Price list valid from 01 February 2022 -
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Edition Germany © Andreas Meichsner, Main Campus Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen Price list valid from 01 February 2022
Spacers Fibre concrete spacers 12 Cast concrete spacers 24 Plastic spacers 26 Steel spacers 29 Fibre concrete distance tubes 31 Sealing cones and plugs 34 Spacers and distance tubes for drinking water appli- cation 40 Formwork technologies Pecafil® permanent formwork 46 Stremaform stay-in-place formwork for working ® joints 51 Stremaform stay-in-place formwork for expansion ® joints 63 Tubbox column former ® 67 Zemdrain CPF liner ® 72 Balcony and ceiling edge formwork 77 Box-out shutters and recess formers 80 Trennfit release agent 86 Formwork accessories 90 Reinforcement technologies Egcobox® thermal break balcony connector 96 Egcobox® FST steel thermal break connector 103 Egcodorn® shear force dowel 106 Stabox® continuity strip 112 MAX FRANK Coupler threaded connection 118 Sealing technologies Zemseal® sub-structure waterproofing system 124 Fradiflex metal waterstop ® 127 Intec injection hose system ® 132 Cresco® expanding waterstop 141 Building acoustics Sorp 10® room-acoustic sound absorber 146 Egcopal impact sound insulated shear force dowel 148 Egcosono stair landing bearing 151 Egcostep stair flight decoupling ® 154 Egcoscal stair beddings 156 Egcodist wall and floor bearings 160 Egcovoid void former ® 163 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 3
OUR BUSINESS MODEL We accompany our customers reliably through every building phase with a technically sophisticated and in- tensive intermeshing of industrial production, high-quality products and multifaceted services. HOW WE WORK We listen attentively and ask the right questions – ques- tions that penetrate to the core of the task. We at MAX FRANK call that: “BUILDING COMMON GROUND”. OUR STRENGTH A wide range of products, high-quality product combina- tions, project solutions, intermeshing of planning, produc- tion and sales CUSTOMER BENEFITS Saving of costs and time, solution from a single source THE COMMON APPROACH Sustainable and safe reinforced concrete structures w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 5
MAX FRANK BUILDINGS The popular tool is integrated in the website and linked with extensive product information. The virtual landscape provides you with the optimal products for the following types of structure: railway station, bridge, office build- ing, high-rise building, industrial building, sewage plant, museum, drinking water tank, tunnel, hydroelectric power station and residential building. PRODUCT FINDER Simply filter by the application areas and product proper- ties relevant for you and you will find the ideal product for your requirements. Joint Designer The joint designer shows the range of connection joints in concrete structures according to the classification between construction joints, predetermined crack joints, expansion joints, sound separation joints and settlement joints. ALWAYS UP TO DATE Never miss out! We keep you updated about new prod- ucts, the latest software and special solutions. Simply sign up for our newsletter free of charge and with- out obligation and follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube! w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 7
Service at MAX FRANK is multifaceted and therefore very person- al. With our services, we support you from the planning phase to beyond completion and create individual, holistic and economical project solutions together with you. Our customer service team will be happy to advise you and is available Monday to Thurs- day from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m: +49 9427 189-320 [email protected] Notes on the price list All listed prices are net prices plus VAT. Subject to price changes, errors and technical changes. Information on the current surcharges to cover rising costs can be found at We generally deliver in the defined packaging units. Information about this can be found in the respective product areas. Different delivery quantities are possible on request and by arrangement. We charge a minimum quantity surcharge of € 15.00 for these fractional quantities. The labelling of stocked items serves as an aid for the assessment of availability and lead times. Stocked items Non-stock items Delivery delays may occur seasonally or where larger orders are concerned. w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 9
Spacers Spacer s Spacers Spacers are used to ensure compliance of the concrete cover of reinforced concrete struc- tures and components prior to and during the concreting process. For mwor k technologies Reinforcement technologies Fibre concrete spacers Cast concrete spacers Plastic spacers Steel spacers 12 24 26 29 Sealing technologies Fibre concrete distance tubes Sealing cones and plugs Spacers and distance tubes for drinking water application 31 34 40 Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 11
Fibre concrete spacers Spacer s Fibre concrete spacers Achieving the right amount of concrete cover is essential for the durability of reinforced concrete structures. Fibre concrete For mwor k technologies spacers ensure correct concrete cover before and during concreting. They are characterized by high compressive strength and excellent chemical and physical resistance. A test report according to DBV leaflet “Spacers – edition November 2019” is available from the German concrete association. The spacers fulfil the requirements of all exposure classes. All recipes used are tested by independent testing institutes with regard to the required properties. Advantages ˎ High density with low porosity ˎ Excellent bond with the structural concrete, no hairline ˎ High load-bearing capacity cracks ˎ Same material properties as the structural concrete ˎ KOMO certified according to the Dutch assessment guideline BRL2817 Reinforcement technologies N With flat support Type “Snake” Type “Rail” Sealing technologies surface With linear support Triangular concave Triangular surface Building acoustics With steel clip Square with transverse clip Triangular concave Triangular concave Combined spacers with hook with two wires 12 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete spacers Laying and requirement assessment In the case of thin main bars, the flexure must be observed during the concreting process. In the case of Spacer s heavy reinforcement, the compressive stress of the spacers must be checked. The laying spacing depends primarily on the accepted flexure at the maximum load e.g. when walking on the reinforce- ment, especially when concreting. When placing bar spacers in the tensile zone, short pieces with a sufficient offset should be installed. Guiding values according to the DBV data sheet “Concrete cover and reinforcement” Component: Slabs cv Spacings S of the spacers For mwor k technologies Requirement, pcs. m2 Supported Bar spacers max. S main bars Ø Block spacers L = 18 cm L = 33 cm L = 1000 cm S cv point-supporting spacer < 6,5 mm 0,50 m 4 3,0 2,5 1,33 > 6,5 mm 0,70 m 2 1,6 1,4 0,84 Component: Beams and columns cv cv Spacings S of the spacers max. S1 in longitudinal direction cv cv Longitudinal bars Ø Columns Beam < 10 mm 0,50 m 0,25 m 12 – 20 mm 1,00 m 0,50 m S2 S1 h > 20 mm 1,25 m 0,75 m Reinforcement technologies point-supporting spacer S2 Spacings S of the spacers max. S2 in transverse direction b Number, distances b/h Columns Beam < 1,00 m 2x 2x > 1,00 m ≥ 3x ≥ 3x max. S2 0,75 m 0,50 m Component: Walls vibrator channel Spacings S1 and number Requirement, pcs. m2 wall* Main bars Ø max. S1 Bar spacers Block spacers S1 L = 18 cm L = 33 cm Sealing technologies < 8 mm 0,70 m 4 1,6 1,4 > 10 mm 1,00 m 2 1,0 0,8 * and per wall side cv cv S1 point-supporting spacer Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 13
