Dallas Community School Student/Family Handbook 2019-2020 - Digital copy available on our website - dallascommunityschool.org - Dallas ...

Page created by Ida Delgado
Dallas Community School Student/Family Handbook 2019-2020 - Digital copy available on our website - dallascommunityschool.org - Dallas ...

    Dallas Community School
    Student/Family Handbook


     Digital copy available on our website - dallascommunityschool.org
Dallas Community School Student/Family Handbook 2019-2020 - Digital copy available on our website - dallascommunityschool.org - Dallas ...
There are forms to sign acknowledging your receipt and understanding of the information contained in this
document. The signed forms will be kept in your student’s file. Keep this handbook at home for reference. If
you have questions about the information in this handbook, talk to the school director, or call the DCS
Office at 503-420-4360.

Statement of Non Discrimination Dallas Community School (DCS) does not discriminate on the basis of race,
religion, color, national origin, disability, marital or parental status or gender in providing education or access
to benefits of education services, activities and programs in accordance with Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and
other civil rights or discrimination issues; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and the
Americans with Disabilities Act.

Dallas Community School Student/Family Handbook 2019-2020 - Digital copy available on our website - dallascommunityschool.org - Dallas ...
Welcome to Dallas Community School (DCS)!
A Brief History of DCS
Board and Staff Directory
Contacting DCS Staff
Learning at DCS
Navigating DCS
So We’ve Enrolled. Now What?
  Getting Started: Student Profile
  Meeting With Your Education Guide (EG)
  The Role of the Learning Coach (LC)
  Developing Your Academic Roadmap: The Personalized Learning Plan (PLP)
  Tracking Progress: Assessments and Grading
  Attendance and Keeping Track of Student Activities
  Physical Education Log
Learning through Classes
  Classes at DCS
  Class Fees and Supplies
  Attending Classes and Activities On-Site at DCS
  Attending Classes at Partner Sites
Learning through Field Trips
Other School Services
  Loan Library
Using Your Allotment Funds
   Regular Allotment Fund
   Classes and Field Trips Allotment Funds
  The 60/40 Rule
  Purchasing Curriculum
  Core Materials Requirement
  Early Withdrawals
  Consumable or Non-Consumable
  New vs. In-Stock

Exchange Policy
  Return Policy
  Electronic Devices Policy
  Approved Vendors
  Approved Curricula
Ordering Your Curriculum: Two Options
  Purchasing Method 1: Ordering through your Education Guide (EG)
  Purchasing Method 2: Ordering for Reimbursement
  Guidelines for Spending Your EUs Wisely
  Frequently Asked Questions about Purchasing
Additional School Policies
  Visiting or Learning at the DCS Site
  Child Care
  Electronic Devices
  Student Safety
  Student Health
  School Closure Due to Inclement Weather
  Community Service
  Complaint Policy
  504 Plans
  Equal Educational Opportunity
  Intervention Meetings
  Parent Communications
  Student Clubs and Organizations:
  Student Allotment
  Volunteering at DCS
  Student Discipline
  Dress Code
   A: Student Education Records Privacy
   B: Attendance Log
   C: Physical Education Log

D: Parent/Student Agreement
  E: 2017-2018 School Calendar

Welcome to Dallas Community School (DCS)

Dear DCS Families,

Thank you for choosing DCS to provide support for your home learning. I appreciate the trust you have
invested in our school and we work every day to continue to earn that trust. Students who are home learners
are best served when there is a strong partnership and ongoing collaboration between the parents and the
school. We believe that well-informed parents are the best resources that our school and our students can
have. We are very excited about the upcoming year in our newly remodeled building. Expanding one
classroom and adding a sliding dividing wall to another classroom will allow us to better serve our students
and allow for a better place to learn and work.

This year we have one new Educational Guide and two new Instructional Assistants who will be teaching and
working with students and families. All of them are highly skilled and have talents they will bring to DCS. As
they become familiar with DCS please allow them a little extra time as they learn our systems.

We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to empower children with the creative, intellectual, and decision-
making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically, and emotionally successful and
responsible. The staff at DCS are committed to ensuring that every child is provided the opportunity and
encouragement to work to their potential. The combination of talented staff, curious students, and caring,
involved parents all contribute to DCS being an exceptional school.

With that in mind we need your help. We ask that you take the time to carefully read this Student/Family
Handbook in order to provide you with a tool to enhance the information you have and support our mutual
efforts to help students succeed. This handbook contains important information about our school and the
services we provide to families. This entire document will also be available online on our website.

We have an exciting year planned at DCS with some exceptional opportunities for learning. We value your
input and feedback and have used the surveys you recently participated in to make some changes that will
improve our school and increase learning. If you have any questions or concerns during the school year, please
feel free to call or stop by.

A Brief History of DCS
DCS began as a homeschool learning cooperative organization by a group of parents who wanted a different
educational experience for their children. In December 2013, Dallas School District invited parents to explore
the idea of forming a charter school that would serve home schooled students. DCS opened in September
2015 as a public charter school - a 501 c (3) nonprofit corporation serving 125 students in grades K-8. A board
of directors governs the activities of the school.

The founders formed Community Innovation Partners (CIP), a nonprofit organization that serves as the
governing authority of the school. The mission of CIP is “Supporting and sustaining the Dallas community and
surrounding area through educational opportunities that emphasize innovation, creativity, and individualized
learning“. In addition to DCS, CIP has also offered a DIY/Young Maker Club that was supported by Google and
hopes to one day develop a community arts and education center in Dallas. You are encouraged to take an
active role in the governance of your school.

