Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo

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Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Sustainability report

Copyright © 2021 Raylo
Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

Raylo Sustainability Report
Seamless Circularity, our
sustainability mission.
June 2021

Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

                                                                      Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
                                                                     Change (IPCC), forecast we only have
                                                                     until 2030 to dramatically transition to
                                                                               climate neutrality.1

We are heading towards a climate disaster that will reach an irreversible tipping
point if humanity fails to take immediate action. Experts and global leaders,
including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), forecast we
only have until 2030 to dramatically transition to climate neutrality.1 The race
to find and implement real solutions is firmly on. We at Raylo are determined to
play our part.

The final quarter of 2020 marked a new record of                                            Raylo’s philosophy asks, why should a consumer
worldwide smartphone sales – 385.9 million devices                                          be faced with an either / or trade-off when making
and a startling associated climate impact.2 But                                             sustainable purchasing decisions? Doing the right
let’s appreciate that 2020 heralded the outbreak                                            thing by the planet should never come at a cost
of the Covid-19 pandemic and caused the greatest                                            to the consumer’s wallet or experience. Rather, we
disruption to everyday life since World War II. It                                          believe businesses should see the 2030 target as an
quickly became apparent that smartphone technology                                          opportunity to take responsibility for the sustainability
had never been more important.                                                              challenge, ensuring their products and services
                                                                                            can simultaneously over-deliver against customer
The smartphone has played a crucial role in                                                 expectations and have a net positive impact on the
maintaining communication and relationships during                                          planet.
periods of extended separation. It has kept us ‘socially
connected’ during the new norm of remote working,                                           Karl
and many in the growing gig economy could not run                                           Co-founder and CEO
their businesses without it. We at Raylo also believe
great technology has the potential to reduce socio-
economic inequalities which have recently been taken
to new extremes.

1.   Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change. (2018). Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5o. Retrieved from:
2. International Data Corporation, Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, January 2021                                                                                                                                                                   2
Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

The current consumption model
is wasteful on multiple fronts

The way we produce and use smartphones typically                                         Whilst indisputably e-waste and associated
follows an unfortunate and inefficient linear economy.                                   e-pollution are serious issues, the biggest problem
This kind of system is often branded ‘take-make-                                         lies further upstream, in the consumption cycle. Here
dispose’ – resources are taken from the earth to                                         we find the root cause of the unnecessarily excessive
manufacture the smartphone, it’s used for some time,                                     CO2 emissions – the key contributor to global
and eventually ends up as obsolete electronic waste                                      warming and its disastrous implications.
(e-waste). Recent studies show that only 17.4% of
e-waste is officially recycled, leaving the remainder
destined for landfill.3

The final step has historically received the most
attention – smartphones in landfill is often identified
as the primary sustainability failure of the industry.

Stages in the smartphone linear economy

Sourcing materials                      Manufacturing                                Use                            Hibernation                            E-Waste

                                                                Recycle                                   New
3. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (2019). Global E-Waste
   Monitor 2020, retrieved from:

Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

              17.4% of e-waste is officially
            recycled, leaving the remainder
                  destined for landfill.                                                      4
Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

Smartphones are used for only 40%
of their potential lifespan

Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

                    In the UK alone, 125 million
               smartphones are currently stuck in this
                         hibernation phase.

The useful life of a smartphone can be defined as the                                       In the vast majority of cases, these smartphones
period during which it is both functional and fit-for-                                      enter a period of ‘hibernation’ – unused and perhaps
purpose. In general, smartphones retain material value                                      forgotten – gathering dust in a drawer rather than
for five years or more from the date of manufacture.                                        continuing as a useful device in another’s hands.
Premium brands like Apple and Samsung can                                                   Studies have uncovered that in the UK alone, 125
retain value for even longer. At Raylo we assume                                            million smartphones are currently stuck in this
the potential useful life of a device to be at least six                                    hibernation phase.6 The fact that a smartphone’s
years.4                                                                                     use phase represents only 40% of its potential life
                                                                                            means these great pieces of tech are chronically
However, as we know all too well, consumer desire to                                        underutilised.
embrace the latest smartphone technology results
in upgrade demand on a more frequent cycle – on
average every 2.31 years.5 Whilst it is tempting to
point the finger at consumer shopping habits, the
more pressing issue is understanding what actually
happens to the old smartphones made ‘redundant’ in
this sequence.

