PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions

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PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
Pharma Software

PAS-X training
Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the
success of your pharma & biotech MES projects
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
Said is not heard.
Heard is not understood.
Understood is not agreed.
Agreed is not applied.
Applied is not maintained.
Adapted from Konrad Lorenz (1903 – 1989),
Austrian ethologist, Nobel Prize laureate in 1973
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions

Three training tracks to meet your specific needs           04
Training classes wherever and whenever you need them        05
What’s new                                                  06
Your PAS-X training team                               08 – 12
Our locations and academy subsidiaries                 1 3 – 14
Software academy                                       1 5 – 16
Dates for 2020 at a glance                             17 – 19
PAS-X training program 2020                            20 – 47

PAS-X Operating track                                  20 – 39
Basic level                                            20 – 2 1
Professional level                                     22 – 33
Enhanced level                                         34 – 39

PAS-X Administration track                             40 – 46

PAS-X Adapted track                                         47

Contact                                                     49

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                       3
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
Three training tracks
to meet your specific needs
Standardized training modules
for pharma and biotech manufac-
turing out of the box

Our PAS-X training classes are composed of stand­ard-    1. PAS-X                             2. PAS-X                              3. PAS-X
ized modules that can be selected and organized          Operating track                      Administration track                  Adapted track
flexibly to cover all PAS-X functionalities. Thus, the
classes suit your specific manufacturing technologies,   • PAS-X introduction                 • System administration               • Indvidual training
such as vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, solids, liquids    • Business functions                 • Reports and labels                    classes and customer
and other manufacturing operations. Based on best        • 3 levels: basic,                     administration                        specific workshops
practice production processes, you learn how to            professional, enhanced             • PCS administration
operate PAS-X in a virtual factory and how to use                                             • Track & Trace                       ´´ Operators
PAS-X to optimize your processes and design them to      ´´ Operators                           administration                      ´´ Supervisors
be more efficient.                                       ´´ Supervisors                       • KPI administration                  ´´ Recipe designers
                                                         ´´ Key users                                                               ´´ QA managers
                                                         ´´ QA managers                       ´´ Key users                          ´´ Project managers
                                                         ´´ Project managers                  ´´ System administrators              ´´ System adminstrators
                                                         ´´ Recipe designers                  ´´ Automation engineers

                                                         The PAS-X Operating training         These training classes are directed   These training classes and work-
                                                         classes are directed at operators,   at system administrators. They        shops are directed at customer
                                                         supervisors and quality manage-      learn how to administer and manage    specific topics and target PAS-X key
                                                         ment employees. Depending on         PAS-X for productive operation.       users as well as personnel from
                                                         the selected class, they provide                                           administrative and operative levels.
                                                         an introduction and in-depth know-
                                                         ledge to PAS-X and present the
                                                         PAS-X Business Functions.

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                                                                4
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
Training classes wherever
and whenever you need them
We will be happy to hold your PAS-X training classes      Irrespective of your role within the company, we will show you the
locally at your plant and on your date of preference.     optimum benefit of using PAS-X:
Apart from this, we regularly offer training classes at   • For you as an Operator, PAS-X will provide safe guidance through the
our modern premises in Lüneburg, Germany, or at one         production process.

of our international locations. For dates and places,     • For you as a Supervisor, PAS-X will ensure that you can view the current
please check the training program below.                    status of the production lines and their targets at any time.

                                                          • For you as a System Administrator, PAS-X will facilitate the management
                                                            of user rights, the configuration of printers and the PCS integration.

• You are an Operator, Supervisor,                        • For you as a QA Manager, PAS-X will support you in properly documenting
  System Administrator or QA manager?                       all production steps in compliance with the regulatory requirements.

                                                          • For you as a Recipe Designer, PAS-X provides a central cockpit to bring
• You would like to know how you can benefit                your paper based recipe into an electronic recipe.

  from PAS-X and how PAS-X can support you in your        • For you as an Automation Engineer, PAS-X ensures a flexible integration
  day-to-day business?                                      into the automation layer.

• You are curious about getting to know PAS-X
                                                             Benefits of PAS-X Training Classes
  on the basis of specific production processes in
  a “real system” and not just on paper?
                                                             • Smooth implementation of your PAS-X project
                                                             • Successful operation of your PAS-X MES
                                                             • Profit from our first-hand expertise
    “With our training methods you will assimilate             in pharma processes
   the acquired knowledge and make it part of your           • Maximize the value of your PAS-X MES
                                                             • Standardized, modular and scalable training classes
     daily business. We will ensure that you enjoy
                 working with PAS-X!”

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                            5
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
What’s new in 2020                                                                                                                                                 New!


Remote PAS-X MES training                                  PAS-X 3.2.X trainings available                                PAS-X training available in Ireland
Only well-trained personnel ensures the success of         With the start of the new year we are also ready to start      As one of the leading locations for pharmaceutical
your PAS-X MES project. That’s why we now deliver our      with training courses dedicated to PAS-X version 3.2.X.        industry, Ireland is home for many of our customers.
standard training classes in a completely remote way!      When there is the need for a 3.2.X training just get in        We are proud to announce that we will offer, on
In the web session, you will be guided by a well-          touch with the local Manager Training.                         scheduled base, PAS-X training classes in Dublin.
experienced trainer, giving theoretical knowledge,                                                                        You would like to receive more information? Just
while keeping you active. To directly make use of the                                                                     have a look on our website
newly learned information, you will also execute hands-
                                                           Trainings in Chinese language
                                                           The expansion of PAS-X MES in Pharma, Biotech and
on exercises in a remote PAS-X training system.
                                                           Cell & Gene in China is in full swing, with local and global
                                                                                                                          New training certification process
                                                           customers building the basis for Pharma 4.0. Due to
All that is needed is a PC and a stable internet connec-                                                                  Whether a confirmation of attendance or a certificate
                                                           the increased demand of related knowledge, we are
tion. Our remote trainings will be offered as customer                                                                    is received after the training is now completely up to
                                                           proud to announce that our China office will be able to
scheduled training classes or open classroom sessions.                                                                    the participants of a training. We developed a series
                                                           conduct PAS-X training classes not only in English, but
                                                                                                                          of tests for the specific training courses. When the
                                                           also in Chinese language – both open classroom training
                                                                                                                          test is successfully passed a certificate is handed out
                                                           on a scheduled basis as well as on-site training.
                                                                                                                          otherwise the participant will receive a confirmation of
                                                           For questions and further information, please send an
                                                           e-mail to: [email protected]

