Defiance College - BSN STUDENT HANDBOOK 2021-2022
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Defiance College 1+2+1 Nursing Program Associate Degree BSN STUDENT HANDBOOK 2021-2022 Rev. 4/19, 5/2020, 8/2021
TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome 2 Overview of the Program 3 1+2+1 Nursing Program – Plan of Study for NSCC 4-5 1+2+1 Nursing Program – Plan of Study for RSC 6 1+2+1 Nursing Program Guidelines 7 1+2+1 First Year Checklist for NSCC 8 PAX Pre-Admission Exam FAQ’s 9 1+2+1 First Year Checklist for RSC 10 TEAS Pre-Admission Exam FAQ’s 11 Advising Information 12 Campus Resources, Services, Code of Conduct and Policies 13 1+2+1 Financial Matters Checklist 14 Additional Out of Pocket Costs 15 Contacts 16 Notes 17 1|Page
WELCOME Welcome to the 1+2+1 Nursing Program here at Defiance College! This unique and competitive program offers the best of two worlds – outstanding liberal arts education and advanced nursing education at Defiance College along with top-quality RN preparation at Northwest State Community College or Rhodes State College. As a freshman, you will have the same opportunity for the full college experience as every other student at Defiance College. During your second and third years, while enrolled in the AAS (Associate of Applied Science) Degree Program at NSCC or RSC, you will continue to be Defiance College students, therefore, you can participate in Defiance College activities and access college resources. After completion of the AAS Degree through NSCC or RSC, you will return to DC for your fourth and final year and complete the advanced nursing courses and Liberal Arts courses online. We look forward to working with you through your journey over the next four years. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Director of Nursing Dr. Heidi DeSota, DNP, RN (419) 783-2372 [email protected] Administrative Assistant for Nursing Program Cathy Behringer (419) 783-2573 [email protected] 2|Page
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM Defiance College 1+2+1 Nursing Program In Partnership with Northwest State Community College and Rhodes State College The Defiance College 1+2+1 Nursing Program, in partnership with Northwest State Community College (NSCC) and Rhodes State College (RSC), offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in a four-year format. The program is intended for students who are immediately entering a college following high school graduation. The first year is taken at Defiance College, and for the second and third years, students will take classes at Northwest State Community College or Rhodes State College and complete the AAS (Associate of Applied Science) Degree, their RN (Registered Nurse) program. To be eligible for this partnership program, students must apply and be accepted to NSCC or RSC once accepted to Defiance College. Ten seats in the RN program at NSCC and eight seats in the fall and 5 seats in the spring at RSC are guaranteed to Defiance College students. Students who successfully complete their first year at Defiance College, meeting all program requirements, will be eligible for these seats. This is a competitive process, which is awarded by GPA, and only the top ten students for NSCC and the top eight students for RSC will be guaranteed seats. For the fourth year, students will transfer back to Defiance College after completing the AAS Degree at Northwest State Community College or Rhodes State College. Admittance into the BSN completion program is contingent upon being in good academic standing (2.5 GPA or higher) and successfully completing the NCLEX-RN exam before entering in to the first clinical course. 3|Page
SAMPLE PLAN FOR: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program (1+2+1 with Northwest State Community College) First Year at Defiance College (31 credit hours) Fall Semester Spring Semester FYE 100 College Engagement Seminar 2 GEN 101 Jacket Journey 1 GLST 100 World Issues 3 BIO 236 Anatomy and Physiology II & Lab 4 MATH 105 Quant Reasoning or 110 Algebra 3 CHEM113 Chemistry Around Us & Lab 4 BIO 235 Anatomy and Physiology I & Lab 4 ENGL 125 Composition I 3 PSY 110 Intro to Psychology 3 COMM 120 Intro to Human Communication 3 NRS 101 Nurse Aide Certification 2 Total Credits: 14 Total Credits: 17 **prerequisites for the NSCC nursing program are highlighted in yellow Second Year at Northwest State Community College (26 credit hours) NRS 140 Professional Concepts I 1 NRS 142 Professional Concepts II 1 NRS 141 Health & Illness Concepts (3+3) 6 NRS 143 Health & Illness Concepts II (3+4) 7 NRS 144 Pharmacology 2 BIO 234 Human Diseases 3 ENG 112 Composition II 3 BIO 131 Nutrition 3 Total Credits: 12 Total Credits: 14 Third Year at Northwest State Community College (28 credit hours) NRS 240 Professional Concepts III 1 NRS 242 Professional Concepts IV 1 NRS 241 Health & Illness Concepts III (4+4) 8 NRS 243 Health & Illness Concepts IV (4+4) 8 BIO 257 Microbiology 4 STA 120 Introduction to Statistics 