Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron

Page created by Cecil Carlson
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron
Volume 6 • Issue 1
Spring 2022

 Your Hometown Connection • Hebron, CT
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron
Dr Alison Nicholes, DMD

to the

                     [email protected]
                      860.228.7878 | 20 Liberty Drive

                         welcoming new patients
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron

Good Day, Citizens of Hebron:                                                        events by many volunteers. Maybe you
                                                                                     could consider joining one of the many
While we have had bone chilling cold
                                                                                     organizations and committees and lend
and rain / snow, this will not last for
                                                                                     your skills and knowledge. It may take
much longer. Spring will soon be here
                                                                                     a little time commitment but, wow, is it
and, with the nicer weather will come
                                                                                     worth it! After Maple Fest will be Earth
events that will allow us to enjoy our
                                                                                     Day, and then so many other events that
beautiful town. Maple Fest is continuing
                                                                                     make Hebron such a wonderful town to
to be planned and, as always, is a
                                                                                     live and grow in. I hope to see you at the
great time for all. Good food, shows,
events mark the beginning of spring.
Many hours of time are put into these                                                Daniel Larson
                                                                                     Chair, Board of Selectmen

                                                                                              TOWN MANAGER

Dear Hebron Residents:                                           with placeholders for unknown or estimated amounts.

I have forwarded the Town                                        An email address [email protected] has been set
Manager’s proposed budget for                                    up to receive public comments and input. Emails received
FY 2022-2023 to the Hebron                                       will be forwarded to the Boards of Selectmen, Finance and
Board of Selectmen and Board                                     Education. It is important for public participation early in
of Finance on Tuesday, March 1,                                  the budget process. Public participation at all meetings is
2022 pursuant to requirements                                    encouraged, meetings are listed on the Town’s calendar located
outlined in the Town Charter.                                    on the website at We urge you to become
This year’s budget reflects the                                  informed and involved in the budget process. Budget detail,
Town’s needs and continues to                                    information and key dates are also available on the Hebron
maintain a high level of services                                Website at
and educational excellence,                                      I am pleased to announce that the Hebron Maple Festival will
while protecting the health                                      take place this year on March 19th and 20th on the Hebron
and safety of Hebron residents,                                  Green, weather permitting. This festival features numerous
students and staff. The Referendum vote on the Budget will be    maple flavored food products. Also, there will be artists,
held Tuesday, May 3, 2022.                                       crafters, farmers and small businesses with a huge variety of
The Town Government Budget includes funding for: general         items available. This is a free community event open to all
government operations, contributions to capital projects,        ages, I hope to see you there and enjoy all that it has to offer.
contribution to open space land acquisition and debt service     Sincerely,
payments. Please keep in mind that the budget document is        Andrew J. Tierney
a work in progress and numbers will change over the next few     Town Manager
weeks. The budget is based on information available today,

   PaquetteRoofing                     LLC
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                                                                                          Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 1
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron

  1    Chair, Board of Selectmen
  1    Town Manager
  3    Town Clerk’s Office                                                  Magazines Schedule
  5    Assessor’s Office
                                                                           2nd Q/22
  7    The Town Center Project
                                                                           COLUMBIA:     Ad Deadline 4/8/2022
  8    Staff Directory                                                                   Mailed Week of 5/9/2022
  9    Hebron Pollinator Conservation Project                              HEBRON:       Ad Deadline 5/6/2022
 10    Senior Center                                                                     Mailed Week of 6/3/2022

 11    AHM Youth & Family Services                                         3rd Q/22
 13    Hebron Board of Education                                           COLUMBIA:     Ad Deadline 7/8/2022
 14    Hebron Open Space                                                                 Mailed Week of 8/8/2022
 15    Hebron Fire Department                                                            Ad Deadline 8/4/2022
                                                                                         Mailed Week of 9/5/2022
 16    Hebron Interfaith Human Services
 17    Douglas Library
 18    Planning & Development
 18    Gilead Congregational Church
 19    Hebron Maple Festival
 20    Conservation & Inland Wetlands
 22    2022–23 Budget Meeting Schedule
 23    Hebron Historic Properties

		 on the cover:
		 Pollinator Pathway Garden at Raymond
		 Brook Preserve, Kinney Road
		 Photo by Michele Sinkez

                                            Executive Director & Founder             Copyright© 2022 Epic Magazines LLC
                                                    Bryan A. Perry
                                             [email protected]               All rights reserved. No part of this
                                                                                     publication may be reproduced or
                                                   Sales Associate                   transmitted in any form or by any means,
                                        Paul Ramsey • [email protected]         electronic or mechanical, including
                                                                                     photocopy, recording, or any information
                                                   Art Director
                                                  Russell Shaddox                    storage and retrieval system without
                                                                                     written permission. Epic Magazines
                                                                                     LLC is not responsible for omissions or
                                                                                     typographical errors. Epic Magazines LLC
                                                 Special thanks to
                                                                                     reserves the rights and license to all ad
                                             Donna Lanza and Dori Wolf
                                                                                     designs and photographic images produced
                                              Town Manager’s Office
    an Epic Magazines LLC Publication                                                by Epic Magazines LLC. Information
                                                                                     appearing in this magazine are submitted
             PO Box 426                                                              by municipal agencies and other approved
           Moodus, CT 06469                                                          town wide sources.