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                                                                          6
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
PAS-X training                                                             无论何时何地, 我们用
   classes wherever and
   whenever you need them
   in your language.                          PAS-X-Trainings wo und          PAS-X 的培训。
                                              wann immer Sie wollen in
                                              Ihrer Sprache.

                          Cours de formation                     Cursos de capacitación
                          PAS-X, quand vous                      PAS-X, donde y cuando
                          le souhaitez, où vous le               usted los necesite y en
                          souhaitez et dans                      su idioma.
                          la langue de votre hoix.

                                            Treinamentos PAS-X,
   PAS-Xトレーニング、                                                               ไม่ว่าที่ไหน เมื่อไร
                                            onde e quando você
   いつでも、どこでも、                               precisar e no seu idioma.         หลักสูตรการฝึกอบรม
   日本語でご提供させて                                                                 PAS-X ก็พร้อมเสมอ
   頂きます。                                                                      ในภาษาที่คุณต้องการ

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                          7
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
Your PAS-X training team                                                                                     Europe

Well-trained and qualified users thanks
to our experienced subject matter experts.

     Christian Kober               Rana Mousa                  Minh Ngoc Bui           Thorsten Grundmeier
     Head of Business Consulting   Manager End User Training   Trainer & Consultant    Principal Consultant

     Training sessions             Training sessions           Training sessions       Training sessions
     QA                            End User Training           System Administration   Level 2 integration
     WMS                           Management                  Level 2 integration     Language: German
                                   Language: German

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                           8
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
Your PAS-X training team                                                                         Europe

Well-trained and qualified users thanks
to our experienced subject matter experts.

     Khajorn Saelao (Nick)      Clementine Tassaux   Brendan Xerri          Sarah Zimmer
     Trainer & Consultant       Associate Trainer    Trainer & Consultant   Senior Trainer & Consultant

     Training sessions          Training sessions    Training sessions      Training sessions
     System Administration      Language: French                            System Administration
     Language: Thai                                                         New features
                                                                            Language: German

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                               9
PAS-X training program - Out-of-the-box training modules to ensure the success of your pharma & biotech MES projects - Werum IT Solutions
Your PAS-X training team                                                                    America

Well-trained and qualified users thanks
to our experienced subject matter experts.

     Mirko Sachse               Isabel Intrup       Kristi Korson       April VanDenDriessche
     Head of Training Academy   Manager Training    Senior Trainer      Trainer

     Planning and design        Training sessions   Training sessions   Training sessions
     Training sessions          PCS                 QA
     Track & Trace              Track & Trace       Video Tutorials
                                Reports & Labels
                                Video tutorials

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                           10
Your PAS-X training team                                                                                 Asia

Well-trained and qualified users thanks
to our experienced subject matter experts.

     Martin Brillowski          Hyun Chae (Daniel)       Pairoj Grover (Roj)     Sakda Kanjack (Dodo)
     Manager Consulting &       Trainer                  Associate Trainer &     Consultant
     Training                                            Consultant

     Planning and design        Training sessions        Training sessions       Training sessions
     Training sessions          Track & Trace            System Administration   System Administration
     System Administration      Reports & Labels         Language: Thai          Language: Thai
                                Language: Thai, Korean

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                     11
Your PAS-X training team                                                      Asia

Well-trained and qualified users thanks
to our experienced subject matter experts.

     Jatin Mer                  Chayut Vaikasi (Gap)   Amy Wang
     Project Consultant         Trainer & Consultant   Trainer & Consultant

     Training sessions          Training sessions      Training sessions
     Language: Hindi , Marati   Language: Thai         Language: Mandarin

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                          12
Our locations

                                                     Dublin, Ireland         Lüneburg, Germany, Global HQ
                                                    St. Augustin, Germany   Karlsruhe + Hausach, Germany
                        Parsippany, NJ, USA,                                    Vienna, Austria
                                                            Lyon, France
                          North America HQ            Toulouse, France           Budapest, Hungary
                                                                                                                                                    Tokyo, Japan
Los Angeles, CA, USA
                          Cary, NC, USA                                                                                                  Shanghai, China

                                                                                             Mumbai, India
                                                                                                Pune, India                    Bangkok, Thailand,
                                                                                                                               Asia Pacific HQ
                                                                                             Bengaluru, India

                                                                                                             Singapore, Asia

                                               São Paulo, Brazil,
                                               Latin America HQ

        Academy locations

        Local offices

  PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                                                      13
Academy subsidiaries
Lüneburg                                      Parsippany                                  Bangkok
Werum IT Solutions GmbH                       Werum IT Solutions America, Inc.            Werum IT Solutions Ltd.
Wulf-Werum-Str. 3 · 21337 Lüneburg, Germany   5 Sylvan Way · Parsippany, NJ 07054 · USA   Liberty Square Building, 14th FL.
T +49 4131 8900-0 ·             T +1 973 644 4000 ·   Unit 1405, 287 Silom Rd.
[email protected]                     [email protected]                  Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
                                                                                          T +66 2 0205720 ·
                                                                                          [email protected]

