ exit building through 1st class emergency exit door

1st Class - Ms. Byrne      Exit school grounds through front bottom gate
(2.50pm)                   Enter/ exit building through 1st/ 2nd class (back door beside staffroom)

2nd Class -                Exit school grounds through front main gate
Ms. Carr (2.50pm)          Proceed through junior infant yard
                           Entry through JI yard and through JI door to classroom

2nd Class -                Exit school grounds through front bottom gate
Ms. Hanlon (2.50pm)        Proceed along top of basketball court
                           Enter/ exit building through front 2nd/ 3rd class (door beside maths
                           press/ under stairs) door and up stairs

3rd Class -                Exit school grounds through front main gate
Mr. Langton (2.55pm)       Proceed across yard at front of school
                           Enter/ exit building through front 2nd/ 3rd class (door beside maths
                           press/ under stairs) door and up stairs

3rd Class - Ms. Phelan     Exit school grounds through front bottom gate
(2.55pm)                   Enter/ exit building through front 2nd/ 3rd class (door beside maths
                           press/ under stairs) door and up stairs

4th Class -                Exit school grounds through front bottom gate
Ms. Moriarty (2.55pm)      Proceed across basketball court
                           Enter/ exit directly in to class

4th Class -                Exit school grounds through front main gate
Ms. Broderick (2.55pm)     Enter/ exit building through new 4th/ 5th class door (beside Ms. Hanlon’s
                           room last year)
                           Proceed out towards sch garden and along basketball court

5th Class -                Pupils to exit yard from basketball court to most convenient gate/
Mr. Keane (3pm)            teacher to walk classes to basketball court
                           Enter/ exit building through new 4th/ 5th class door (beside Ms. Hanlon’s
                           room last year)
                           Proceed out towards sch garden and along basketball court

5th 6th Class -            Pupils to exit yard from basketball court to most convenient gate/
Ms. Farrelly (3pm)         teacher to walk classes to basketball court
                           Enter/ exit at back of new build (4th/ 5th class door)
Proceed out towards sch garden and along basketball court

 6th Class -               Pupils to exit yard from basketball court to most convenient gate/
 Mr. Fennell (3pm)         teacher to walk classes to basketball court
                           Enter/ exit at back of new build (4th/ 5th class door by new stairs)
                           Proceed out towards sch garden and along basketball court

e. Dismissal in the Evening:
1.50pm: Junior Infants Eimear Grace's as above via main gate.
1.55pm: Junior Infants Joan Kennedy's above via main gate.
1.50pm: Senior Infants: Noelle Fagan via Basketball Yard lower gate
1.55pm: Senior Infants: Niamh Gibbons via Basketball Yard lower gate.

Creche Infants will be collected from 1.50pm.

2.45pm: All bus children plus bus creche children to exit via the entry routes above.

2.50pm: 1st & 2nd Class to exit via the entry routes above.

2.55pm: 3rd Class & 4th Class exit via routes above.

3pm: 5th-6th Class to exit via the entry routes above. (5 minutes from Supervision from Croke
***15 plus 5 minutes at 3pm dismissal taken from 20 minute discretionary time. This time could
be used to start cleaning the room before hometime.

Physical Distancing of 2m between staff is recommended at all times.

f. Corridors/Stairs
One Way System
Hold off on a one way system for the moment.**
Everyone to walk on the right hand side around the school-arrows to be placed on the floor to
act as reminders along with social distancing reminders?
All classes to minimise unnecessary movement

g.Reception/Secretaries Office
Staff/Children/Parents access will be limited in the secretaries office (max 3 persons).
The photocopier will no longer be in the office to reduce numbers in the room.
A detailed sign in/sign out log of those entering the school facilities should be maintained: see
Contact Log.
Perspex will be placed in key contact areas.

h.Yard Supervision
Yard including grass area at the back will make 8 areas for classes to play on thereby having 2
breaks. Each yard has 2 areas for teachers to cover. There will be 4 yards: Front Yard, Junior
Yard, Grass Yard, Basketball Yard.
One teacher per yard supervising; 4 teachers per break.
Juniors-2nd Class on the first break.
3rd-6th on the second break.
These class groupings will go on break together. SET and SNAS will be allocated to the rota also.
Continue to use staffroom at allocated times-maximum of 7 in staffroom at one time.
PE hall to be used for overflow of staff.
See Yard Supervision Rota here.

Each break is 20 minutes.

