Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes

Page created by Virgil Carr
Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
Rugby   Uppingham

programme 2020

Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
hello                                                                                                       The          Programme is

                                                                                                                                                             team 9
                                                                                                            an international competition
                                                                                                            based on the ethos of one of
                                                                                                            Rugby School’s most famous
                                                                                                            Headmasters - Thomas Arnold.
                                                                                                            He changed the way boarding
                                                                                                            schools were run in England and
        A big "hello" from all of us in the            Our aim, and the aim of all our staff, is            is regarded as an educational
        Dusemond Team!                                 to provide fun, safe, international and              revolutionist. He believed that in
                                                       educational experiences for all our                  order for students to succeed they
        Dusemond Study Programmes was                                                                       needed 3 things;
                                                       students and most importantly to send
        started in 2015 by Rupert, after 20
                                                       everyone home with conflicted feelings:
        years working for a large UK education                                                              Ability in learning

                                                       Happy to be going home but sad to be
        provider.                                                                                           Competitive spirit
                                                       leaving!                                             Energy to succeed
        Since that time, the team has grown
                                                       If we do this we will feel we have
        to encompass nationalities and
                                                       achieved!                                                    Programme challenges
        expertise from all over the world and this                                                          students to learn, requires them
        combined passion and experience goes           Take a look at our brochure and we                   to compete and pushes them to
        into the programmes we deliver.                hope you will join us on one of our                  bring energy and empathy into
                                                                                                            their collaboration, as they prepare
                                                       programmes in the future.
                                                                                                            to compete as a class team.

                                                                                                                                                   Programme Dates
                                                                                                                                                                      g   1st-15th April 2020

                                                                                                                                                                      g     Rugby       Uppingham

                    Veerle                    Rupert                   Benedetta                   Andrew      David
Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
rugby   About Rugby School                                                                      Rugby

        Rugby School, founded in 1567, is one        rules and in that moment, invented
        of the oldest boarding schools in the        the game of Rugby by running with
        country and is steeped in history. Many      the ball.
        famous people have lived and learnt          It’s a large school and provides the
        in the school, such as Lewis Carroll - the   perfect location - safe, well located
        famous author of Alice’s Adventures in       and equipped with fantastic facilities.
                                                     The town is also a perfect size,
        However, this school is probably best        offering everything you need from
        known internationally as the place           supermarkets, high street shops &
        where William Webb Ellis - a student at      services and a nice range of places
        the school - panicked during a game of       to eat and grab coffee.
        football and found himself breaking the

        check out these local tips:                                      School House

                                                                         Queens gate
                  Cafe Coco
                  44 chapel Street, Rugby
                  A staff favourite for coffee!

                  Bacco Lounge
                  modern tapas & cool vibes.

                  ASDA Supermarket
                  Big, closest to the centre &
                  open 24hrs Tuesday - Friday

Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
uppingham   About Uppingham

            Uppingham School was founded in 1584           students, just a few minutes walk from
            and is one of the leading private schools      a bustling market town offering all the
            in the UK. The school is very much part        conveniences required.
            of Uppingham Town and is situated just
                                                           Dusemond Students will study in The
            over 2 hours north of London in the heart
                                                           Science centre - an award winning
            of the country. Nottingham, Leicester
                                                           modern facility comprising state of
            and Birmingham are all within an hour.
                                                           the art teaching spaces with its own
            With Uppingham School, you get the             lecture theatre.
            perfect blend of old and new with state
                                                           We will also make use of the
            of the art leisure facilities combining
                                                           wonderful sports facilities as part of
            perfectly with historic buildings.
                                                           our activities programme, so get
            It's an idyllic, safe and secure setting for   ready to be impressed!

            check out these local tips:                                  Uppingham School

                                                                         The Science centre
                      Don Paddy's
                      Treat yourself to great food.