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                         14
Software academy: PAS-X training
modules out-of-the-box

   Training concepts                                     Administration
                                                 Weighing & Dispensing

                              Equipment Management
                      New products
 MBR Design                                QA                             PCS
                                 Track & Trace
                                                          Reports & Labels

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                     15
Software academy

  PAS-X training request                     PAS-X                                     PAS-X
                                             Operating track                           Administration track
  Select your class at

                                             Basic training                  p. 20     Administration trainings          p. 40                                                          2 day per class

                                             Professional trainings          p. 22     • System administration            p. 40
  or send an e-mail to                       1 day per class                           • Reports & Labels
                                                                                         Administration                   p. 42
                                             •   Weighing & Dispensing        p. 23    • Track & Trace administration     p. 43
       [email protected]             •   Material flow                p. 24    • KPI administration               p. 44
            for trainings in Europe          •   Equipment management         p. 25    • SCADA (OPC) administration       p. 45
                                             •   GMBRs & Libraries            p. 26    • Data historian administration    p. 46
                                             •   Characteristics &
      [email protected]                 order network                p. 27
          for trainings in America           •   MBR design                   p. 28
                                             •   Warehouse management         p. 29
                                             •   Formulas                     p. 30
         [email protected]             •   PAS-X for QA (2 days)        p. 3 1
             for trainings in Asia           •   SCADA (OPC) MBR design       p. 32    PAS-X
                                             •   Data historian MBR design    p. 33    Adapted track
  We will contact you as soon as possible.
                                             Enhanced trainings              p. 34     Customer specific
                                             1 day per class                           trainings                         p. 47

                                             •   Process development          p. 34
                                             •   Track & Trace                p. 35
                                             •   Finite scheduling            p. 36
                                             •   KPI                          p. 37
                                             •   MSI                          p. 38
                                             •   Upgrade trainings            p. 39

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                       16
2020 Dates at a glance
Basic                                                          GMBRS & Libraries professional                     System administration
Dublin     / Remote                                            Dublin     / Remote                                Dublin     / Remote
Apr. 20  – 22    Jun. 08  – 10   Oct. 05 – 07                  Apr. 27         Jun. 15        Oct. 12             Apr. 23 – 24      Jun. 11 – 12   Oct. 08 – 09
Lüneburg        / Remote                                       Lüneburg       / Remote                            Lüneburg       / Remote
Feb. 03 – 05     May 04 – 06     Sep. 14 – 16   Nov. 23 – 25   Feb. 10         May 11         Sep. 21   Nov. 30   Feb. 06 – 07      May 07 – 08    Sep. 17 – 18   Nov. 26 – 27
St. Augustin      / Remote                                     St. Augustin     / Remote                          St. Augustin     / Remote
Mar. 16 – 18     Aug. 17 – 19                                  Mar. 23         Aug. 24                            Mar. 19 – 20      Aug. 20 – 21

Material flow professional                                     MBR design professional                            Reports & Lables Administration
Dublin     / Remote                                            Dublin     / Remote                                Lüneburg       / Remote
Apr. 30           Jun. 18        Oct. 15                       May 01          Jun. 19        Oct. 16             Mar. 05 – 06    Jul. 30 – 31
Lüneburg        / Remote                                       Lüneburg       / Remote
Feb. 13           May 14         Sep. 24        Dec. 03        Feb. 14         May 15         Sep. 25   Dec. 04
St. Augustin      / Remote                                     St. Augustin     / Remote
Mar. 26           Aug. 27                                      Mar. 27         Aug. 28

Equipment management professional                              Formulas professional

Dublin     / Remote                                            Dublin     / Remote
Apr. 29           Jun. 17        Oct. 14                       Apr. 28         Jun. 16        Oct. 13

Lüneburg        / Remote                                       Lüneburg       / Remote
Feb. 12           May 13         Sep. 23        Dec. 02        Feb. 11         May 12         Sep. 22   Dec. 01

St. Augustin      / Remote                                     St. Augustin     / Remote
Mar. 25           Aug. 26                                      Mar. 24         Aug. 25

                                                               QA professional
                                                               Lüneburg       / Remote
                                                               Mar. 03 – 04    July 28 – 29

                                                                                                                                                         All mentioned training
                                                                                                                                                   courses refer to PAS-X V3.1.8

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                                                                        17
2020 Dates at a glance
Basic                                          Formulas professional                    System administration
Cary, NC       / Remote                        Cary, NC   / Remote                      Cary, NC       / Remote
Aug. 11 – 13                                   Aug. 20                                  Aug. 25 – 26
Orange County, CA          / Remote            Orange County, CA          / Remote      Orange County, CA         / Remote
Jun. 14 – 16     Oct. 27 – 29                  Jan. 23          Nov. 05                 Jan. 28 – 29     Nov. 10 – 11
Parsippany, NJ      / Remote                   Parsippany, NJ      / Remote             Parsippany, NJ      / Remote
Apr. 28 – 30                                   May 07                                   May 12 –13