Smartphones use phase in a linear economy represents only 40% of its potential life

                                                                      6 years of potential use

                              USE                                                                                HIBERNATION

                    2.3 YEARS                                                                                  3.7 YEARS

4. A conservative assumption given we see evidence of a robust market for refurbished iPhone 6S, (including retailers such as giffgaff) as at February 2021.
   Initial launch September 2015.
5. Kantar Worldpanel. (2018). British smartphone owners used their phones for 27.7 months before upgrading.
6. Green Alliance. (2015). A Circular Economy for Smart Devices. Retrieved from:                                                                                                                                                                         6
Sustainability report 2021 - Copyright 2021 Raylo
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

Why underutilisation is the biggest
contributor to smartphone emissions

The connection between underutilisation and               So what is the impact of this overproduction?
excessive carbon emissions might not at first be          The climate impact is measured by CO2e – carbon
obvious. To appreciate the point we must consider
                                               6 years of dioxide
                                                                      use     emissions, typically measured in
the full spectrum of global smartphone demand – a         kilograms or metric tons.
diverse set of consumer preferences, and a full range
of affordability constraints.                             To measure a smartphone’s carbon footprint we can
                       USE                                                 HIBERNATION
                                                          assess CO2e across the various components of its
As hundreds of millions of fully functional               lifecycle, from production to end of life. Very helpfully,
smartphones in hibernation have been excluded             Apple undertook detailed analysis on the iPhone 11 in
from global supply chains, the only way to satisfy the    its Environmental Responsibility Report, so we will use
demand from the mid and lower end of the market           this as the basis of our analysis going forward.7
is to manufacture new devices. This directly leads
to millions of new smartphones being produced             Given the production phase contributes to 83% of a
unnecessarily. 2.3 YEARS                                                  3.7 YEARS
                                                          smartphone’s carbon    footprint, it’s clear that mass
                                                          overproduction poses the biggest climate challenge
                                                          and the problem originates in today’s consumption
                                                          model. So how can we most effectively address the
                                                          hibernation/ underutilisation phase?

Smartphone carbon footprint: 89kg CO2e

                                           14%                                                                                       End of life



7. Apple. (2019. Product Environment Report, iPhone 11. Retrieved from:
   Raylo is using the carbon footprint disclosed for the 256GB configuration of the iPhone 11.

Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

            Millions of new smartphones are
             being produced unnecessarily.                                                             8
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

Current attempts to tackle
underutilisation are failing to have
a meaningful impact

Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

                                                                 Sadly all too often, the most
                                                             convenient action for the consumer is
                                                            to put their old smartphone in a drawer
                                                                      and forget about it.

We recognise that some progress has been made in                                       The major barriers to upscaling these initiatives lie
recent years to invigorate the market for refurbished                                  on the supply-side. Consumer trade-in programmes
devices. These efforts have been applied to both                                       are unfortunately still cumbersome, complicated and
sides of the equation: the supply side (encouraging                                    a poor customer experience. Sadly all too often, the
consumers to trade-in old phones when upgrading)                                       most convenient action for the consumer is to put
and the demand side (promoting the merits of buying                                    their old smartphone in a drawer and forget about it.
refurbished smartphones).
                                                                                       The core issues will persist as long as consumers
The market for refurbished devices is growing rapidly.                                 continue to actually own phones. Rather than try to
A 2020 study of consumption habits carried out by                                      tweak a broken system, we at Raylo believe the time
the technology research provider CSS Insight revealed                                  has come to build a whole new system.
60% of UK respondents would consider buying a
refurbished smartphone.8 Whilst we’re incredibly
excited about these developments, one should
recognise that we’re starting from a very low base.

8. CSS Insight. (2019). User Survey: Mobile Phone Buying, UK and US. Retrieved from:                                                                                                                                                                 10
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

The real solution – seamless circularity

We imagined a system that could (i) prevent great        The environmental benefits are enhanced if we
smartphones from languishing in drawers, (ii)            retrieve and re-lease our smartphones as quickly
maximise smartphone utilisation by directly satisfying   as possible. So one critical factor in executing our
a full range of consumer preferences and affordability   circular model is a slick and seamless upgrade
constraints, and (iii) ultimately address the e-waste    experience for our customer and an efficient reverse
issue when a smartphone reaches obsolescence.            logistics process for the returned device. We work
                                                         towards an average time of ten business days
So we redesigned the consumption model into a            between the date a customer returns their current
fully functioning circular ecosystem. Raylo customers    device for an upgrade and that returned device being
choose between leasing a brand new or refurbished        refurbished and put back into service with a new
smartphone over a lease term of 12 or 24-months.         Raylo customer. We call it seamless circularity.
When customers want to upgrade to a newer
model, the old smartphone is returned to Raylo for
refurbishment and reuse by another Raylo customer.
Our smartphones live a long and fulfilled life, never
abandoned in a drawer, before being sustainably
recycled by Raylo when the time comes.

Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

        Our smartphones live a
      long and fulfilled life, never
        abandoned in a drawer.
Sourcing materials     Manufacturing              Use                Hibernation           E-Waste

  Circular ecosystem

                                       Recycle               New

                         Third                                               First
                       customer                                            customer

                                            6 YEAR LIFE

                            Refurb                                     Refurb

                                                 customer                                                                                                        12
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

What are the CO2e savings
of a circular ecosystem?