3 PSY 230 Growth and Development 3 *May take Gen Ed Elective to fulfill credits at DC Total Credits: 16 Total Credits: 12 Fourth Year at Defiance College (30 credit hours) NRS 400 Nursing Transitions 3 NRS 365 Nursing in a Globalized World 3 NRS 415 Nursing Research 3 NRS 380 Nursing Informatics 3 NRS 475 Community Health Nursing 3 NRS 480 Nursing Leadership & Mgmt. 3 NRS 476 Community Nursing Clinical 3 NRS 498 Nursing Leadership Capstone 3 Historical, Political, Multicultural Gen Ed 3 Creative/Expressive Arts Gen Ed 3 Total Credits: 15 Total Credits: 15 • A total of 120 credit hours are needed for graduation. • A minimum of 60 hours in residence at Defiance College are required to be eligible for Latin Honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude). • Passing the NCLEX is required before enrollment in NRS 476 Community Health Clinical. • To be eligible for enrollment at Northwest State Community College: o The student must have received a B or better in HS biology or take a college biology course Freshmen year and receive a C or better; or have a C in HS biology and an ACT of 24 or higher o The student must have had HS Chemistry with Lab and received a minimum grade of ‘B’, or a ‘C’ with an ACT Science Score of 24 or higher. If students do not meet these minimums, they must take CHEM 113 and pass with at least a ‘C’ or better. Note that if students are exempt from taking CHEM 113 before being admitted to the NSCC RN program, they must take CHEM 113 or its equivalent before being admitted at DC into the RN to BSN Online Completion Program. o An overall GPA of 2.5 or higher; o A C (2.0) in the following courses: MATH 105 or 110, BIO 235, CHEM 113, PSY 110, and NRS 101 o Demonstration of computer and keyboard literacy; o Complete an AAS Degree of Nursing program application and meet all admission requirements 4|Page
o Basic Life Support (BLS) certification through the American Heart Association must be taken pre-entry to Northwest State Community College; o At least a 50th percentile on each of the three sections on the NLN PAX pre-admission exam ; o Must pass STNA certification and be licensed *May opt upon your return to DC in senior year to be a part-time student and complete in 5 years. 5|Page
SAMPLE PLAN FOR: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program (1+2+1 with Rhodes State College) First Year at Defiance College (31 credit hours) Fall Semester Spring Semester FYE 100 College Engagement Seminar 2 GEN 101 Jacket Journey 1 GLST 100 World Issues 3 BIO 236 Anatomy and Physiology II & Lab 4 MATH 105 Quant Reasoning or 110 Algebra 3 CHEM113 Chemistry Around Us & Lab 4 BIO 235 Anatomy and Physiology I & Lab 4 ENGL 125 Composition I 3 PSY 110 Intro to Psychology 3 COMM 120 Intro to Human Communication 3 NRS 101 Nurse Aide Certification 2 Total Credits: 14 Total Credits: 17 **prerequisites for the RSC nursing program are highlighted in yellow Second Year at Rhodes State College (30 credit hours) NSG 1520 Foundations of Nursing 8 COM 2400 Composition and Literature 3 BHS 1711 Pathophysiology for Healthcare 2 BIO 1120 Anatomy and Physiology II 4 DTN 1220 Principles of Nutrition 2 NSG 1523 Adult Health I 6 BHS 2110 Growth and Dev: Lifespan 2 NSG 1524 Care of the Childbearing Family 3 Total Credits: 14 Total Credits: 16 Third Year at Rhodes State College (27 credit hours) BIO 1400 Microbiology 4 NSG 2525 Essentials of Nurse Practice 9 NSG 1721 Pharmacology for Nursing 2 MTH 1260 Statistics 3 NSG 2521 Psychosocial Nursing 3 *May take Gen Ed Elective to fulfill credits at DC 3 NSG 2522 Adult Health II 6 Total Credits: 15 Total Credits: 12 Fourth Year at Defiance College (30 credit hours) NRS 400 Nursing Transitions 3 NRS 365 Nursing in a Globalized World 3 NRS 415 Nursing Research 3 NRS 380 Nursing Informatics 3 NRS 475 Community Health Nursing 3 NRS 480 Nursing Leadership & Mgmt. 3 NRS 476 Community Nursing Clinical 3 NRS 498 Nursing Leadership Capstone 3 Historical, Political, Multicultural Gen Ed 3 Creative/Expressive Arts Gen Ed 3 Total Credits: 15 Total Credits: 15 • A total of 120 credit hours are needed for graduation. • A minimum of 60 hours in residence at Defiance College are required to be eligible for Latin Honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude). • Passing the NCLEX is required before enrollment in NRS 476 Community Health Clinical. • To be eligible for enrollment at Rhodes State College: o An overall GPA of 2.5 or higher; o The student must have received a B or better in HS biology or take a college biology course Freshmen year and receive a C or better; or have a C in HS biology and an ACT of 24 or higher o A C (2.0) in the following courses: MATH 105 or 110, BIO 235, CHEM 113, PSY 110, and NRS 101 o Demonstration of computer and keyboard literacy; o Complete an AAS Degree of Nursing program application and meet all admission requirements o Basic Life Support (BLS) certification through the American Heart Association must be taken pre-entry to Rhodes State College; o A 60% overall composite score on the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) exam; o Must pass STNA course with an 80% or better, complete mock skills and review satisfactorily, complete clinical satisfactorily, and obtain certificate of completion before entry to Rhodes. *May opt upon your return to DC in senior year to be a part-time student and complete in 5 years. 6|Page
