John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email

Page created by Dwight Little
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email

                                                           Week of December 4-8, 2017
                                          General School News
                                          College Shirt Mondays: Show your college school spirit and wear your
                                          favorite college attire to school every Monday.

                                          COLOR RUN
                                          Date: Saturday, December 9, 2017
                                          Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                          Location: Kennedy High School track
           Upcoming Events
                                          The COLOR RUN is a school-wide fundraiser created by the PTSA at Kennedy to raise money to
Dec 4 – School Site Council, Rm 215 3pm   equip all Kennedy HS classrooms with Emergency Buckets and support Kennedy’s efforts to
                                          enhance our students’ educational experience. Students who participate in the run may earn
Dec 4 – Band Concert, 7pm, KPAC           Saturday Academy credit. We thank you for your support! Remember, your donations are tax-
Dec 5 – Late Start Tuesday
                                          WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP OUT? We need volunteers for setup, clean-up, running the
Dec 7 – Cash for College Workshop, MP-1   Registration Table, and 'throwing color' during the run! The following link will take you to the Sign
5:30 – 7:30pm                             Up Genius page.

Dec 8 & 9– Choir Show @ KPAC 7pm          Whether you choose to participate IN the Color Run, volunteer to make the Color Run a fun
                                          experience for our community, or provide a financial contribution, any little bit helps! Thank you
Dec 11 PTSA meeting 6:30pm in MP-1        for your consideration! If you have further questions, please contact the PTSA president, Mrs.
                                          Patty Gray. Her email is [email protected]
Dec 19 NO Late Start
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
Dec. 21 & 22 MINIMUM DAYS End of First               Joining PTSA for the 2017-18 school year is quick and easy! The membership fee is just $10.
Semester/Final Exams                                 These proceeds go to helping support various Kennedy HS activities in our classrooms and on
Dec 25-Jan 5 Winter Break
                                                     The Kennedy Grad Nite Committee is having a fundraiser by selling car wash gift cards for $20.
                                                     Your purchase will help pay for buses and Grad Nite t-shirts. To purchase gift cards contact Vickie
                                                     Tanabe at [email protected].

 Kennedy Connects                                    GREASE, The Musical: A Cypress College Theater Department Dual Enrollment
                                                     Opportunity! Are you interested in being in a college level theater production? Do you want to
                                                     possibly earn Dual Enrollment College credits? Cypress College is putting on Grease, the
                                                     Musical in March 2018. High school students in AUHSD are eligible to audition for parts in the
                                                     musical, in the Jazz Band that will play during the musical, or as a member of the Stage Crew.
                                                     For more information, come to the Main Office to talk with Dr. Zurbano about the opportunity.
                                                     Flyers and more specific information about the auditions and time commitments to consider are
               Instagram is an online mobile         posted on the school website under “Auditions for Grease at Cypress College” at the Current
              photo-sharing, video-sharing, and      News section!
              social networking service that
              enables us to take pictures and        DUAL ENROLLMENT – Spring 2018 @ Cypress College
                                                     Attention Students Currently in Grades 10-12:
              videos, and share them. Download       The following classes will be offered here at Kennedy for the Spring 2018 semester by Cypress
the app or visit us on the web                       College for Dual Enrollment: Chicano Studies, New & Emerging Technologies, Introduction to
at:                     Library Science (LIB 100), and Educational Planning.
                                                     If you are interested in taking any one of these classes, please see Mr. Parker in the Counseling
                Facebook is a social network that    Office for more information! Don’t wait – get signed up now!
                allows us to interact with others,
                connect with our community, and      STUDENT EARLY-PICK UP POLICY: If you must pick your student up from school early for any
                                                     reason, please notify the Attendance Office by e-mail at [email protected] or in person.
                share photos, video and              If you email, we must verify the request prior to allowing a student to be released from class.
                information. Download the app or      We must maximize the amount of time our students remain in class. You must come to the
visit us on the web                                  Attendance Office to request for your student and pick him/her up. The student must also sign out
at:                      through the Attendance Office prior to exiting campus. We cannot release a student so that
                                                     he/she can be waiting for you to drive up. No exceptions to this. Thanks.
               Twitter is an online social
                                                     DROP-OFF POLICY REMINDER: Parents/guardians may leave lunches, school supplies,
               networking service that enables us    books, P.E. clothes, or class projects for student pick up in the Attendance Office during passing
               to send short 140-character           periods or lunch time, but neither the school nor our employees accept any responsibility for their
               messages called "tweets" to our       security or the students picking said items up. Parents/guardians may not drop off anything of
               community. For a quick read of the    significant value (e.g. cash, credit cards, cell phones, tablets) with any Kennedy staff
latest info. download the app or visit us on the     member for student pick-up. Staff will not call students out of class to meet with
                                                     parents/guardians during class time. Parents/guardians can text their students to come to the
web at:                   Attendance Office to meet them during passing periods or lunch time to pick up any item of value.
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
"Find out even more"
     on our Kennedy website:       DETENTIONS are held after school in MP-1 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from        2:45pm-3:45pm. Students have only one school week to serve their detentions. They should
                                   bring their ID and their detention slip to MP-1.

