Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week

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Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Ishii Conception Office Network

Motoko Ishii &
Akari-Lisa Ishii
                                                JAPONISMES 2018
                                         SPECIAL LIGHT-UP OF EIFFEL TOWER

                                  Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights

                                                 PRESS DOCUMENT
Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
What is “Japonismes 2018”?
Ishii Conception Office Network

                                  From the Edo period (1603-1868) to the Meiji period (1868-1912), many Japanese works of art, such as Ukiyo-e
                                  and pottery found their way to the Western world in conjunction with the opening of Japanese ports.

                                  Seen for the first time, this highly expressive art made a strong impression on Parisian artists of that time and
                                  the so-called “Japonismes” (interest in Japan) was born. Painters representative of the era, such as Monet
                                  and van Gogh, collected Ukiyo-e works, replicated them and added kimono motifs, creating a major boom.
                                  Since then, not only has the trend been passed down in contemporary and modern art; Japan has also reim-
                                  ported works and a collection was formed in America. In this way it has had a worldwide effect.

                                  2018 Marks the 160th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and France.
                                  In May 2016, Japan’s Prime Minister Abe met with then-President of France, François Hollande. They agreed
                                  to hold a festival of Japanese culture and art, “Japonismes 2018,” in Paris, two years ahead of the 2020 Tokyo
                                  Olympic and Paralympic Games.

                                  More than 50 official events introducing a wide range of Japanese culture such as Kabuki, Noh, Bunraku and
                                  other stage performances from traditional to contemporary theater and dance; exhibitions of Ito Jakuchu,
                                  Rimpa and other Jomon-through-contemporary works and architecture; movies, manga, anime, festivals,
                                  food culture, crafts, and more are planned for the eight-month period between July 2018 and February 2019.
                                  A secretariat has been set up by The Japan Foundation and preparations are under way.

                                  Following the official opening in July of Japonismes
                                  2018, which the leaders of both France and Japan are
                                  expected to attend, and after the end of summer va-
                                  cation, September will see the opening of a full-fledged
                                  culture season in France, with Japonismes 2018 and
                                  many events including the Eiffel Tour Special Light-up
                                  among the highlights.

                                  For further information, please refer to
                                  the Japonismes 2018 website
                                  : https://japonismes.org

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Ishii Conception Office Network

                                                                        Special Light-up of Eiffel Tower

                                                               Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights
                                                                         by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii

                                  As the highlight of Japonismes 2018, there will be a special light-up of France’s representative monument,
                                  the Eiffel Tower. Known worldwide, the tower is located in western Paris on the bank of the Seine River. Built
                                  by Gustav Eiffel in 1887 to commemorate the International Exposition of 1867 held in Paris, this radio tower
                                  symbolic of France stands 324 meters tall and is still in use today as a radio tower.
                                  It is said that carrying-out a light-up using the latest lighting technology since the time of the tower’s completion
                                  is like continually dressing a lady in a beautiful dress of light to be the face of night. In the past, color light-ups
                                  have been held in connection with French national projects and international events related to France, but
                                  there has never been a production with Japan as the theme.

                                  This time, as one of the official events and highlight of Japonismes 2018, a collaboration of France and Japan
                                  based on an agreement between the two countries, Japan will be adopted as the theme for the first time
                                  and a special light-up of the Eiffel Tower embodying Japonismes will be carried out.