2 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron

Most people think of elections as an event that occurs in November, but the preparation is something the Town Clerks, Registrars
of Voters and Town Committees work on all year long. The Office of The Secretary of The State issues a State Election Calendar
highlighting important dates that the Town Clerks, Registrars of Voters and Town Committees and must follow.

November 8, 2022 State Election Calendar
The following is a chronological summary of certain requirements for the 2022 Election Year, applicable in the absence of a Special
Act to the contrary. Section references are to the General Statutes of Connecticut. ALL ENTRIES AND REFERENCES ARE
1. MAJOR PARTIES (§ 9-372(5))
  Town Committee Members (9-391)
  Party endorsements:                                                    January 4-11, 2022
  Certification of endorsements:                                         January 12, 2022 (4:00 p.m.)
  Primary petitions filed by:                                            January 26, 2022 (4:00 p.m.)
  Primary (6:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.):                                         March 1, 2022
  Selection of Delegates to State and District Conventions (9-391)
  Party selections:                                                      March 22-March 29, 2022
  Certification of selection:                                            March 30, 2022 (4:00 p.m.)
  Candidates for State and District Office (Governor and Lieutenant Governor, U.S. Senator, Representative in Congress, Secretary of the
  State, Treasurer, Comptroller, Attorney General and multi-town State Senator, State Representative and Judge of Probate). (§§9-372(5);
  9-391; 9-400; 9-404a; 9-405, 9-383)
  Party endorsements:                                                    May 3-24, 2022 (Conventions)
  Certification of endorsements:                                         14th day after close of convention (4:00 p.m.)
  “15% candidate” certificates filed by:                                 14th day after close of convention (4:00 p.m.)
  Statewide / Rep. in Congress petitions issued:                         April 26, 2022
  District office petitions issued beginning:                            May 24, 2022
  Primary petitions filed by:                                            June 7, 2022 (4:00 p.m.)
  Primary (6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.):                                       August 9, 2022
  Candidates for Municipal Office (including single-town State Representative, Judge of Probate and Registrars of Voters). (§§9-372(5);
  9-391; 9-400; 9-404a; 9-405)
   Party endorsements:                                                   May 17-24, 2022
   Cert. of endorsements – JoP, ROV’s & single-town State Rep.:          14th day after endorsement meeting (4:00 p.m.)
   Primary petitions filed by:                                           June 7, 2022 (4:00 p.m.)
   Municipal office petitions issued beginning:                          May 24, 2022
   Primary (6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.):                                      August 9, 2022
2. MINOR PARTIES (§§9-372(6); 9-451 - 9-452a)
  Party rules filed by:                                                  March 9, 2022
  Notice/Nomination meeting to town clerk or Sec/St. by:                 5 days before nomination meeting
  Nomination & certification by:                                         September 7, 2022
3. NOMINATING PETITIONS (“New Party” or “No Party”) (§§ 9-453a - 9-453u)
  Nominating petitions issued beginning:                                 January 4, 2022
  Nominating petitions filed by:                                         August 10, 2022 (4:00 p.m.)
4. ELECTION -- November 8, 2022 (6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.)
  Governor and Lieutenant Governor, U.S. Senator, Representative in Congress, State Senator, State Representative, Secretary of the State,
  Treasurer, Comptroller, Attorney General, Judge of Probate and Registrar of Voters

                                                                                                Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 3
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron
                                  Thinking of Selling or Buying?
                                  Call Jim Celio 860-463-2563
                                  Residential Re-sale Homes – New Construction
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                  Call Jim Celio TODAY 860-463-2563
                        Email: [email protected]

