Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace

Page created by Carrie Bush
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace
Quit Average,
Drink Agua Ocarina
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace
You are about to experience the best sparkling water from Mexico.

Our 19th century story begins in a Hacienda, located in Chiapas Mexico.
A mayan woman married to an English man created the first soda-making
  machine in Mexico. They created what we know today as “mixology”.
Mixology is creating flavors combining different fruits and spices from the
  old and new world, they left behind 110 recipes of exotic and delicious
                          flavors for you to enjoy.

                                                                                                 Every recipe is carefully crafted and followed by:
                                                                              Seasonal ingredients, precise ripeness of each element, and the best flavor adjustment.
                                                                              Ocarina or “whistling ocarina” is an instrument Mayans used as a flute, and due to the
                                                                              noise the soda machine made while producing the carbonated water, the local villagers
                                                                                                      named the Hacienda “Casa Ocarina”.
                                                                                Agua Ocarina delightful experience was originated from choosing the best natural
                                                                                        ingredients, perfect crafting process, and a deep source of water.
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace
Recipe No. 01
                                         SELTZER WATER


Our first recipe is crafted with the
deep understanding of water and
carbonation. Our spring water is
located 100m below the ground level
in a city which is part of the           Refreshment is proportional to the minerals in
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Our         spring water. The mineralization of water is
spring’s pureness is outstanding, the    natural, providing fresh and alkaline notes.
mineral content rich, which results in
excellent rehydration properties for
the human body.
                                         Mineral water makes a difference while tasting a
                                         meal. It’s not the quantity but the quality, you just
                                         need the best.
When water reaches 36º F (2º C)
water properties allow the
perfect binding of CO2, called
“fine trumpet carbonators”,
creating a fine and elegant              Not all mineral waters are the same, our Seltzer Water
long-lasting bubble that fully           is healthier because it comes from a natural spring.
refreshes the mouth.                     Purest spring water for your senses.
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace

                                      In an old fashion glass, add Agua
                                      Ocarina Seltzer Water and pack
                                      tightly with ice.

                                      Garnish with lemon grass, grapefruit
                                      supreme and perfume with a twist of
                                      eureka lemon.

                                      - Old Fashion Glass
                                      - Ice
                                      - Orange Juice
                                      - Grapefruit Supreme
                                      - Eureka Lemon
                                      - Lemon Grass


Our Seltzer Water comes from a
natural spring from México, it goes
beautifly with citric botanics:

- Orange Juice
- Grapefruit Supreme
- Eureka Lemon
- Lemon Grass
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace
Recipe No. 03
                                           ROYAL TONIC


One of the first sodas ever created was
the“quinine tonic soda”, a beverage
from the infusion of the bark of
cinchona trees native of the Quechua
people in Latin America. It was first
used to treat diseases such as malaria.
The English Army then used this
infusion in La India for medical
purposes and in order to mild the extra
bitter notes they mixed it with Gin,      Never disrespect a fine spirit with a cheap
lime and club soda, creating the Gin      beverage. You are what you drink.

Our tonic follows this traditional
process of infusing the barks of
                                          A Tonic not too bitter or carbonated, is
cinchona in cold water for several
                                          ideal for a Gin & Tonic.
hours to keep the woody notes.
The addition of lemon and orange
peels, a tad of pure cane sugar
and carbonate it at medium high
levels, that obtains an elegant           The number 1 tonic water from Mexico with an
champagne-like bubble.                    elegant bubble for a refreshing experience.
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace

                                        In an old fashion glass add ice, .5 oz.
                                        of agave honey, 1 oz. of grapefruit
                                        juice and Agua Ocarina Royal Tonic
                                        pack tightly with ice and mix it up.

                                        Garnish with a slice of watermelon.

                                        - Old Fashion Glass
                                        - Ice
                                        - Agave Honey
                                        - Grapefruit Juice
                                        - Watermelon slice
                                        - Agua Ocarina Royal Tonic


The premium mixer from Mexico,
with citrus and woody notes from
the bark of the red chinchona tree,
carbonated to the point with
sugarcane juice; a tonic water with a
pleasant, fragrant bitterness and an
exquisite sensation of depth on the
palate. The best flavor pairings are:

- Watermelon
- Ginger
- Hney
- Juniper
- Orange
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace
Recipe No. 18


Zacatecas, Mexico weather has sunny     Treat your palate the right way, use only the best
and fresh winds days and chilly         ingredients.
nights that brings perfect conditions
to obtain soft and sweet perfumed
peaches of the best quality.