                      The Falcon Hotel
                      style & history for a snack

                      Market Days (Fridays)
                      Shop locally until 16:30

Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes

                                                                                                               global citizens
           Due to its worldwide reach,
                                                   The ACE Programme builds on a
           the English language plays an           belief that students can ask their
           important role in creating a new        own questions, conduct surveys,        are team players
           global community and developing         carry out research and reflect on
           “planetary citizenship”.                the kind of world they would like      who learn to work
           The ACE Programme has been
                                                   to live in.
                                                                                          well together
           designed to embrace this idea,
           providing students with a platform
                                                   International                          and get the best
           to grow and be inspired - building      Competition                            collaborative
           successful bonds and working            Working in class teams with
           partnerships with others of             the opportunity to compete             output by
           different nationalities, ages and       across 3 modules, students gain
                                                                                          combining their
           ability levels.                         points for their class, their school

           From 2020 onwards the ACE
                                                   and themselves based on the            skills.
                                                   ACE principles established by
           Programme will focus on 2 of the
                                                   Headmaster Thomas Arnold at
           17 Sustainable Development Goals
                                                   Rugby School all the way back in
           (UN 2030) every year as a part of a
           broader, international approach to
           learning where language aims are        #ACE2020 will have two different
           integrated with educational aims.       competition groups based on the
                                                   students’ language level:

                                                                  Ages 7-17                      #future2050
           To make significant changes
           by 2030, we need to do a lot of
                                                      CEFR A1 - B1 will focus on one            Following
           unlearning. Business as usual is
           no longer an option, and neither
                                                      of the Good Life Goals connected
                                                                                                a two tier
                                                      with UN Sustainable Develoment
           is education as usual. ‘Learner
           autonomy’, ‘group work’, ‘project
                                                      Goals.                                    streamed
           work’, and ‘communication tasks’
           are all based on a vision of learning
           that encourages students to
                                                      CEFR B2 - C2 will focus more              competition
                                                      widely on one of the United
           be active doers and thinkers,
                                                      Nations Sustainable Development           structure                        Mixing & mentoring, a collaborative learning style
           rather than passive recipients of
Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
3 modules                                  2020

                                                                                                                 2 competitions
                     Communicate                           Leadership
            CEFR A1 - B1 This year we            CEFR B2 - C2 This year we
            have chosen UN Sustainable           have chosen UN Sustainable
            Development Goal #6 as the           Development Goal #4 as the
            central theme for the ACE            central theme for the ACE
            Communicate Programme.               Leadership Programme.

                                                                                    Points & Prizes
                                                                                    Two independent judges
                                                                                    choose the winners of each

             Module 1 : Discuss & Debate phase
                                                                                   The Teachers act as
             Discussion stage: introducing      Discussion, debate and
                                                                                   a facilitator in the
             the theme and sharing              negotiation stage: Practicing      classroom. Whilst they
             knowledge, ideas and opinions.     skills in voicing opinions.        will guide and coach the
             Judged on: Dusemond Debate         Judged on: Grand Dusemond          students through each
             at the end of the module.          Debate finishing the module.
                                                                                   module, they also allow
             Module 2 : Explore & Create                                           the teams space to take
             Design stage: Building on our      Design project: Working on a       the lead themselves.
             ideas and collaborating on a       brief towards an imaginitive and   In other words, the
             creative project.                  creative team response.
                                                                                   learners are driven to
             Judged on: Creative Design         Judged on: Creative Design
                                                                                   get involved through
             Project & Presentation.            Project & Presentation.                                                                                         Points for performane as a team and individually
                                                                                   active participation,
             Module 3 : Focus & Film                                               boosting engagement
             Production stage: Focusing on      Production stage: Focusing on      in discussions and
             video creation to feature ideas,   video production & a persuasive
             point of view or reporting.        advertising campaign.
                                                                                   teamwork activities as
                                                                                   well as creativity and                                 Communicate           Leadership
             Judged on: Video presentation.     Judged on: Video presentation.
                                                                                   innovation.                                    CEFR A1 - B1          CEFR B2 - C2
Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
module 1   Discuss & Debate                                                          Create the debate.

                                                                                                                speak out
           Imagine an innovative and exciting   To kick-off the module, there will   Share views, unite
           idea, powerfully and effectively
           delivered. Clear and persuasive
                                                be a lecture from a recognised
                                                professional, on effective
                                                                                     as a team and
           public speaking is an essential      communication and delivery.          build advanced
           “Global Citizens” tool.
                                                The students will eventually         reasoning for your
           In this ACE module our students      take part in a “Grand Dusemond
           will be encouraged to develop        Debate” – expressing their ideas,    argument.
           their own views and opinions         acknowledging and responding to
           while comparing them with those      peer opinions.
                                                                                     Build L2
           of other cultures and backgrounds:
                                                Arriving at a team consensus         speaking ability
           teaching young people these skills
                                                and making sure that everyone
           empowers them to take the lead
                                                contributes, is one of the most
           in the conversation, not us.
                                                challenging, but rewarding aspects
                                                of an ambitious debate.              Presentation skill,
                                                                                     style & accuracy