So breaks would be:
Break 1: (Juniors- 2nd Class)
Small Break: 10.45-11.05
Big Break: 12.25-12.45

Break 2: (3rd-6th Class)
Small Break:11.10-11.30
Big Break: 12.50-1.10

10. Dealing with a suspected case of Covid-19

Isolation Room:
The disabled toilets have been identified as the isolation room for dealing with a suspected
Covid-19 case. A contingency room for this in the event there is more than one suspected case
is the Martha’s old SET room.
● Staff or pupils should not attend school if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. If a
     member of staff or a pupil displays symptoms of Covid-19 while in the building, the
     following are the procedures will be implemented:
   ● Teachers are to use a Discrete System for notifying the Principal of a suspected case.
   ● Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately if the suspected case is a pupil.
   ● Isolate the person and that person will be accompanied to the designated isolation area
     via the isolation route by the class teacher (class teacher to ensure class supervision
     when leaving class). The staff member will remain at least 2 metres away from the
     symptomatic person and will also make sure that others maintain a distance of at least 2
     metres from the symptomatic person at all times
   ● A mask will be provided for the person presenting with symptoms, if one is available.
     He/she should wear the mask if in a common area with other people or while exiting the
   ● The staff member caring for the suspected case should wear a face covering.
   ● An assessment will be made as to whether the person who is displaying symptoms can
     immediately be brought home by parents/ directed to go home and call their doctor and
     continue self-isolation at home. Public transport of any kind should not be used
   ● The school will facilitate the person presenting with symptoms to remain in isolation, if
     they cannot immediately go home, and will assist them by calling their GP if needed.
   ● The person presenting with symptoms should be advised to cover their mouth and nose
     with the disposable tissue provided when they cough or sneeze and to put the tissue in
     the waste bag provided
   ● If the child is well enough to go home, the school will arrange for them to be
     transported home by a family member, as soon as possible, and advise them to inform
     their GP by phone of their symptoms.
   ● If they are too unwell to go home or advice is required, the school will contact 999 or
     112 and inform them that the sick person is a Covid-19 suspect.
   ● Arrangements will be made for appropriate cleaning of the isolation area and work
     areas involved and the classroom where the person was.
   ● The class will be sent outside to allow for the classroom to be cleaned.
   ● See cleaning induction training here from DES.

The HSE will inform any staff/parents who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case
via the contact tracing process. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of
COVID-19 is made. The instructions of the HSE should be followed and staff and pupil
confidentiality is essential at all times.
Procedure in School for Suspect Cases as Advised by CPSMA Webinar Pathway for Covid 19
   ●   All parents have been encouraged and reminded to use the absent form on the School
       App when their child is absent.
   ●   All staff encouraged to keep an eye on the absentee list each day as sent in by the
       School App via email.
   ● Staff will be told of suspect cases on a ‘need to know basis’ (if not already on the School
     App Absentee list) by Principal/DP/LRWs.
   ● Staff will be told of positive cases on a ‘need to know basis’ by Principal/DP/LRWs.
   ● Pupil/Staff confidentiality will continue to be a priority at all times when dealing with
     confidential/sensitive information.
   ● See CPSMA Webinar Link for more information on ‘need to know basis’: Schools
     Pathway for Covid-19 a podcast hosted by CPSMA Schools Pathway for Covid-19 a
     podcast hosted by CPSMA

Impact of a Suspected or Confirmed Case of Covid-19 in a Class
If the school is notified that a person in your child’s class has a suspected or confirmed case of
     ● The parents and staff will be notified by HSE.
     ● Public health advice will be sought and followed.
     ● Public Health Intervention from IPPN.
     ● The Public Health Department of the HSE is the agency responsible by law for dealing
       with positive cases of COVID-19:
   ● Once notified by the HSE testing regime, Public Health Doctors assume total control
       of the situation and will carry out a risk assessment. Based on questioning the
       person with the positive result, they will ascertain if they were within the school
       setting when they contracted the virus. If not, there may be no need to contact the
   ● If the person was within the school setting when they contracted the virus, Public
       Health will contact the principal to carry out a Public Health Risk Assessment. This is
       a set of questions to see who might have been exposed to the virus and who needs
       to be excluded or tested. This risk assessment will be unique to each school
   ● The principal and BoM have no function in the risk assessment, other than to provide
       whatever information is required by the Public Health Medical Officer conducting the
       risk assessment
   ● The principal and BoM may be asked to assist the Medical Office by sending a
       message from them to the relevant families identified in the risk assessment. Public
       Health will not contact other members of the school community
   ● The principal and BoM are not permitted to inform members of the school community
       of the identity of the person or persons who have tested positive for COVID-19 for
       the following reasons:
● Doctor – Patient confidentiality
   ● GDPR legislation prevents the publication of personal data without consent