                                        Liquid fulfillment. Our Peach beverage
                                        contains a large amount of fiber from the
Fresh peach juice is mixed with         natural juice of the fruit.
smooth carbonated water to
preserve the perfumes of the fruit.
The polarized temperature
variations of this region, make our
peaches sweater and slightly sour.      Reinvent your tastings with the richness of Mexico.
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace

                                         Fill a short glass with ice cube to the
                                         top. Add .5 oz Agua Ocarina Spicy
                                         Ginger and fill with Agua Ocarina

                                         Garnish whit grapefruit supreme
                                         and perfume with basil leaves.

                                         - Old Fashion Glass
                                         - Ice
                                         - Lemon Grass
                                         - Eureka lemon twist
                                         - Grapefruit Supreme
PERFECT SERVE                            - Agua Ocarina Seltzer Water


We make our Peach beverage with
only the tastiest peaches, grown all
the way down at Zacatecas Mexico, it
is juicy and wiith great color, with a
light acidity and a more dominant
sweetness. and is the best option in
the bar and mixology world. Our
recomendation in pairings:

- Orange
- Agave Honey
- Ginger
- Grapefruit
- Star Anise
- Fresh Peppermint
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace
Recipe No. 27
                                        SPICY GINGER


The widely known benefits of ginger
are known through generations for
the vast uses in drinks and cuisine.
Our ginger is cultivated in the state
of Chiapas. The Amazonas “the           Considered a natural aphrodisiac, and
mayan world”, has tropical and          recommended to take it almost every day.
subtropical regions with outstanding

 Every bottle of Spicy Ginger
                                        A delicious sensation from the natural spicy of
contains 2/5 of it is pure grounded
                                        the ginger. The favorite for tastier cocktails.
fresh ginger root, spices, lime
juice and sugar cane juice. The
notorious “bite” of the ginger can
make the most exceptional
ginger beverages you can find.          Nature has so much to offer; quit average.
Quit Average, Drink Agua Ocarina - Squarespace

                                          Fill a short glass with ice cubes to the
                                          top. Add Agua Ocarina Spicy
                                          Ginger, a dash of lemon juice and
                                          stir with a bar spoon.

                                          Add Agua Ocarina Seltzer Water
                                          and garnish with a fan off ginger.

                                          - Old Fashion Glass
PERFECT SERVE                             - Ice
                                          - Lemon Grass
—                                         - Twist Eureka Lemon
                                          - Grapefruit Supreme
Agua Ocarina Spicy Ginger is the
                                          - Agua Ocarina Seltzer Water
first Mexican-made ginger syrup that
is completely natural. This premium
filler showcases its perfect harmony
of sweetness and spiciness. Just mix it
up with Agua Ocarina Seltzer water
to have a beverage with a special kind
of refreshment with the full ginger
kick. Create your own mocktail with
our favorite to pairings:

- Lemon
- Pineapple
- Mango
- Apple
- Cardamom
- Honey
- Black tea
- Cinnamon
- Mint
Recipe No. 41


When Chinese and immigrants from
other asian ethnic groups arrived
from middle to late 19th century in
Sinaloa Mexico, they brought their     Nothing equals the flavor of real quality
fruits and culinary experiences with   ingredients.
them. The fruit lychee, is a most
notorious one.

                                       Mexico produces more than 9.280 tons of lychee
                                       per year, the main area is Sinaloa. Fertile lands,
 The lychees from this region grow
                                       purest waters and bold mastery of Mexican hands.
a specific rose aromatic note.
We dry the fruit first to make an
infusion, add a tad of pure cane
sugar so the end beverage will
create a gentle and floral melange     The nº 1 craft beverage in Mexico is one of the
in the nose and palate.                best in the world.

                                         In an old fashion glass, add Agua
                                         Ocarina Lytchee and pack tightly with

                                         Garnish with lemon grass and
                                         grapefruit supreme and a twist of
                                         leureka lemon.

