Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington

Page created by Eduardo Olson
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College

Parent Handbook

Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College
          36 Addison Street, Kensington
                Phone: 9662 4088
                 Fax: 9663 5252
   Email: [email protected]
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington
Welcome back to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the College for 2019.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is a wonderful school and an exciting place to

be. Educating girls for 106 years; it is a Catholic school for girls from Years 7-

12. OLSH girls are nurtured to be caring, compassionate and discerning

young women. As an educational community we strive to engender a passion

for lifelong learning.

Our approach to teaching and learning is innovative and dynamic and fosters

critical thinking, curiosity and joy in learning. An OLSH education is one which

prepares an OLSH girl for the future and equips them to make a difference in

the world.

We are looking forward to your daughter joining our OLSH community.

Yours sincerely

Jenny Fowler
College Principal
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington

Monday 28 January                      Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 29 January                     Collection of pre-ordered books
                                       Campion Books
                                       10:00am – 3:00pm
                                       Dance Room

Tuesday 29 January                     Staff Day

Wednesday 30 January                   Year 7 Orientation
                                       8:30am – 12:20pm

Thursday 31 January                    Years 7 – 12 Registration morning
                                       8:30am – 12:20pm
                                       Students to meet in the quadrangle.

Friday 1 February                      Normal lessons Years 7 – 12 (Day 5)
                                       All students required at school
                                       from 8:30am – 3:00pm.
                                       School Photo Day

                           SCHOOL HOLIDAYS – 2019
                               SCHOOL CLOSES               SCHOOL RESUMES

                            Good Friday 19 April
EASTER – during
                            Easter Sunday 21 April
Term 1 School Holidays
                            Easter Monday 22 April
TERM 1 BREAK                Friday 12 April              Tuesday 30 April
TERM 2 BREAK                Wednesday 3 July             Monday 22 July
TERM 3 BREAK                Friday 27 September          Monday 14 October

CHRISTMAS                   Friday 20 December

N.B. The Canteen will be open at recess only on 30 and 31 January 2019.
      Please refer to the College website for more information about the Canteen –
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington

Annual Tuition Fees
                     1st Child            2nd Child            3rd Child
Years 7 & 8          $1756.00             $1580.40             $1141.40
Years 9 & 10         $1947.00             $1752.30             $1265.55
Years 11 & 12        $2594.00             $2334.60             $1686.10

Parents will be charged an annual fee in January. If paying fees annually the due
date is 28 February 2019. The due dates for term fees are 28 February, 15 May and
15 August.

Families who already have three children attending Catholic Systemic Schools will not
be charged school tuition fees at Parochial Primary or Regional Schools for their fourth
and subsequent children.
The Archdiocesan Tuition Fees will continue to provide student accident insurance
cover through Catholic Church Insurances Limited. This 24 hour cover is for school
activities during school hours and other approved school activities outside school
hours such as school camps, school sports, work placement, and travelling to and
from school.

                                    LEVIES - 2019

Building Fund Levy
This is necessary to cover the School’s required servicing of Loan Repayments for the
new building and to provide upgrading of existing building facilities. The Building Fund
Levy will be $678.00 per annum. Families with children attending more than one
Parish Primary or Regional School in the Archdiocese of Sydney, will be billed on a
pro rata basis.

ICT Levy
The ICT Levy covers such costs as: ICT charges to schools for broadband access,
licence fees, data changes and antivirus management. The ICT Levy will be $175.00
per annum for Years 7 - 12.
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington

Student Administration Fee
A fee of $527.00 is charged per student per year.

This covers a variety of items including such things as:
      Official School Planner                          Enviro Bag
      College Yearbook                                 Entrance Fee and Bus Fares to
      Library Fee                                       selected College events
      General Equipment                                Administrative and Printing costs
      Cost of Printing reports and Official            Hire of Padlock for lockers
       Certificates                                     Building, grounds and equipment
      NSW Combined Catholic Colleges                    maintenance
       (CCC) Sports Association fee                     Compass Card

If padlocks are lost, the cost of a replacement padlock will be $20.

Subject Resources Fees
This fee covers a variety of items such as the printing of class notes and examinations,
stationery materials, and consumables, Allwell Testing, English, Maths and Science
Competitions, Year 7-12 Maths Online, Art Resources and Wood for Technology. The
fee for excursions, incursions and subject resource fees for 2019 are as follows:

                   Year                                 Amount (per annum)
                    8                                       $271.00
                    9                                       $282.00
                    10                                      $454.00
                    11                                      $218.00
                    12                                      $259.00

School Sports Fees
Years 8 - 10 students will have a compulsory Sports afternoon every fortnight in 2019.
Each term, students will pay for a programme of Sport at either an external location or
on the school premises. The Sport Fee will be $185.00 per annum. This is an essential
part of the school curriculum. Those who do not pay will be required to perform
alternative duties on sports afternoons.
Students wanting to participate in extra-curricular sport or selected for representative
sport will be charged an additional fee.
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington

The College office will be open from 9.00am to 3.00pm from Monday 21 January
2019 to Friday 25 January. The office will be closed on Monday 28 January,
Australia Day holiday.