Fibre concrete spacers Fibre concrete block spacers ˎ High compressive strength, no deformation in heat or ˎ Suitable for impermeable concrete, no hairline cracks Spacer s cold, concrete cover completely maintained between spacer and concrete ˎ Secure positioning when closing the formwork and when ˎ Fire-resistant according to the maximum requirements of concreting DIN 4102 - Class A1 (not flammable) Type series AD AD / BAD AK AK-Q AB AB AB Drawing For mwor k technologies Fibre-re- Fibre-re- Fibre-re- Fibre-re- Material quality inforced inforced inforced inforced Cast concrete Cast concrete Cast concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete Shuttlecock Concrete Fixing method Wire Wire Double clip Transverse clip Double clip clip binding wire linear-support- linear-support- linear-support- point-support- point-support- Support surface Flat Flat ing ing ing ing ing horizontal reinforce- ment vertical reinforcement Exposed concrete type group B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 suitable not suitable Reinforcement technologies Check suitability of spacer on a test surface before use with exposed concrete or self-compacting concrete (SSV). Type groups according to DBV data sheet “Spacers” are: B1 = point-supporting, not fixed, B2 = point-supporting, fixed, C1 = linear-supporting, not fixed, C2 = linear-supporting, fixed Spacer with wire Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for horizontal and vertical reinforcement. WG: 50 Art. no. Concrete Cutting Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price cover width unit tents mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit BAD25 25 24 600 21.00 24000 860 7.35 €/100 pcs. BAD30 30 24 600 22.80 24000 932 8.15 €/100 pcs. BAD35 35 24 500 23.50 20000 960 9.50 €/100 pcs. BAD40 40 24 400 23.80 16000 972 9.85 €/100 pcs. BAD50 50 24 250 19.50 10000 800 13.15 €/100 pcs. BAD60 60 24 250 23.75 10000 970 18.20 €/100 pcs. Sealing technologies AD4012 40 24 250 20.75 10000 850 17.70 €/100 pcs. AD4512 45 24 250 22.00 10000 900 18.70 €/100 pcs. AD5013 50 28 200 24.00 8000 980 21.70 €/100 pcs. AD5513 55 28 175 23.45 7000 958 24.60 €/100 pcs. AD6013 60 28 175 25.38 7000 1035 26.50 €/100 pcs. AD3562 35/40 24 250 17.50 10000 720 16.40 €/100 pcs. AD4562 45/55 24 200 23.40 8000 956 21.60 €/100 pcs. AD5062 50/60 24 200 24.60 8000 1004 24.05 €/100 pcs. AD2071 20/25/30 20 750 21.75 30000 890 9.45 €/100 pcs. AD3572 35/40/50 24 250 24.00 10000 980 17.60 €/100 pcs. AD4572 45/55/60 24 125 19.13 5000 785 27.60 €/100 pcs. Building acoustics 14 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete spacers Spacer without wire Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for horizontal reinforcement. WG: 50 Art. no. Concrete Cutting Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price Spacer s cover width unit tents mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit BAO25 25 24 600 19.80 24000 812 4.50 €/100 pcs. BAO30 30 24 600 21.60 24000 884 5.30 €/100 pcs. BAO40 40 24 400 22.72 16000 929 6.95 €/100 pcs. BAO50 50 24 250 18.75 10000 770 9.95 €/100 pcs. AO2071 20/25/30 20 750 21.00 30000 860 6.15 €/100 pcs. AO3572 35/40/50 24 250 23.25 10000 950 14.35 €/100 pcs. AO4572 45/55/60 24 125 18.75 5000 770 22.15 €/100 pcs. For mwor k technologies AO5013 50 28 200 23.20 8000 948 18.00 €/100 pcs. AO5513 55 28 175 22.93 7000 937 20.70 €/100 pcs. AO6013 60 28 175 25.03 7000 1021 22.35 €/100 pcs. Spacers with steel clip Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for vertical reinforcement. WG: 50 Description Art. no. Con- Cutting Packag- Pallet Weight Price Reinforcement technologies crete width ing unit con- cover tents mm mm Pcs Pcs kg/pal- let Clamp for steel up to AK25RA 25 20 1000 40000 980 16.65 €/100 pcs. 8 mm in diameter AK30RA 30 20 750 30000 890 18.50 €/100 pcs. AK35RA 35 20 500 20000 720 19.95 €/100 pcs. Spacers with transverse clip Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for vertical reinforcement. WG: 50 Description Art. no. Con- Cutting Packag- Pallet Weight Price crete width ing unit con- cover tents Sealing technologies mm mm Pcs Pcs kg/pal- let Groove for steel diameter AK30S5Q10 30 36 250 10000 720 32.30 €/100 pcs. 3 - 10 mm for external AK35S5Q10 35 36 250 10000 790 37.05 €/100 pcs. reinforcement AK40S6Q10 40 36 250 10000 930 40.40 €/100 pcs. Groove for steel diameter AK30S5Q16 30 36 250 10000 720 38.75 €/100 pcs. 12 - 16 mm for internal AK35S5Q16 35 36 250 10000 830 44.55 €/100 pcs. reinforcement AK40S6Q16 40 36 250 10000 920 48.50 €/100 pcs. Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 15
Fibre concrete spacers “Rondo” round spacer Round spacer made of fibre-reinforced concrete for wrapping prefabricated reinforcement cages in formwork. Spacer s When using Tubbox® column formers, the round spacer simplifies the insertion of the reinforcement cage. For steel diameters up to 12 mm. WG: 50 Art. no. Concrete Cutting Packaging Weight Pallet Weight Price cover width unit contents mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit RONDO03002512 30 25 110 23.98 4400 979 120.75 €/100 pcs. RONDO03502512 35 25 100 25.50 4000 1040 132.10 €/100 pcs. RONDO04002512 40 25 60 20.52 2400 841 140.65 €/100 pcs. RONDO05002512 50 25 40 24.08 1600 983 167.55 €/100 pcs. For mwor k technologies Pile cage spacers “AROLLE” Round spacers attached to horizontal reinforcement allow the reinforcement to formally enter the drill hole. For steel diameters up to 12 mm (hole diameter 15 mm). WG: 50 Art. no. Concrete Cutting Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price cover width unit tents mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit AR0208515 35 20 100 24.00 4000 980 116.00 €/100 pcs. AR02010515 45 20 50 17.30 2500 885 128.60 €/100 pcs. Reinforcement technologies Binding wire WG: 180 Description Art. no. Wire thick- Weight Pallet Weight