NURSING PROGRAM GUIDELINES 1. All courses taken year one and year four must be taken at Defiance College. 2. The GPA will be calculated using only courses taken at Defiance College when determining the eligibility for the 10 seats at Northwest State Community College and the 8 seats at Rhodes State College. 3. After the fall semester, the list for the 10 NSCC seats will be generated. Students passing the PAX exam and with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher will be eligible for a spot on this list. This is only a tentative list of eligibility for the 10 seats, which will be continually revised and evaluated throughout the spring semester. After the fall semester, the list for the 8 RSC seats will be generated. Students passing the TEAS exam and with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher will be eligible for a spot on this list. This is only a tentative list of eligibility for the 8 seats, which will be continually revised and evaluated throughout the spring semester. This is also the same standards for the 5 seats available in the spring semester. 4. At the end of spring semester, the 10 seats will be filled by GPA status. Once the 10 seats are filled, the process of evaluation will end. By the end of June a formal letter will be given of your acceptance. 5. Should there be more than 10 students eligible, students who do not get placed in one of the 10 guaranteed seats may consider the following options: ✓ Alternate List – Students may be placed on the alternate list and will be notified in July should there be an opening for fall admission to NSCC ✓ Spring application for admittance – Student may continue taking classes at DC the following fall and apply for potential admittance into the AAS Degree Program the following spring at NSCC or fall or spring at RSC. A formal letter will be sent by November 1 of your acceptance into the program. 7|Page
1+2+1 FIRST YEAR CHECKLIST FOR NSCC Requirements for eligibility for 1 of the 10 seats into the AAS Nursing Program at NSCC: □ Passed the PAX exam. Date passed: _______________________ **A copy of your results must be submitted to the Nursing Office for your student file** ✓ It is highly recommended that you take the test no later than the end of November. Didn’t pass on the first try? You get one more chance! This exam can be retaken one time only and you must wait six months after the first attempt before retesting. If scheduling to test again, make sure you have the test completed no later than April of the spring semester. (See page 8 for more information) *DC offers free tutoring for PAX exam* □ Attended fall meeting with Health Programs Coordinator from Four County Career Center (FCCC) to review requirements for STNA course. You will be notified of the date, time and location of this meeting the end of fall semester. o Class is scheduled 8 weeks of each semester, 2 days per week, for 4 hours at FCCC. □ Completed the State Test Nurse Aid (STNA) Certification class through Four County Career Center. □ Passed the STNA state test, and need to be licensed. Date passed: _______________________ *A copy of your card must be submitted to the Nursing Office for your student file. □ Attended spring meeting with Dean of Nursing from Northwest State Community College to schedule fall classes. (You will be notified in March the date, time and location of the meeting). Certification for: □ Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Provider from American Heart Association *A copy of your card must be submitted to the Nursing Office for your student file. Successfully completed first-year coursework at Defiance College with: □ 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA □ “C” or better for courses to transfer to NSCC (C- or below will require you to retake the course using Academic Second Chance) Apply to Northwest State Community College (NSCC) □ Complete application, SOARS and online testing programs FINALLY…. □ Received formal letter of acceptance by June 01 for fall admit or November 30 for Spring admit into AAS Degree Program at NSCC, Congratulations! (*Pending passing PAX and STNA licensure) 8|Page