                                   Keeping the campus clean and beautiful is a responsibility of everyone on campus. Kennedy is
                                   like a second home to many people on campus - show your love and pride for the school by
                                   keeping it clean! Throw your trash away in the appropriate garbage bins. If you come upon trash,
                                   even if it is not yours, pick it up and throw it away. We appreciate your effort!
Useful Contact Information
         Attendance Office         Teaching & Learning
           714-220-4132            This section in our Weekly Bulletin highlights the different ways Kennedy students are
     [email protected]        engaged in their learning. If you are not able to join us in our Parent Reflective Learning Walks,
                                   we want to celebrate with you by giving you this insight into the wonderful things that happen on
            Health Office          our campus. You also get the chance to see 21st Century innovation furniture and the various
            714-220-4115           configurations they are used in to facilitate cooperative group work, among other non-traditional
                                   formations in our classrooms on campus. We are excited to bring this perspective to you
           Records Office          through our Weekly Bulletin. Enjoy!

         Registration Office
                                                                                    Students in Physics collect real-time data
                                                                                    through the use of Vernier Probes, utilizing
          Counseling Office                                                         frictionless tracks, in order to investigate the
    714-220-4120    714-220-4134                                                    relationship between mass and acceleration.
    714-220-4137    714-220-4124

             Main Office
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
Students in Friday Night Live, sponsored by
                                                TUPE, attended their leadership training,
                                                hosted by the OC Dept of Ed, in Santa Ana at
                                                the Delta Center last 11/18.
Kennedy Staff gathered at the Thanks-IRISH!-
Giving Feast during lunchtime on Thurs, Nov
16. Food was prepared and served by the
students of our Culinary Arts Program, led by
                                                  Tune in next week for more snapshots of our
Robyn Parratto. The menu featured delectable
                                                      Fighting Irish engaged in learning!
smoked turkeys by Erik Haaf, Advanced
Engineering & Manufacturing Technologies
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
Check out the Kennedy Counseling Haiku Page!
All Guidance Lessons are posted at on the Counseling
tab (look on the LEFT side of the main page).

Tiger Woods Winter Applications are now available. You can pick up a copy
with Mrs. Britton in Counseling or download the application on the Haiku
Counseling Page. Application deadline is December 22. Olease see Ms. Ponce
in Counseling should you have questions.

Counselors are in the process of meeting students who earned under a 2.0 grade point average
(GPA) at the quarter and seniors who earned a D/F on their quarter report card. Emails were sent
to parents of all students who received a D or F on the quarter report card. Parents should
review their student's latest progress report and contact their teachers and/or counselor with
specific concerns or questions.

The Counselors will be presenting information to seniors through the English Department about
financial aid this week. The presentation is posted on the Counseling Haiku Page for students and
families to reference and assist in completing the Free Application For Federal Student Aid

On December 7th at 5:30 (in MP1), counselors will provide assistance to complete the FAFSA
during the free Ca$h for College Workshop!.

Library Hours Monday – Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm

Fall Counselor Connection 2017 “Lunch Time Workshops”
Wednesday Workshops will cover various topics for all grades.

 12/6    Understanding the College Process    Learn how to find the “right” college for you   9-12
                                              Timeline review and registration for playing
 12/13   NCAA/NAIA                                                                            9-12
                                              athletics in college

College Information
College Shirt Mondays: Show your college school spirit and wear your
favorite college attire to school every Monday.

Kennedy High School will host its first Cash for College Workshop on
December 7th. This is open to all 12th grade students and their families in the
community. Attend this workshop to get help completing the Free Application
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act (CADAA) and Chafee Grant for Foster
Youth applications. Please bring with you: FSA ID
( and a copy of your 2016 Tax Return. Go to “Current News”
on the school website to get the live link to sign up for this FREE workshop!

College Visits - For a detailed list of colleges/universities, dates, and times their
representatives will be visiting Kennedy, go to the Kennedy Counseling Haiku Page

Bags of Hope: Hey Irish! Make sure to come out to the stage during lunch all this
week to donate to the Bags of Hope project for children, here in Anaheim, who are
less fortunate. Those who bring back an item will receive a raffle ticket for a
chance to win a Christmas surprise. Help us spread the Christmas spirit by making
a difference in a child’s life this holiday!

See the post on the school website under “Current News” to see an updated list of requested

ASB Presidents Club Meeting Tuesday, December 5 in ASB room at lunch.