                                         - Old Fashion Glass
                                         - Ice
PERFECT SERVE                            - Lemon Grass
                                         - Twist Eureka Lemon
—                                        - Grapefruit Supreme
                                         - Agua Ocarina Seltzer Water
Beverage with natural litchi juice
from Sinaloa Mexico mix with
sugarcane juice. Carbonated to
highlight the delicious and
characteristic fresh and scented taste
of this tropical fruit. Neat, on ice
with a stalk of rosemary, or in a long
drink. Agua Ocarina Lychee is
perfect for many occasions mix it

- Raspberry
- Blackberry
- Strawberry
- Rosemary
- Orange twist
Recipe No. 56


Michoacan, Mexico is the #1
producer of lime in the world, and
large producer of grapefruit. This
exquisite fruit is a hybrid of sweet
oranges from China and pomelo
from the southeast asian regions.
                                        Real ingredients make exceptional products.
                                        Sweet and sour the perfect match to create a
                                        drink that bartenders love.

We mix white and red grapefruits,
in order to obtain the perfect
aroma and flavor. The red
enhances the sweet flavor of the        You don’t need average, you just need the best.
fruit and the yellow boosts aroma       Our ancestral knowledge of the elements, result
in the nose making this beverage        in outstanding beverages.
very balanced bringing a slightly
sour taste in the mouth,
citric aroma to the nose, mildly tart
on the palette - Refreshing in          Choose real ingredients, treat yourself with a
every sip.                              flavorful experience.

                                           In a short glass add 2 halves of
                                           strawberries and macerate with
                                           rosemary, fill with ice cubes to the
                                           top and add Agua Ocarina

                                           Garnish with rosemary

                                           - Short Glass
                                           - Ice
PERFECT SERVE                              - Rosemary
—                                          - Strawberry

Our grapefruit beverage from
Michoacán is a mixture of the juice of
two variants of this fruit, red and
white; the red for its distinctive sweet
and intense flavor and the white for
the intensity of its smell; the water is
moderately carbonated and cane sugar
is added to round off the flavor. It is
the best choice for a Paloma, but also
tastes great with whiskey, vodka, rum
or just as a mocktail, try these

- Rosemary
- Apple
- Kiwi
- Ginger
- Strawberry
Recipe No. 77
                                       PASSION FRUIT


The passion fruit or “maracuya” is
endemic of central and south           The beauty of trying something new.
America and can be found in South
America from Mexico to Chile.
Veracruz has one of Mexico’s richest
soil which make it perfect for
                                       Veracruz provides passion fruit of excellent
                                       quality, thanks to the richness of it’s soil.

With mouth filling tropical notes of
sourness and pleasant sweetness
from pure cane sugar, this
beverage is exotic and versatile.      A premium filler, full of exotic flavors.

                                         In an old fashion glass add
                                         cucumber and 5 peppermint leaves,
                                         macerate the ingredients and fill the
                                         glass almost to the top with ice and
                                         pour Agua Ocarina Passion Fruit.

                                         Garnish with peppermint stalk

                                         - Old Fashion Glass
PERFECT SERVE                            - Ice
                                         - Cucumber
                                         - Pepermint

Created with natural juice from the
passion fruit pulp from Veracruz mix
with sugarcane juice. Moderately
carbonated to accentuate the
particularm distinctive and
mysteriously exotic tropical notes of
this fruit and when mixed, our
premium filler becomes an amazing
trip around the world: with whiskey,
tequila, mezcal, herb liqueur, or rum.
Have fun and try these pairings:

- Cucumber
- Mint
- Lime
- Chile tree
- Cinnamon
Recipe No. 85


Or soursop, is an endemic fruit of
Latin America; Pre-colombian
cultures cultivated this fruit in the
subtropical regions of Mexico. We’re
proudly the biggest producer
worldwid. The fruit quality is
exceptional,and well know in the
state of Nayarit.                       The delicious tropical and sweet taste of the
                                        mystic soursop fruit. One of the favorites in a
                                        long drink.

Widely known by the Aztecs and
Mayas for its flavor and health
benefits we continue to produce
this beverage with our traditional      A native fruit from America harvested by our
profile.                                ancestors in Mexico.
We use as much juice as possible
and carbonation it very slightly. It
has a fruity - fresh aroma with
tropical notes, and a subacid but
sweet flavor. It’s absolutely           An elegant and delicious beverage ideal for
experience worthy.                      mixology.

                                        In an old fashion glass, add Agua
                                        Ocarina Soursop and pack tightly
                                        with ice.

                                        Garnish with lemon grass and
                                        grapefruit supreme and a twist of
                                        leureka lemon.