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Project outline
 Ishii Conception Office Network

                                   Date & Time: September 13–14, 2018 (Thu, Fri) 2018, from sunset to 01:00

                                   Venue:        Eiffel Tower, Paris

 Eiffel Tower
  dressed in
Japanese Lights                    Co-organizers :
                                   		           The Japan Foundation
                                   		Executive Committee for Special Light-up of Eiffel Tower, Japonismes 2018

                                   Planners & Producers :
                                   		           Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii

                                   Lighting Design & Production :
                                   		            Motoko Ishii & Motoko Ishii Lighting Design (Tokyo)
                                   		            Akari-Lisa Ishii & I.C.O.N. (Paris)

                                   Partners :    City of Paris
                                   		            Eiffel Tower operating company
                                   		            Chaillot - National Dance Theater

                                   Sponsors :    Panasonic, Stanley Electric, Shima Seiki MFG
                                   		Japan Airlines, All Nippon Airlines, NTT Communications, Inter Light Forum

                                   Cooperation :
                                   		          Tokyo National Museum
                                   		          Nezu Museum

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Event highlights
Ishii Conception Office Network

                                  Points in special light-up

                                  The light-up that is the highlight event of this anniversary project is a great opportunity to raise awareness of
                                  Japanese culture, and this is realized through the following Philosophies.

                                  •      Not only Japan’s traditional culture, but also its current technology is used in the artistic expression

                                  •      The performance will familiarize local visitors and tourists with Japanese culture, including those with
                                         no particular interest in Japan

                                  •      For this reason, located in the capital city of the country to realize the light performance on the
                                         representative monument.

                                  •      Many people can see it for free

                                  •      And, while commemorating the anniversary of friendship between Japan and the country, transmit a
                                         message of light to the world

                                  Points of Eiffel Tower special light-up

                                  •      The Eiffel Tower light-up expresses the beauty of Japan

                                  •      This is the first time that the Eiffel Tower is being lit up for two nights event in an exchange event
                                         between the two countries.

                                  •      It is the creation of two Japanese female designers (mother and daughter)

                                  • It is an expression of the latest Japanese technology
                                  		         18 Panasonic large-scale image projectors
                                  		         120 Stanley Electric special gold LED floodlights

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Design Concept
 Ishii Conception Office Network

                                                         Eiffel Tower Dressed in Japanese Lights

 Eiffel Tower
  dressed in                       The special light-up comprises two programs with a combined running time of 10 minutes; the programs
Japanese Lights                    repeat continuously.

                                   A special light-up on the Eiffel Tower structure expresses the beauty of Japan, creating a light-art work by
                                   wrapping the tower with images of Japan’s culture on this Parisian landmark.

                                   Based on an original scenario, an original soundtrack is created for the theme of Japan,
                                   increasing the synergy between light and sound.

                                                                         Program 1. LIGHT PERFORMANCE            (7 min)

                                                                         Program 2. SYMBOLIC IMAGE               (3 min)

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Program 1: Light performance
Ishii Conception Office Network

                                                             Theme: Liberty, Beauty, Diversity

    Light                         More than 200 years have passed since the French Revolution with its slogan of republican democracy
                                  ”LIBERTÉ (Liberty)—EGALITÉ (Equality)—FRATERNITÉ (Fraternity).” Considering the common direction
 Performance                      that France and Japan are headed in today, three important themes come to mind. Both countries are
                                  democracies and both love art, also the message of light transmitted from the Eiffel Tower expressing our
    7 min                         desire to continue to lead a diverse and peaceful world is our theme. Thus, our light performance is com-
                                  posed of the following features.

                                  Story board


                                  In French, Japan is also known as LE PAYS DU SOLEIL LEVANT (the country of the rising sun). The symbolism of the
                                  sun on the Japanese flag, or Hinomaru, and the simple but strong graphism are an exotic artistic expression
                                  which has been highly regarded in France and other countries since the 19th century. It symbolizes the
                                  longing and sacredness of pure white that is deeply rooted in the Japanese aesthetic sense. The crimson sun
                                  gradually rising against a white background is a dynamic presentation. This scene, called “Tower of the Rising
                                  Sun,” is part of the opening.