                                  Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

4 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron

The October 2021 Grand List had not been finalized at the time     that assessment year, in order to have your bill pro-rated we
of the writing of this article. Due to this being a revaluation    require copies of the canceled plate receipt AND some form
year, completing the entire list required a bit more time so an    of documentation as to what happened to the vehicle. Please
extension to file was granted with the deadline to file being      note that the DMV DOES NOT notify this office when the
February 28, 2022. Individual tax amounts are not available        marker plates are canceled.     As per §12-71c(b); in order to
until the Grand List is finalized and the Board of Finance         get a credit, documentation must be provided by December
sets a mill rate after the passing of a Town budget. Once you      31st immediately following the end of the assessment year
receive your new assessments, it is not advisable you calculate    which next follows the assessment year in which such vehicle
proposed taxes based on the current mill rate, as the mill rate    is disposed of, ie.: for credits on the October 1, 2020 list,
is subject to change.                                              documentation must be received by December 31, 2022.
Renewal application for the Elderly/Totally Disabled and           As always, the staff in the Assessor’s Office is available to
Additional Veteran programs are now being accepted. The            answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding the
filing period for the Elderly/Totally Disabled program ends        assessment process.
May 15th, and the Additional Veteran applications are due by
October 1st. If you think you or someone you know may qualify,
you can contact the Assessor’s office for more information.
Spring inspections will be starting as soon as the weather
permits. These inspections are for work completed after
                                                                          THE PACKAGE STORE
October 1, 2021. Any change in assessments because of these
inspections, will NOT affect the bills due July 2022, it will be
effective for the October 2022 Grand List.
Also, a reminder; a motor vehicle that had been disposed of
or registered out of state after October 1, 2021 may be entitled
to a pro-rate on the tax bill. The bills that will come out July      Village Shoppes                        Mike Wallace
2022 are for vehicles registered from October 1, 2021 through         Main Street, Route 66                  860.228.3662
September 30, 2022. If you disposed of or registered a vehicle        Hebron, CT 06248                 Beer, Wines, Liquor
out of state, AND canceled the license plates any time during

                                                                                                 A full service veterinary
                                                                                                 hospital located on
     Hebron                                                                                      Route 66 in Hebron.
     Veterinary Hospital                                                                         We offer complete
                                                                                                 in-house diagnostics,
     43 West Main Street                                                                         radiology, ultrasound,
     Hebron                                                                                      acupuncture, surgical,
                                                                                                 and dental services.
     Dr. Kimberly Mordasky
     Dr. Jaime DeLeon                                                                            We also have doctors
                                                                                                 on call for emergency
     Dr. Jennifer Scudder
                                                                                                 services after hours.
     860.228.4324                                                                                Your Best Friend.                                                                                   Our Best Medicine.

                                                                                          Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 5
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron


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                                    Dine-in, Take-out, Curbside
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                                           We have the          Mon. & Tue. CLOSED • Wed.–Sat. 11-10 • Sun. 11–9
                                          Sunday Ticket
                                                                          54 Main St. Hebron CT 06248
                                       for all your favorite
                                         football games!                      860-530-1213   

6 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron

Goodbye, Winter!                                                    Facebook or pick one up at Town Hall, at the Town Clerk’s
TTCP welcomes spring in all its glory. Our volunteers are
preparing another fun-filled year of community events your          Make Music Day Hebron will once again celebrate International
way. We’re bringing back town favorites and adding in a few         Make Music Day by bringing back our “Mile of Music” from the
surprises.                                                          Route 85 / Route 66 intersection all the way down Route 66 to
                                                                    Ted’s IGA. If you are musically inclined or just love music, and
We’re introducing The Hebron Community Chorus. This new             would like to participate, sign up on TTCP’s website, Facebook
musical venture is open to all, 16 years and older. Rehearsals      or send us an email. The committee is always looking for
on Tuesday nights from 7pm to 9pm at Russell Mercier Senior         “day of” helpers if you don’t want to play or sing – join us in
Center. The spring session of eight rehearsals start March          organizing!! Make Music Day Hebron will be held on Tuesday,
8th, the first Concert will be April 30. Stay tuned for place and   June 21st. Times and more event details will be posted on our
time. Local talent Andrey Stolyarov, a Russian-born American        Facebook page.
composer, conductor, singer, and educator, will lead the
performance: “From the Ground Up / Laying the Foundation”,          Once again, we’ll be celebrating America’s birthday, July 4th, on
which will include musical pieces that explore themes of            the steps of our beloved Old Town Hall, a fun start to summer
homes, community and establishing long lasting ties. The            with patriotism, music, and pride. The Hebron Concert Series
first two rehearsals, March 8th and March 15th, will be open        is busy booking musicians. We are excited to bring this series
to the public. We encourage anyone who’d like to see what           once again to town and we are looking forward to the wide
it’s all about to stop by. All participants of the chorus must be   range of musical talents the committee puts together to grace
completely vaccinated per CDC guidelines.                           our stage.

This year’s Town-wide Tag Sale will be joined by Vintage            The Town Center Project is a non-profit, volunteer-driven
Style: A Maker’s Market. You’ll find artists reusing, recycling,    organization dedicated to restoring the vibrancy of Hebron’s
and repurposing everyday items in unbelievable ways! Mark           historic center; but we cannot do it alone. We need your
your calendars for Saturday, May 14th for some amazing finds        support! For more information, to donate or volunteer, follow
and fun times in and about Hebron! Tag Sale applications            us on Facebook and check out our website.
are available on our website,,         towncenterprojectinc or [email protected].