11. Staff Responsibilities:
   ● Staff have a statutory obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety
     and that of their colleagues and other parties. In order to facilitate a safe return to
     work, these duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
   ● Adhere to the School Covid-19 Response Plan and the control measures outlined. All
     staff have a key role to play
   ● Make themselves aware of the symptoms of Covid-19 and monitor their own wellbeing
     The EAP link is here.
   ● Self-isolate at home and contact their GP promptly for further advice if they display any
     symptoms of Covid- 19
   ● Not return or attend school if they have symptoms of Covid-19 under any
   ● If they develop any symptoms of Covid-19 whilst within the school facility, they should
     adhere to the procedure outlined.
   ● Complete the RTW (Return to Work) form at least 3 days before they return to work
   ● Must inform the Principal if there are any other circumstances relating to Covid-19, not
     included in the form, which may need to be disclosed to facilitate their safe return to
     the workplace
   ● Must complete Covid-19 Induction Training and any other training required prior to
     their return to school
   ● Must be aware of, and adhere to, good hygiene and respiratory etiquette practices
   ● Keep informed of the updated advice of the public health authorities and comply with
   ● Wear face masks/visors.
   ● Observe 2m distancing.
   ● Teachers to organise their classroom for social distancing as soon as possible to allow
     for purchase of any equipment needed. See link for illustrations of classroom layouts.
   ● See DES Checklist for maintaining physical distancing in the classroom. This may help
     you with your classroom organisation.
   ● Teachers to organise their class into Pods as per friends list from last June. Being mindful
     of SEN and withdrawals if possible.
   ● Ensure maximum of 7 staff in staffroom at all times.
● Teachers to ensure a system is in place for children to go to the toilet before they go on
     break as they will not be able to use toilets once they go out.
   ● Teachers to consider coat racks and ensure children go in their pods to hang and collect
     their coats.
   ● Staff to make themselves familiar with Circular 49/20 in regards to sick leave, covid
     leave, self isolation and travel. Please see here.
   ● Staff must advise the BOM in writing of travel plans outside of the country in the 14
     days prior to return to school. Staff must advise their employer in advance in writing of
     such travel abroad and to include the travel details. More information on this in the
     Circular 49/20 above.

12. Curriculum

   ●   Whole school agreement needed here-See DES Guidelines.
   ●   Focus on Core Subjects initially.
   ●   PE outside as much as possible.
   ●   Focus on Wellbeing-Wellbeing Month for September-DES to provide resources for this.
       See current wellbeing guidelines here.
   ●   Stay Safe to be completed by all classes.
   ●   Limited homework for the first month-focus on wellbeing and activity.
   ●   Decisions on books going home for homework etc will be made at a later date.
   ●   Ensuring IT skills learned by children during closure will be refreshed in the event of
       school closure and a return to remote learning. Seesaw for Schools subscription in place
       for all classes JI - 6th from Sept to facilitate this. New classes will be set up and allocated
       to new teachers for Sept from admin dashboard.
   ●   Remote learning might still be a possibility or a form of blended learning and a plan for
       that may need to be considered and prepared in such an eventuality.
   ●   Online homework to help reduce books from home.

13. Special Educational Needs
   ● Specific SEN to work with set class bubbles and be affiliated with any rotas etc relating
     to that bubble as much as possible. SET will be moving from class bubble to class bubble
     and must ensure that they sanitise properly accordingly.
   ● Each SET will have 4 class bubbles approximately.
   ● SNAs need some flexibility too due to the number of SNAs and complex needs scattered
     throughout the school. Their movement will be limited as much as is possible.
● SNAS to be provided with PPE equipment when attending to intimate care needs such
     as gloves, masks and aprons.
   ● Ideally in withdrawal situations, SEN children should be sitting together, but this may
     not always be possible as pods will be made with their friends. Increased santisizing of
     hands before and after the session in these cases.
   ● Where a support teacher is working alongside a class teacher in a classroom, both
     teachers must be mindful of maintaining social distance from one another.
   ● Where children from 3rd to 6th Class receive support in one of the SET rooms, social
     distancing of 1 metre will be maintained where possible between each child in the
     group. Staff should wear masks/visors especially where social distancing cannot be
   ● The tables and chairs in SET rooms will be wiped clean before and after different groups
   ● SNAs need to also clean their workspace before and after use. Please see link here for
     SNA training.
   ● SEN will focus on withdrawal for the first half term to support those who have been
     most affected by the school closure. Team teaching may return in the second half of the
   ● Children who are unable to wash their hands by themselves should be assisted to clean
     their hands using soap and water or a hand sanitiser (if their hands are visibly clean) as
     outlined previously.
   ● Martha/Orla to move to the spare room due to lack of ventilation in their current SET

14. Impact on Certain School Activities
   ● where possible, classes to keep and use their own resources for core subjects
   ● strict sign in/ out protocol on shared sch resources incase of contact tracing
   ● cleaning - cleaning packs allocated with resources/ to classroom for shared resources
   ● Classes responsible for cleaning for equipment used.
   ● Continue grouping books in line with the pods or use the cubby holes in the classrooms
      to store books.
   ● How are the resources to be stored in the classrooms? What is needed? See Croke Park

Shared Equipment
By necessity, some classroom equipment needs to be shared including tablets, laptops and the
equipment used for structured activities and play in Infant classrooms.