GMBRS & libraries professional
Cary, NC       / Remote                        SCADA (OPC) MBR design professional      Reports & Lables administration
Aug. 18                                        Orange County, CA          / Remote      Cary, NC       / Remote
Orange County, CA          / Remote            Feb. 06          Nov. 19                 Aug. 27 – 28
Jan. 21          Nov. 03                                                                Orange County, CA         / Remote
Parsippany, NJ      / Remote                                                            Jan. 30 – 31     Nov. 12 –13
May 05                                                                                  Parsippany, NJ      / Remote
                                               MBR design professional
                                                                                        May 14 –15
                                               Cary, NC   / Remote
Characteristics & order network professional
                                               Aug. 19
Cary, NC       / Remote
                                               Orange County, CA          / Remote
Aug. 21
                                               Jan. 22          Nov. 04                 SCADA (OPC) administration
Orange County, CA          / Remote
                                               Parsippany, NJ      / Remote             Orange County, CA         / Remote
Jan. 24          Nov. 06
                                               May 06                                   Feb. 04 – 05     Nov. 17–18
Parsippany, NJ      / Remote
May 08

                                               Data historian MBR design professional   Data historian administration
                                               Cary, NC   / Remote                      Cary, NC       / Remote
                                               Sep. 03                                  Sep. 01 – 02
                                               Parsippany, NJ      / Remote             Parsippany, NJ      / Remote
                                               May 21                                   May 19 – 20

                                                                                                                              All mentioned training
                                                                                                                        courses refer to PAS-X V3.1.8

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                                             18
2020 Dates at a glance
Basic                                                 Equipment management professional              System administration
Bangkok        / Remote                               Bangkok        / Remote                        Bangkok         / Remote
Jan. 15 – 17      Apr. 06 – 08        Oct. 28 – 30    May 28                                         Apr. 27 – 28       Nov. 30 – Dec. 01
Mumbai         / Remote                                                                              Mumbai          / Remote
May 13 – 15       Oct. 14 – 16                        GMBRS & libraries professional                 Jul. 14 – 15       Nov. 05 – 06
Shanghai        / Remote                              Bangkok        / Remote                        Shanghai         / Remote
Feb. 26 – 28      Jun. 29 – Jul. 01   Sept. 09 – 11   May 29                                         Mar. 12 – 13       Oct. 08 – 09

Singapore        / Remote                                                                            Singapore         / Remote
Jan. 29 – 31      Jun. 10  – 12                                                                      Feb. 18 – 19       Jun. 22 – 23
                                                      Characteristics & order network professional
Tokyo      / Remote                                                                                  Tokyo      / Remote
                                                      Bangkok        / Remote
Mar. 17 – 19      Aug. 26 – 28        Nov. 11–13                                                     Apr. 02 – 03       Nov. 16 –17
                                                      Jul. 08

Professional                                          MBR design professional                        Reports & Labels administration
Bangkok        / Remote                               Bangkok        / Remote                        Bangkok         / Remote
Mar. 20 – 23                                          Jul. 09                                        Jun. 04  – 05
Mumbai         / Remote                                                                              Shanghai         / Remote
May 18 – 21                                                                                          Jul. 29 – 30
                                                      Formulas professional
Shanghai        / Remote
                                                      Bangkok        / Remote
Mar. 02 – 06      Sep. 14 – 17
                                                      Jul. 10
Singapore        / Remote                                                                            SCADA (OPC) administration
Feb. 04 – 07      Jun. 15 –18                                                                        Bangkok         / Remote
Tokyo      / Remote                                   QA professional                                Jul. 06 – 07
Mar. 23 – 26      Aug. 31 – Sep. 03                   Bangkok        / Remote                        Mumbai          / Remote
                                                      Jun. 01 – 02                                   Nov. 09 –10
                                                                                                     Shanghai         / Remote
                                                                                                     Jul. 02 – 03
Material flow professional                            TRACK & TRACE feature package
                                                                                                     Singapore         / Remote
Bangkok        / Remote                               Bangkok        / Remote                        Feb. 18 – 19
May 27                                                Nov. 02
                                                                                                     Tokyo      / Remote
                                                      Shanghai       / Remote                        Nov. 18 – 19
                                                      May 22
                                                                                                                                              All mentioned training
                                                                                                                                        courses refer to PAS-X V3.1.8

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                                                             19
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Basic training                                                                    TR-BAS

                              Training objectives    ´´ Basic understanding of organization, processes and
                                                        defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                     ´´ General knowledge of and skills in using PAS-X, modeling processes
 PAS-X                                                  and executing the main system functionalities

 Basic training                                      ´´ Overview of PAS-X functionalities covering the whole production

                              Target audience        Users and administrators of the PAS-X system, project manager and
 Basic level
                                                     key users as supervisors, team leaders, quality personnel, head of

                              Required               None

                              Duration               3 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       See pages 17-19

                              Training method        Interactive presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       (see next page)

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                    20
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Basic training (continued)                                                     TR-BAS

                              Training content        PAS-X concept

                                                      „„ PAS-X product concept

                                                      User interface
 PAS-X                                                „„ Overview of the general structure of the user interface
 Basic training                                       „„ Dialogs & forms
                                                      „„ Use of filters

                                                      Master data management
 Basic level
                                                      „„ Equipment management & material master data

                                                      Master Batch Record – management

                                                      „„ Concept and structure
                                                      „„ Basic recipe
                                                      „„ MBR designer
                                                      „„ Creating recipes
                                                      „„ Bill of material
                                                      „„ Material flow concept & use of equipment

                                                      Master Batch Record – release workflow

                                                      Electronic Batch Recording – EBR

                                                      „„ Order Management
                                                      „„ Recipe execution
                                                      „„ Exception handling

                                                      Batch Record Review

                                                      „„ Exception Review
                                                      „„ Review of critical parameters
                                                      „„ Batch Record release

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                 21
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Professional training                                                               TR-PRO

                              Training objectives     ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                         defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in several functional areas of PAS-X:
 PAS-X                                                   Weighing & dispensing, material flow, equipment management,
                                                         GMBRs and libraries
 Professional training                                ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

                              Target audience         Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders.
 Professional level           Required                mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications          Basic training                        –

                              Duration                4 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Interactive presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        „„ Weighing & dispensing (p.23)       For details, please refer to the
                                                      „„ Material flow (p.24)               respective professional classes
                                                      „„ Equipment management (p.25)
                                                      „„ GMBRs & Libraries (p.26)

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                       22
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Weighing & Dispensing training                                                 TR-PRO-WD

                              Training objectives    ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                        defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in weighing and dispensing of materials
 PAS-X                                                  in the context of the MBR modeling and EBR execution process
                                                     ´´ Usage of PAS-X in real life scenarios
 Weighing & Dispensing        Target audience        Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders.