Price ness contents mm kg/pack- Packaging kg/pallet aging unit unit Binding wire roll BR 1.4 HSBDRS14 1.4 20.00 36 740 on request black toughened Binding wire roll BR 1.4 HSBDRV14 1.4 20.00 36 740 on request galvanized Sealing technologies Building acoustics 16 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete spacers Fibre concrete bar spacers ˎ High compressive strength, no deformation in heat or ˎ Fire-resistant according to the maximum requirements of Spacer s cold, concrete cover completely maintained DIN 4102 - Class A1 (not flammable) ˎ Suitable for impermeable concrete, no hairline cracks ˎ All bar spacers from a length of 330 mm are provided between spacer and concrete with an interior reinforcement fibre for high protection ˎ Large support surface - no impressions in the formwork against breakage Triangular Snake, Triangular Triangular concave Combined Snake N, Rail, Rail B Triangular concave Square Round concave with binding spacers Banana N with hook wire FAHKS FAHSS Type series FAHD FAHK FAHDH FAHKZD FAHV FAHR KOMBST FAHKBN FAHSB For mwor k technologies Drawing N horizontal rein- forcement vertical reinforce- ment Exposed concrete type group C1 C1 C1 C1 C2 C2 C1 C1 B1 / C1 suitable conditionally suitable not suitable Check suitability of spacer on a test surface before use with exposed concrete or self-compacting concrete (SSV). Reinforcement technologies Type groups according to DBV data sheet “Spacers” are: B1 = point-supporting, not fixed, B2 = point-supporting, fixed, C1 = linear-supporting, not fixed, C2 = linear-supporting, fixed Bar spacer type “Snake” Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for horizontal mesh and rod reinforcement. WG: 54 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price cover mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHKS20100 20 1000 0.54 1250 695 1.53 €/pcs. FAHKS25100 25 1000 0.70 1000 720 1.65 €/pcs. FAHKS30100 30 1000 0.81 1000 830 1.85 €/pcs. FAHKS35100 35 1000 1.03 750 792 2.00 €/pcs. FAHKS40100 40 1000 1.27 600 782 2.33 €/pcs. FAHKS45100 45 1000 1.41 500 725 2.60 €/pcs. FAHKS50100 50 1000 1.74 500 890 3.08 €/pcs. Sealing technologies FAHKS55100 55 1000 1.92 400 788 3.54 €/pcs. FAHKS60100 60 1000 2.20 350 790 4.08 €/pcs. FAHKS20080 20 800 0.43 1250 558 1.28 €/pcs. FAHKS25080 25 800 0.56 1250 720 1.38 €/pcs. FAHKS30080 30 800 0.64 1250 820 1.53 €/pcs. FAHKS35080 35 800 0.83 1000 852 1.65 €/pcs. FAHKS40080 40 800 1.02 750 785 1.95 €/pcs. FAHKS45080 45 800 1.13 600 698 2.13 €/pcs. FAHKS50080 50 800 1.39 600 854 2.47 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 17
Fibre concrete spacers Bar spacer type “Snake N” Made of fibre-reinforced concrete with nubs for horizontal mesh and rod reinforcement. WG: 54 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price Spacer s cover mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHKSN20100 20 1000 0.57 1250 733 1.73 €/pcs. FAHKSN25100 25 1000 0.71 1000 734 1.85 €/pcs. FAHKSN30100 30 1000 0.79 1000 810 2.05 €/pcs. FAHKSN35100 35 1000 1.07 750 823 2.19 €/pcs. FAHKSN40100 40 1000 1.26 600 776 2.60 €/pcs. FAHKSN45100 45 1000 1.43 500 735 2.87 €/pcs. FAHKSN50100 50 1000 1.71 500 875 3.42 €/pcs. FAHKSN55100 55 1000 1.93 400 792 3.96 €/pcs. FAHKSN60100 60 1000 2.07 350 745 4.50 €/pcs. For mwor k technologies FAHKSN20080 20 800 0.46 1250 595 1.38 €/pcs. FAHKSN25080 25 800 0.54 1250 695 1.53 €/pcs. FAHKSN30080 30 800 0.63 1250 808 1.65 €/pcs. FAHKSN35080 35 800 0.86 1000 880 1.80 €/pcs. FAHKSN40080 40 800 1.01 750 778 2.13 €/pcs. FAHKSN45080 45 800 1.14 600 704 2.33 €/pcs. FAHKSN50080 50 800 1.36 600 836 2.73 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Bar spacer type “Banana N” Made of fibre-reinforced concrete with nubs for horizontal mesh reinforcement. WG: 54 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price Reinforcement technologies cover mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHKBN2033 20 330 0.22 4050 915 0.68 €/pcs. FAHKBN2533 25 330 0.27 3375 945 0.73 €/pcs. FAHKBN3033 30 330 0.32 2700 895 0.80 €/pcs. FAHKBN3533 35 330 0.41 2160 910 0.86 €/pcs. FAHKBN4033 40 330 0.49 1890 950 1.00 €/pcs. FAHKBN4533 45 330 0.53 1350 740 1.11 €/pcs. FAHKBN5033 50 330 0.57 1080 640 1.33 €/pcs. FAHKBN2025 20 250 0.17 5400 938 0.57 €/pcs. FAHKBN2525 25 250 0.20 4050 838 0.61 €/pcs. FAHKBN3025 30 250 0.25 3510 880 0.68 €/pcs. FAHKBN3525 35 250 0.31 2970 950 0.71 €/pcs. FAHKBN4025 40 250 0.37 2700 1006 0.83 €/pcs. FAHKBN4525 45 250 0.41 2430 1004 0.94 €/pcs. FAHKBN5025 50 250 0.44 2160 979 1.09 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Sealing technologies Bar spacer type “Rail” Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for horizontal mesh and rod reinforcement. WG: 54 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price cover mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHSS30100 30 1000 0.84 1000 860 1.85 €/pcs. FAHSS35100 35 1000 1.09 750 835 2.00 €/pcs. FAHSS40100 40 1000 1.15 600 710 2.33 €/pcs. FAHSS45100 45 1000 1.45 500 745 2.60 €/pcs. FAHSS50100 50 1000 1.70 500 870 3.08 €/pcs. FAHSS55100 55 1000 2.10 400 860 3.54 €/pcs. FAHSS60100 60 1000 2.43 350 870 4.08 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Building acoustics 18 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete spacers Triangular bar spacers Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for horizontal mesh and rod reinforcement with continuous reinforcement Spacer s threads. WG: 52 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Packaging Pallet con- Weight Price cover unit tents mm mm kg/pce Pcs Pcs kg/pallet FAHD020100 20 1000 0.65 - 1500 995 1.53 €/pcs. FAHD025100 25 1000 1.00 - 1000 1020 1.65 €/pcs. FAHD030100 30 1000 1.41 - 800 1148 2.00 €/pcs. FAHD035100 35 1000 1.92 - 600 1172 2.19 €/pcs. FAHD040100 40 1000 2.51 - 400 1024 2.81 €/pcs. FAHD045100 45 1000 3.17 - 350 1130 3.37 €/pcs. FAHD050100 50 1000 3.87 - 300 1181 3.88 €/pcs. FAHD055100 55 1000 4.63 - 250 1178 4.50 €/pcs. For mwor k technologies FAHD030033 30 330 0.47 75 2475 1183 0.71 €/pcs. FAHD035033 35 330 0.63 60 1980 1269 0.78 €/pcs. FAHD040033 40 330 0.83 50 1650 1390 0.99 €/pcs. FAHD050033 50 330 1.28 33 1089 1414 1.38 €/pcs. FAHD055033 55 330 1.53 25 825 1282 1.58 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Triangular concave bar spacers Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for horizontal mesh and rod reinforcement with continuous reinforcement threads. WG: 52 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price cover Reinforcement technologies mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHK025100 25 1000 0.81 1000 830 1.65 €/pcs. FAHK030100 30 1000 1.02 1000 1035 1.85 €/pcs. FAHK035100 35 1000 1.34 750 1025 2.00 €/pcs. FAHK040100 40 1000 1.78 600 1090 2.33 €/pcs. FAHK045100 45 1000 1.96 500 1000 2.60 €/pcs. FAHK050100 50 1000 2.34 500 1190 3.08 €/pcs. FAHK055100 55 1000 2.63 400 1070 3.54 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Triangular concave bar spacers with hook clip Depending on the distance between the horizontal reinforcement layers. Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for vertical reinforcement. WG: 52 Art. no. Concrete Length Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price Sealing technologies cover unit tents mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit FAHDH20018 20 180 250 32.00 6000 788 0.50 €/pcs. FAHDH25018 25 180 180 34.56 4320 849 0.52 €/pcs. FAHDH30018 30 180 125 24.75 3000 614 0.61 €/pcs. FAHDH35018 35 180 100 25.80 2400 639 0.64 €/pcs. FAHDH40018 40 180 75 19.43 1800 486 0.77 €/pcs. FAHDH45018 45 180 60 22.92 1440 570 0.87 €/pcs. FAHDH50018 50 180 50 22.90 1200 570 0.97 €/pcs. FAHDH55018 55 180 50 24.60 1200 610 1.09 €/pcs. FAHDH60018 60 180 50 28.55 1200 705 1.24 €/pcs. FAHDH20033 20 330 150 34.35 3600 844 0.73 €/pcs. FAHDH25033 25 330 110 39.60 2640 970 0.78 €/pcs. FAHDH30033 30 330 75 26.48 1800 655 0.91 €/pcs. FAHDH35033 35 330 60 27.06 1440 669 0.96 €/pcs. Building acoustics FAHDH40033 40 330 50 26.05 1200 645 1.17 €/pcs. FAHDH45033 45 330 40 27.08 960 670 1.38 €/pcs. FAHDH50033 50 330 33 27.09 792 670 1.55 €/pcs. FAHDH55033 55 330 33 29.37 792 725 1.76 €/pcs. FAHDH60033 60 330 30 31.26 720 770 2.02 €/pcs. Clip type “PL” for steel diameters max. 16 mm. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 19
Fibre concrete spacers Square bar spacers Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for heavy, horizontal reinforcement with continuous reinforcement threads. WG: 52 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Pallet con- Weight Price Spacer s cover tents mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHV025025100 25 1000 1.32 850 1142 2.27 €/pcs. FAHV030030100 30 1000 1.89 600 1154 3.14 €/pcs. FAHV035035100 35 1000 2.58 450 1181 3.28 €/pcs. FAHV040040100 40 1000 3.39 350 1207 3.96 €/pcs. FAHV050050100 50 1000 5.38 200 1096 5.43 €/pcs. FAHV060060100 60 1000 7.71 150 1177 7.34 €/pcs. Other dimensions and rectangular profiles available on request. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. For mwor k technologies Combined spacer with structural steel rail Fibre-reinforced concrete spacer with structural steel rail, suitable for non-walkable reinforcement, especially in precast plants. WG: 56 Art. no. Concrete cover Weight Pallet contents Weight Price mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet KOMBST25110 25 0.40 1000 420 1.95 €/pcs. KOMBST30110 30 0.45 1000 470 2.00 €/pcs. KOMBST35110 35 0.51 1000 533 2.27 €/pcs. KOMBST40110 40 0.53 1000 550 2.53 €/pcs. Steel bar within tolerance dimension of the concrete cover. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Reinforcement technologies Production length approx. 1100 mm with 6 spacers. Sealing technologies Building acoustics 20 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete spacers Spacer for special applications Due to the function and use of a building, spacers often have to meet quality requirements that aren’t covered by the Spacer s standard requirements for spacers. In order to ensure that you always have the correct spacer, we can manufacture spe- cial spacers according to your requirements. ˎ Drinking water compatibility ˎ Chloride resistance ˎ Individual installation situations ˎ Sulphate resistance ˎ Reduced water absorption ˎ Exposed concrete application Formwork kicker made of fibre-reinforced concrete As a continuous stop spacer between For mwor k technologies the formwork, square profiles 40 x 40 mm with 2 nail holes. WG: 66 Art. no. Length Packaging unit Weight Pallet contents Weight Price mm Pcs kg/packaging unit Pcs kg/pallet Reinforcement technologies SAV400150 150 95 35.63 3420 1303 on request SAV400200 200 65 32.50 2340 1190 on request Further dimensions available on request. Formwork kicker made of fibre-reinforced concrete As stop spacer between the formwork. Sealing technologies WG: 66 Description Art. no. Height External Packaging Pallet con- Weight Price diameter unit tents mm mm Pcs Pcs kg/packag- ing unit With nail insert (without nail) SAR60N 40 60 100 4000 22.50 0.86 €/pcs. When using power-actuated fasteners, it is recommended that you always perform a test assembly to determine the correct cartridge thickness and the correct device setting on site. This can prevent damage to the formwork stops. Nail for power-actuated fastener WG: 66 Art. no. Diameter Length Packaging unit Weight Price mm mm Pcs kg/packaging unit SAFBRN72 3,7 72 100 1.00 0.46 €/pcs. Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 21
Fibre concrete spacers Bar spacer, triangular concave with nubs and two wires, equilateral shape Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for Spacer s secure fixing in every installation posi- tion with large support width. WG: 52 For mwor k technologies Art. no. Concrete cover Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHKZDN600220 60 220 0.84 1250 1071 on request FAHKZDN650220 65 220 0.75 1200 920 on request Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Tunnel spacers In tunnel construction, sealing films are used on the mountain side in the closed tunnel construction method. The large support surface of the tunnel Reinforcement technologies spacers ensures that the spacer has the necessary stability and that the sealing film is not damaged. Spacer for fire protection reinforcement Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for the simultaneous securing of the concrete cover of supporting and fire protection reinforcement for tunnel structures. Sealing technologies Reinforcement support Made of fibre-reinforced concrete for supporting rebars. The reinforcement support consists of a fibre-reinforced concrete cylinder and a plastic dowel for fixing the reinforcement. The plastic dowels automatically clamp the Building acoustics reinforcing bars when pushed into the dowels. WG: 50 Description Art. no. Concrete Height External Packaging Weight Weight Price cover diameter unit mm mm mm Pcs kg/pack- kg/pallet aging unit Suitable for steel diameter FBSP53530 30 50 35 250 25.00 1020 0.91 €/pcs. 6 - 10 mm FBSP53535 35 55 35 200 22.00 900 0.92 €/pcs. FBSP53540 40 60 35 200 24.00 980 0.93 €/pcs. FBSP53550 50 70 35 175 24.50 1000 0.95 €/pcs. 22 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete spacers Spacer for concrete pipe production WG: 50 Description Art. no. Con- Cutting Pack- Weight Pallet Weight Price crete width aging con- Spacer s cover unit tents mm mm Pcs kg/ Pcs kg/ pack- pallet aging unit Transverse groove for AK30Q3K 30 28 250 22.00 10000 900 57.05 €/100 pcs. steel diameter 8 mm, AK35Q3K 35 28 250 23.75 10000 970 61.45 €/100 pcs. clamp for steel diameter AK40Q3K 40 28 200 22.20 8000 908 67.40 €/100 pcs. 6 mm Longitudinal groove for AK30L10K 30 55 250 18.75 10000 770 57.05 €/100 pcs. steel diameter 6 mm, AK35L10K 35 55 250 20.00 10000 820 61.45 €/100 pcs. For mwor k technologies clamp for steel diameter AK40L10K 40 55 250 22.50 10000 920 67.40 €/100 pcs. 8 mm Transverse and longitudinal groove for steel diameter 8 to 10 mm available for all types. Spacer “shoe shape” “Shoe-shape” spacers are provided with a nail hole and are suitable for the use of inclined formwork. The spacer can be fixed with a nail and slipping is thus ruled out. Reinforcement technologies Diaphragm wall spacers Spacers for diaphragm walls prevent the reinforcement from coming into contact with the building site wall and enable tilt-free lowering of large reinforcement units thanks to the specially shaped profile. Sealing technologies Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 23