                                          We are your local, full time Realtors
                                    serving our community for over 30 years. Let us assist
                                  you with all of your 2022 real estate needs, from residential
                                     resale to new construction to land and development.
                                   Contact us today, we’re ready to work for you!

                           Elaine Anselmo                                              Kimberly Blais
                           (860)228-0322                                                 (860)228-2738
                           [email protected]                                    [email protected]

                                                                                            Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 7
Your Hometown Connection Hebron, CT - Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2022 - Town of Hebron

Town Office Building		                                                        Phone: 860 228-5971
15 Gilead Street, Hebron, Connecticut 06248                                   Fax: 860 228-4859
Monday–Wednesday 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., Thursday 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Town Manager                               Andrew Tierney                     [email protected]                                 x122
Director of Administrative Services        Donna Lanza                        [email protected]                                   x130
Finance Director                           Elaine Griffin                     [email protected]                                 x131
Town Planner                               Patrick Gallagher                  [email protected]                               x137
Building Official                          Randy Blais                        [email protected]                                   x142
Sanitarian/Health District                 Chatham Health                     [email protected]                        x140
Wetlands Enforcement Officer               Jim Cordier                        [email protected]                                 x139
Assessor                                   Debra Gernhardt                    [email protected]                               x147
Tax Collector                              Adrian MacLean                     [email protected]                                 x146
Office of Emergency Management             Paul Bancroft                      [email protected]                                      x136
Town Clerk                                 Carla Pomprowicz                   [email protected]                              x124
Animal Control Officer                     William Bell                       [email protected]                                    x150

Public Works Department/Transfer Station            550 Old Colchester Road		                                              860 228-2871
Public Works Director/WPCA Administrator            Kevin Kelly              [email protected]                                   x260

Parks and Recreation Department            148 East Street                    860 530-1281
Parks and Recreation Director              Craig Bryant                       [email protected]                                  x230

Douglas Library of Hebron                  22 Main Street                     860 228-9312
Library Director                           Kevin Sullivan                     [email protected]                                x316

Russell Mercier Senior Center              14 Stonecroft Drive                860 228-1700
Senior Services Director                   Sharon Garrard                     [email protected]                                 x203

Hebron Police Department                   44 Main Street		                                                                860 228-3710
Resident Trooper                           Bryce Reed      [email protected]

Hebron Fire Department      44 Main Street                                    [email protected]                        860 228-3022
Fire Chief – Peter Starkel		                                                  [email protected]                                x160
Fire Marshal Randy Blais		                                                    [email protected]                                  x267

Housing Authority                          860 228-4411

Glastonbury Hebron Probate Court           860 652-7629
2155 Main Street, Glastonbury

Chatham Health District                    860 365-0884

Water Pollution Control Authority          860 228-2871
                                                                 AHM Youth Services		                                      860 228-9488
Public Schools                                                   25 Pendleton Drive
Superintendent of Schools – Hebron BOE     860 228-2577
Superintendent of Schools – RHAM BOE       860 228-2115          Hebron Interfaith Human Services (Food Bank)              860 228-1681

RHAM Senior High School                    860 228-9474          Douglas Library               22 Main Street              860 228-9312
85 Wall Street                                                   Monday and Wednesday          12:00–8:00 p.m.
RHAM Senior High School                                          Tuesday and Thursday          10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.
 Guidance Department                       860 228-9446          Friday                        12:00 Noon–6:00 p.m.
                                                                 Saturday                      10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
RHAM Middle School                         860 228-9423
25 RHAM Road                                                     Hebron Post Office            93 Main Street                860 228-6904
                                                                 Daily 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (Closed for Lunch 1:00–2:00 p.m.)
Hebron Elementary School                   860 228-9465          Saturday 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon
92 Church Street
                                                                 Amston Post Office            540 Church Street           860 228-3671
Gilead Hill School                         860 228-9458          Daily 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
580 Gilead Street

8 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

                                                                    to convert half of their turf grass to productive native plants!
                                                                    Where to begin? Replace one nonnative, or invasive plant
                                                                    with a beautiful, native alternative. Plant Inkberry instead of
                                                                    boxwood, plant clover instead of turf grass, or add understory
                                                                    shrubs like Spicebush beneath trees. Extend woodland edges or
                                                                    foundation plantings. Border driveways, patios and sidewalks
                                                                    with low growing native groundcovers. Fill window boxes or
                                                                    patio planters with native annuals or herbs.
                                                                    Google: USDA Native Plant Alternatives and Pollinator-
                                                           for all things pollinator friendly.