                              Required               mandatory                             optional
 Professional level           qualifications         Basic training                        –

                              Duration               1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       On request

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       Weighing recipe                       Weighing recipe execution
                                                     & administration
                                                                                           „„ Positive weighing
                                                     „„ Bill of material                   „„ Negative weighing
                                                     „„ Container Management               „„ Campaign weighing
                                                     „„ Weighing configuration             „„ Manual take-out
                                                                                           „„ Weighing procedures
                                                     Weighing preparation
                                                                                           „„ Material takeouts
                                                     „„ Prepare production                 „„ Yield weighing
                                                     „„ Shop floor order dialog
                                                                                           Post-weighing activities
                                                     „„ Material item setting
                                                     „„ Material reservations              „„ Inventory adjustment
                                                                                           „„ Takeout log information
                                                                                           „„ Managing material returns
                                                                                              & losses

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                        23
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Material flow professional training                                     TR-PRO-MATFLOW

                              Training objectives     ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                         defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in using the material flow within PAS-X
 PAS-X                                                ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 Material flow                Target audience         Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders.

 professional                 Required
                                                      mandatory                             optional
                                                      Basic training                        Formula training

                              Duration                1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.
 Professional level
                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        Material management                   Material flow within MBRs

                                                      „„ Material master data               „„ Design material flow
                                                      „„ Handling unit management           „„ Material quantification types
                                                      „„ Work in process material           „„ Hand over material
                                                                                            „„ Holding time
                                                                                            „„ Automated material flow

                                                                                            Reusable material

                                                                                            „„ Managing reusable material

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                         24
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Equipment management professional training                                 TR-PRO-EQM

                              Training objectives   ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                       defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                    ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in configuring and using equipment
 PAS-X                                                 as well as reusable equipment
                                                    ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios
 Equipment manage-
                              Target audience       Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders.
 ment professional            Required              mandatory                            optional
                              qualifications        Basic training                       Formula training
 Professional level
                              Duration              1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule      See pages 17-19

                              Training method       Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content      Equipment management                 Equipment usage within
                                                                                         Master Batch Record
                                                    „„ Equipment concept
                                                    „„ Equipment specific properties     „„ Using the equipment library
                                                    „„ Equipment cleaning rules          „„ Creating ESPs
                                                    „„ State diagrams                    „„ Defining equipment list
                                                    „„ Equipment logbook                 „„ Automated equipment
                                                    Reusable equipment

                                                    „„ Concept of reusable equipment
                                                    „„ Creating reusable equipment
                                                    „„ Managing reusable equipment

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                   25
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X GMBRs & libraries training                                                   TR-PRO-GMBR

                              Training objectives     ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                         defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in using GMBRs and libraries in the
 PAS-X                                                   context of MBR modeling and EBR execution processes
                                                      ´´ Usage of PAS-X in real life scenarios
 GMBRS & libraries            Target audience         Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders.

                              Required                mandatory                             optional
 Professional level           qualifications          Basic training                        Formula training

                              Duration                1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        Generic Master Batch Records          Library administration

                                                      „„ Concept of generic master          „„ Library concept
                                                         batch records                      „„ Creating libraries and library
                                                      „„ Parameterization of GMBRs             elements
                                                      „„ Managing parameter value lists     „„ Formula variable in library
                                                      „„ Defining global parameters            elements
                                                      „„ Life cycle management of           „„ Using library elements
                                                         GMBRs                              „„ Life cycle management of
                                                                                               library elements

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     26
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Characteristics & order network training                                        TR-PRO-CX

                              Training objectives     ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                         defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up, configuring and using the
 PAS-X                                                   characteristics functionality within PAS-X for propagating information
                                                         between different manufacturing orders
 Characteristics &                                    ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 order network                Target audience         Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders.

                              Required                mandatory                             optional
 Professional level           qualifications          Basic training                        –
                                                      Formula training

                              Duration                1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        Characteristics & Order Network       Usage of characteristics
                                                                                            within recipes
                                                      „„ Concept of CX and order
                                                         network                            „„ Parameterization of
                                                      „„ Data propagation using CX             characteristics
                                                                                            „„ Using of CX basic function
                                                      Administration of characteris-
                                                                                            „„ Using CX within activities
                                                                                            Recipe Execution using
                                                      „„ Defining characteristics (CX)
                                                      „„ Managing char. for equipment
                                                         and material                       „„ Writing characteristics
                                                      „„ Maintaining characteristics        „„ to equipment
                                                                                            „„ Reviewing characteristics

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                          27
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X MBR design professional training                                              TR-PRO-MBR

                              Training objectives    ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                        defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                     ´´ Specific knowledge on material flow design aspects as well as on
 PAS-X                                                  event driven workflows
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in using signal sender and signal
 MBR design                                             receiver

 professional                                        ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

                              Target audience        Key users as recipe designers, supervisors, team leaders and quality
 Professional level
                              Required               mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications         Basic training                        Formula training

                              Duration               1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       See pages 17-19

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       Master Batch Record                   Electronic Batch Recording

