Interactive Visual Big Data Analytics for Large Area Farm Biosecurity Monitoring: i-EKbase System
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JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings 41:9–18, 2015 BIGMINE 2015 Interactive Visual Big Data Analytics for Large Area Farm Biosecurity Monitoring: i-EKbase System Ritaban Dutta [email protected] Heiko Mueller Daniel Smith CSIRO, Tasmania 7001 Aruneema Das Jagannath Aryal University of Tasmania, Tasmania 7005 Editors: Wei Fan, Albert Bifet, Qiang Yang and Philip Yu Abstract In this industrial application paper a novel application of salad leaf disease detection has been developed using a combination of big data analytics and on field multi-dimensional sensing. We propose a cloud computing based intelligent big data analysis and interac- tive visual analytics platform to predict farm hot spots with high probability of potential biosecurity threats and early monitoring system aiming to save the farm from significant economic damage. Keywords: Big Data Analytics, Big Data Management, Measurement, Biosecurity Risk Prevention, Interactive Visual Analytics, Hot Spot Prediction. 1. Introduction The Australian agricultural market need is early warning of outbreaks of pests and disease. Large area surveillance using machine learning analytics and big data to provide earlier warning that is publicly available in Australia. Earlier warning allows earlier action, which in turn enables quicker intervention and recovery. This will minimize negative impacts and enables faster recovery. Big Data Visual Analytics for Biosecurity is all about developing intelligent decision support frameworks to help deal with the threat of pests and diseases on our farming and agriculture industries. Detection and early intervention of salad leaf related disease is a challenging problem for the salad-growing farmers with severe economic consequences. Sudden change in environmental condition, extreme weather condition, such as hail storm, high wind, very low temperature with humid condition or severe solar radia- tion can cause a series of scenarios, which can cause different diseases in salad leaves. The ultimate challenge in agricultural decision support systems is to overcome the data unavail- ability and uncertainty to improve the natural resource management efficiency and achieve better business objectives. Uncertainty factors in the agricultural and environmental mon- itoring processes are more evident than before due to current technological transparency achieved by most recent advanced communication technologies. Poor data quality and un- certainties make most agricultural decision support systems unreliable and [1] inefficient. This inefficiency leads to failure of agricultural and environmental resource management. c 2015 R. Dutta, H. Mueller, D. Smith, A. Das & J. Aryal.
Dutta Mueller Smith Das Aryal Figure 1. Big data integrated in the i-EKbase for daily hot-spot prediction and to de- velop a visual analytics platform for further interactive validation performed by the farmers. In this study we focus upon developing methodologies to detect the presence of a partic- ular disease or pest infestation damage of salad leaf through machine learning based analysis of spectral profiles recorded by a Spectroradiometer in the in-situ field environment. The motivation behind this study was to demonstrate a proof of concept of the effectiveness of the hyperspectral sensing of salad leaf physiology to create ground truth data along with the integrated heterogeneous climatic data (temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind speed etc.), in accordance with the very high resolution remote sensing data integration for rapid plant disease hot-spot prediction. In the next stage a web based interactive visual analytics sys- tem has been developed to communicate analytical outcomes with the farmers for further ground truthing, visual validation of the weekly large area observations, feedback through the cross reference with other agricultural sources and localized farming experience gathered over decades. Success from this study would be used to validate the current predictions of disease or pest likelihood on the farm and improve the model through adaptive learning accordingly. 2. Visual Analytics Platform:”i-EKbase” Service The i-EKbase system is a data and knowledge integration framework for environmental and agricultural decision support systems, primarily based on a big data analytics driven architecture, autonomously working on CSIRO’s research CLOUD infrastructure. The sys- tem could be accessed at the following web link [ analytics/hot-spots-monitoring], using ’public’ as user ID and password [2]. i-EKbase ser- vice provides weekly/daily Large Area Farm Monitoring Maps (or monitoring products), including Normalised Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil Moisture, Relative Biomass, Relative Dry Biomass, Water Consumption, Surface Temperature, Vegetation Landscape, Biosecu- rity Hot-Spot monitoring map for scouting and True Colour images for a specific ’Area of Interest’. Motivation behind this work is to apply CSIRO’s research BOWEN CLOUD based Intelligent Environmental Knowledge Integration Framework (i-EKbase) on publicly 10
i-EKBase for Plant Biosecurity available big data sets, to provide a near real-time weekly 15m resolution large area wise farm monitoring and decision support system, - for better irrigation management and early alerting of plant disease. Project would like to acknowledge the USGS EROS for providing LANDSAT 7 and LANDSAT 8 and various MODIS satellite imagery products to develop the farm’s healthy vegetation monitoring system [3-8]. Figure 2. Snapshot of the i-EKbase visual interactive system based on big data integra- tion over large farming areas. Initially heterogeneous data sources, namely, Bureau of Meteorology-Long Paddock (SILO), Australian Water Availability Project (AWAP), Australian Soil Resource Informa- tion System (ASRIS), Australian Cosmic Ray Soil Moisture Sensor Network (CosmOz), and Australian Digital Elevation (DED) databases were integrated along with NASAs LAND- SAT and MODIS products, to develop the legacy part to provide historical visual data accounts of an area of interest and also the daily monitoring and visualization part of the i-EKbase system. This system (Figure 1 and Figure 2) is to be used to complement the real time sensor and sensor network data stream for better decision support and biosecurity hot-spot predictions. Integration of approximately 20 GB of data is being processed every day in this newly system to produce a farming hot-spot map for daily monitoring [1-3]. 