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Program 1, Light performance (Introduction) “Tower of the Rising Sun”
Ishii Conception Office Network

    7 min

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Program 1: Light performance
Ishii Conception Office Network

                                  Development - Liberty

    Light                         The theme of “Liberty” is expressed by two colored lights and intersecting beams symbolizing the freedom
                                  of exchange and dialogue between the countries, and light patterns creating the image of interwoven
 Performance                      friendship. The world’s latest special equipment is used to develop a dynamic fabric of light on the Eiffel
                                  Tower, heightening the dramatic effect of the production.
    7 min

                                  Turning point - Beauty

                                  Continuing, for the section on the theme “Beauty” Japan’s National-Treasure class works were specially
                                  selected from the Tokyo National Museum’s collection and images projected on the tower’s west face using
                                  a laser projection system developed in Japan. In addition, light projections expressing Japan’s traditional
                                  beauty motif, “Setsugekka” (Snow, Moon, Flowers), featuring a dignified Mt. Fuji, covered with snow the moon
                                  over waves in the sea and cherry blossoms in full bloom, bring the performance to a climax.

                                  Conclusion - Diversity

                                  In “Diversity,” the final section, lights in various colors and patterns paint the Eiffel Tower in this contemporary
                                  performance. The various patterns and light beams move with the music, making the Eiffel Tower itself seem
                                  to dance, heightening the impact of the performance. It is a message of light telling the world that Japan
                                  and France are aiming for a future open to the diversity.

Eiffel Tower dressed in Japanese Lights - by Motoko Ishii & Akari-Lisa Ishii Paris Design Week
Program 1, Light performance (Turning point) “Beauty—Setsugekka”
Ishii Conception Office Network

    7 min

Program 2: Symbolic Image
Ishii Conception Office Network

                                  Using a gold background is a symbolic technique in Japanese art expression. Gold is used in the light-up of
                                  the Eiffel Tower to symbolize Japan, used to be called the “golden country.” Floodlights emitting gold-colored
                                  light are newly developed in Japan for this event.
        Image                     Against that background, the image of Korin Ogata’s Kakitsubata-zu byobu (Irises Painted on a Folding
                                  Screen), a National Treasure in the Nezu Museum collection, is projected. Applied in a mapping projection
         3 min                    for the first time in the world, this masterpiece is projected on the Eiffel Tower like a slowly drifting poetic

Simulation: Program 2, Symbolic Image “Golden Tower and Irises”
Ishii Conception Office Network

       3 min

Background leading to this special light-up anniversary project
Ishii Conception Office Network

                                  Motoko Ishii, a world-famous lighting designer representative of Japan, and her daughter Akari-Lisa Ishii,
                                  active internationally from her base in Paris, have collaborated on numerous projects commemorating the
                                  anniversaries of friendly relations between Japan and other countries, producing special commemorative
                                  light-ups at the request of the local Japanese embassy.

                                  Special commemorative anniversary light-up produced by Motoko Ishii and Akari-Lisa Ishii :

                                  		           La Seine — Light Messages from Japan, Paris
                                  2009		       Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations
                                  		           Budapest Elisabeth Bridge Light-up
                                  2011		       Event Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Relationship between
                                  		           Germany and Japan “Light Message for Peace”, Berlin
                                  2013		       Japan-China Friendship Year Commemorative Event
                                  		           “Eternal Time-Space and Friendship for the Future”, Beijing
                                  2014		       Light Event Commemorating the 150the Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic
                                  		           Relations between Switzerland and Japan “TRANJS”, Bern
                                  2016		       Light Event Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between
                                  		           Italy and Japan “ COLOSSEUM LIGHT MESSAGES -Love to Humanity, Love to Earth-”, Rome

Motoko Ishii
   Ishii Conception Office Network

                                     Lighting Designer & Principal of Motoko Ishii Lighting Design

                                     Honorary Director, Japan International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD Japan) / Honorary Chairperson,
    Motoko Ishii                     Asian Lighting Designers’ Association (ALDA) / Advisor to the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic
                                     and Paralympic Games / Fellow, International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Member / Illuminating
                                     Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) / Member, Japan National Committee of CIE / Honorary
                                     Member, Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan / Representative, Inter Light Forum

                                     Motoko Ishii, a leading Japanese lighting designer, works with a wide range of light, from urban illumination
                                     to architectural lighting. Her activities cover not only within Japan but also all over the world. Graduated
                                     from Tokyo University of the Arts. After studying in Finland and Germany, established Motoko Ishii Lighting
                                     Design Inc., Tokyo in 1968.