Winter Spirit Week December 11-15

Kennedy Athletics

Check out all athletic events on our Kennedy website athletics page at:

                    Upcoming Kennedy Home Games
   12/5 Girls Basketball – Yorba Linda, FS 4:00pm, JV 5:30pm, VR 7:00pm
   12/5 Boys Soccer – Orange 7:00pm
   12/6 Girls Soccer – Crean Lutheran 3:00pm
   12/6 Boys Soccer – Schurr 7:00pm
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
Students interested in playing boy's golf in the spring should come by room 502 and pick up
the information for tryouts? Players need to have their own clubs and golf shoes and an
established handicap would also be helpful, but not required. See coach Pascal in room 502.

Attention All Athletes, if you’re interested in trying out for boys’ tennis, please go to the tennis
courts after school to get more information from Coach Johnson or Coach Panis.

Saturday Academy
Saturday Academy Dates:
January 20, 2018                  April 7, 2018
February 3, 2018                  April 21, 2018 STEAM-A-PALOOZA
February 24, 2018                 May 5, 2018
March 24, 2018

February 24, 2018 Girls in Engineering Event

   Saturday, March 3, 2018: Theater & Dance Festival
   Saturday, April 28, 2018: City-Wide Serve Day (“Love Anaheim" & "Love Buena Park”)

Seniors: The Counselors will be presenting information to seniors through the
English Department about financial aid this week. The presentation is posted on
the Counseling Haiku Page for students and families to reference and assist in
completing the Free Application For Federal Student Aid FAFSA).
Remember December 7th at 5:30 (in MP1) assistance will be available to
complete the FAFSA.

GRAD NITE: Friday, May 18, 2018 at Disney’s California Adventure.
Prices for Grad Nite tickets:
$135 for December/January.
$145 all of February
$155 in March (until deadline).
Tickets will be on sale at lunch in front of the Counseling Office on Thurs.
For more information about Grad Nite is available at
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
This includes the Ticket Purchase Agreement / Medical Release Authorization form that must be
turned in with your payment to reserve your ticket. You can turn in the TPA and your check to the
Main Office on campus.
All questions regarding Grad Nite must be forwarded to

SoCal Grad: Senior class rings, announcements, and accessory services are provided by SoCal
Grad. Their website is:

Senior Sweatshirts and Class T-Shirts are no longer available online. Students can still
purchase these items at the Activities window depending on availability of size.



John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
5 Star Students/Student of the Month
5 Star Students Staff members will give points to students for participating
in school activities, showing good character, or any positive behavior. We held
our first drawing for all students who earned points during the months of
January and February. Each point equaled an entry in the drawing. Prizes
ranged from front of the line passes, to items donated by local businesses and
community partners. Congratulations to our winners!

Below is a link to the 5 Start Students leaderboard- to check your star point status simply type in
your ID# in the search bar:

                      DECEMBER: Divya Abraham and Matthew Campos

Family and Community Engagement
Kennedy High PTSA Board meetings in MP-1 @ 6:30 pm
   Monday, December 11
   Monday, January 22
   Monday, February 26 Monday
   Monday, March 19
   Tuesday, April 24
   Monday, May 7

Coffee Talk with the Principal: Coffee Talks are hosted on the same dates as Saturday
Academy. After you drop your student(s) off, come by the Library (Media Center) from 8:30-
9:30am for some coffee/juice, pastries, and information shared by Dr. Zurbano.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
January 20, 2018, February 3, 2018, March 24, 2018, April 7, 2018, May 5, 2018

Parent Leadership Academy (PLA) The Parent Leadership Academy is a great program that
equips parents with tools to help their teens achieve their college and career goals. Topics such
as connecting with counselors and teachers, technology in education, GPAs, College Admission,
and Financial Aid will be covered. The Academy will be offered in English, Spanish and Korean
during three simultaneous sessions. Childcare will be provided. For questions and registration,
contact Silvia Van Wye at: 714-220-4104.
6:30 – 8:00 pm. MP-1, Kennedy High School
Winter Session: Tuesdays – Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 & Mar. 6
John F. Kennedy High School Weekly Email
Kennedy High School and Walker Junior High School are proud to share a Family &
Community Specialist, Mrs. Silvia Van Wye, to assist in making connections in the community.
Visit our Kennedy Parent Resource Center located in the Attendance Office, or click on the
“PARENTS” tab on our Kennedy website for more information. Contact Silvia with any questions
or to provide information at [email protected] or (714) 220-1404.

The City of Cypress and La Palma are hosting the Teen Fashion Scene 2018 on Saturday,
March 24 @ 6:00pm at the Cypress Community Center 5700 Orange Avenue, Cypress.
Designers and Models are needed Designers applications are due January 12 and Model
applications are due February 2, to the Cypress Community Center. For more information 714-
229-6780 or

School Clubs and Organizations: Advertise your group meetings and
upcoming events!

Be sure to send details to Virginia Carranza in the Attendance Office
([email protected]) and she will share information in this Weekly Emai

Outside organizations: if you want to host a meeting on campus, be sure to
submit a request through the AUHSD Community Use Office. Lynn Nakayama can be reached at
[email protected].

Alumni Information

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