3. Demo of a Big Data Interactive Platform In this section few steps of the big data interactive platform are presented which were de- signed to formulate a visual analytics based common language to interact with the farmers. Figure 3 shows the initial selection screen of a specific farm area located and projected on the Google map. Boundaries of the farming area and associated paddocks were provided as a single .KMZ input to the i-EKbase system, only input required to process a location completely autonomously (Figure 3) In the Figure 4, an example of the optimum bound- ary based visualisation of the exact farm area has been depicted, which becomes the main area of interaction for the corresponding farmer on a visual analytics based interactive map projected on the Google map. This on screen area could be zoomed in or out as on a Google map browsing, where each pixel on the screen represents an area of 15m X 15m. A farmer can click on any point on the screen, and a small display will appear to visualize 8 surrounding pixel of that point, which represent 45m X 45m area containing total 9 pixels 11
Dutta Mueller Smith Das Aryal and corresponding product values (i.e. NDVI, Biomass, Soil moisture etc.) of those pixels. Figure 3. True colour imaging of the area of interest based on multi-band multi-source data integration. Idea behind this interactive visualisation of results was motivated by the requirement analysis derived from the face-to-face interviews with the farmers. By click of a button, farmers can have access to all integrated data, knowledge and associated farming related products for further usage and validation using in-situ on field experience from daily tra- ditional scouting of the farm (Figure 5). This is developed to visualize and interact at a sub-paddock level. In Figure 6, an alternative visual interaction at a medium size paddock level and average values of that area have been used to provide an area wise average and interpret. All these interactive map and solutions have been developed to formulate a com- mon visual language to validate the results and predictive outcomes from the cloud based big data analytics. Figure 4. KMZ based exact paddock area identification and optimum number of pixel point visualization based on exact farming area. 12
i-EKBase for Plant Biosecurity Figure 5. Interactive calculation and visual display of pixel based real monitoring prod- ucts essential for farm monitoring and efficient irrigation management. Figure 6. Alternative visual display of paddock basis average of the monitoring products instead of pixel based sub-paddock big data integration and analytics. 4. Field Calibration for Large Area Biosecurity In this study at a large farm in Tasmania, we focus upon developing methodologies to detect the presence of a particular disease or pest infestation damage of salad leaf through machine learning based analysis of spectral profiles recorded by a Spectroradiometer in the in-situ field environment. The motivation behind this study was to demonstrate a proof of concept of the effectiveness of the hyperspectral sensing of salad leaf physiology to create ground truth data (Figure 7) along with the climatic data (temperature, rainfall, humidity, etc.), in accordance with the remote sensing data integration for rapid plant disease hot-spot pre- diction. Success from this study would be used to validate the current predictions of disease or pest likelihood on the farm and improve the model through adaptive learning accord- ingly [4]. The participating farm provided a paddock of size 120m X 50m, with plantation 13
Dutta Mueller Smith Das Aryal of 10 rows of lettuce and spinach each started on 5th January. 46 days long field trials were conducted to collect ground truth about plant growth and plant vigor (using Spec- troradiometer), soil moisture (using soil moisture probe), soil surface temperature (using thermal IR camera), synchronised and cross referenced with daily weather data from BOM, and 8-daily remote sensing data (15m resolution with pansharpning) from NASAs publicly available satellites LANDSAT 7 and LANDSAT 8 to develop a large scale farm monitoring and hot-spot monitoring system. Combined data set were used to analyze, develop and calibrate the biosecurity hot-spot system. Figure 7. The ASD FieldSpec4 Spectroradiometer used in this study for ground truthing and calibrating integrated big data from the large scale remote sensing. 5. Ground Truthing Field Experiment During the experimental period, half of the total crop rows were sprayed with pesticides and insecticides as other half was left without any sprying. This was a planned experiment to see if any crop disease might appear. The Spinach side of the plantation did started to appear as yellowish in colour after 3 weeks from the original plantation due to severe case of Fusarium oxysporum, which was a unique scenario to capture in our data set. Capturing of this disease related ground truth data was used in this study to develop simple machine learning based models to estimate and predict large area biosecurity hot-spot monitoring and alerting system (Figure 8). 14
i-EKBase for Plant Biosecurity Figure 8. Disease effected large area crop monitoring to calibrate high-resolution remote sensing data. In this figure, spinach beds were beds were almost dead by 20th Feb in com- parison with the image from 5th Feb, where NDVI values were also dropped significantly. This scenario could be captured in to the process of modelling and forecasting, where farm- ers will be able to interact with this visual analytics system to validate and refine the model outcome on a regular basis (weekly / daily). Figure 9. Biosecurity hot-spot prediction system projected on Google Earth based vi- sual big data analytics. 15