Cast concrete spacers Spacer s Cast concrete spacers Cast concrete spacers are used to guarantee concrete cover in case of high requirements for the concrete surface. A test For mwor k technologies report according to DBV leaflet “Spacers – edition November 2019” is available from the German concrete association. Advantages ˎ Cast concrete spacers, no heat/cold deformation ˎ Spacers made of cast concrete can be produced in ˎ Absolute guarantee of concrete cover various concrete covers and dimensions. ˎ Various attachment options for quick and easy fixing ˎ Fire-resistant according to the maximum requirements of ˎ Precise positioning DIN 4102 – Class A1 (not flammable) ˎ Homogeneous bond, no hairline cracks between spacer and concrete Reinforcement technologies With wire With shuttlecock clip With shuttlecock clip Sealing technologies Cone Building acoustics 24 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Cast concrete spacers Spacer with plastic clip WG: 185 Description Art. no. Con- Packag- Weight Pallet Weight Price crete ing unit con- Spacer s cover tents mm Pcs kg/ Pcs kg/pal- packag- let ing unit For vertical and horizontal AB20HLZ10 20 250 10.25 10000 430 14.15 €/100 pcs. reinforcement, clamp for AB30HLZ10 30 250 12.75 10000 530 14.70 €/100 pcs. steel diameter 12 mm AB40HLZ10 40 250 20.75 10000 850 18.05 €/100 pcs. Further types made of cast concrete available on request. For mwor k technologies Spacer with shuttlecock clip WG: 185 Description Art. no. Con- Packag- Weight Pallet Weight Price crete ing unit con- cover tents mm Pcs kg/ Pcs kg/pal- packag- let ing unit For vertical reinforcement, AB25HRF 25 250 8.00 10000 340 10.95 €/100 pcs. steel diameter 4 - 10 mm AB30HRF 30 250 9.75 10000 410 11.50 €/100 pcs. AB35HRF 35 250 12.00 10000 500 11.65 €/100 pcs. AB40HRF 40 250 13.75 10000 570 11.90 €/100 pcs. For vertical and horizon- AB25HVF 25 250 11.50 10000 480 11.45 €/100 pcs. tal reinforcement, steel AB30HVF 30 250 14.75 10000 610 12.15 €/100 pcs. diameter 4 - 10 mm Reinforcement technologies AB35HVF 35 250 17.75 10000 730 12.40 €/100 pcs. AB40HVF 40 250 20.75 10000 850 12.65 €/100 pcs. AB45HVF 45 250 27.50 10000 1120 13.25 €/100 pcs. AB50HVF 50 200 25.60 8000 1044 13.45 €/100 pcs. Further types made of cast concrete available on request. Spacer cone with steel clip WG: 185 Description Art. no. Con- Packag- Weight Pallet Weight Price crete ing unit con- cover tents mm Pcs kg/ Pcs kg/pal- packag- let ing unit For vertical and horizontal AB25HKK 25 250 16.00 10000 660 on request reinforcement, clamp for AB30HKK 30 250 17.75 10000 730 on request steel diameter 6 - 10 mm AB35HKK 35 250 19.75 10000 810 on request AB40HKK 40 200 17.20 8000 708 on request Sealing technologies AB50HKK 50 150 15.00 6000 620 on request AB55HKK 55 150 16.20 6000 668 on request Further types made of cast concrete available on request. Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 25
Plastic spacers Spacer s Plastic spacers Spacers ensure the concrete cover before and during concreting. In the case of simple interior components, plastic spac- For mwor k technologies ers are a cost-effective alternative to the tried and tested fibre-reinforced concrete spacers and to spacers made of cast concrete. Reinforcement technologies Bar spacer U-Pro Plastic ring spacers Sealing technologies Bar spacer U-Pro “without” for insu- lation Building acoustics 26 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Plastic spacers Plastic ring spacers WG: 164 Art. no. Concrete For steel Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price cover diameters unit tents Spacer s mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit KRA15 15 4 - 12 1000 2.80 60000 188 4.80 €/100 pcs. KRA20 20 4 - 12 1000 4.00 50000 220 3.55 €/100 pcs. KRA25 25 4 - 12 500 3.05 30000 203 4.30 €/100 pcs. KRA30 30 4 - 12 500 4.70 20000 208 5.70 €/100 pcs. KRA35 35 4 - 12 200 3.20 12000 212 11.50 €/100 pcs. KRA40 40 4 - 12 125 2.16 10000 193 14.10 €/100 pcs. KRA50 50 4 - 12 100 2.40 5000 140 27.50 €/100 pcs. Fractional quantities are not possible. For mwor k technologies Plastic bar spacers WG: 164 Description Art. no. Con- Length Pack- Weight Pallet Weight Price crete aging con- cover unit tents mm m Pcs kg/ Pcs kg/ pack- pallet aging unit U-Pro “with” – profiles KUM20 20 2.00 50 14.00 3150 902 61.90 €/100 m with lateral recess KUM25 25 2.00 50 17.50 2450 878 67.00 €/100 m KUM30 30 2.00 50 21.50 2100 923 76.60 €/100 m KUM35 35 2.00 30 14.40 1800 884 111.75 €/100 m KUM40 40 2.00 30 15.30 1200 632 129.00 €/100 m KUM50 50 2.00 30 25.20 840 726 165.25 €/100 m U-Pro “without” – profiles KUO25 25 2.00 50 20.50 2450 1025 87.05 €/100 m Reinforcement technologies for insulation KUO30 30 2.00 50 24.00 2100 1028 100.75 €/100 m KUO35 35 2.00 30 15.90 1800 974 141.45 €/100 m KUO40 40 2.00 30 17.10 1200 704 160.70 €/100 m KUO50 50 2.00 30 30.30 840 868 217.50 €/100 m Fractional quantities are not possible. Plastic pipes Round tube, roughened. WG: 164 Art. no. Internal External Length Packaging Weight Pallet con- Price diameter diameter unit tents mm mm m Pcs kg/packag- Pcs ing unit KR2226 22 26 2.00 50 20.00 1750 77.30 €/100 m Sealing technologies Fractional quantities are not possible. Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 27