PAX PRE-ADMISSION EXAM – FAQ’s How can I study for the PAX? • To help you study for the PAX-RN, the NLN offers the following book, NLN Review Guide for RN Pre-Entrance Exam, which provides an overview of the verbal, math, and science content necessary for admission to RN programs in nursing. The book contains practice questions and three practice exams in each content area: verbal ability, math, and science. This review guide is available in the Northwest State Community College bookstore or directly through Jones & Bartlett Publishers. DC Pilgrim Library has the book on reserve and can also connect you with a free tutor for the PAX exam. Registering – How do I register for the exam? • The cost of taking the exam at NSCC is $55.00. To register and pay for the exam, you will need to set up an account online at To create an account once on the website, click the “Create Account” button. After you create an account, you must click on the “Registration Store” button to register for the exam. Make sure to register for the correct exam-RN Pre-Admission Exam. Please read the exam policies on this site. What is the cost and how do I pay for the exam? • Forms of payment include major credit cards such as VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Money orders are accepted when paying at least 10 days before the registration closes. Personal checks are NOT accepted. The NLN does not issue refunds for this exam. Where is the exam administered? • The NLN PAX is used by many nursing schools to help determine an individual’s readiness for entry into an RN program. Test dates will be available at Northwest State Community College throughout the year. There is limited seating (40) available for each testing period, so be sure and register in advance to assure a seat. Who receives the test scores and how do I know if I passed? • You can access your online exam score immediately from your testing account. Once the test is completed just refresh the welcome page and click on Review Exam. Each school sets its own admission standards. The passing standard at Northwest State Community College is > 50th percentile (relative performance > 50) on all the areas tested. The NLN is not involved in this process, nor does the NLN establish a “passing” or “failing” mark on the test. Test results show how your scores compare with those of other applicants who have taken this examination nationally. What if I don’t pass the exam? • Students may retake the NLN preadmission exam ONE time only. You must wait six months after the original exam before retesting. When does NSCC offer testing for the exam? • Testing is offered remotely at this time. What should I bring to the exam session? • A printed copy of your “Exam Confirmation”, Student photo ID, and pencils with erasers. NO CALCULATORS PERMITTED. **It is important that you be online at least 30 minutes prior to exam time. 9|Page
1+2+1 FIRST YEAR CHECKLIST FOR RSC Requirements for eligibility for 1 of the 8 seats into the AAS Nursing Program at RSC: □ Passed the TEAS exam. Date passed: _______________________ **A copy of your results must be submitted to the Nursing Office for your student file** ✓ It is highly recommended that you take the test no later than the end of November. Didn’t pass on the first try? You get one more chance! This exam can be retaken one time only and you must wait six months after the first attempt before retesting. If scheduling to test again, make sure you have the test completed no later than April of the spring semester. (See page 10 for more information) *DC offers free tutoring for TEAS exam* □ Attended fall meeting with Health Programs Coordinator from Four County Career Center (FCCC) to review requirements for STNA course in spring. You will be notified of the date, time and location of this meeting the end of fall semester. o Class is scheduled 8 weeks of each semester, 2 days per week, for 4 hours at FCCC. □ Completed the State Test Nurse Aid (STNA) Certification class through Four County Career Center with a B or better. □ Attended spring meeting with Dean of Nursing from Rhodes State College to schedule fall classes. (You will be notified in March the date, time and location of the meeting). Certification for: □ Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Provider from American Heart Association *A copy of your card must be submitted to the Nursing Office for your student file. Successfully completed first-year coursework at Defiance College with: □ 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA □ “C” or better for courses to transfer to RSC (C- or below will require you to retake the course using Academic Second Chance) Apply to Rhodes State College (RSC) □ Complete application, FINALLY…. □ Received formal letter of acceptance by June 01 for fall admit or November 30 for Spring admit into AAS Degree Program at RSC, Congratulations! (*Pending passing TEAS and STNA certification) 10 | P a g e