In June of 2018 we moved to our present site at 124 SW Walnut Avenue. This facility offers more classroom
and office space and is better suited to meet the needs of our students, our staff, and our families. Dallas
Community School purchased the building in the summer of 2019 in addition to the small house that sits next
to the school. The main building has/will receive some remodeling and updates. Two conference rooms are
available for Family/Educational Guide (EG) meetings, IEP meetings, and staff meetings.

DCS will always be a place where families drive the future of the school. Your participation allows the school to
continue to grow and respond to the needs of families. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved.
Everyone is welcome to join us on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. for board meetings, where
you can learn about current initiatives and join a committee. The Board is always excited to hear new ideas
and feedback. New this year, you will have a chance to register as a volunteer at the school to help support
our school. (See Volunteer Program on page 32)

Thank you for choosing to join DCS!

School Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement

Dallas Community School is an inclusive public charter school supporting collaborative, standards-
based education in a flexible, non-traditional environment.

Vision Statement

Dallas Community School will empower non-traditional learners with the knowledge, skills, and
abilities to succeed in and contribute value to their community.

Board and Staff Directory
Board Members

Wendy Sparks         Board President                         [email protected]

Becki Gann           Board Secretary/Acting President        [email protected]

Scott Burwash        Board Treasurer                         [email protected]

Ernie Fisher         Board Member                            [email protected]

Holly Williamson     Board Member                            [email protected]

Gene Henshaw         Board Member                            [email protected]

Staff Members

Name                    Position                        Email                          School Cell Phone

Bill Conlon             Executive Director              director@dallascommunitysch    971 312-5777

Lori Jones              Instructional Support           lorij@dallascommunityschool.   971 312-5715
                        Specialist                      org

Monica McQueen          Programs and                    mmcqueen@dallascommunity       971 312-5726
                        Communications Director         school.org

Dawn Adams              Education Guide (EG)            dadams@dallascommunitysch      971 312-5733

Meredith Rich           Education Guide (EG)            mrich@dallascommunityscho      971 312-5742

Stasey Norstrom         Education Guide (EG)            snorstrom@dallascommunitys     971 312-5748

Andy Johnson            Education Guide (EG)            ajohnson@dallascommunitysc     971 312-5751

Kimberly Schreiner      Education Guide (EG)            kschreiner@dallascommunitys 971 312-5754

Emily Blanton                   Education Guide (EG)            eblanton@dallascommunitysc     971 312-5763

 Andrea Wilcoxon                 Office Manager                  awilcoxon@dallascommunitys     971 312-5775

 Anna Landgren                   Instructional Assistant         alandgren@dallascommunit       503 420-4360

 Sarah McGowan                   Instructional Assistant         smcgowan@dallascommunit        503 420-4360

 Kaitlyn Stowell                 Data Entry Specialist            kstowell@dallascommunity      503 420-4360

Definitions and Terms Used at DCS

Guide/Education Guide/Learning Guide – The Education Guide (EG) is a licensed teacher who helps families get the most out
of their learning. Students meet bi-weekly with their EG so they can help advise parents / Learning Coached, discuss effective
educational activities and resources, and monitor progress toward each student’s learning goals.

Coach/Learning Coach – The Learning Coach (LC) is the parent or parent designee who provides instruction at home and
meets with the Guide. Sometimes grandparents fill this role but it is typically the parents who are the Learning Coaches.

Personalized Learning Plan (PLP)– The Personalized Learning Plan is a document that outlines the learning goals for each
student. The plan is written by the LC with the help of the EG at the beginning of each school year can be updated at any
time, and is reviewed during Family Guide meetings. In addition to a list of learning goals, the plan includes curriculum,
assessment data, and other learning activities.

Guide/Family Meetings – The LC/Parent and their EG are required to meet every other week to discuss progress, review the
PLP, make purchases with allotment dollars, exchange important information on upcoming school events and other learning
activities, and talk about instructional strategies that may help students learn. Ideally the students should attend these
meetings whenever it is appropriate.

Curriculum Library – DCS offers a Curriculum Library to families to checkout curriculum and other educational materials.
Examples of items that are available include subject specific books, instructional books, microscopes, science kits, musical
instruments (very limited), sewing machines, and other learning materials in addition to samples of curriculum that LCs can
review prior to making purchases. All items are checked out to interested families and need to be returned by the specified

Instructional Outline – The Instructional Outline is a document that is completed each week by the LC or parent that identifies
the specific learning activities scheduled for that week. It is the responsibility of the parent to complete and submit this
document each week to your EG. This lesson planning process is used to organize and plan instructional activities. It is also
used to count the hours of instruction required by Oregon law and our charter contract with the Dallas School District. There
are easy ways to complete this and it should not consume more than 15 to 20 minutes a week to complete.

Contacting DCS Staff
DCS staff and families typically form a strong working relationship and are in frequent communication. You will be meeting
with your guide every other week, but can contact any of the staff by cell phone, text message, or email throughout the week.
A DCS staff typical work schedule is from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Monday through Friday on school days. Phone calls, text
messages, and emails will be returned within 24 hours on school days. If you have an emergency please call the director on his
cell phone. Guides, office staff, and administrative staff all have school cell phones. Please contact DCS staff on their school
cell phone or the regular school landline. DCS staff will no longer be answering school business calls on their personal cell

Navigating DCS
Here is what to expect over the coming school year:

    1. School starts: School starts September 3rd, 2019.
    2. Meet with your Education Guide (EG): During the first two weeks after school starts, you will have your first
       meeting with your guide (EG). At the first or second meeting you will lay out your goals for the coming year and
       order curriculum and instructional materials.
    3. Develop your Personalized Learning Plan (PLP): The PLP is a road map for your student’s education for the
       coming year. It is a living document that will change over time. The PLP includes what your student hopes to
       learn, how they will accomplish learning goals, and how they will demonstrate what they have accomplished.
    4. Purchase curriculum and enroll in classes/field trips: Once the PLP is complete, you can begin purchasing
       curriculum and enrolling in classes and field trips.
    5. Work on learning goals and continue to meet with EG: You will need to meet with your EG bi-weekly to review
       goals and accomplishments.
    6. Submit required documentation: This includes completing an attendance form twice a week, a monthly PE
       form, and work samples, like math and writing.
    7. Get ready for the next school year: At the end of the school year, you will meet with your EG to determine
       learning goals for the next year. Orders that are ready to process can be ordered during the summer months so
       they are ready for the first day of school in the fall.