                                                     „„ Simulation tools                   „„ Skipping signatures
                                                     „„ Recipe dependencies ERP / MES      „„ Formula simulation
                                                     „„ Material flow design aspects       „„ Force the start of SFOs
                                                        based on factory layout            „„ EBR corrections
                                                     „„ Workflow design for parallel,
                                                                                           Managing Signals
                                                        sequential or repeatable pro-
                                                        cesses                             „„ Concept of signals
                                                     „„ Usage of the layer concept for     „„ Signal buffering
                                                        structuring workflows              „„ Signal usage within workflow
                                                     „„ Specific design patterns              design

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                    28
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Warehouse management training                                             TR-PRO-WMS

                              Training objectives   ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                       defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                    ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in configuring and using the
 PAS-X                                                 warehouse functionalities of PAS-X
                                                    ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios
 Warehouse                                          ´´ Understanding of Warehouse integration aspects between PAS-X and
                                                       ERP systems
                              Target audience       Key users as warehouse supervisors, team leaders and warehouse
 Professional level
                              Required              mandatory                            optional
                              qualifications        Basic training                       –

                              Duration              1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule      On request

                              Training method       Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content      Warehouse Management                 Material Handling

                                                    „„ Modelling warehouse structure     „„ Goods receipt
                                                    „„ Inventory information             „„ Direct material takeouts
                                                    „„ Warehouse transaction archive     „„ Material weighing
                                                                                         „„ Material transports
                                                                                         „„ Line Supply
                                                                                         „„ Inventory adjustments

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                   29
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Formulas training                                                               TR-PRO-FORM

                              Training objectives       ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                           defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                        ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in using the formula editor in PAS-X
 PAS-X                                                  ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 Formulas professional        Target audience           Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders.

                              Required                  mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications            Basic training                        MBR design training
 Professional level
                              Duration                  1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule          See pages 17-19

                              Training method           Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content          Managing Formulas

                                                        „„ Overview of formula editor
                                                        „„ Formula verification in master batch record
                                                        „„ Using formulas for different use cases
                                                        „„ Formula simulation in batch execution

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                        30
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X for QA Professional Training                                                    TR-PRO-QA

                              Training objectives     ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                         defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in using PAS-X for QA purposes
 PAS-X                                                ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 for QA professional          Target audience         Key users as quality managers, supervisors and head of production.

                              Required                mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications          –                                     –
 Professional level
                              Duration                2 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        Quality Assurance with PAS-X

                                                      „„ Life cycle management of master batch records
                                                      „„ Critical parameters
                                                      „„ Exception handling
                                                      „„ Review by Excpetion (RbE)
                                                      „„ Batch record review & approval
                                                      „„ Archiving of batch record reports
                                                      „„ Batch quality attributes
                                                      „„ Batch genealogy

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     31
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X SCADA (OPC) MBR design training                                           TR-PRO-SCADA

                              Training objectives   ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                       defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                    ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in using PCS MBR elements
 PAS-X                                              ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 SCADA (OPC)                  Target audience       Key users as recipe designers and automation engineers.

 MBR design                   Required              mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications        Basic training                        Formula training

 Professional level           Duration              1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule      See pages 17-19

                              Training method       Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content      SCADA (OPC) MBR Design

                                                    „„ Introduction to SCADA (OPC) Integration
                                                    „„ Managing PCS MBR elements
                                                    „„ Recipe design using PCS MBR elements
                                                    „„ Using alias resolution within the recipe
                                                    „„ Signal handling to drive recipe execution
                                                    „„ Recipe execution with PCS MBR elements
                                                    „„ Alarm & Event handling

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                   32
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Data historian MBR design training                                              TR-PRO-DH

                              Training objectives     ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                         defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in using PCS MBR elements
 PAS-X                                                ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 Data historian               Target audience         Key users as recipe designers and automation engineers.

 MBR design                   Required                mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications          Basic training                        Formula training

 Professional level           Duration                1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        Introduction

                                                      „„ Architecture
                                                      „„ Why do we need a Data historian?


                                                      „„ Process knowledge
                                                      „„ Limitations
                                                      „„ Time

                                                      Common use cases

                                                      How to do it in PAS-X

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     33
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Process development feature package training                                     TR-FP-PD

                              Training objectives    ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                        defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in PAS-X
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up, configuring and using the
                                                        Process Development feature package in PAS-X
 PAS-X                                               ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 Process development          Target audience        Key users as recipe designers, team leaders and head of prodcution.

 feature package              Required               mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications         Basic training                        –

 Professional level           Duration               1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       On request

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       „„ Introduction to process development feature package
                                                     „„ Administration and use of process development

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                      34
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Track & Trace feature package training                                           TR-FP-TT

                              Training objectives    ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                        defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up, configuring and using
 PAS-X                                                  the Track & Trace feature package in PAS-X
                                                     ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios
 Track & Trace
                              Target audience        Key users as team leaders and production leads.
 feature package
                              Required qualifica-    mandatory                             optional
                              tions                  –                                     –
 Enhanced level
                              Duration               1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       See pages 17-19

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       „„ Concept of serialization
                                                     „„ PAS-X Track & Trace – features and architecture
                                                     „„ User interface
                                                     „„ Dialog overview
                                                     „„ Process order workflow

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     35
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Finite scheduling feature package training                                         TR-FP-FS

                              Training objectives     ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                         defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up, configuring and using
 PAS-X                                                   the Finite Scheduling feature package in PAS-X
                                                      ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios
 Finite scheduling
                              Target audience         Key users as planers and supervisors.
 feature package
                              Required                mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications          –                                     –
 Enhanced level
                              Duration                1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        On request