Catholic Education Foundation – applications for support from the Catholic
Education Foundation will be available to Catholic families who are seeking to enrol
their child in Years 7 – 12 and who are in genuine need of financial help. The bursary
criteria will be consistent with the Sydney Catholic Schools’ enrolment policy.

Financial Hardship Application – applications for support from the Sydney Catholic
Schools - School Fee Support Unit will be available to families who are seeking to
enrol their child in Years 7 – 12 and who are in genuine need of financial help. The
bursary criteria will be consistent with the Sydney Catholic Schools’ enrolment policy.

How to pay for School Fees:

BPAY - please refer to the BPAY section on the top right hand corner of your School
Fee Statement. This is our preferred method of payment.

DIRECT DEBIT can be arranged through your bank account. Our BSB Number is 062-
784 and our Account Number is 8343100.

CASH AND CHEQUE payments can be paid in person at the College Office Monday
to Friday from 8.30am to 4.00pm.

EFTPOS facilities are available at the College for payment. Credit card payments (Visa
and MasterCard only) can be made over the phone during Office Hours.

A Credit Card Deduction Authority is available for regular fortnightly or monthly
instalments from your credit card. Please ask at the College Office for a Deduction

CENTREPAY is an easy way to stay in control of your finances. Centrepay is a free
direct bill paying service offered to customers receiving Centrelink payments. Please
ring the Business Manager or Bursar for more information, or check the Centrelink
Website at
Parent Handbook Years 8-12 2019 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington


The OLSH uniform should be worn to reflect pride in ourselves and our community.
As representatives of the College, students are expected to wear their uniform in a
professional and positive way.

Uniforms must be neat and tidy and at all times. All students are expected to wear
full College uniform to and from school on all occasions.

      BLAZER - the College blazer as the outer garment to and from school and for
       formal occasions. It is a compulsory part of the Winter Uniform.

      JUMPER - the College jumper for additional warmth under the blazer.

      SHORTS/SLACKS - the College dress shorts or dress slacks as an option.
       However, they may not be worn on formal occasions such as College
       Liturgies and representative activities.

      SHOES - plain black, leather school shoes. These must be flat-heeled and
       lace-up only. All variations (eg. buckles, high heels, moccasins, boat shoes
       and sport shoes) are not allowed. If a student appears in non-regulation
       footwear, parents will be requested to have those shoes replaced.

      BACKPACK- only the College backpack to and from school. A College tote
       bag may be used when walking between classes and out of the school on

      UNDERGARMENTS - Undergarments that are neutral coloured and do not
       attract attention.

Optional Items

Students may wear additional clothing during the winter months. This can include
spencers and thermals worn under the regular uniform. This should not be visible. A
navy scarf or gloves can also be worn.

Assorted jumpers and tracksuit jackets are not acceptable.

                           Junior uniform ( Years 7, 8, 9, 10)

       Summer                  Winter                               Sport

College summer tunic    College plaid tunic    In Summer (Terms 1 & 4)
(mid knee length or                            College sports shorts
below)                  College blouse
                                               In Winter (Terms 2 & 3)
Navy ankle socks        Navy 30 denier         College tracksuit pants and jacket
                                               College sports top
                        College jumper worn
                        for additional         College sports cap
                                               Lace up sport shoes and white ankle socks

Optional                Optional               Optional

Dark navy dress         Dark navy dress        College jumper may be worn under sport
shorts                  slacks                 jacket for additional warmth.
(top of knee length)
                        College Blouse
College short sleeved
blouse.                 Navy socks

                                   Senior ( Years 11, 12)

       Summer                  Winter                               Sport

College senior skirt    College plaid tunic    Sports uniform should be retained from the
(below knee length)                            junior school for wear at the carnivals.
                        College blouse
      Short sleeve     Navy 30 denier         Sports uniform should be retained for
       College blouse   stockings              students in Year 11 & 12 who are
                                               undertaking the PDHPE or SLR courses.
      Navy ankle       College jumper worn
       socks            for additional

Optional                Optional
Dark navy dress         Dark navy dress
shorts                  slacks
(top of knee length)
                        College Blouse
College short sleeved
blouse.                 Navy socks


Students are expected to be neatly groomed. Their appearance must look
natural and not invite comment.

Hair is expected to be well groomed and tidy. This includes:
    Being tied back at all times
    It cannot be coloured in unnatural or multi-coloured tones.
    Untidy and extreme hairstyles are not permitted.
    Ribbons, scrunchies and headbands must be black, white, navy or dark

Jewellery is expected to be minimal. This includes:
    One small gold/ silver chain with a cross or Christian symbol. The chain
      should be long enough so that it cannot be seen.
    A watch
    One set of small, round, gold/silver studs or sleepers worn in the lobe of the
      ear. Studs may have a clear stone, but not colours or pearls.
    Nose studs or facial piercings are not accepted.

Students are expected to keep their nails natural.
    Clear gloss is allowed.
    Nails should be kept an appropriate length to avoid harm during the course of
      school activities.