Easy Does it!                                                           homes in
Responsible stewardship of our native wildlife and environment
is easy! Protecting our food supplies and health of our soil
and water begins with us at home and in our community.                 Year after year since 1980!
Approximately three- fourths of the world’s flowering plants
and about 35% of the world’s food crops depend on animal                   Trusted
pollinators to reproduce. Provide bees, butterflies and birds
what they need and our food web will be sustained.
Simple modifications to the plants that already grow in our              Respected
yards and in our community can make a significant difference.
But if there were one simple thing individuals could do to                 Hebron
address these challenges it is to plant native plants!                    Residents                       Steve & Debbie
Native plants are generally easier to grow and cheaper to
maintain. They require little or no pruning, dead heading,
                                                                          Five Star                           Temple
fertilizing or even watering once established. Turf lawns are           Professionals                        THE RIGHT CHOICE!
of no benefit to pollinators, their roots are shallow and require
frequent watering and fertilizing. Every year, in the US., lawns
consume almost 3 trillion gallons of water, 200 million gallons                                      RE/MAX Right Choice
of gas(mowing) and 70 million pounds of pesticides.                                                  219 Addison Road, Suite 102
By increasing the number of native plants on our property                                            Glastonbury, CT 06033
we can increase the food supply and protection needed for                                            860.659.3343
pollinators to thrive. Douglas Tallamy, Chair of Department of                                       860.559.4071
Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at Univ. Delaware and author                               
of Nature’s Best Hope, encourages each American homeowner

                                                                                                Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 9

The Renters’ Rebate Program                                         applicable, showing the rental income received from the
                                                                    Renters’ Rebate applicant
State law provided a property tax credit program for Connecticut
homeowners who are age 65+ or totally disabled and whose            The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program
incomes do not exceed certain limits                                The Russell Mercier Senior Center continues taking
Likewise state law provides a reimbursement program for             applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program
Connecticut 65+ and totally disabled renters. The filing period     for persons age 60 and older and for disabled adults through
for this program is April 1 through October 1. Applications         May 31. Applications will be taken by appointment by calling
will be taken by appointment by calling the Senior Center at        the Senior Center at 860-228-1700.
860-228-1700                                                        The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is
Persons renting an apartment or room may be eligible for this       designed to help offset home energy costs for those households,
program with rebates up to $900 for couples and $700 for single     homeowners and renters, whose annual income falls at or below
persons. The renters’ rebate amount is based on a graduated         60 percent of the state median income ($39,027/year for a 1
income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments            person household; $51,035/year for a 2 person household).
(including electricity, natural gas, home heating oil, propane,     Applicants are required to document their income for the four
other home heating expenses, and water; excluding telephone,        weeks prior to the date of application, which is then annualized.
cable or pay TV, or garbage removal) made in the calendar year      Households have the option of documenting income for the
prior to the year of applications - for example, when applying in   previous fifty-two weeks prior to the date of application if that
2022, we would be looking at income and expenses for calendar       more accurately reflects their annual gross income.
year 2021
                                                                    Income includes, but is not limited to, social security and
To apply in 2022, applicants must have been age 65+ by the end      veterans’ benefits (excluding Aid and Attendance pension
of 2021. For couples, only one individual must be 65+. If an        benefits), pensions, dividends, annuity distributions, interest,
individual who was 65+ and previously qualified for the Renters’
                                                                                                              Continued on page 24 »
Rebate Program passes away, a surviving spouse who is age 50+
is eligible to apply
The maximum income limit for the Renters’ Rebate Program is
$46,400 for couples and $38,100 for single persons. “Income”
is defined as taxable and non-taxable income from, but is not
limited to –
• Net Social Security (Box 5 from the 2021 SSA 1099)
• Wages, bonuses, commissions, gratuities and fees, Self-
  employment Net Income, Unemployment Compensation,
  Severance pay, Workers Compensation
• Pensions, Veteran’s pension
• Dividends, interest, and annuities
• IRA distributions
• Lottery winnings, payment for Jury Duty (excluding travel
• Net income from sale or rental property (however, do not
  include depreciation from 1040 Schedule E)
• Alimony
• Capital gains total from previous year only (a capital loss
  carryover from a previous year should be excluded from
  qualifying income calculations)
• Net proceeds from Legal Settlements, Cancellation of Debt
• If a Federal Income Tax Return was filed for 2021, a copy
  must be provided
Two or more people, who are sharing a rent and are not married
or in a civil union, may each be eligible for a proportionate of
a Renters’ Rebate and must apply individually. For applicants
who rent from family members, the State requires a copy
of the landlord family member’s IRS Form 1040, along with
the corresponding Schedule E or Schedule C, whichever is