Cleaning of such shared equipment with wipes or other cleaning products will take place at the
each class session to minimise the risk of the spread of infection. All staff will be responsible for
their own cleaning.

Shared readers to be exchanged once/twice a week and books brought in from home to be set
aside for 72 hours and a wiped before giving to a new child.

Extra-curricular Activities

Postponed until further notice.


     ● Where possible, PE should take place outdoors and use of equipment should be
       confined to the equipment that have been distributed to class groupings. If the PE hall is
       being used by class groupings, common touch points should be cleaned at intervals
       throughout the school day.
     ● PE equipment may be organised by strand and classes to avoid the same equipment
       being used by different bubbles.
     ● All equipment will need to be sanitised after each use.
     ● Children should sanitise their hands before and after PE.
     ● Consideration of the use of the Village Hall or GAA astro for PE if the space we currently
       have can’t facilitate the needs of the school. A Risk Assessment will need to be carried
       out and a cleaning plan also if such a facility is to be used.

Choir/Music Performance

Choir practices/performances and music practices/performances involving wind instruments
may pose a higher level of risk and special consideration should be given to how they are held
ensuring that the room is well-ventilated and the distance between performers is maintained.


     ● All toys should be cleaned on a regular basis (weekly, for example). This will remove
       dust and dirt that can harbour germs.
     ● Toys that are visibly dirty or contaminated with blood or bodily fluids should be taken
       out of use immediately for cleaning or disposal.
● When purchasing toys choose ones that are easy to clean and disinfect (when
      ● If cloth or soft toys are used they should be machine washable.
      ● Jigsaws, puzzles and toys that young pupils to those with special educational needs may
        be inclined to put into their mouths should be capable of being washed and disinfected.
      ● All play equipment should be checked for signs of damage for example breaks or cracks.
        If they cannot be repaired or cleaned they should be discarded.
      ● Clean toys and equipment should be stored in a clean container or clean cupboard. The
        manufacturer’s instructions should always be followed.
      ● At this time soft modelling materials and play dough where used should be for individual
        use only.

Cleaning Procedure for Toys

      ● wash the toy in warm soapy water, using a brush to get into crevices
      ● rinse the toy in clean water
      ● thoroughly dry the toy
      ● some hard plastic toys may be suitable for cleaning in the dishwasher
      ● toys that cannot be immersed in water that is electronic or wind up should be wiped
        with a damp cloth and dried
      ● in some situations toys/equipment may need to be disinfected following cleaning for
        example: toys/equipment that pupils place in their mouths. Toys/equipment that have
        been soiled with blood or body fluids or toys where a case of COVID-19 has been
      ● If disinfection is required: A chlorine releasing disinfectant should be used diluted to a
        concentration of 1,000ppm available chlorine. The item should be rinsed and dried


Where possible pupils should be encouraged to have their own individual art and equipment


Shared electronic devices such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards should be cleaned between
use and consideration could be given to the use of wipeable covers for electronics to facilitate
Musical Equipment/Instruments

To the greatest extent possible, instruments should not be shared between pupils and if sharing
is required, the instruments should be cleaned between uses.

Library Policy

Where practical pupils should have their own books. Textbooks that are shared should be
covered in a wipeable plastic covering that can be wiped with a suitable household cleaning
agent between uses. Pupils should be encouraged to perform hand hygiene after using any
shared item.

Shared Sports Equipment

Minimise equipment sharing and clean shared equipment between uses by different people.

15.Cleaning Regime

The specific advice in relation to school cleaning is set out in the HSPC health advice for schools
and will be covered in the induction training. This advice sets out the cleaning regime required
to support schools to prevent COVID-19 infections and the enhanced cleaning required in the
event of a suspected cases of COVID-19. Schools are asked to carefully read and understand the
cleaning advice and to apply that to all areas of the school as appropriate.

   ● Arrangements for more regular and thorough cleaning of areas and surfaces within the
     school will be made.
   ● Regular and thorough cleaning of communal areas and frequently touched surfaces shall be
     conducted, in particular, toilets, lifts, door handles and kitchens. Cleaning will be performed
     regularly and whenever facilities or surfaces are visibly dirty.
   ● All staff will have access to cleaning products and will be required to maintain cleanliness of
     their own work area. Under no circumstances should these cleaning materials be removed
     from the building.
   ● Staff should thoroughly clean and disinfect their work area before and after
     use each day.
   ● There will be regular collection of used waste disposal bags from offices and other areas
You can also read