Plastic spacers Accessories for plastic pipes WG: 164 Description Art. no. Suitable for Instal- Pack- Weight Pallet Price lation aging con- Spacer s length unit tents mm Pcs kg/ Pcs pack- aging unit Face cap for round tube, KVK2240 KR2226 25.0 500 3.80 20000 10.70 €/100 pcs. diameter 22 mm Sealing stopper for round KVST22 KR2226, 12.0 500 0.95 50000 4.85 €/100 pcs. tube and face cap KVK2240 For mwor k technologies Inner plug for round tube KIST22 KR2226 25.0 500 5.00 50000 15.85 €/100 pcs. sealing Cone, grey, for round KKO22 KR2226 10.0 500 1.75 30000 5.80 €/100 pcs. tube, diameter 22 mm Reinforcement technologies Sealing plug for round KVST22L MR22, 1.0 500 0.80 40000 6.90 €/100 pcs. tube diameter 22 mm MQUELLM Fractional quantities are not possible. Plastic distance tubes WG: 164 Description Art. no. Internal Length Packaging Pallet Price diameter unit contents mm mm Pcs Pcs Plastic distance tube KMS200 22 200 100 2400 58.45 €/100 pcs. incl. 2 sealing stoppers, KMS240 22 240 100 2400 59.55 €/100 pcs. in a stable execution KMS250 22 250 100 2400 60.80 €/100 pcs. with widened support for KMS300 22 300 100 2400 62.90 €/100 pcs. formwork Sealing technologies KMS400 22 400 100 1500 80.70 €/100 pcs. Sealing stopper for the KMSV22 22 - 200 25000 5.85 €/100 pcs. fast and secure sealing of the distance tubes Fractional quantities are not possible. Building acoustics 28 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Steel spacers Spacer s Steel spacers Steel spacers are used between the lower and upper reinforcement in the floor, ceiling and wall. They ensure the spacing For mwor k technologies between the reinforcement layers. This type of spacer is ideally suited for installation of mats and steel bar reinforcements. Advantages ˎ Tested according to DBV leaflet “Supports” according to ˎ No contact with the formwork, therefore no damage to Eurocode 2 the formwork skin and no rust stain formation ˎ Large support area prevents tipping Reinforcement technologies Sealing technologies Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 29
Steel spacers U-Korb® Wire spacer for spacing the reinforcement in floor / ceiling / wall. WG: 72 Art. no. Height Description Packaging unit Pallet contents Weight Price Spacer s mm Pcs Pcs kg/pallet UKS02 20 2/200 25 3000 1226 1.44 €/pcs. UKS03 30 3/200 25 2800 1188 1.47 €/pcs. UKS04 40 4/200 25 2600 1143 1.54 €/pcs. UKS05 50 5/200 25 2200 1003 1.57 €/pcs. UKS06 60 6/200 25 2000 944 1.63 €/pcs. UKS07 70 7/200 25 1600 783 1.80 €/pcs. UKS08 80 8/200 25 1600 807 1.83 €/pcs. UKS09 90 9/200 25 1400 730 1.86 €/pcs. UKS10 100 10/200 25 1200 646 1.91 €/pcs. UKS11 110 11/200 25 1200 664 1.96 €/pcs. For mwor k technologies UKS12 120 12/200 25 1000 571 2.10 €/pcs. UKS13 130 13/200 25 1000 649 2.15 €/pcs. UKS14 140 14/200 25 800 535 2.21 €/pcs. UKS15 150 15/200 25 800 547 2.32 €/pcs. UKS16 160 16/200 25 800 559 2.83 €/pcs. UKS18 180 18/200 25 600 510 2.89 €/pcs. UKS20 200 20/200 25 600 532 3.45 €/pcs. UKS22 220 22/200 25 600 606 4.25 €/pcs. UKS24 240 24/200 25 400 426 4.30 €/pcs. UKS26 260 26/200 25 400 458 4.45 €/pcs. UKS28 280 28/200 25 400 473 4.57 €/pcs. UKS30 300 30/200 25 400 488 4.70 €/pcs. UKS32 320 32/200 25 200 296 5.14 €/pcs. UKS34 340 34/200 25 200 303 5.27 €/pcs. Reinforcement technologies UKS36 360 36/200 25 200 311 5.41 €/pcs. UKS38 380 38/200 25 200 318 5.57 €/pcs. DBV-h-B-L, comply with the requirements of the DBV data sheet “Support”. Fractional quantities are not possible. Permissible load: 0.67kN/m. Installation distance according to DBV leaflet “Supports according to Eurocode 2 Diameter of supported bars close space “distances” Ø ≤ 6,5 mm 500 mm 6,5 mm < Ø ≤ 12 mm 700 mm Ø > 12 mm 700 mm The installation distance corresponds to the centre distance. Linear supports are to be butted in the longitudinal direction. If a larger installation distance is to be selected, this must be verified by a calculation. Sealing technologies Building acoustics 30 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete distance tubes Spacer s Fibre concrete distance tubes Distance tubes are used with reusable tie bars to guarantee the concrete walls thickness. They bond completely with the For mwor k technologies concrete and thus prevent the penetration of water and other concrete damaging substances. Distance tubes can be com- bined with accessories from MAX FRANK to create a proven system for a wide range of physical and chemical influences on structures. Certifications from certified testing centres are available. Advantages ˎ Shutter ties designed for water-impermeable compo- ˎ Homogeneous bond created with structural concrete nents with the same material properties ˎ Proven system of individually matched components Reinforcement technologies Distance tube Cone Cone with flat gasket Sealing technologies Distance tube with Sealing cap Pull-out device coupling Building acoustics Combined shutter tie Cleaning brush Hand pump Special shape Sealing cones Sealing stopper Repoxal® glue Stopper Special mortar w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 31
Fibre concrete distance tubes Distance tubes, uncut Made of fibre-reinforced concrete. WG: 58 Art. no. Internal diameter Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price Spacer s mm m kg/m Pcs kg/pallet MR221250 22 1.25 1.83 600 1393 3.09 €/m MR271250 27 1.25 2.10 500 1333 3.82 €/m Distance tubes, fixed lengths Made of fibre-reinforced concrete. WG: 58 Art. no. Length Packaging unit Weight Pallet contents Weight Price mm Pcs kg/packaging unit Pcs kg/pallet For mwor k technologies MR220100 100 200 37.60 4800 922 0.47 €/pcs. MR220120 120 120 27.36 4320 1005 0.55 €/pcs. MR220130 130 120 28.80 4320 1057 0.59 €/pcs. MR220140 140 120 31.68 4320 1160 0.67 €/pcs. MR220150 150 120 33.96 4320 1243 0.63 €/pcs. MR220160 160 100 30.30 3600 1111 0.68 €/pcs. MR220180 180 100 33.90 2400 834 0.75 €/pcs. MR220200 200 80 30.32 2880 1112 0.77 €/pcs. MR220210 210 70 30.52 2520 1119 0.81 €/pcs. MR220220 220 100 41.30 2400 1011 0.84 €/pcs. MR220230 230 70 30.52 2520 1119 0.88 €/pcs. MR220240 240 70 31.71 2520 1162 0.93 €/pcs. MR220250 250 70 32.97 2520 1207 0.96 €/pcs. MR220260 260 60 28.80 2160 1057 0.98 €/pcs. Reinforcement technologies MR220270 270 60 30.60 2160 1122 1.01 €/pcs. MR220280 280 60 31.68 2160 1160 1.06 €/pcs. MR220300 300 60 33.90 2160 1240 1.15 €/pcs. MR220330 330 60 37.20 1440 913 1.26 €/pcs. MR220340 340 60 38.28 1440 939 1.31 €/pcs. MR220345 345 60 37.86 1440 929 1.32 €/pcs. MR220350 350 60 39.42 1440 966 1.34 €/pcs. MR220360 360 60 40.50 1440 992 1.36 €/pcs. MR220365 365 60 41.10 1440 1006 1.38 €/pcs. MR220380 380 60 42.72 1440 1045 1.42 €/pcs. MR220400 400 60 44.88 1440 1097 1.50 €/pcs. MR220430 430 40 31.48 1440 1153 1.63 €/pcs. MR220450 450 40 33.92 1440 1241 1.69 €/pcs. MR220480 480 40 35.60 1440 1302 1.81 €/pcs. MR220500 500 40 37.60 1440 1374 1.86 €/pcs. Any cut length up to 1.25 m can be supplied - item number MRFIX. All cut lengths below 100 mm are invoiced at the price of 100 mm. Fixed lengths for dis- tance tubes diameter 27 mm on request. Sealing technologies Combined shutter ties WG: 102 Description Art. no. Price Combined shutter tie V22VBS on request V27VBS on request Combined shutter tie with cast-iron waterstop and fibre-reinforced V22WSG on request concrete pipes Combined shutter tie with cast-iron waterstop, fibre-reinforced con- V22WSGST on request crete end pieces and steel pipes Delivery takes place in unassembled separate parts. Distance tube with coupling WG: 102 Description Art. no. Price Building acoustics Two-part distance tube with coupler (continuous tie bar), from wall MR22KUP on request thickness > 400 cm MR27KUP on request Delivery takes place in unassembled separate parts. Shutter ties, special versions WG: 102 Description Art. no. Price Waterstop, 120 x 120 x 2 mm, welded onto tie bar, diameter 15 mm, GEWWSB15 on request type B Delivery takes place in unassembled separate parts. 