So….. We’ve Enrolled. Now What?
Getting Started: Student Profile
The Student Profile is a way to tell your child's story that is the foundation of the Personal Learning Plan (PLP)
and will help guide its development. All new and returning students complete the PLP. You can share as much
information as you like, or simply complete the required questions. The more information you share, the
better feel your EG will have for your child's preferences as well as your preferences as the Learning Coach
(LC). There are two sections: Need to Know and Great to Know. The Need to Know section is required so your
EG can have some basic information, while the Great to Know section will give your EG a much better idea of
your expectations and level of support your child requires. Returning students complete the profile at the end
of each school year and new students complete the profile before the start of the school year.

Learning at DCS
DCS is a unique program for community-based learners. DCS is a public charter school sponsored by Dallas
School District. DCS is different from other charter schools in that parents (or other designated adults) play an
active leadership role in the education of their children. DCS offers support in the form of four main programs:

   ●    Personalized Learning Plan (PLP): The PLP describes all of the student’s learning goals and
        instructional outcomes over the coming year. The PLP is a “living document” that can grow and
        change over the school year. The PLP includes specific methods, strategies and tools that the student
        will use to accomplish her/his learning goals.

   ● Education Guide (EG): The EG is a licensed teacher who helps families get the most out of their home
     learning. Families meet bi-weekly with their EG so they can monitor progress toward each student's
     learning goals.

   ● Classes and Field Trips: Classes and field trips are meant to complement students’ home learning and
     are always optional. Classes may be offered onsite in our building or offsite at other locations in Dallas
     or Salem. Some classes are taught by licensed teachers while others are taught by non-licensed
     community educators. We offer a wide variety of field trips on different days of the week to meet the
     wide variety of learning and scheduling needs of our families. Parents are required to accompany
     students on nearly all field trips in order to be able to extend learning from the trip into home learning
     later on. Information about classes and field trips can be found on our website.

   ●    Allotment Funds: Each student receives access to a $1,100 financial allotment for the school year, up
        from $1,000 last year. This money is divided into three funds.

               ●        Regular Allotment Funds ($700) can be used to pay for curriculum, educational
               materials and activities, etc.: 60% of the allotment is available in September and the remaining
               40% in January.
               ●        Classes and Field Trip Allotment Funds ($400) can be used for DCS classes and DCS field
               trips. Only classes and field trips provided by DCS are eligible for the Classes and Field Trip
               Allotment Funds. If a student wishes to take a class from another provider, those may be
               eligible for Regular Allotment Funds; families should talk to their EG about specific classes to
               see if they qualify.
               ●        Additionally, any student dropping before December 31, 2019 will be required to
               reimburse the school for all monies allocated and return all non-consumables to the school.
               There are very specific curricular guidelines for how these funds can be used. Please refer to the
               DCS curriculum guide and the flowchart for purchasing curriculum (See appendix).
               ●        All Regular funds must be spent by May 1, 2020. After this date individual family
               accounts will be closed and no allotment funds will be available for family use.
               ●        If a student has used all their field trip and class allotment funds and wishes to
               participate in additional activities or classes, please see your Guide for additional options, you
               may be eligible for a scholarship. Please do not send a check to the school for additional classes
               or fieldtrips unless you receive a bill specifically for these services.

●       Sometimes at the end of the year families have money left in their account and do not
       need additional materials to finish the year, and make purchases that are not really needed.
       This year we have created a new option for unused funds. Families can donate the money back
       to the school and earmark it for a specific purpose from the list below:
                  1. Instructional materials for the Family Curriculum Library (i.e., microscopes,
                      science equipment and kits, novels, maps, math manipulatives etc.), and
                      resource materials for onsite classes.
                  2. Student library (i.e., library books would be purchased and added to the existing
                      library collection).
                  3. Indoor and outdoor games and recess equipment (i.e., balls, nets, frisbees, game
                      boards etc.).
                  4. Other (An item for student use that a family may wish to provide. Items in this
                      category should be reviewed with the director to ensure that the item can be
                      used by the school).

                 Developing Your Academic Roadmap: The Personalized
                 Learning Plan (PLP)
                 The purpose of the PLP is to document your child’s learning goals and progress over
                 the school year. Information from the Student Profile is included in the PLP. The PLP
                 includes the curriculum, learning standards and study methods and strategies
                 assigned by the EG and completed by the student. In addition, the PLP will include the
                 assessments overseen by the EG to assure the goals were met.

                 The PLP includes the following components: subjects studied, curriculum materials
                 used, standards covered, method of study, and assessment method(s) used by the

For grades k-8, core subjects (math, language arts, social studies, science, and PE/health) will be
listed on the PLP. Additional subjects like fine arts, performing arts, foreign languages, technology,
etc can be added into the plan.

Curriculum and Materials:
The student’s curriculum materials or materials for learning MUST be documented in the PLP. DCS is
offering two ordering processes for you to choose from. The first ordering process, DCS ordering, and
the second ordering process, ordering by the parent/LC (the LC with the approval of the EG is the
parent or other home teacher).
Please refer to the complete DCS curriculum guide for detailed information. The purchasing flow
chart is in the appendix.