10 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

From your friends at AHM, “We are Here for You!” Check out
some of our upcoming programs:
• CHOREs for Hebron Seniors – for help around your home
  with projects such as spring cleanup. Call the AHM offices
                                                                         33b East Street, Hebron CT 06248
  at 860-228-9488.
                                                                | 860-228-1383
• SMART Recovery Groups for young adults and families are
                                                                        CONTRACTOR # ITG.0398151-HPG / HIC.0550849
  confidential and offered virtually.
• Family Counseling Services for Hebron families with
  children from birth to age 26 are available. To schedule, an
  appointment call the AHM offices at 860-228-9488.
• Student Support Services supports the social and emotional
  well-being of your child/children. Bethany Wolff, our counselor
  at Gilead Hill Elementary School, (860-228-9458) and Megan
  McKenna, our counselor at Hebron Elementary School,
  (860-228-9465) assists students and their families that are
  experiencing personal problems or issues that are interfering
  with their ability to have a successful school experience.
• Play and Learn Groups for Hebron adults and children ages
  Birth-5 on Mondays and Thursdays offer crafts, playing,
  and circle time. Register at:
  learn-at-ghs-registration/                                             CURRENT HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH
• First Steps in Music Class for children Birth-5 and Adults at        FRIDAY 9–5, SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT
  AHM, 25 Pendleton in Hebron, is a Family Developmentally
                                                                       E-MAIL US YOUR PICTURES AND CONTACT
  appropriate and researched early childhood music program
  with singing, movement, rhythm, and instruments. Please
                                                                        INFORMATION FOR AN INSTANT QUOTE!
  register here:                      [email protected]
• KinderRHAMa Preschool Registration for 2022-2023 School
  Year to be held online starting on 3/28/22. Please go to the
  AHM Website. Please register at for
  any of these programs please see the website at https://
  or contact Becky Murray at [email protected] or Laura
  Beeler at [email protected] for more information.
Upcoming events include: Health Matters wellness programs are                               WiFi Smart Control
being scheduled for the spring. Performing Arts for children is
                                                                                    PELLET GRILLS
currently sold out. Call the AHM offices for the next series of this
popular children’s program. Watch for new times to be trained              DBWFSS         JBWF          JBWFSS
in QPR – Question, Persuade, Refer to help friends and family
members you worry who may be considering hurting themselves.
Nature and Adventure Day, part of the Maple Festival is
an AHM and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church partnership is
scheduled for Saturday March 19th. RUNA, a night of Celtic
music is coming to AHM on Saturday April 23rd.
Visit for more information about these                Garage doors
and other programs.
                                                                        and openers
                                                                       Sales, Service
                                                                       & installation

                                                                                     Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 11
One stop for auto care needs at 24 Wall Street

             General Auto Repair       24 Wall Street
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             Rick Tarca, Owner        860–228–1200

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      Frank Shannon, Owner
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12 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

Hebron Public School’s District Advancement Plan outlines                            STEAM and social emotional learning programs.
our district-wide goals for the year. This year, two of our goals                    Currently, we are piloting new social studies instructional
are to initiate a new health curriculum and to audit our current                     materials and beginning to author a new social studies
social studies curriculum.                                                           curriculum. Our goal is to have a program that exceeds state
For the past two years, Hebron Schools has focused on creating                       standards and encourages students to be compassionate
and implementing a refreshed wellness and health curriculum.                         citizens and leaders. Part of our work in Social Studies is to
After research and planning, the District has chosen the                             add more lessons on civic engagement. This year we joined
“The Great Body Shop” program, a standards and evidenced                             the state Kid Governor Program. Each year the Connecticut
based curriculum with a strong home-school connection for                            Democracy Center runs the Kid Governor Program, an award
our Health education program. It complements our Social                              winning, national program that promotes civic engagement,
Emotional Learning Curriculum, “Choose Love.” Topics                                 leadership, and immerses students into state governing and
include health and wellness, safety, and nutrition. Our Health                       elections. Students develop a campaign and create videos that
team includes our school nurses, physical education teachers,                        support their platforms. Fifth grade students from around the
school psychologists, social workers, Deans, and our School                          state participate in nominating students, primary elections, and
Resource Officer.                                                                    a state-wide election in November to be the Connecticut Kid
Another focus this year has been a revamp of our current                             Governor. This year, Francesca Orfitelli was Hebron’s primary
social studies curriculum. Hebron Public Schools is focusing                         winner and candidate for Kid Governor. Congratulations
on enhancing and ensuring that the social studies’ curriculum                        Francesca!
is aligned with all state standards. Students learn about their                      For more information on this work, please visit our website
community and being good citizens, Connecticut and local                             under the District Advancement Plan section under the
history, U.S. history, U.S. geography, and world history. In                         District banner. There you will find our District Advancement
addition, curriculum specialists across the district are ensuring                    Plan and monthly presentations on work in development that
that the curriculum is vertically integrated with the district’s                     will enhance our programming for our students and families.