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        „„ Introduction to Finite scheduling feature package
                                                      „„ Administration and use of Finite scheduling feature package

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                       36
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Key performance indicators feature package training                             TR-FP-KPI

                              Training objectives    ´´ Comprehensive understanding of organization, processes and
                                                        defined roles in the “ViMS” simulated plant and its configuration in
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up, configuring and using
 PAS-X                                                  the Key Performance Indicators feature package in PAS-X
                                                     ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios
 Key performance
                              Target audience        Key users as head of production, production supervisors and business
 indicators feature                                  analysts.
 package                      Required               mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications         –                                     –
 Enhanced level               Duration               1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       On request

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       „„ Introduction into key performance indicators
                                                     „„ Adminsitration and use of key performance indicators feature package

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     37
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X MSI feature package training                                                    TR-FP-MSI

                              Training objectives    ´´ Setting up, configuring and maintaining the PAS-X client system
                                                        as well as messages – the administrative perspective
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up and connecting
                                                        PAS-X to external systems for automatic data exchange (SCADA, DCS,
 PAS-X                                                  Smart EQM)
                                                     ´´ Using PAS-X in context of MSI in real-life scenarios
 MSI feature package
                              Target audience        Key users as automation engineers, system administrators as well as
                                                     recipe designers
 Enhanced level
                              Required               mandatory                         optional
                              qualifications         Basic training                    PAS-X formulas training
                                                                                       PAS-X SCADA (OPC) MBR design training
                                                                                       PAS-X SCADA (OPC) administration

                              Duration               1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       On request

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       Introduction of MSI:              Message administration and MBR
                                                     „„ Concept of Level 2
                                                        integration                    „„ Creation and administration
                                                     „„ Concept of message-               of message
                                                        based shopfloor                „„ Recipe design and execution
                                                        integration                       of Interface BF
                                                     „„ MSI adapter                    „„ Discussion and design of
                                                        configuration                     customer use cases
                                                     „„ Communication
                                                        monitoring as well as

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     38
PAS-X Operating track
                              PAS-X Upgrade trainings

                              Training objectives       ´´ Knowledge of new functionalities implemented in a new
                                                           PAS-X version
                                                        ´´ Understanding of the motivation, idea and concept of these
 PAS-X                        Target audience           Key users as recipe designers, supervisors and team leaders
 Upgrade trainings            Required                  mandatory                         optional
                              qualifications            Knowledge of the system           –
 Enhanced level                                         that is upgrade from

                              Duration                  1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule          On request

                              Training method           Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content          Depending on the versions the content differs.
                                                        The delta between two PAS-X Versions is explained, this can include:
                                                        „„ New functionalities and how those can be used within the system
                                                        „„ New dialogs and their purpose
                                                        „„ Already existing functionalities with a changed behavior
                                                        „„ Functionalities and/or dialogs which are not available any longer
                                                           due to e.g. replacement
                                                        „„ Software architecture

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                    39
PAS-X Administration track
                              PAS-X System administration training                                            TR-ADMIN-SYS

                              Training objectives    ´´ Setting up, configuring and maintaining the PAS-X client system –
                                                        the administrative perspective
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in system administration
                                                        of a PAS-X client evironment
 PAS-X                                               ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 System administration        Target audience        Administrators of the PAS-X system.

                              Required               mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications         –                                     Basic training

                              Duration               2 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       See pages 17-19

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       (see next page)

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                  40
PAS-X Administration track
                              PAS-X System administration training (continued)                       TR-ADMIN-SYS

                              Training content        System overview

                                                      „„ System architecture

                                                      User administration
 PAS-X                                                „„ Management of users/user groups

 System administration                                „„ Rights management

                                                      PAS-X GUI configuration

                                                      Multiple languages

                                                      Audit trail

                                                      PAS-X printing/reporting

                                                      „„ Printing architecture
                                                      „„ Open Road printing configuration
                                                      „„ JAVA printing configuration

                                                      System monitoring

                                                      PAS-X communication

                                                      „„ ERP interface – principles
                                                      „„ Monitoring – CP info

                                                      PAS-X client configuration

                                                      „„ Open Road configuration – client profiles
                                                      „„ Scale configuration

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                         41
PAS-X Administration track
                              PAS-X Reports & Labels administration training                                    TR-ADMIN-REP

                              Training objectives     ´´ Setting up, configuring and maintaining the PAS-X client system –
                                                         the administrative perspective
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up and configuring the
 PAS-X                                                   management in PAS-X, including Crystal Reports and related SQL
 Reports & Labels                                     ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 administration               Target audience         Administrators of the PAS-X system.

                              Required qualifica-     mandatory                             optional
                              tions                   –                                     Basic training

                              Duration                2 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        Introduction                          Batch Record Report

                                                      „„ Basics of reporting                „„ Data model for batch report
                                                      „„ Using SQL                          „„ Batch Record Report design
                                                      „„ Basics of crystal report           „„ Printing configuration

                                                      Label design

                                                      „„ Data model for labels
                                                      „„ Label design with crystal report
                                                      „„ Printing configuration

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                    42
PAS-X Administration track
                              PAS-X Track & Trace administration training                                         TR-ADMIN-TT

                              Training objectives     ´´ Setting up, configuring and maintaining the PAS-X client system –
                                                         the administrative perspective
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up and connecting
                                                         PAS-X Track & Trace and line controller as well as configuring and
 PAS-X                                                   monitoring the connection
                                                      ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios
 Track & Trace
                              Target audience         Administrators of the PAS-X system.
                              Required qualifica-     mandatory                             optional
                              tions                   –                                     Basic training

                              Duration                1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        On request

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        „„ Configuration
                                                      „„ User/Rights management
                                                      „„ Audit trail
                                                      „„ Control data
                                                      „„ Background processes
                                                      „„ Monitoring

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     43
PAS-X Administration track
                              PAS-X KPI administration training                                                TR-ADMIN-KPI

                              Training objectives     ´´ Setting up, configuring and maintaining the PAS-X client system –
                                                         the administrative perspective
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up PAS-X key performance
                                                         indicators and configuring them
 PAS-X KPI                                            ´´ Using PAS-X in real-life scenarios

 administration               Target audience         Administrators of the PAS-X system.