                                                                                     Collaborative working
                                                                                     & mentoring

                                                                                     Reasoning and discussing
                                                                                     complex ideas

                                                                                                                                                                       Find your inner voice

                                                                                                                                    Communicate           Leadership
                                                                                                                            CEFR A1 - B1          CEFR B2 - C2
Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
module 2   Explore & Create                                                         Innovate! Combine

                                                                                                               get creative
           The project module builds on the    Then the teams get to work on        all team skills in
           momentum and team dynamics
           initiated in the first module and
                                               preparing their project outlines.
                                                                                    developing and
                                               Our aim is to energise and inspire
           asks students to come up with
                                               them to plan, design and create      presenting a
                                                                                    themed creative
           an innovative and creative design
                                               a thought-provoking student-
                                               centred project, focusing on
           A guest speaker will motivate       solutions that feel relevant to      project!
           the students with some opening      them.
           insights and define the task.
                                                                                    Build L2
                                                                                    speaking ability

                                                                                    Presentation skill,
                                                                                    style & accuracy

                                                                                    Collaborative working
                                                                                    & mentoring

                                                                                    Reasoning and discussing
                                                                                    complex ideas

                                                                                                                                                                         Be inspired !

                                                                                                                                      Communicate           Leadership
                                                                                                                              CEFR A1 - B1          CEFR B2 - C2
Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
module 3   Focus & Film                                                                Make a statement!

                                                                                                                  produce a film
           In this module students will create   they create videos to share their     Powerful learning
           an advertising campaign or mini-
           documentary to promote their
                                                 opinions and skills with the world.
                                                                                       and thought
           previously designed project.
                                                 Through video design and
                                                 production, students document
                                                                                       provoking videos
           Video is a key way to gather and      their knowledge, reflect on the       start in the minds
                                                                                       of those who
           share information. Students are       learning process and connect with
           not just consumers of videos—         authentic audiences.

                                                                                       create them.

                                                                                       Build L2
                                                                                       speaking ability

                                                                                       Presentation skill,
                                                                                       style & accuracy

                                                                                       Collaborative working
                                                                                       & mentoring

                                                                                       Reasoning and discussing
                                                                                       complex ideas

                                                                                                                                                                              Top directors!

                                                                                                                                           Communicate           Leadership
                                                                                                                                   CEFR A1 - B1          CEFR B2 - C2
Programme 2020 Rugby Uppingham - Dusemond Study Programmes
welfare                                          We spent an amazing time in

                                                                                         looked after
          Ultimately the safety and welfare
          of all our students is our number
          one concern and is something           England. Rugby school was a
                                                 very exciting life experience
          we don’t compromise on. It is
          important that all our students feel
          welcome and safe at our schools        for everyone. Meeting kids from
          so we have certain things in place
          to ensure this.                        different parts of the world, knowing
          ●● 24 hrs contact with
              Dusemond Staff
                                                 more from their cultures and having
          ●● Welfare team on site                a fun time there. I only have to
          ●● Staff live in the houses with
                                                 congratulate you and your staff.
                                                 Anna Paula
          ●● Nurse on site every morning
          ●● Good links with local
              doctors and hospitals
          ●● All staff have current CRB

          The success of our programmes
          relies on our staff - the
          commitment they show to
          the programme and the
          professionalism and friendliness
          they show to our students.

          All our staff are recruited by word
          of mouth which means they are
          all personally invested in the
          success of the programme and the
          happiness of the students.

                                                                                                        Team games in the gym


                                                                                                                                                                                  get involved
                                                                                                                     to prepare
                                                                                                                     an amazing
                                                                                                                     ready for our

                                        programme sample
                                                                        Group: TBC
                                                                        Programme Version: 1                         international
                                                                        Dates: Turn 1 - April 1st to April 15th
                                                                                                                     talent show!
                       Talent Show Winners 2019