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                                                                                                            Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 13

Ready for the Next Adventure?                                       the marsh’s inhabitant birds. As we stand at the marsh’s edge,
                                                                    it looks like we can enter the marsh itself. Yes, but be careful,
Winter will soon be over and we’ll be seeking to reconnect with     make sure you step gingerly on the grass mounds or you might
the sounds and teasing warmth of early spring. So let’s embark      get wet feet! Made it, time for a picture!
on our next open space adventure together!
                                                                                                        What else is here? The
The site of our adventure                                                                               path seems to follow the
is the “Harasimowitz                                                                                    marsh’s outer perimeter,
Property”, acquired in 2012                                                                             northerly, so let’s go.
through Hebron’s Open                                                                                   Yes, the path continues,
Space Land Acquisition                                                                                  undulating a bit up and
Fund.      This stunning                                                                                down. Catching different
20-acre property lies in                                                                                glimpses of this scenic
anticipation of its visitors                                                                            Special Concern Wetland
along Old Colchester Road,                                                                              is the feature here. Let’s
nearly directly across the                                                                              head back to where we first
street from the Transfer                                                                                encountered the marsh,
Station.     Tread lightly                                                                              where the path offered a
on this pristine preserve,                                                                              gentle left turn to where
protected for its critical                                                                              we stand now.
environmental functions it
provides for us.                                                                                        Peering east from the
                                                                                                        point of the bend, it
The journey begins just                                                                                 appears we can continue
beyond a metal gate, the                                                                                our adventure on a less
entrance point to this                                                                                  discernable, but appealing
whimsical forest. A wide                                                                                narrow pathway. With the
pine-needled       covered                                                                              marsh to our left, a ringing
path gently welcomes us                                                                                 chorus of spring peepers
to the sanctity that lies                                                                               has commenced.         What
ahead! Step slowly into                                                                                 marvelous singing, and a
the cathedral of majestic                                                                               sure sign of warmer days!
white and pitch pines, an                                                                               Ah, peepers, my favorite.
uncommon find.        Vivid                                                                             A little further we can go.
green ferns and princess                                                                                Alas, we have reached the
pine trim the feet of these                                                                             pinnacle of our adventure,
forest elders. Soak in the                                                                              at the banks of a quiet
peace and quiet that this                                                                               stream flowing through
Evergreen        showroom                                                                               the heart of the Marsh, a
offers our senses.                                                                                      tributary of Judd Brook. It
The soft path leads us to…a forest pond! Streams of sunlight,       looks so refreshingly wild here. Dead trees spike upward like
cascading between the protective arms of pond side trees,           daggers, remnants of an ancient forest …now transformed into
reflect onto its inky glass surface. Traversing along the           this Marsh, of Special Concern, I can see why. Just listen and
tranquil shoreline, we peer into its serene confines in search      quietly observe. Feeling at peace, let’s head back, leaving our
of movement. Look, over there! Two couples in swimming              preserve as pristine as we discovered it. I hope you enjoyed
tandem, as ducks often are, seemingly intertwined in their          our adventure!
search for the basics, food and shelter.                            Frank Zitkus
We forge on, wondering what surprises lie ahead. Shhh!!! Look       Hebron Open Space Land Acquisition Committee Secretary
up, an owl. Wow, there she goes, ghostly quiet! What else will      Note: There is very limited roadside parking available on
this enchanted path offer us in this wonderland? From atop a        Old Colchester Road near the metal gate entrance. Please
knoll on the carpeted trail, it looks like a clearing of sorts in   be careful; secure pets and little ones. There is additional,
the distance. Let’s check it out! Huh, a beautiful swamp, Judd      currently unmarked, open space parking south of the entrance
Brook Marsh, actually! Approaching this next surprise, we see       along Old Colchester Rd, but it is a little ways down the road.
an expanse of low shrubs and marshy grass pods. Blueberry           Caution advised in this location as well. Practice “Leave No
bushes aplenty here, a welcome provider of nourishment for          Trace” on this open space gem.

14 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

Greetings from the Hebron Fire Department …                                             you from someone you have helped.

The Hebron Fire Department is always looking for exceptional,                           Don’t get me wrong, Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical
motivated individuals who are interested in giving back to                              Services are both physically demanding and mentally
their community by assisting in the delivery of Fire, Rescue,                           challenging, and require a commitment, but as a team, our
and Emergency Medical Services.                                                         goal is to work together to share the load and accomplish the
                                                                                        mission. Many hands make light work…
Why Volunteer? What’s in it for me? What kind of a
commitment is it?                                                                       We need Firefighters, Driver/Pump Operators, EMS Personnel,
                                                                                        and Fire Police to help round out our team, and we provide all
Emergency Service organizations across the region, State, and                           necessary initial and continuing education for these positions.
Nation are struggling with staffing, and we are no exception.
Increased work and family obligations, working multiple jobs                            Want to Learn More?
to stay afloat, and increased call volume generated by the                              We would love the opportunity to have a conversation with
COVID pandemic are just a few of the most prevalent issues                              you about joining our team! If you’re interested and willing to
we face in trying to recruit and retain personnel.                                      spend a few minutes of your time, please email or contact us,
So why do it? You’ll experience a remarkable sense of                                   and we’ll schedule a time convenient to your schedule to meet
accomplishment, pride, camaraderie, and an overwhelming                                 to discuss the opportunities and benefits we have to offer.
sense of joy knowing you made a difference, no matter how big                           Respectfully,
or small, in someone’s life. After 35 years in the fire service, I                      Chief Peter J. Starkel
can still say nothing is more fulfilling than receiving a thank                         Hebron Fire Department