Standards, as defined by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), will be listed for each core

Method of Study:
The method of study will describe how the student will learn the concepts. The methods used to
teach the standards may include, but are not limited to, several of the following: reading
literature, viewing videos, taking field-trips, listening to podcasts, working with mentors, listening
to books on tape, completing workbook pages, taking classes at DCS and in the community,
conducting research, playing educational games, reading textbooks, direct instruction from a
teacher/tutor, correspondence with experts in the field, using online lessons, conducting
interviews, creating/working on projects, using experiments, utilizing computer programs, using
online resources, reading reference books, viewing television series, participating in work-study,
group discussion, simulations, creating graphic organizers, writing in journals, creating field
guides, writing book reports and essays, making notes, constructing models, and independent

Assessing Student Learning:
Assessments are used to evaluate the progress of the student in his/her studies. The following are
suggested methods for assessment: journals, essays, projects, group and/or individual discussion,
drawings/diagrams, displays, video recordings, audio recordings, tests and quizzes, book reports,
narratives of experiences, interview, group discussion, graphic organizers, field guides, computer
summaries of skills, teacher observation, outlines, slideshows, speeches, demonstrations, portfolios,
simulations, games, products of the study, dioramas, models, online evaluations, documentation of
research, pictures, workbook pages, letters and/or conversations from teachers, and learning logs.

Informal Work Samples:
Informal work samples are examples of student work that are used to document learning in each
course studied for a given month. Informal work samples may be gathered from any of the
curriculum overseen by the EG. Some samples may be used for multiple courses (i.e. a spreadsheet
document may simultaneously serve as a work sample for math and technology).

Informal work samples may include, but are not limited to, the following: worksheets, projects,
journals, student-generated games, graphic organizers, outlines, videos, audio recordings, book
reports, research notes, learning logs, photographs, essays, stories, interactive slideshows,
spreadsheets, fliers from concerts or programs the student participated in, formative assessments,
quizzes, narratives of experiences, timelines, drawings, diagrams, etc.

The Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) Team
The Student:

Students are part of their learning team and should take an active role in their own education. Students
should be present at team meetings and should have an active voice in their PLP.

The Learning Coach (LC):

The LC is a parent, guardian, or other authorized individual who is responsible for implementing the student’s
educational goals and supervising the work of the student. The LC, supported by DCS classes, their EG and
other services work together to help the student reach their PLP goals. The LC, with guidance from their EG, is
responsible for providing instruction, submitting required documents, tracking attendance, researching
appropriate curriculum options, and ensuring that the student is on track to meet her/his learning goals.

The Education Guide (EG):
EGs work hand-in-hand with the student and parents to determine an appropriate curriculum and to create a
PLP. EGs are licensed teachers and also teach many of our classes. Some DCS classes may fulfill grade level
requirements while others may require the parent to provide additional home instruction. EGs develop an
understanding of each student’s learning style, goals, and interests and they meet bi-weekly with the student
to document the student’s progress in a Learning Record.

 Education Guide (EG) Meeting Guidelines for Parents
        ● ALL purchases using allotment dollars will be discussed and approved at the bi-weekly PLP
           meetings. No purchases can be made outside of this meeting. If you know what you want, it will
           be helpful if you have your curriculum order ready before your next meeting with your EG in
           order to make good use of meeting time.
        ● Meetings shall be at the school unless other arrangements with your EG have been made.
        ● One meeting a year is encouraged to be a home visit. The unique relationship between an EG
           and student is strengthened by home visits where the EG can meet the family pets, see the tree
           fort out back, meet siblings, etc. The visits give an EG a deeper understanding of the student’s
           passions and abilities.
        ● In order to assess a student’s progress toward meeting state standards, students will bring their
           weekly body of work to every EG meeting unless otherwise indicated by the EG.
        ● Attendance at their meetings will be recorded on the “Student Attendance Sheet.”
        ● If a meeting is missed due to illness or other emergency, the parents will need to reschedule a
           time to meet with the EG. To respect the EG's time and to use the school's resources wisely,
           families are required to give 24 hours notice if a meeting needs to be rescheduled. The EG must be
           notified directly by email or phone.
        ● All public schools in the state of Oregon are subject to the “10-Day Rule.” If the school does not
           have confirmation that the student has attended school for 10 consecutive days the students will
           be withdrawn. This student’s “slot” will then be offered to the next student on the waiting list.
● New this year – for families who have had children enrolled in the school for one full year, one
          meeting a month can be accomplished using an online platform such as Google Hangout, Facetime
          or Skype. The other meeting must be a face-to-face meeting. If your child was enrolled at DCS on
          September 3, 2018, you qualify this year for this option. For families who enrolled after
          September 3, 2018, you will need to meet face-to-face until the 2020-2021 school year.

Tracking Progress: Assessments and Grading
Evaluating Progress through Informal Assessments
Your EG will work with you to administer local performance assessments. These assessments give students
valuable feedback on their learning and academic progress, as well as provide opportunities for students in
select grades to take national assessments like the NAEP and PSAT. Your EG will help you determine
appropriate assessments for your child. Let’s Go Learn will be administered 3 times a year and work samples
will be collected twice a year in the content areas of writing and math.

Meeting Requirements through State Assessments
 As a public school, DCS is required to administer annual assessments and submit all data to the state of
 Oregon. DCS’s charter with Dallas School District states, “. . . the percentage of students at each grade level
 of DCS’s students. . .shall be at or above the percentage of the District’s students who meet or exceed. . . the
 state assessment.” The state of Oregon and Dallas School District has an expectation that 95% of DCS
 students will participate in state tests. Less than 95% participation could mean the loss of our funding
 resulting in the closure of the school.