                                        - Old Fashion Glass
                                        - Ice
                                        - Green Grape
PERFECT SERVE                           - Basil


A unique jewel of the American
continent, with tropical and fruity
olfactory notes, pale in color and
silky texture to the taste. Our
Soursop flavor is an elegant, and
delicious beverage, a great filler to
any creation of mixology. Create your
own mocktail with our favorite

- Eureka lemon
- Basil
- Lemon Grass
- Pink pepper
- Green grape
Recipe No. 01                                                                       Recipe No. 18

SELTZER WATER                                                Each bottle provides
                                                                                    PEACH                                                      Each bottle provides

CARBONATED SPRING WATER                                                             SODA WITH PEACH JUICE
Spring water - Montem Aquam                                                         Peach - prunus Armeniaca

The base of any kind of soda is carbonated water.                                   The damascus apricot is a fruit that historically
Our mineral water, which comes from the springs of                                  originates from Armenia and its outskirts. Its crop has
Tehuacán on the slopes of the Iztaccíhuatl Mountain                                 extended over the whole of the Middle East and the
in the state of Puebla, is rich in minerals that are                                north of Africa reaching Morocco, from where it
beneficial to the human body and, as it is low in                                   expanded to Spain; even reaching the Spanish
sodium, is twice as healthy. The water’s mineralization                             colonies in the Americas. We have extracted the juice
process occurs naturally, and takes a lot of time to                                and natural pulp from the Zacatecan apricot and
reach the fresh alkaline notes that characterize natural                            mixed it with sugar cane juice; the water is softly
spring water. We use mid-level carbonation to create                                carbonated so as to allow the sweet forest aromas to
an unforgettably fresh sensation.                                                   combine with the fruit’s acidic profile. Some regions in
                                                                                    Zacatecas are mild in climate and sunny, with light
                                                                                    and even rainfall and moderate waves of cold and
                                                                                    heat, which produce outstanding apricots.
Carbonated Spring Water                                                             Ingredients:
                                                                                    Carbonated water, sucrose, peach juice (6%), peach
                                                                                    flavor concentrate (natural flavorings, mineral oil,
                                                                                    modify starch, medium chain triglycerides,citric acid,
                                                                                    fd&c yellow no. 5, tartrazine, fd&c yellow no. 6, fd&c
                                                                                    red no. 40) xantham gum, acesulfame k, aspartame,
                                                                                    sucralose, potassium benzoate and potassium
                                                                                    sorbate as preservatives, potassium citrate.

 Recipe No. 03                                                                      Recipe No. 27

ROYAL TONIC                                                 Each bottle provides
                                                                                    SPICY GINGER                                               Each bottle provides

                                                                                    GINGER SYRUP
 Quinine - cinchona officinalis
                                                                                    Spring water - Montem Aquam

 The infusion of cinchona wood has been used from
 the eighteenth century to cure malaria and since then                              The infusion of cinchona wood has been used from
 to create the best cocktails in the world. In order to                             the eighteenth century to cure malaria and since then
 highlight the citrus notes and woody tones of the                                  to create the best cocktails in the world. In order to
 Colombian red cinchona bark, we add aromas of                                      highlight the citrus notes and woody tones of the
 various citrus peels, aerate to just the right point and                           Colombian red cinchona bark, we add aromas of
 add just few pure sugar cane; obtaining a drink with a                             various citrus peels, aerate to just the right point and
 pleasant bitterness, scented with fresh colours and an                             add just few pure sugar cane; obtaining a drink with a
 exquisite sense of depth on the palate, making it an                               pleasant bitterness, scented with fresh colours and an
 exceptionally refined tonic water.                                                 exquisite sense of depth on the palate, making it an
                                                                                    exceptionally refined tonic water.

  Carbonated water, sucrose, citric acid,
  natural flavorings, sodium benzoate as                                             Carbonated water, sucrose, citric acid, natural
  preservative,quinine clorhydrate.                                                  flavorings, sodium benzoate as preservative, quinine
Recipe No. 41                                                                         Recipe No. 11

LYCHEE                                                        Each bottle provides
                                                                                      PASSION FRUIT                                              Each bottle provides

                                                                                      SODA OF PASSION FRUIT FROM VERACRUZ
Litchi - litchi chinensis                                                             Passion Fruit - passiflora edulis