TEAS PRE-ADMISSION EXAM – FAQ’s The ATI TEAS measures basic essential skills in the academic content areas of reading, mathematics, science, and English and language usage. The ATI TEAS test is comprised of 170 questions set up in a multiple-choice format with four-option answers. Questions are designed to test the basic academic skills the student will need to perform in class in the areas of Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage. How can I study for the TEAS? • To help you study for the TEAS exam, the following items are available for purchase on the website: TEAS study package, TEAS study material, TEAS Online Practice Assessment, Learning Strategies: Your Guide to Classroom and Test-Taking Success. Registering – How do I register for the exam? • The cost of taking the exam is $65.00, plus tax. If the exam is taken through a proctor, the cost is $65.00, plus an additional $5.00 proctoring fee. To register and pay for the exam, you will need to set up an account online at To do so, visit and click “Create an Account” (follow the screen prompts). You only need to register once, and you will use the same account throughout your health science program. You’ll need your ATI username and password to take an online test. Please bring this information with you to the testing location. After creating an account, the student will then need to email [email protected] to set up a time to test. How do I pay for the exam? • The exam is purchased through ATI TEAS as explained above and a debit or credit card must be used for payment. Where is the exam administered? • The ATI TEAS exam is given by appointment or per online proctoring through Rhodes State College. The students will need to email [email protected] to set up a time to test. RSC is offering proctored exams on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am and 2:00pm. There is a $5 proctoring fee that goes straight to Proctorio in addition to the cost of the exam. The students must have Chrome and can only use a laptop or computer. Tablets and iPads cannot be used according to TEAS. The student will also need to have a microphone and camera. When the student emails the Testing Center at RSC, information will be sent out on downloading the extension to Chrome, as well as other information. RSC is also offering the exam by appointment only at the Testing Center on campus. Who receives the test scores and how do I know if I passed? • You can access your online exam score immediately from your testing account. Once the test is completed, your test will be scored immediately, allowing the student to view the ATI TEAS score report at that time. The passing standard at Rhodes State College is an overall composite score of at least 60%. ATI is not involved in this process, nor does the ATI establish a “passing” or “failing” mark on the test. What if I don’t pass the exam? • Students may retake the ATI TEAS exam twice per calendar year, unless approved from the nursing department to test more than twice. Students must wait a minimum of 30 days between exams. What should I bring to the exam session? • If the exam is done online through a proctor, the student will need their ID to show the proctor and scrap paper and pencil. If the student is taking the exam at the Rhodes Testing Center, a debit or credit card and a photo ID is needed. 11 | P a g e
ADVISING INFORMATION Defiance College provides close attention to all students. Once students have been admitted to the 1+2+1 Nursing Program, they will be assigned a faculty advisor. You will also be assigned a faculty advisor at Northwest State Community College or Rhodes State College when you begin classes there. Your DC advisor can be found on MyDC through the Defiance College website. The DC advisor will ensure prompt service and attention to each student’s needs during your Freshman year. Your NSCC advisor can be found on MyNSCC through the Northwest State Community College website. A picture and name of your adviser at NSCC should be located at the top left of your homepage. They will help you with questions on academics and course selection during your Sophomore and Junior years. Your RSC advisor can be found on MyRSC through the Rhodes State College website. They will help you with questions on academics and course selection during your Sophomore and Junior years. Students should utilize both advisors and stay in close contact with both, however, If you begin to have any academic issues please contact the Director of Nursing at Defiance College as soon as possible so she may begin to assist you as best she can. STUDENT ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES Student Support Services - Supports the educational mission of Defiance College by providing academic services to assist the college’s students. Learning is an ongoing process, and the focus of Learning Commons Services is to help students develop skills and strategies for overall college success. Support Services provides the following services on-campus and online: • Tutoring • Writing Consultation • Supplemental Instruction • Study Skills Development • Structured Study Program Lisa Crumit-Hancock Assistant Dean of Student Success & Director of Student Support Services Phone: 419-783-2332 Email: [email protected] (Pilgrim Library, Room 216) 12 | P a g e