Smarter Balance:
 Smarter Balance is the new state test that will be administered once a year in grades 3-8 and 11 in areas
 of math and English language arts. In early 2020, you will be receiving additional information on how
 best to prepare your child for the test. Your EG will schedule a time during the state testing period for
 your child to take the test. You may visit the ODE website for more information and to view sample
 questions. (http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=3298)

Local Performance Assessment:
 The purpose of the local performance assessment requirement is to ensure that Oregon students are
 afforded opportunities to learn and to receive feedback regarding their academic progress. Performance
 Assessments are required every year in the areas of math, science, writing, and speaking and are used to
 track yearly student growth for all students at Grades 3 through 8 and once in high school. See
 http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2662 for more information.

By administering these assessments, DCS is following the charter agreement with the Dallas School District
and the State of Oregon’s requirements and allows for another method of demonstrating a student’s
academic progress in the areas of math, science, writing, and speaking. Performance assessments are
completed under the direction of the EG. More information about the assessments, scoring guides, and
samples may be obtained through your EG.

Oregon state legislation requires DCS to inform parents of their rights to opt students out of state
assessments. Pursuant to ORS 326.565 Section 3, we will provide you with additional information on your right
to opt-out of statewide testing as it is made available from the Oregon Department of Education. You must do
a separate opt-out notification for Science, and a separate opt-out notification for Language Arts and Math.

 1st-6th Grade Students: Students in grades 1-6 do not receive “traditional” report cards with grades unless
 the parent requests this. Instead of traditional report cards, grading will be based on student, EG, and parent
 review of work and standards met.

 7th-8th Grade Students: Students in grades 7-8 do not receive “traditional” report cards with grades. Instead
 of traditional report cards, grading will be based on student, EG, and parent review of work and standards
 met. If the parent requests, traditional grades may be assigned at a PLP meeting by the student, EG, and LC.

 The 7th and 8th grade teachers have the option of giving grades for their site-based class. If a teacher
 chooses to give grades to 7th or 8th graders, the teacher will need to enter those grades into Synergy so
 that the parents and EG may keep track of their students’ progress.

Attendance and Keeping Track of Student Activities
The state requires DCS to submit attendance in order to qualify for funding. The LC is responsible for tracking
daily lessons and reporting attendance through your EG. You will receive two emails from your EG per week
asking you for your attendance.

All public schools in the state of Oregon are subject to the “10-Day Rule.” If the school does not have
confirmation that the student has attended school for 10 consecutive school days, then the student will
automatically be withdrawn from DCS and their “slot” will be offered to the next student on the waiting list.

How to report attendance: Your EG will send you an email on Wednesday A.M. and Friday A.M. The email will
 include a link which will take you to a google form. Please complete attendance for each child. Attendance is
 due at noon on Wednesday and Friday. If we do not receive your attendance on time twice a week, we are
 required to count your children’s unexcused absence. This is important: Our school is required to report
 attendance to Dallas School District twice a week.

Physical Education (PE) Log:
2007 HB 3141: Physical Education is required for all students K-8. 150 minutes per week for K-5 students and
225 minutes for students in grades 6-8. Students with disabilities will have adapted physical education as part
of their IEP.

How to report PE: A copy of the PE log is in the appendix and can also be accessed online through the student
portal: http://dallascommunityschool.org/student-portal/. PE logs are due on the 5th day of each month.

Learning through DCS Classes
Personalized Learning is the foundation of DCS, and to that end, DCS offers a wide range of optional classes to
complement and supplement home learning. Attending classes at the DCS site or at one of our partner sites is
not required. Your PLP should reflect which classes you intend to participate in.

Classes Taught at DCS
                           Most classes are offered for one trimester; a few classes last the entire school
                           year. Some classes are taught by licensed teachers while others are taught by non-
                           licensed community educators. Classes taught by licensed teachers provide an
                           opportunity to develop skills in language arts, social studies, science, technology,
                           fine arts, and math. Examples of classes taught by community educators include
                           yoga, drama, foreign languages, music, and some art classes, among others. DCS
                           classes can be a part of a student’s PLP or can complement instruction that is
                           included in the PLP.
                           Age Requirements
                             Most classes have specific age and/or grade requirements. If parents feel that their
child would do well in a class even if they don’t fit the exact age range, we can sometimes be flexible. Any
exceptions to the age requirements will be made on a case-by-case basis and are subject to approval by the
class teacher and the student’s DCS Guide. Students who are approved to an age/grade exception and are
unable to fully participate in the class due to not meeting skills requirements, or developmental standards, may
be asked to meet with Director to assess the child’s ability to continue.

Class Fees and Supplies
There is a $10 fee for every class offered through DCS which can be paid with Class and Field Trip Allotment
Funds (400.00). Each class you register for is $10 (whether one hour, two hours, or twice per week). This $10
fee will show up in the eSchools Parent Portal and be automatically taken out of your allotment funds in our
accounting system.

Sometimes classes will require additional materials fees - these will be reflected in the eSchool online
registration system (and as “Materials Fees” in our Course Descriptions documents). Materials fees for DCS
classes are paid for out of each student’s Regular Allotment Funds ($700). Your EG can help you arrange to use
allotment funds for classes and materials fees, or the parent can pay out-of-pocket. Please make payment
arrangements with your EG. All materials fees are listed in the online course catalog.

Attending Classes and Activities On-Site at DCS
DCS is located at 124 SW Walnut Avenue in Dallas.