Dutta Mueller Smith Das Aryal These profiles were used as primary integrated observed knowledge about the farm to create the probabilistic hot-spot map (Figure 9). Each pixel on the Google earth represents 15m-resolution analytical outcome from the big data integration. Soil moisture, soil surface temperature, water consumption and NDVI values of each pixel were used to train a simple data driven model to train a supervised knowledge predictor. The refined threshold of these variables was modeled based on the ground truth collected and also by close consultation with farm manager. This predictive system was trained based on farms historical records and hyperspectral ground truth data as training targets. 6. Data Integration and Preprocessing Main motivation behind this data experiment was to develop a predictive data driven model to predict probable plant biosecurity hot-spot over a large farming area. Integration of vari- ous data sets were done by matching and segmenting various gridded surfaces using latitude longitude intents available in the .HDF, .NetCDF, and .GeoTIFF files. After geo-location matching and synchronisation of the gridded data surfaces (representing same day on a specific farm location), cubic interpolation was applied to upsize the lower spatial resolu- tion data to match higher spatial resolution data matrix. All data points of a surface were treated as independent feature for the training and testing paradigm. Surface data were re- shaped into single colum matrix for the data experiment. Satellite data (from MODIS and LANDSAT satellites) were corrected using atmospheric, cloud, and projected on Google map using Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system. On a typical day, an inte- grated data file was holding around 35M data points, 20GB in size on the cloud, while data prepossessing and predictive analytics were conducted using Python. 7. Evaluation and Predictive Data Experiment An comparison study of various supervised machine learning methods (including Linear Regression, Bayesian Ridge Regression, Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Adaptive neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and Radial basis Function network (RBFN)), that exploits the class labels of the samples to identify feature projections that potentially maximize class discrimination, was conducted to showcase some parametric evaluation of the i-EKbase system (Figure 10). The identified significant features were used to classify the disease affected salad leaves or area of the farm with healthy plantation, the soil, and the healthy salad leaves or areas with potential abnormalities which requires some attention and monitoring. 16
i-EKBase for Plant Biosecurity Figure 10. An comparison study of various supervised machine learning methods to evaluate prediction accuracy of the i-EKbase system. A conventional 10-fold cross-validation was performed using the 50 percent randomized holdout to have a better estimation of the classifier performance. Best result shows that from this particular data set up to 88 percentage prediction accuracy is achievable with 85 percentage specificity and 89 percentage sensitivity. This was a combination of unsuper- vised feature selection and supervised classification to test the generalisation capability of the selected features. 8. Conclusion Our understanding of the environment is greatly associated with the interlinked knowledge of the phenomena surrounding to us. Such knowledge is a result of data and extracted information. With the availability of very high and even ultra-high resolution sensor data there is a greater need of managing data, information and essentially the knowledge. With the advent of technological novelties and their wider applications the generated data is surpassing our capacities to store it. There is an urgent need for improved methods and advancement in data-intensive science to retrieve, filter, integrate, and share data. Data and meaningful information are key for the actors in every walk of life, however, how to conceive, perceive, recognize and interpret such data in space and time is a big question and a big challenge. Taking this challenge into the perspective, we have presented an op- portunity of recommending environmental big data using machine learning approaches. We have a firm belief that our simple approach will contribute to the body of knowledge in big data study and big knowledge management in this era of data intensive science. 17
Dutta Mueller Smith Das Aryal Acknowledgments CSIRO Digital Productivity, Hobart is assisted by a grant from the Tasmanian Government, which is administered by the Tasmanian Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts. This research was conducted as part of the CSIRO Digital Productivity Research and Biosecurity Flagship. The authors would like to thank staff from the Houstons farm, Tasmania, Australia, for their assistance with the field experiment. References [1] Dutta R, Smith D, Shu Y, Liu Q, Doust P, Heidrich S. Salad Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning Based Hyper Spectral Sensing. IEEE Sensors 2014, Valencia, Spain, pp. 511-515, 2014. [2] Dutta R, Mueller H. I-EKbase Web System, analytics/hot-spots-monitoring. USER ID = public, PASSWORD = public, 2015. [3] ABS. Water Account Australia 2011-2012. Technical report. Australian Bureau of Statis- tics, 2013. [4] Wong D, Barbetti M. J., Sivasithamparam K. Effects of soil temperature and moisture on the pathogenicity of fungi associated with root rot of subterranean clover. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 35(5):675, 1984. ISSN 0004-9409. doi: 10.1071/AR9840675. [5] Blancard D, Lot H, Maisonneuve B. A Color Atlas of Disease of Lettuce and Related Salad Crops: Observation. Biology and Control, Academic Press, 2006. [6] Hillnhuetter C, Mahlein A.-K. Early detection and localization of sugar beet diseases: new approaches. Gesunde Pfianzen, 60(4), 143- 149, 2008. [7] LANDSAT Data Science. d = 7195.AccessedJuly2015. [8] MODIS Data Science. roductst able/mod09gq. 18
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