For every refurbished smartphone we ship, we prevent                                       If European smartphone users made the transition
a new phone from being unnecessarily manufactured                                          to a circular ecosystem the savings would be an
– the potential reduction in climate impact is                                             impressive 8.9 million tonnes of CO2 per annum.
staggering. Our analysis below demonstrates that                                           That would be the equivalent of taking 6.6 million
Raylo’s ecosystem, comprised of customers enjoying                                         cars off the roads every single year.9
both refurbished and new smartphones, reduces
emissions by 53% vs a traditional linear economy.
This translates to an average consumer saving over
1.65kg of CO2e every month, almost 100kg of CO2e
reduced every 5 years.

Raylo’s ecosystem reduces emissions by 53% vs a traditional linear economy


Kg of CO2e


                                         20                         40                        60                         80                        100          120

                                                        Linear Economy                                Raylo Circular Economy

9. European Environmental Bureau, 2019. Coolproducts don’t cost the Earth – Briefing. Retrieved from:

                   Raylo is working exclusively                                Increase deliveries                               Move to offices powered
                    with R2 certified recyclers                                     made via                                    by renewable energy + work
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

         European adoption of circular
    ecosystem for smartphones would save
      8.9 million tonnes of CO2 per year.                                                                14
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

A scalable win-win

Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

                                                A complete transformation
                                         of the way we consume our smartphones
                                                 and other consumer tech.

As we alluded to earlier, too often the responsibility   Thank you for taking the time to read about Raylo’s
and costs of sustainability are placed directly on       sustainability mission.
end consumers. Businesses are best placed to own
the problem and we believe consumers should not          We are committed to using our business as a force
be faced with an either/ or trade-off when making        for good and continually strive for ways to improve
purchasing decisions which involve sustainability        our practices to ensure we positively contribute to
issues.                                                  our world around us. We are at the beginning of the
                                                         journey and will continue to challenge ourselves to do
Raylo’s leasing model provides customers with            a lot more.
seamless access to the best tech at the lowest
monthly prices, and in turn the planet benefits from     A special thanks to Nuno Brito e Cunha at NBC
a significantly reduced carbon footprint as fewer        Consulting and the Raylo Marketing team for
smartphones are produced. The mutually beneficial        their work in producing this report. If you have any
nature of the Raylo model is key to unlocking scalable   thoughts, feedback or questions, please get in touch
adoption, and ultimately a complete transformation       at: [email protected]
of the way we consume our smartphones and other
consumer tech.                                                                                                               16
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021


Our impact methodology                                                                 Apple’s Product Environment Report provides the
To demonstrate the impact of Raylo’s circular                                          foundation of our methodology. Apple assumes
smartphone ecosystem we have conducted a product                                       a use period (or upgrade cycle) of 36 months.
life cycle assessment on an iPhone 11 256GB.                                           Estimated emissions are calculated in accordance
                                                                                       with guidelines and requirements as specified by ISO
A life cycle assessment is a cradle-to-grave or cradle-                                14040 and ISO 14044.10
to-cradle analysis technique to assess environmental
impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s
life, from raw material extraction through materials
processing, manufacture, distribution, use and end
of life.

Table 1: Apple iPhone 11 256gb emissions

 Upgrade cycle (months)                                                                                                       36

                                                                                                                 Emissions (kg CO2e)

 Production                                                                                                                 73.88

 Transport                                                                                                                   2.16

 Use                                                                                                                        12.24

 Recover                                                                                                                     0.72

 Total emissions                                                                                                           89.00

10. Apple. (2019). Product Environment Report, iPhone 11. Retrieved from:

Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

We translate Apple’s data into a simple two-state
world: a linear economy and a circular ecosystem.

Table 2: Linear Economy vs Raylo’s Circular Ecosystem

                                                Linear economy                         Circular ecosystem

 Upgrade cycle (months)                              27.7                                     24

                                                                 Emissions (kg CO2e)

 Production                                         73.88                                    24.63

 Transport                                           2.16                                     0.72

 Use                                                 9.42                                     8.16

 Refurbishment                                      0.00                                     0.67

 Recover                                            0.00                                     0.24

 Total emissions                                    85.46                                    34.41                                                                                                                  18
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021