Community rules for participation at the DCS site:

● Parents or parent designees are encouraged to participate in their child’s class activities or volunteer to
     help depending upon each class. Please feel comfortable in asking how you may help or participate.
   ● During onsite and community-based classes, please respect the instructor’s authority to maintain
     classroom order. Parents attending classes should be polite observers or participants. Please limit all
     conversations with other parents or siblings while instruction is taking place.
   ● Site-based classes at DCS require students to be present and complete assigned work (some instructors
     will require or request that students do homework or practice skills outside of class). Multiple
     unexcused absences from a class may constitute a drop. Parents or students are responsible to contact
     the teacher or the school to notify them of the absence. If a student misses 2 or more classes in the
     first 2 weeks of class, your Guide will contact you to confirm that you are planning to continue with the
     class. If for whatever reason the class is not the right choice, we will ask you to drop the class and allow
     students from the waitlist to take the spot. Each term we have students who miss the opportunity to
     participate in a class because space is not available.
   ● Please arrange prompt transportation, to and from school, for your child. Arrival on time is mandatory
     for meetings and for site-based and community-based classes.
   ● If you have concerns, please talk to the instructor outside of class time, or submit your feedback in
     writing. If the issue is not resolved after direct contact with the instructor, contact the director.
   ● Students may be on campus without a parent if their behavior is appropriate.

 Student Drop Off and Pick Ups For DCS Classes
Safety for our students, staff parents, and community members is a top priority. It is imperative that that you
follow the Dallas City approved procedures when dropping off and picking up your children. DCS agreed to the
following conditions with the city in order to acquire the Occupancy Permit necessary to use this facility as a

   1. Cars will enter the parking lot from Donald Street ONLY. No one may enter the parking lot from Main
      Street (Kings Valley Highway).
   2. Cars dropping off students will drive next to the building between the orange traffic cones and the
   3. Students must wait to get in or out of their car until they are in the Pick Up/Drop Off zone next to the
      third and last door (nearest Main Street). Students will not be permitted to be picked up or dropped
      off outside this zone (in the “approach” or “staging area”).
   4. Students will load and unload from the car using the passenger side doors only. No driver side exits are
   5. Drivers may not get out of their cars while in the Approach, Staging, Loading and Unloading Zones.
   6. Parents wishing to come into the school must park in a parking space in the parking lot or use the on-
      street parking in the area.
   7. School staff will be at the door in the Loading/Unloading Zone to assist students during arrival and
      departure times to ensure student safety.
   8. When exiting the parking lot all cars must turn right in order to keep traffic moving through the
      parking lot.

9. The handicap parking space is for validly authorized parking ONLY. At all times, even after hours, even
       temporarily, no car should be parked in this spot without DMV issued authorization.
   10. Once classes have started please use the School Office entrance (door A).
   11. Access to the building will be from the school parking lot. Students and visitors are asked to not use the
       Walnut Ave. entrances.

Parking at the Site
The school is located at 124 SW Walnut Avenue. To access the parking lot, drive past the building on Walnut,
turn right on Donald and you will see the driveway into the school. Parking is limited. If the lot is full,
additional parking is available on Walnut Avenue and after hours overflow parking is available across Walnut
in the parking lot at the Bookkeeping business. Adult visitors should access the building through the office
door, the first door in the parking lot (door A).

Please do not park in unmarked spaces around the school’s parking lot. The families living in the homes
adjacent to the school have asked us not to park on their property or drive through their driveway. If you park
in unmarked spaces your car is subject to being towed.

What students should bring to class
All students should pack a refillable water bottle. Students can also bring a light snack. If your student is
staying at the site all day, be sure to bring a lunch. Please make sure students dress appropriately and bring
jackets on rainy days as they will be playing outside, rain or shine, at morning recess (11:15-11:45). A
backpack or tote is also suggested.

Students may also want to bring a notebook or folder with notebook paper for taking notes and writing
assignments, and to hold papers that instructors might hand out. Students may be provided with materials
lists specific to their classes, but most class materials will be purchased with the materials fees charged to
families and provided to students in class.

What to leave at home
We can all work together to create a great learning environment for DCS students. Toys and gaming
electronics should be left at home. Knives, weapons, illegal narcotics, and alcohol are also prohibited on

A note about start and pick up times
Please be aware of what time your student’s classes start and end. Please arrive no more than 5 minutes
before the start of class, except at the beginning of the day, when students can be dropped off starting at 8:15
am. Students need to be dropped off and picked up on time. Childcare is not provided after class or after

Students who are enrolled in both morning classes and afternoon classes will be given a supervised recess and
lunch break from 11:15 to 12:15. If students have a break between classes (for example, one class is from
12:15 – 1:25 and the next class does not begin until 2:30), the student may be assigned an independent study
class using a computer (this will require the approval of your EG). If the parent does not want their child to
participate in a computer-based independent study period, they must take the child home or be in the school
to provide supervision. DCS staff does not provide supervision or child care except for the recess and lunch
breaks and for quick breaks between classes.

The DCS Family Room
During the 2018-2019 year, a room in the school was available for families visiting the school. This year we
will not be able to offer this room because it is needed for classroom space. We are hopeful that we can
reintroduce the family room during the 2020-2021 school year. Parents who would like to stay and read to a
child or work with a child while their other child(ren) are in a class could possibly use the tables in the entry
foyer space or check to see if one of the small conference rooms might be available, with the understanding
that priority for both spaces will be given to school meetings, tutoring and independent study. Parents who
are waiting for students for only one or two hours could go to the library, go to the park, do some shopping, or
have lunch or coffee at one of the local businesses.

Attending Classes at Partner Sites
Some DCS classes may be offered at partner sites in Dallas or in our surrounding communities. Classes at
partner sites are classes that were developed by DCS and are open to only DCS students.

Participating in classes means students and parents make a commitment to follow classroom expectations and
guidelines as laid out by DCS and individual instructors, and may need to sign a waiver or behavior agreement.