                                     Her main works: Lighting Design — Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo, Yokohama Bay Bridge, Akashi
                                     Kaikyo Bridge, Tokyo Gate Bridge, Himeji Castle, Shirakawa Village (Gifu), Sensoji Temple, Expo 2005 Aichi,
                                     Japan, Hokkaido Toyako Summit, Heijo-kyo Daigoku Palace, Kabukiza Theatre, Shanghai World Financial

                                     Received the year 2000 “Shiju-hosho” (Purple Ribbon Medal) of honor from the National Government and
                                     the year 1992 “Tokyo Metropolitan Prize of Culture” from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
                                     To date, Motoko Ishii has received many international awards from authoritative organizations including
                                     over 40 awards from IESNA & IALD.

                                     Books: “MOTOKO LIGHT+SPACE+TIME”, “Lighting Horizons”, “Creation of Lightscape” etc.

Akari-Lisa Ishii
   Ishii Conception Office Network

                                     AKARI-LISA ISHII – Lighting Designer & Principal of I.C.O.N.

                                     Member of International Lighting Designers Association (IALD) / Member of French Lighting Designers Associa-
                                     tion (ACE) / Lighting Consultant (diplome delivered by Illuminating Engineering Society Japan) / Member of
  Akari-Lisa Ishii                   Reflection Committee for the tourism in Tokyo / Member of the Mascot & Branding Committee of the Tokyo
                                     Olympic and Paralympic Games / Associate Professor at the Tokyo Urban University / Guest Lighting Designer
                                     at Maison & Objet Paris fair / Artist-Ambassador of the Lyon Festival of Lights

                                     Born in Tokyo. While studying in Tokyo University of the Arts, and the master course in the Tokyo University,
                                     she learned design and art also in the US and France. After training lighting design at Howard Brandston &
                                     Partners (N.Y.) and Motoko Ishii Lighting Design (Tokyo), she became chief designer at Light Cibles (Paris).
                                     Before founding her company, I.C.O.N., in Tokyo and Paris, in 2004.
                                     This company aims to create and convey new concepts and light trends. With its international network,
                                     know-how and range of light vocabulary, it carries out urban projects, architectural, scenographic, landscaping,
                                     events ... all around the world.

                                     Her representative works are Pompidou Center Metz, Kabuki Theater in Tokyo, Cherbourg Water Tower, St-Michel
                                     area redevelopment project in Bordeaux, English Garden in the Domain of Chantilly, Yves-Saint-Laurent
                                     museum in Marrakech, Quai Branly Museum in Paris, Lyon Festivals of Lights, Commemorative events on
                                     the Colosseum, on the Brandenburg Gate, Kabuki Theater, etc, for which she received many international

                                     In addition to the design, Akari-Lisa Ishii has also in her range of skills, professorship, conferences, product
                                     design ... and even writing and graphic design for her own publication «ICONIC LIGHT», author of «My work,
                                     fascinated by the light» & «the City and the Light».
                                     She was also selected as one of the 120 most representative woman of Japan by Bungeishunjū.

Ishii Conception Office Network

                                  Paris : I.C.O.N. - Audrey Guichard
                                  Tel +33 6 95 62 62 40
                                  [email protected]

                                  Tokyo : Executive Committee for Special Light-up of Eiffel Tower, Japonismes 2018
                                  c/o Motoko Ishii Lighting Design – Yoko Kanii
                                  Tel +81 – (0)3-3353-5311
                                  [email protected]

                                  Download the photos, the press kit :


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