             The          programme is an
                                                           Wed-Apr 1                                    Arrivals, orientation and settling in.
             intense academic experience
             aimed at building students                                   Morning (09:00 - 12:30)             Afternoon (14:00 - 18:00)            Evening (20:00 - 22:00)
             communication skills and                                   Welcome Ceremony!                   Haka!                                Disco!
                                                           Thu-Apr 2
                                                                        with testing and induction          Touch Rugby                          Welcome Party
             confidence however we also want
             it to be an incredibly fun and                 Fri-Apr 3                                                                            International Challenge Night!
                                                                        Full day excursion with walking tour & entrance to Cambridge College
             memorable experience and this is                           Module 1 : Discuss & Debate         Module 1 : Discuss & Debate
                                                           Sat-Apr 4                                                                             Art & Craft, Monument Building
             where our Activities Team come in!                         Guidelines Talk (debating)          Discussion/ Debate time

                                                                        Module 1 : Discuss & Debate         Module 1 : Discuss & Debate
             Both           Communicate                    Sun-Apr 5
                                                                        Discussion/ Debate time             Negotiation
                                                                                                                                                 Film Night and Sports

                                                                        Module 1 : Discuss & Debate         Birmingham
             and                                           Mon-Apr 6                                                                             Rocket building challenge
                                                                        Presentation                        Walking tour

             follow the same schedule and                  Tue-Apr 7
                                                                        Blist Hill
                                                                                                                                                 Code Breaking evening
                                                                        Full day excursion with entrance to Living Victorian Village
             module structure (see right) but
                                                                        Arrivals and Departure Day                                               Karaoke
             differ by theme and ability level.            Wed-Apr 8                                        Trash Fashion Show
                                                                        Easter Egg Hunt                                                          International Song Night

             Our onsite activities are designed            Thu-Apr 9
                                                                        London - Extended
                                                                        Full day excursion with walking tour, London Eye and Planet Hollywood
             to build on teamwork skills learnt
                                                                        Module 2: Explore & Create          Module 2: Explore & Create           Module 2: Explore & Create
             in the academic modules and are               Fri-Apr 10
                                                                        Talk & Brief (project design)       Creativity Project                   Creativity Project

             fun, energetic and loud.                                   Module 2: Explore & Create          Module 2: Explore & Create           Talent Show
                                                           Sat-Apr 11
                                                                        Project Design                      Presentation                         Show us your skills!
             The excursions provide our
                                                                        Warwick and Stratford upon Avon                                          Module 3: Focus & Film
                                                           Sun-Apr 12
             students with a real insight into                          Walking tour and entarnce to Warwick Castle & Shakespeare's Birthplace   Guidelines Talk (Production)

             English Life and culture - from           Mon-Apr 13
                                                                        Module 3: Focus & Film              Module 3: Focus & Film               Farewell Disco
                                                                        Guidelines Talk (Production)        Advertisement stage                  Last dance & shirt signing!
             exploring our Capital City and our
                                                                        Module 3: Focus & Film              Module 3: Focus & Film               Closing Ceremony
             most famous seat of learning to               Tue-Apr 14
                                                                        Video Creation                      Presentation                         certificates and recognition
             a step back in time to the days of
             Shakespeare and Queen Victoria.                                                                                                                                                           Get involved with fun activities
                                                       Wed-Apr 15                                                     Departure Day

 20                                                         Get set for an amazing experience with Dusemond Study Programmes!
encore!                                         Dublin                           We were sad to

                                                                                                     the extra mile
          We are happy to offer extension
          tours before or after the
                                                Day 1 - Ferry to Dublin and
                                                Guided Tour of Dublin
                                                                                 leave Rugby, but
          This is an ideal opportunity for      Day 2 - Viking Splash Tour and   excited not to be
          students to see another part of the
                                                                                 going home just
                                                Trinity College
          UK or Europe and can make their       Day 3 - Howth Village and
          visit all the more enjoyable          Guinness Tour                    yet… Euro Disney
                                                Day 4 - Departure
          Our most popular tours in the past
          have been to Ireland and France
                                                                                 was a magical
          but we are more than happy to
                                                Paris                            extra experience.
          arrange tours to any part of the UK
          or Europe - just let us know          Day 1 - Eurostar to Paris and
                                                Guided Tour of Paris
          These are two examples of             Day 2 - Museum Day taking in
          previous tours.                       Versailles and Louvre
                                                Day 3 - Two Park Day Ticket to
                                                Euro Disney
                                                Day 4 - Departure

                                                                                                                      More wonder awaits in Paris and Dublin!

2019 memories

get ready for
Birmingham                 Uppingham
                                                                       Contact us
                                                    email: [email protected]
                                                    telephone: +44 (20) 3286 7525
                                                    skype: rupert.braun.dusemond
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