   ● Parents and students need to read the class description or syllabus to ensure that the class focus and
     expectations are a good fit.
   ● Students are expected to arrive on time and be prepared for class. Chronic tardiness will not be
   ● It is the responsibility of the student and parent to communicate with site-based teachers regarding
     missing assignments.
   ● Please ensure direct communication with the school office regarding absences.
   ● Students will be required to complete a formal state work sample in all comprehensive English, Speech,
     Writing, Math, and Science classes.
   ● All students agree to shared behavior expectations. If a student is unable to meet those expectations, a
     parent or other adult may be required to attend class with the student.

DCS students may also choose to take classes from other outside providers that are not exclusive to DCS
students. Regular allotment funds can be used to pay for some classes offered by these non DCS community

Learning through Field Trips
DCS offers many field trip opportunities each year which are listed on the school website (with updates each
month) and promoted through the DCS weekly email newsletters. Field trips are an opportunity to
supplement PLP goals while socializing with other DCS students and families. For descriptions and schedules of
field trips, see the DCS website. We welcome family suggestions for future field trips that could meet PLP

Field trip registration
Families can register for most field trips well in advance, usually at least a month or more before the trip.
However, we will also notify parents of any available spots in upcoming field trips in the weekly school
newsletter so families can still register for those spots even after the main registration period. Registration is
ongoing until the participant limit is reached.

LCs are responsible for arranging transportation for their students to and from the field trip location. On
occasion, the field trip may offer bus transportation for student and parent participants.

Learning Coach (LC) Participation
LCs or their authorized designee must attend field trips with their students. To authorize a designee, the LC
must complete a Field Trip Chaperone Designee form, which is available at the DCS office.

Age/grade requirements
Age and grade requirements are usually set by the host site, or sometimes by DCS staff. There are generally no
exceptions to age/grade requirements.

Sibling participation in field trips is dependent on the field trip location, group rate rules, and age
requirements. The description of each field trip should clarify whether siblings may attend, and if so, what
ages and any extra cost.

Other School Services
Photo Copies
Each student will be allowed 500 black and white copies per year at the school site at no charge. Copies made
over the initial 500 can be made at the student’s expense at any local copy center. Copier use service times
may be restricted during certain hours to meet the needs of on-site classes. A code will be assigned to each
family and used to track the number of copies available.

Loan Library
Some items are available for loan through our library at no cost. These include children’s and professional
(education / curriculum) books, selected educational equipment, and other supplies. Families are financially
responsible for lost, damaged, and unreturned items. Families with no outstanding fines may borrow
curriculum and other items for the summer after the inventory has been completed near the end of June.

Using Your Allotment Funds
Each student enrolled in the school is eligible to receive $1,100 in allotment funds for the year.
You may use allotment funds to purchase curriculum, classes, and other educational focused experiences and
materials that contribute to your student’s learning goals. There are two different funds (“Regular” and
“Classes and Field Trips”) and each have very specific requirements for using these dollars.

Regular Allotment Funds - $700.00
Regular allotment funds are used to pay for expenses incurred by students working on the goals listed on their
PLP. These funds can be spent on curriculum, materials fees for DCS classes, classes or lessons that are not
offered through DCS, and other educational materials and experiences approved by the EG. Families who
register after the start of the school year are assigned allotment funds on a prorated basis. Allotment funds
can be spent on books, approved vendors, supplemental materials, school supplies and other items that are
primarily educational in nature. No additional funds will be released. All allotment funds must be used by May

Classes and Field Trip Allotment Funds - $400.00
Students will have access to $400 to purchase DCS classes and DCS Field trips. DCS classes are classes that
appear on the class schedule and are exclusively for DCS students (most often held at the school site but
sometimes offsite at other locations). DCS field trips are those for only DCS students and families offered as
part of the school program. If a student wants to take a non-DCS sponsored class from a community business,
Regular Allotment Funds can be used after the EG has approved the expense.

Every DCS class will cost $10 each term. One hour, two hour and twice a week classes (those offered on
Monday and Wednesday or Tuesdays and Thursdays) will all be $10 each. This fee will NOT be reflected in the
eSchools online registration system. Occasionally a class will have a materials fee which can be paid for out of
the Regular Allotment Fund. The materials fees WILL be shown in the eSchools online registrations system and
in our course descriptions documents.

FIELD TRIP. Once the registration is processed, the fees will be deducted from your account whether or not
the student takes the class or attends the trip. If a student completes the registration for a field trip but is
unable to attend, his/her account will still be charged. If a student decides to withdraw from a class and switch
to another class your account will be charged for both classes.

The 60/40 Rule
60% of the allotment is available in September and the remaining 40% in January.

Purchasing Curriculum
At DCS, family members and EGs work together to choose curriculum and learning materials that best meet
the needs of the students. As a public charter school, only curriculum that is non-sectarian (non-religious) can
be purchased with the students’ educational allotment. However, families are free to purchase materials that
do not meet these criteria with their own funds. All purchases using allotment dollars should be approved by
the EG at a bi-weekly PLP meeting.