CAMPUS RESOURCES, SERVICES CODE OF CONDUCT, AND POLICIES Defiance College offers a wide array of campus resources and services to campus and online students. These resources and services include, but are not limited to: Student Life Department- Accessibility Services, Campus Security, Career Development, Counseling Services, Health Center, Intercultural Relations, Music Programs, Office of Student Activities, Residence Life/Housing, Spiritual Life, Student Life Office Campus Services and Resources- Academic Advising, Admissions, Audiovisual Services, Bookstore, Buchman Fitness Center, Business Office, Computer Services, Custodial Services, Dining Services, Facilities Management, Financial Aid, George M. Smart Athletic Center, Identification Cards, Library, Lost and Found, Mailroom, Motor Vehicles, Registrar’s Office, Student Academic Support Services Office of Residence Life- Residence Hall Administrative Policies, Facilities and Equipment in the Residence Halls, Residence Hall Judicial and Safety Policies Co-curricular Opportunities- Athletics, Intramural and Recreational Sports, Student Clubs and Organizations Student Code of Conduct- Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism, Academic Probation and Suspension, and Academic Second Chance Policy Statements- Non-Discrimination Policy, Alcohol Policy, Civil Rights Complaints and Harassment Policy, Computer Policy, Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Missing Persons Policy, Sexual Assault Policy, Sexual/Gender Harassment Statement, Substance Abuse Policy, Tobacco Policy See a full description of information listed above in the Defiance College Student Handbook, Defiance College Catalog, and the RN to BSN Online Completion Student Handbook. Defiance College Student Handbook: Defiance College Catalog: RN to BSN Online Completion Student Handbook: 13 | P a g e
1+2+1 Nursing Financial Matters Checklist YEAR 1 Turn in FAFSA to Defiance College (DC) Contact: Financial Aid Office or email [email protected] Pay Nursing Program Enrollment Fee ($520) to Business Office This fee covers the continued use of all DC labs, events, and services while being a student at NSCC. It also includes tracking fees and administrative costs. Please contact the DC Business Office or email Kristina Mohring ([email protected]) with any questions or for further details. Set up a meeting in April with DC Financial Aid regarding FAFSA Contact: Financial Aid Office or email [email protected] YEAR 2 Turn in FAFSA to NSCC or RSC Contact: NSCC or RSC Financial Aid Office Notify DC Registrar if you are a NSCC or RSC Student Athlete Contact: DC Registrar’s Office or email Dr. Robert Detwiler ([email protected]) Contact DC Residence Life if housing at DC is needed while attending NSCC or RSC Contact: Director of Residence Life, Jennifer Walton ([email protected]) YEAR 3 Turn in FAFSA to NSCC or RSC Contact: NSCC or RSC Financial Aid Office Notify DC Registrar if you are a NSCC or RSC Student Athlete Contact: DC Registrar’s Office or email Dr. Robert Detwiler ([email protected]) Contact DC Residence Life if housing at DC is needed while attending NSCC or RSC Contact: Director of Residence Life, Jennifer Walton ([email protected]) YEAR 4 Turn in FAFSA to Defiance College (DC) Contact: Financial Aid Office or email [email protected] 14 | P a g e
Additional Out-of-Pocket Fees *Not covered by tuition Students will occur additional out of pocket fees related to the State Tested Nursing Assistant Course (NRS 101) that are not covered in tuition as listed below: 1-FBI Background Check-$65 2-Flu Shot if not covered by student’s own private insurance-approx $50 3-Tuberculosis Testing if not covered by student’s own private health insurance-approx $50 4-Ohio State Nursing Assistant Certification Exam-$104 15 | P a g e
Contacts _____________________________________________________________________________________ Defiance College Nursing Program [Tenzer, Room 101] Director of Nursing: Heidi DeSota P: (419) 783-2372 E: [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Cathy Behringer P: (419) 783-2573 E: [email protected] Dean of Health & Wellness: Bridgette Winslow P: (419) 783-2395 E: [email protected] Billing [Defiance Hall, Room 213] Director of Student Accounts: Tina Mohring P: (419) 783-2318 E: [email protected] Financial Aid & Registration [Serrick Center, Room 204] Director of Financial Aid: Ronald Herrell P: (419) 783-2376 E: [email protected] Registrar: Dr. Robert Detwiler P: (419) 783-2358 E: [email protected] Residence Life [Hubbard Hall] Director of Residence Life: Jennifer Walton P: (419) 783-2563 E: [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________________ Northwest State Community College: Dean of Nursing: Kathy Keister P: (419) 267-1266 E: [email protected] Rhodes State College: Dean of Nursing: Melissa Harvey P: (419) 995-8347 E: [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________________ Four County Career Center: STNA Course Health Programs Coordinator: Cindy Kinkaid P: (419) 267-2286 E: [email protected] 16 | P a g e
NOTES 17 | P a g e
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