32 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fibre concrete distance tubes Sealing cap, cone, coupling WG: 98 Description Art. no. For Installa- Packaging Outer Price internal tion length unit packaging Spacer s diameter Pcs mm mm Pcs Sealing cap MKAP22 22 1.0 250 3750 6.65 €/100 pcs. MKAP27 27 1.5 250 - 14.25 €/100 pcs. Cone MKO22 22 10.0 250 2500 6.00 €/100 pcs. For mwor k technologies MKON22T 22 30.0 250 1000 21.10 €/100 pcs. MKON22T50 22 50.0 250 - 35.35 €/100 pcs. MKON27 27 10.0 250 2500 16.60 €/100 pcs. Reinforcement technologies Coupler MKUP22 22 3.0 250 2000 9.50 €/100 pcs. MKUP27 27 3.0 250 - 14.65 €/100 pcs. Cone, incl. flat gasket MKO22FD02 22 10.0 250 - 58.65 €/100 pcs. 2 mm Cone, incl. flat gasket MKO22FD08 22 10.0 250 - 74.30 €/100 pcs. 8 mm Cone, incl. flat gasket MKON22TFD02 22 30.0 250 - 69.60 €/100 pcs. 2 mm Cone, incl. flat gasket MKON22TFD06 22 30.0 250 - 82.10 €/100 pcs. 6 mm Sealing technologies Flat gasket, self-adhesive For preventing efflorescence, for exposed concrete requirements. WG: 98 Art. no. Suitable for Internal diam- External Thickness Packaging unit Price eter diameter mm mm mm Pcs MFD22 MKO22 20 36 2 100 29.55 €/100 pcs. MFD2208 MKO22 20 36 8 100 45.20 €/100 pcs. MFD22T MKON22T, 25 39 2 100 28.35 €/100 pcs. MKON22T50 MFD22T06 MKON22T, 25 39 6 100 40.70 €/100 pcs. MKON22T50 MFD27 MKON27 24 45 2 100 45.75 €/100 pcs. MFD2706 MKON27 24 45 6 100 58.15 €/100 pcs. Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 33
Sealing cones and plugs Spacer s Sealing cones and plugs Formwork bracing leaves openings in the concrete wall after concreting and stripping. Fibre concrete sealing cones and For mwor k technologies plugs for straightforward sealing of tie holes. There are various seal versions, depending on the requirements with regard to appearance, building physics, weathering and construction. The stoppers and cones are glued using the tried-and-test- ed Repoxal®. This systems meets the requirements for sound insulation, fire protection and pressing water loads. Advantages ˎ Fast and clean sealing of tie holes ˎ Watertight sealing of structures ˎ Individual design opportunities ˎ Smooth, almost pore-free concrete surface Reinforcement technologies Distance tube Cone Cone with flat gasket Sealing technologies Distance tube with Sealing cap Pull-out device coupling Building acoustics Combined shutter tie Cleaning brush Hand pump Special shape Sealing cones Sealing stopper Repoxal® glue Stopper Special mortar 34 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Sealing cones and plugs suitable Spacer s conditionally suitable not suitable Fibre concrete stopper FB-Kombistop FB-Aktivstop FB-Easystop Properties: Installation in frosty weather Drinking water For mwor k technologies Exposed concrete Stress: Salt water Slurry Oil Application area: Water-impermeable (> 5 bar) Fire Sound insulation Processing: Simple tapping in with Simple tapping in with Simple screwing in by Reinforcement technologies Glue in rubber hammer rubber hammer hand Combination of sealing options Sealing cone Sealing cone Sealing cone, Sealing cone, Fibre concrete with lugs, with lugs, FB-Kombistop FB-Aktivstop FB-Easystop butted recessed stopper butted recessed ST2250FG ST2250AS ST2250ES Sealing technologies FBVKZ22 GBVKZ22ZV05 ST2250FG ST2250AS ST2250ES (10 mm) GBVKZ22 FBVKZ22T FBVK22T FBVK22TZV05 (30 mm) GBVK22T GBVK22TZV05 FBVKZ22T50 FBVK22T50 (50 mm) Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 35
Sealing cones and plugs Fibre concrete stopper WG: 58 Art. no. Diameter Length Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price unit tents Spacer s mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit ST190020 19 20 1000 12.00 50000 620 22.50 €/100 pcs. ST200020 20 20 1000 13.00 50000 670 22.50 €/100 pcs. ST220020 22 20 1000 16.00 50000 820 14.95 €/100 pcs. ST230020 23 20 1000 17.00 50000 870 24.50 €/100 pcs. ST240020 24 20 1000 19.00 50000 970 25.50 €/100 pcs. ST250020 25 20 1000 20.00 50000 1020 25.50 €/100 pcs. ST260020 26 20 1000 24.00 50000 1220 25.50 €/100 pcs. ST270020 27 20 1000 24.00 50000 1220 17.90 €/100 pcs. ST220050 22 50 500 20.00 25000 1020 22.40 €/100 pcs. ST270050 27 50 400 23.60 16000 964 26.70 €/100 pcs. For mwor k technologies Fibre concrete stoppers, uncut WG: 58 Art. no. Diameter Length Pallet contents Weight Price mm mm Pcs kg/pallet ST221250 22 1250 1250 1239 2.55 €/m FB-Kombistop Sealing stopper made of fibre-reinforced concrete with integrated rubber seal. WG: 128 Art. no. Diameter Length Packaging unit Weight Price Reinforcement technologies mm mm Pcs kg/packaging unit ST2250FG 22 50 100 3.40 2.45 €/pcs. FB-Aktivstop Sealing stopper made of fibre-reinforced concrete with integrated expanding seal. WG: 128 Art. no. Diameter Length Packaging unit Weight Price mm mm Pcs kg/packaging unit ST2250AS 22 50 100 3.40 2.75 €/pcs. Sealing technologies FB-Easystop Sealing stopper made of fibre-reinforced concrete with integrated sealing rings. WG: 128 Art. no. Diameter Length Packaging unit Weight Price mm mm Pcs kg/packaging unit ST2250ES 22 50 100 3.40 2.45 €/pcs. Building acoustics 36 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Sealing cones and plugs FB-Aktivstop Platinum 100 Sealing stopper made of fibre-reinforced concrete for sealing the conical tie hole for formwork “Platinum 100”. WG: 128 Art. no. Diameter Length Packaging unit Weight Price Spacer s mm mm Pcs kg/packaging unit ST2250ASP conical 60 100 3.15 3.65 €/pcs. Fibre-reinforced concrete sealing cones For mwor k technologies For sealing conical tie holes and as a design element for exposed concrete surfaces. WG: 128 Description Art. no. Suitable for Dimensions Pack- Weight Price aging unit mm Pcs kg/ pack- aging unit butted FBVKZ22 MKO22 Ø41 x Ø21.6 100 3.00 1.88 €/pcs. x 22 FBVKZ22T MKON22T Ø42.6 x 100 6.00 2.14 €/pcs. Ø21.6 x 40 FBVKZ22T50 MKON22T50 Ø42.6 x 100 16.00 2.82 €/pcs. Ø21.6 x 60 FBVKZ27 MKON27 Ø47 x Ø26.6 100 5.00 2.02 €/pcs. x 22 Reinforcement technologies FBVK22T MKON22T Ø42.9 x Ø31 100 6.00 1.82 €/pcs. x 28 FBVK22T50 MKON22T50 Ø43 x Ø31 100 11.00 2.33 €/pcs. x 48 set back 5 mm FBVK22TZV05 MKON22T Ø40.7 x Ø32 100 4.40 1.80 €/pcs. x 23 butted, to fit steel/plastic FBVKSKK GEWSKO15 Ø59 x Ø50 100 19.00 2.52 €/pcs. cone GEWSKO15 x 40 Custom order of other sizes and shapes on request, article number FBVKSONDER. Special colours and shapes The colour gradations 3H, 1H, Standard and 4D are available as basic colours for sealing cones made of fibre-reinforced concrete and cast concrete (see adjacent figure). Sealing technologies Based on these basic colours, a variety of other shades of grey are available for sealing cones. This also applies to other colours, such as reds, yellows or browns. A project-related colour match is required for this. Colour accuracy cannot be guaranteed on account of fluctuations in the natural raw materials. Recessed variants are recommended, since the colour graduation is emphasised by the shadow joint of the geometric grid of the clamping points. Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 37