Core Materials Requirement
Supplemental materials, school supplies, extracurricular activities and memberships may also be purchased
with the student’s allotment, but only after all other core curriculum requirements are met. The family must
demonstrate that the core subjects are provided for and materials associated are covered for the entire school
year before they can spend their allotment on supplemental materials and/or vendors. All materials must
support the student's PLP. If allotment funds are exhausted, LCs are responsible for additional curriculum

Early Withdrawals from DCS
In the case of early withdrawal, all curriculum purchased with allotment funds must be returned to the school
and any remaining balance will be forfeited. All memberships will be immediately cancelled. Additionally, any
student dropping before December 30th will be required to reimburse the school for all monies allocated
(except from the $400 Classes and Field Trips allotment funds for DCS classes and field trips). Any student
dropping on December 30th or later will retain any consumables and return all non-consumables to the

Consumable or Non-Consumable
Curriculum and materials are defined as either consumable or non-consumable. Consumable curriculum will
be “used up” by the student. For example, workbooks that are meant to be written in are consumables, as are
most art and school supplies. Items that are unique and will most likely not be used by another family will also
be considered consumable, as will any CD-based or downloadable curriculum that is not licensed for multiple
family use. Determination is made by the EG. Non-consumable curriculum will be inventoried and must be
returned at the end of the school year, around June 15th (but families can then borrow curriculum and other
items from the library for the summer after inventory has been completed). Non-consumable items purchased
with DCS allotment funds may not ever be re-sold because of a state law which makes it illegal to “profit” from
materials purchased with state dollars. You may donate them or give them away, however.

DCS Basic Student Supply Store
New this year (2019-2020) – Over the past few years we have noticed that many families ordered basic school
supplies and paid far more than similar items that can be purchased through the school’s bulk discount
purchasing program. The school will now offer basic school supplies from the list below through the DCS
Student Basic Student Supply Store. Families can place orders through their guide using their allotment funds.
If a family wishes to make a purchase for basic school supplies that are on the list below, they will not be
reimbursed with allotment funds. If there is a justifiable reason why a student would need supplies that are
different than the items on the list they may ask for approval from their guide. Prices will be less than what
individuals would pay for the same quality at a local office supply store and will be set prior to the start of the
school year. The Basic Student Supply Store will stock the following items:

   •   #2 pencils                                                 •   Ballpoint pens
   •   Erasers (pink and pencil top)                              •   Scissors (adult and child)
   •   Colored markers (thin and wide)                            •   Elmer’s glue sticks and white school glue
   •   Folders                                                    •   Plastic rulers
   •   Pencil pouch                                               •   Lined writing paper
   •   Dry erase pens                                             •   Spiral notebooks
   •   Crayons                                                    •   Basic calculator

If you wish for an item to be added to the store please let your guide know and it will be considered.

New vs. In-Stock
In-stock items are donated or used materials. These items are labeled as “in stock” in the school library system
and are available immediately. New items must be ordered at full retail price and may take 2-6 weeks to

Before a family can submit for reimbursement, they must first have the approval of their EG to ensure that the
item they wish to purchase qualifies for the use of school funds. DCS cannot reimburse for any materials that
are not a part of the student's PLP, or any items that we cannot legally purchase (ex. faith-based items) even if
they are a part of the student’s PLP. DCS will issue reimbursement checks twice a month, on the 5th and 20th
of each month. Should the 5th or the 20th fall on a weekend, they will be issued the next business day. Any
requests for reimbursements must be submitted on the DCS Reimbursement Form with receipts and any other
documentation. The EG signs the Reimbursement Form, confirming that all items listed are a part of the
student’s PLP and have been seen, verified, and entered into the school’s library system. Please keep a copy of
all receipts until you receive your reimbursement. Please read our policy (below) about approved vendors and
purchases from Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Craigslist, Facebook, etc. which may not be eligible for reimbursement.
Receipts that list a “lot”, or do not list a specific item, are not eligible for reimbursement.

Exchange Policy
The school must pay shipping/restocking fees when returning items and this charge will be passed on to the
family. For this reason, we encourage families to carefully consider the curriculum before ordering it.
Curriculum and other educational materials may be returned for a refund only if the following conditions are

   ● The curriculum is returned to the school less than two weeks after receiving it.
   ● The curriculum is returned in new condition.

● The curriculum is too advanced or too easy for the student -OR-
   ● The curriculum is not what was ordered -OR-
   ● The curriculum was ordered by the school in error.

Return to DCS Policy
Non-consumables inventoried in the school library system must be returned to DCS at the end of the school
year, or when the student withdraws from school, as they are paid for with taxpayer dollars and belong to
DCS. This includes non-consumable texts, computers, and other similar items. Families will be charged for
missing or damaged materials. Families with outstanding fines may have restrictions placed on borrowing non-
core materials, and will not be able to use their allotment in the next school year until fines are paid.

Using Allotment Funds to Purchase Chromebooks.
Families may use allotment funds to purchase a Chromebook laptop computer, as long as it is part of the PLP
and approved by their EG. The Chromebook remains the property of DCS. The family will be given first option
to check the device out the following year, at no additional cost, as long as at least one child remains enrolled.
Cost can be shared by siblings using the same device. Each student within the same household is eligible for
their own Chromebook, provided it is a part of their PLP and approved by their EG. Use of the device may be
transferred to an enrolled sibling, as long as it is approved by their EG and included in their PLP. The cost of
any repairs not covered by warranty are the responsibility of the family. The family is also responsible for the
cost of their own internet service, as we are not a virtual school. If a device is in need of repair and the
warranty has expired, DCS cannot cover the cost of repairs. The family will be responsible for repairs or
replacement on a prorated basis. Families will be asked to sign an agreement form that outlines their
responsibilities at the time of purchase.

Approved Vendors
Curriculum and supplies may be purchased (using allotment funds) only from vendors with a business license
and who can provide an invoice. We cannot purchase items from Craigslist, Facebook, or from private people
who do not have a business license. DCS can order from faith-based suppliers, but only items that are non-
sectarian (non-religious).

Purchasing from Amazon, Etsy, and Ebay
If a family wishes to purchase from Amazon, Etsy, or Ebay and has reviewed the purchase with their EG at a
family meeting, please contact the office manager before ordering. Some items do not qualify for

Approved Curricula
See the curriculum catalog for an updated list of approved curricula. If your curriculum is not on the list in the
curriculum catalog, you may contact the school director to request a curriculum review.

You can also read