Students are expected to maintain their natural look.
    Make-up is not permitted. This includes foundation, eyeliner, mascara,
      coloured lip gloss.
    False eyelashes are not to be worn.
    Fake tan that is unnatural to student’s skin.
    Visible tattoos will not be accepted.


The Principal/ Assistant Principal reserves the right to alter and interpret the above

Students who fail to meet College expectations can expect follow up action and
consequences. The following consequences act as an outline for this action,
however incidents will be judged on their individual circumstances. Consequences
can include:
    Note to parents/ caregivers in College planner
    Yard duty
    Lunch time detention
    After school detention (parents notified)
    Loss of day to day privileges

In serious cases, the Leader of Pastoral Care, Assistant Principal or Principal will
inform parents and the consequences may include:
     Loss of privileges
     Detention on non-school days. Eg Parent Teacher interviews
     Internal or external school suspension
     Provisional enrolment contract

Parents will be notified when necessary.


This policy is for all students Year 7 - 10 and students in Year 11 & 12 who are
undertaking the PDHPE or SLR courses. It is an expectation students representing
the College in CGSSSA or CCC sports adhere to this policy.

It is a requirement that students be changed into the full OLSH College Sports
Uniform for both Physical Education, practical and sport lessons for a number of
reasons. Namely; safety, hygiene, sun protection and appearance.

It is each student’s responsibility to have the correct sports uniform for these
NB: Street shoes or similar non-supportive footwear are not to be worn any time for
practical lessons.

What if a student is sick or injured?
Students who are unwell or injured and unable to participate in a practical lesson
must have a signed and dated note with a parent contact number. They must supply
a legitimate reason excusing them from participation in practical activity. Students
with an ongoing illness/injury must obtain a medical certificate informing of the
duration of the injury. The certificate is to be presented to the Leader of Learning
PDHPE via the classroom teacher.
Students will be set theory work or be given a role to fulfil during the lesson.

When and where to change?
Change rooms can be found:
   C block Change room (ground floor)
   Hartzer (Hall level change room)
   Toilet blocks located near homeroom corridors.

Class rooms, stair wells and corridors are not change rooms and are not to be used
as such.

 PE lesson:                             When to change:

 Period 1 or 2 • Change into the sports uniform at 8:30am.
               • Change back into the school uniform at the end of the lesson.

 Period 3 or 4 • Change into the sports uniform at recess.
               • Change back into the school uniform at the end of the lesson.

 Period 5       • Change into the sports uniform at lunch.
                • Change back into the school uniform at the end of the lesson.

Students are not permitted to wear the college sports uniform to or from
school unless it is Day 10.

Consequences for not changing for PE lessons per semester

      1st time - Recorded as ‘not changed’ on the class roll and in the student
       2nd time - Recorded as ‘not changed’ on the class roll and in the student
       planner. A 10 minute yard duty will be issued. A verbal warning will be issued
       to the student informing them the next time this semester they are not
       appropriately dressed they will receive a detention and a phone call home to
       inform parents.
      3rd time - Recorded as ‘not changed’ on the class roll and in the student
       planner. A phone call home to parents and a letter will be sent home informing
       that the student will remain after school for A ONE HOUR detention the
       following Tuesday
      4th and subsequent times - As per third time with further steps taken to such
       as referral to ARC committee (Yr 10), parent interviews and LOPC informed.

Day 10 Sports Day
On Sports Day (Friday Day 10) students ARE permitted to wear their sports uniform
to and from school. The school jumper is not part of the sports uniform and should
not be worn off campus.

If students are not in the correct uniform for Day 10 sport, they will receive a Sport
Detention for that afternoon during sport time. If students receive two or more of
these during a semester they will be issued with a Tuesday afternoon detention.


In 2017 eligible students will be issued with a 2017 School Opal Card. Free transport
is available on Government trains and buses where students live more than 2.0
kilometres (radial distance) from the College, measured on a radius from the centre of
the school site. Please refer to the Transport for NSW Fact Sheet and Brochure
included in the Orientation Pack for details on how to apply.

As in past years, a short period of time will be allocated where all school children will
be permitted to travel free to allow distribution of passes.

         For updated information and additional bus services
                      please refer to the website

                     MORNING BUSES
667 AM
668 AM

L94      From La Perouse via Anzac Parade, Kingsford to Anzac Parade,

303      From Sans Souci/Dolls Point via The Grande Parade, General Holmes
         Drive, Mascot, Eastlakes, University of NSW, Anzac Parade,

308      Smidmore Street, Marrickville via St Peters Station, Redfern to Central

           SYDNEY BUSES ROUTES 2017

                       MORNING BUSES
370      From Leichhardt Depot, Annandale, Sydney University, Newtown,
         Green Square, University of NSW

374      Arden & Dolphin Streets Coogee, Alison Road, Cleveland/Anzac
         Parade, Central

393      Little Bay (Anzac Parade) to Anzac Parade, Kensington

395      Maroubra Beach to Anzac Parade, Kensington

399      Little Bay (Anzac Parade) via Malabar Heights to Anzac Parade,

400      Burwood (Burwood Road at Westfield) to University of NSW,

                     AFTERNOON BUSES
611 PM

669 PM


             AFTERNOON BUSES
391 PM
392 PM

399 PM
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