Sealing cones and plugs Cast concrete sealing cones For sealing conical tie holes and as a design element for exposed concrete surfaces. WG: 128 Description Art. no. Suitable for Dimen- Packag- Weight Price Spacer s sions ing unit mm Pcs kg/pack- aging unit butted GBVKZ22 MKO22 Ø41 x 100 3.00 1.28 €/pcs. Ø21.6 x 22 set back 5 mm GBVKZ22ZV05 MKO22 Ø33.5 x 100 2.00 1.28 €/pcs. Ø21.6 x 22 butted GBVKZ27 MKON27 Ø47 x 100 5.00 1.39 €/pcs. Ø26.6 x 22 For mwor k technologies GBVK22T MKON22T Ø42.5 x 100 6.00 1.09 €/pcs. Ø32 x 28 set back 5 mm GBVK22TZV05 MKON22T Ø40.7 100 5.00 1.09 €/pcs. x Ø32 x 23 Adhesive WG: 98 Description Art. no. Packaging unit Weight Price Pcs kg/packaging unit Repoxal® two-component MREPOX 10 10.00 30.40 €/pcs. glue (specially for imper- Reinforcement technologies meable bonding) Repoxal® K adhesive MREPOXK 12 11.04 36.35 €/pcs. incl. hardener in double cartridge Repoxal® 2-component MREPOX2K 12 4.20 36.35 €/pcs. glue incl. hardener in single cartridge, suitable for all cartridge guns Repoxal® TW two-com- MREPOXTW 6 5.36 36.70 €/pcs. ponent glue (tested for impermeable bonding in Sealing technologies drinking water application) Coverage of Repoxal®, Repoxal® TW and Repoxal® K ˎ Consumption quantities: approx. 3 kg for 1,000 stoppers, length 20 mm, diameter 22 mm ˎ Consumption quantities: approx. 4 kg for 1,000 stoppers, length 20 mm, diameter 27 mm Accessories WG: 98 Description Art. no. Price Hand pump for Repoxal® K double cartridge MRKHPR 171.30 €/pcs. Cone pull-out device MZGKONEN 7.30 €/pcs. Building acoustics Cleaning brush for distance tubes diameter 22 mm MRBUERSTE 9.60 €/pcs. Cleaning brush for distance tubes diameter 22 mm with shoulder for drilling machine MRBUERSTEAB 15.00 €/pcs. Static mixer Repoxal® cartridge adhesive, spare part MREPOXK1 3.05 €/pcs. Static mixer Repoxal® 2-component cartridge adhesive, spare part MREPOXK2 3.05 €/pcs. 38 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Sealing cones and plugs Special mortar Swelling mortar – low-shrinkage cement-based mortar for filling combined shutter ties and for tamping con- Spacer s crete openings of all kinds. WG: 100 Description Art. no. Weight Weight Pallet contents Price kg/bag kg/pallet Packaging unit Special mortar 3/25 MQUELLM 25.00 1020 40 2.15 €/kg For mwor k technologies Processing: ˎ Depending on the temperature, pot life is approx. 40 minutes. ˎ Do not process at ambient, component and mortar temperatures below + 5 °C. ˎ You will need approx. 1 kg ready-mix mortar per metre of Ø 22 mm distance tube. Hand pump WG: 100 Description Art. no. Price Hand pump MQUELLVS 90.65 €/pcs. Reinforcement technologies Extension nozzle MQUELLVSV 4.80 €/pcs. Further accessories and spare parts on request. Sealing technologies Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 39
Spacers and distance tubes for drinking water application Spacer s Spacers and distance tubes for drinking water application Drinking water is a particularly valuable commodity that must be protected. Therefore, special requirements and tests For mwor k technologies apply to products used in drinking water supply structures. In the DVGW worksheet W 300-1 (A) “Drinking Water Tanks - Design and Construction” a water-impermeable and low-porosity concrete is required that does not require any further measures for surface treatment and inner lining. Advantages ˎ The MAX FRANK system solution (see system draw- ments for cement-bound materials intended for use in ing) meets the requirements for drinking water supply drinking water supply systems”. The KTW test (migration systems. test) applies to cement-bound materials such as fibre-re- ˎ The sealing of the tie hole complies with the UBA guide- inforced concrete. line on epoxy resin coatings for the hygienic assessment ˎ MAX FRANK TW spacers and TW distance tubes Reinforcement technologies of epoxy resin coatings in contact with drinking water. comply with the DVGW worksheet W 270 “Microbial ˎ MAX FRANK TW spacers and TW distance tubes com- enhancement on materials to come into contact with ply with the DVGW worksheet W 347 “Hygiene require- drinking water”. Repoxal® TW glue Zemdrain® CPF liner Sealing technologies Fibre concrete sea- Stremaform® form- ling cone TW work element 4 Building acoustics Fibre concrete dis- tance tubes TW Fibre concrete spacer TW 40 w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Spacers and distance tubes for drinking water application Block spacer made of fibre-reinforced concrete TW Tested according to DVGW-W270 and DVGW-W347. WG: 99 Art. no. Concrete Cutting Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price Spacer s cover width unit tents mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit AD3572TW 35/40/50 24 250 24.00 10000 980 31.70 €/100 pcs. Bar spacer made of fibre-reinforced concrete TW - type “snake” For mwor k technologies WG: 99 Art. no. Concrete Length Weight Pallet con- Weight Price cover tents mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet FAHKS40100TW 40 1000 1.27 600 782 4.64 €/pcs. FAHKS45100TW 45 1000 1.41 500 725 5.20 €/pcs. FAHKS50100TW 50 1000 1.74 500 890 6.10 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Bar spacer made of fibre-reinforced concrete TW - type triangular with hook WG: 99 Art. no. Concrete Length Packaging Weight Pallet con- Weight Price Reinforcement technologies cover unit tents mm mm Pcs kg/packag- Pcs kg/pallet ing unit FAHDH40018TW 40 180 75 19.43 1800 486 1.41 €/pcs. FAHDH50018TW 50 180 50 22.90 1200 570 1.83 €/pcs. Lengths can be subject to production-related tolerance. Fibre-reinforced concrete distance tube TW, uncut WG: 99 Art. no. Internal diameter Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price mm m kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet MR221250TW 22 1.25 2.29 600 1393 6.20 €/m Sealing technologies Fibre-reinforced concrete distance tube TW, standard lengths WG: 99 Art. no. Internal diameter Length Weight Pallet contents Weight Price mm mm kg/pce Pcs kg/pallet MR220280TW 22 280 0.53 2160 1160 2.10 €/pcs. MR220300TW 22 300 0.57 2160 1240 2.24 €/pcs. Other fixed lengths on request. Stopper made of fibre-reinforced concrete TW WG: 99 Art. no. Diameter Length Packaging unit Weight Pallet contents Weight Price mm mm Pcs kg/packaging Pcs kg/pallet unit ST220020TW 22 20 1000 16.00 50000 820 25.80 €/100 pcs Building acoustics w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m 41
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