                              Required                mandatory                             optional
                              qualifications          –                                     Basic training

                              Duration                1 day / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        On request

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        „„ Introduction into key performance indicators
                                                      „„ System Administration

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                     44
PAS-X Administration track
                              PAS-X SCADA (OPC) administration training                                        TR-ADMIN-SCADA

                              Training objectives    ´´ Setting up, configuring and maintaining the PAS-X client system –
                                                        the administrative perspective
                                                     ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up and connecting PAS-X
                                                        to external systems for automatic data exchange (Scada, DCS)
 PAS-X SCADA (OPC)            Target audience        Key users as automation engineers, system administrators as well as
 administration                                      recipe designers.

                              Required               mandatory                                optional
                              qualifications         –                                        Basic training

                              Duration               2 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule       See pages 17-19

                              Training method        Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content       Introduction to SCADA              PCS MBR elements
                                                     (OPC) Integration
                                                                                        „„ Setup of PCS MBR elements
                                                     „„ Concepts of process             „„ PCS recipe information within PAS-X
                                                        control integration (PCS)       „„ Concept and usage of aliasing
                                                     „„ PCS system setup                „„ Configuration of state machines
                                                     „„ Communication                   „„ Synchronization of level 2 systems
                                                        monitoring within PAS-X            and PAS-X
                                                                                        „„ Using state mapping to drive state
                                                                                        „„ Authoring of PCS MBR elements
                                                                                        „„ Recipe execution with PCS MBR

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                      45
PAS-X Administration track
                              PAS-X Data historian administration training                                      TR-ADMIN-DH

                              Training objectives     ´´ Setting up, configuring and maintaining the PAS-X client system –
                                                         the administrative perspective
                                                      ´´ Detailed knowledge of and skills in setting up and connecting PAS-X
                                                         to external systems for automatic data exchange (Scada, DCS)
 PAS-X                        Target audience         Key users as automation engineers, system administrators as well as
 Data historian                                       recipe designers.

 administration               Required                mandatory                            optional
                              qualifications          –                                    Basic training

                              Duration                2 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        See pages 17-19

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        Introduction                         How to do it in PAS-X

                                                      „„ Concepts of process control       „„ Tags, phases, parameters
                                                         integration (PCS)                 „„ Alias management
                                                      „„ How the data historian fits in    „„ Synchronization
                                                                                           „„ Status controls
                                                                                           „„ Creating PCS MBR elements
                                                      „„ Process engineer                  „„ Affecting the process
                                                      „„ Automation engineer                  engineers
                                                      Interface Setup

                                                      „„ Used components
                                                      „„ Configurations

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                    46
PAS-X Adapted track
                              Customer specific trainings                                                       TR-WS

                              Training objectives     ´´ Objectives, duration and content to be clarified with the customer

                              Target audience         To be defined

                              Required                To be defined
 Customer specific            qualifications

                              Duration                4 days / 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

                              Cycle / Schedule        On request

                              Training method         Presentation, hands-on sessions

                              Training content        „„ Basis: Standard training data suitable for agreed topic
                                                      „„ Focus: Developing customer-specific MBR’s in workshops
                                                      „„ Workshops are usually held at customer’s premises

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                   47
Customer specific key /
end user trainings
In order for a successful Go-Live the personnel on the shop floor needs to be trained in order to be
able to work with PAS-X. Key to fully understand a system and the tasks that should be executed
with the help of it is putting it into relation with the customer specific processes and procedures.
Therefore, we offer to create training courses that are tailored to your needs and manufacturing

We also support you in delivering the trainings to the end users. If you like to train most of your
personnel yourself we offer Key-User Trainings. In those, the Key-Users get enabled to deliver the
trainings themselves to the personnel. Another variant is that we take care of the complete end user
training delivery.A workshop to determine your needs accordingly and defining the scope of the
trainings is the starting line for customer specific trainings, followed by a close corporation between
you and our team, responsible for creatingthe training documents.

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                               48
 [email protected]

                                                                                            Registration & information
                                                                                            You would like to receive more information
                                                                                            about a particular training class or register
                                                                                            for a training? Just select the desired class
                                                                                            from the form at
                                                                                            or send an e-mail to

                                                                                            [email protected]
                                                                                            for trainings in Europe

                                                                                            [email protected]
                                                                                            for trainings in America

Christian Kober               Isabel Intrup                   Martin Brillowski             [email protected]
Head of Business Consulting   Manager Training                Manager                       for trainings in Asia
                                                              Consulting & Training

T +49 4131 8900-442           T +1 973 646-3427               T +66 2 02057-63
Location: Lüneburg, Germany   Location: Parsippany, NJ, USA   Location: Bangkok, Thailand
[email protected]     [email protected]         [email protected]
                                                                                            Feedback & suggestions for improvement
[email protected]     [email protected]      [email protected]       Do you have any requests, suggestions,
                                                                                            positive or negative feedback?
                                                                                            Do you have any particular remarks?
                                                                                            Please let us know via e-mail:

                                                                                            [email protected]
                                                                                            or phone: +49 4131 8900-0

                                                                                            or talk to us in person. We listen to you.

PAS-X Training Program 2020                                                                                                                 49
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