Linear economy assumptions:                                                               Raylo circular ecosystem assumptions:
•    Production emissions – taken from Apple’s Product                                    •   At any point in time: one third of customers are
     Environment Report                                                                       using new smartphones, one third are using one-
                                                                                              time refurbished smartphones, and the final third
•    Transport emissions – taken from Apple’s Product
                                                                                              are using two-times refurbished smartphones
     Environment Report
                                                                                          •   Production emissions – taken from Apple’s Product
•    Use emissions – 27.7 months11 upgrade cycle, and a
                                                                                              Environment Report for the new smartphones. Zero
     linear extrapolation of Apple’s Product Environment
                                                                                              emissions for refurbished smartphones
     Report (36 months upgrade cycle)
                                                                                          •   Transport emissions – taken from Apple’s Product
•    Refurbishment emissions are zero – no
                                                                                              Environment Report for the new smartphones
     smartphones are refurbished
                                                                                              (likely being shipped from China). Zero for
•    Recovery emissions are zero – all old smartphones                                        refurbished smartphones, couriered within the UK
     hibernate in drawers                                                                     only12
                                                                                          •   Use emissions – 24 months upgrade cycle, and a
                                                                                              linear extrapolation of Apple’s Product Environment
                                                                                              Report (36 months upgrade cycle)
                                                                                          •   Refurbishment emissions – 1kg CO2e each time a
                                                                                              smartphone is refurbished
                                                                                          •   Recovery emissions – taken from Apple’s Product
                                                                                              Environment Report and applied only to two-times
                                                                                              refurbished smartphones

11. Kantar Worldpanel. (2018). British smartphone owners used their phones for 27.7 months before upgrading.
12. Raylo’s courier partner is DPD,

Raylo Sustainability Report 2021

Table 3: Decomposition of Raylo’s Circular Ecosystem

                                               New smartphone          One-time refurb     Two-times refurb
                          Circular Ecosystem     (One third of          (One third of        (One third of
                                                  customers)             customers)           customers)
 Upgrade cycle (months)          24                  24                         24                   24

                                                          Emissions (kg CO2e)

 Production                     24.63               73.88                   0.00                   0.00

 Transport                       0.72               2.16                    0.00                   0.00

 Use                             8.16               8.16                    8.16                    8.16

 Refurbishment                   0.67               0.00                    1.00                    1.00

 Recover                        0.24                0.00                    0.00                    0.72

 Total emissions                34.41              84.20                    9.16                    9.88                                                                                                            20
Raylo Sustainability Report 2021


The broader factors we also consider                     Packaging
To become a truly sustainable business, we have to       We minimise packaging where possible and
do more than implement our circular model. As our        exclusively use 100% recycled materials.
customer base grows, so will our carbon footprint.
We are taking steps now to ensure we minimise the
climate impact of our operations from the outset.        Phone accessories
Specifically, we have implemented measures across        Every Raylo phone comes with a free screen protector
the following key aspects of our operations:             and phone case to help our customers keep the
                                                         phone in good condition for the next customer. Our
•    Transport
                                                         phone cases are 100% compostable. Going one step
•    Packaging                                           further than biodegradable, compostable materials
                                                         break down into non-toxic components and have
•    Phone accessories
                                                         the potential to add nutrients back into the ground.
                                                         Replacing plastic with compostable materials can
                                                         have a huge impact. For every 10 Raylo customers,
                                                         1kg of plastic is kept out of the waste stream.
We are proud to work with DPD, a carbon-neutral
business making considerable leaps in reducing the
carbon footprint of its deliveries. DPD has added more
electric vehicles to its fleet than any other delivery
provider in the UK. The majority of our London-based
customers will have had their phones delivered by
electric vehicles.

Raylo Sustainability Report 2021


Kg of CO2e


                                     20           40               60              80                 100                     120

                                   Linear Economy                       Raylo Circular Economy
Looking to the future                                              with to the way we power our offices, we will apply
Our sustainability journey doesn’t stop here. As we                carbon-cutting principles to every aspect of the way
grow, we will continually review our footprint and look            Raylo operates. Here are some ways we are currently
for ways to reduce it. From the companies we partner               reducing our footprint further:

                   Raylo is working exclusively         Increase deliveries              Move to offices powered
                    with R2 certified recyclers              made via                   by renewable energy + work
                    for end of life processing            electric vehicles                with suppliers who are
                       to eliminate E-waste                                                  powered by 100%
                                                                                             renewable energy

                   To improve our packaging               Increase affiliate                Shipping accounts
                        we are working to              partnerships with eco               for 3% of total C02e.
                     eliminate plastics and               friendly products               To optimise we will ship
                       increase recyclable              e.g. eco coffee cups                  by ocean rather
                             content                          to promote                       than air freight

                                                                   This graphic represents Raylo’s commitment to
                                                                   further reducing its carbon footprint and embedding
                                                                   sustainability across the company. We’re envisioning
                                                                   a greener future by being transparent and focusing on
                                                                   lowering our impact.                                                                                                                           22
[email protected]

© Raylo June 2021
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