                                                                                      Passion fruit is endemic to Central and South
The fruit of the lychee tree, known as “fruit of the
                                                                                      America. It was brought to Mexico during the colonial
kings” was brought to Mexico by Chinese immigrants
                                                                                      period and is grown from the tropical zone of
in the mid 1800s. We create this soda with a natural
                                                                                      Veracruz in Mexico, down to the northern tip of Chile.
lychee infusion and added a light amount of pure
                                                                                      This soda was created with the natural juice of
sugar cane; moderately carbonated to enhance the
                                                                                      passion fruit pulp grown in Veracruz. We bring
delicious, fresh and perfumed characteristic flavour
                                                                                      together sugar cane juice and moderately carbonated
reminiscent of tropical fruits. Due to the climatic
                                                                                      water to accentuate the distinctive notes of this
characteristics in Mexico, domestic production is
                                                                                      tropical fruit. The Veracruz region grows passion fruit
considered one of the best in the world.
                                                                                      of excellent quality thanks to the richness of its soil.

                                                                                      Carbonated water, sucrose, natural passion fruit juice
Carbonated water, sucrose, citric acid, lychee natural
                                                                                      (3%), citric acid, passion fruit flavor concentrate
flavored concentrate (natural flavorings, modify
                                                                                      (natural flavorings, mineral oil, modify starch, medium
starch, medium chain triglycerides, fd&c red no. 40),
                                                                                      chain triglycerides, citric acid, fd&c yellow no. 5
sodium benzoate as preservative, sodium citrate.
                                                                                      (tartrazine), fd&c yellow no. 6, sodium citrate,
                                                                                      potassium sorbate as preservative), sodium benzoate
                                                                                      as preservative, sodium citrate.

 Recipe No. 56                                                                        Recipe No. 85

GRAPEFRUIT                                                     Each bottle provides
                                                                                      SOURSOP                                                    Each bottle provides

 SODA WITH GRAPEFRUIT FROM MICHOACÁN                                                  SODA WITH SOURSOP JUICE
 Grapefruit - citrus x paradisi                                                       Soursop - annona muricata

 There are three grapefruit variations: red, pink, and                                Soursop is a fruit native to the Americas and was
 white. The Mexican state of Michoacan offers a                                       harvested by our Pre-Colombian Mexican ancestors.
 diverse variety of excellent quality citrus, making it the                           It boasts uncountable properties that are beneficial
 leading producer of this fruit. Our Pomelo soda is a                                 to our health. Mexico is the largest producer of this
 mixture of the juice of two variants: red and white                                  fruit worldwide and the quality of its produce is
 grapefruits from Michoacan. Red grapefruit provides                                  exceptional. Our soda is made from the juice of this
 distinctive sweetness and flavor, while white                                        fruit, brought from Nayarit, and slightly sweetened
 grapefruit provides balance with its intense aroma.                                  with sugar cane juice and carbonated at a level that
 We add moderately carbonated water and a bit pure                                    produces a constant level of fizziness on the palate.
 cane sugar, to round out the final product.                                          A unique jewel from the American continent, with
                                                                                      tropical and fruity olfactory notes, pale in color and
                                                                                      silky to the taste.
  Ingredients:                                                                        Ingredients:
  Carbonated water, sucrose, grapefruit juice (16%),                                  Carbonated water, sugar, soursop juice (6%),
  citric acid, natural flavorings, sodium benzoate as                                 soursop flavor concentrate (natural flavorings,
  preservative, sodium citrate, fd&c red no. 40.                                      mineral oil, modified starch, gum arabic, medium
                                                                                      chain triglycerides, ester gum, xathan gum,
                                                                                      medium chain triglycerides, citric acid), benzooate
                                                                                      potassium and potassium sorbate as
                                                                                      preservatives, potassium citrate.
Box lenght   35.5 cm   Bottle capacity                 9 Oz        Box lenggth   28 cm     Bottle capacity                 16.9 Oz
box width    22.5 cm   Bottle material                 glass       box width     21.5 cm   Bottle material                 glass
Box height   22 cm     Weight of full bottle           16.9 Oz     Box height    30.4 cm   Weight of full bottle           31.5 Oz
                       Expiration of unopened bottle   12 months                           Expiration of unopened bottle   8 months

                       Bottles per box                 24                                  Bottles per box                 12
                       Box material                    cardboard                           Box material                    cardboard
                       Box full weight                 25 lb                               Box full weight                 23.6 lb
                      Toll Free (877) 477 4345

                       [email protected]

           Distribution Centre: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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