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                                                                                                              Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 15

HIHS, currently located at 20 Pendleton                                                  programs such as Back to School
Drive in Hebron HIHS’ community                                                          Basics, the Weekend Food Backpack
food pantry serves as a resource to the                                                  and RHAM Student Food Pantry.
greater community in times of crisis                                                     In collaboration with AHM Youth &
and need, helping people regain self-                                                    Family Services, Hebron Volunteer Fire
sufficiency.                                                                             Department, Hebron Lions Club, faith
HIHS (Hebron Interfaith Human                                                            communities, civic groups, businesses,
Services) was formed in 1989 as a 501-                                                   schools and many dedicated private
(c)(3) non-profit association of Hebron                                                  donors special holiday meal baskets
faith communities (Christ Lutheran                                                       and gifts for Holidays are also available.
Church, Church of the Holy Family,                                Funding and product donations come from fundraisers, private
Church of Hope, Gilead Congregational Church, St. Peter’s         donations, grant writing, support from our faith communities,
Episcopal Church, United Brethren of Hebron Synagogue and         civic organizations, charitable organizations, individuals and
the Worship Center) in an effort to provide greater levels of     schools.
community support and service than each could individually
accomplish.                                                       HIHS is guided by a Board of Directors, two part time
                                                                  employees and a large group of dedicated volunteers. As an
We recognize choices such as paying for food or rent, rent or     investment in our future and commitment to helping people in
medications, among other scenarios occur all too frequently.      the greater community HIHS purchased 26 Pendleton Drive.
Utilizing our client choice food pantry for non-perishable        Renovations are underway and we are excited to move into this
staples, frozen meats and when available, dairy and produce       new updated building in June of 2022!
can alleviate a portion of their food expense therefore freeing
up that money to be put towards other bills. When funds are       Phone: 860-228-1681
available HIHS can provide heating and energy assistance          Email: [email protected]
to qualifying households. Also offered are youth centered

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16 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

Douglas Library introduces                                                              email along with their hold request. Holds
                                                                                        will still be kept in the building by default.
24-hour hold pick-ups
                                                                                        “We’re excited to be able to introduce a
Work late? Cautious about being in public
                                                                                        service that helps make our collections
spaces due to COVID? Antisocial?
                                                                                        more accessible to the residents of Hebron,”
There are lots of reasonable excuses for                                                said library director Kevin Sullivan.
why getting to the library is difficult                                                 “That we can improve accessibility while
or undesirable. The Douglas Library of                                                  increasing personal safety for library users
Hebron now has outdoor lockers where                                                    is icing on the cake.”
patrons can pick up holds anytime – day or
                                                                                        Locker pick-ups keep at-risk individuals
night – from outside of the building.
                                                                                        out of public spaces where they would be
The lockers, which were purchased using                                                 more likely to contract COVID-19 and
federal grant funds from the American                                                   other illnesses. Patrons can reduce their
Rescue Plan, have 17 slots where items                                                  contact with common touchpoints even
can be stored. Patrons can choose to have                                               further by taking advantage of the locker’s
their items held outside for five days                                                  app (search for ‘Smiota’ in your phone’s
instead of inside of the building. Once the                                             app store), which allows them to retrieve
material is processed and ready for pick-                                               their checkouts by pressing a button on
up, patrons will receive an email and text                                              their smartphone instead of interacting
message with a unique code that will open                                               with the locker’s built-in tablet.
the specific locker holding their items. They can then visit the
                                                                    The locker hardware was developed by Smiota located in
library at their convenience and use the lockers – located next
                                                                    Fremont, CA, who will provide support for the system during
to the main entrance of the building.
                                                                    its lifespan. Smiota oversees similar lockers at libraries,
While the lockers will eventually be more integrated into the       universities, businesses, and government facilities all over the
holds request process, for now patrons can request to have          country.
items held in the lockers by calling the library or sending in an

                                                                                           Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 17

                                                                              Building Permit Software
                                                                              Now Enables Online Applications
                                                                              The Town of Hebron is pleased to announce the
                                                                              launch of its new online building permit software
                                                                              trough ViewPoint. The new online system allows
                                                                              residents and contractors to apply for building
                                                                              permits online, pay permit fees, and track their
                                                                              application through the review, inspection, and
                                                                              approval process. This should result in a more
                                                                              efficient system for both applicants and Town
                                                                              To apply for building permits online, please visit
                                                                     You will
                                                                              need to register for the site and make an account.
                                                                              This will allow you to view all of your permits and
                                                                              their status. While the initial system is focused
                                                                              on building permits, other permits may be added
                                                                              in the future.


Technology Counts at Gilead
Congregational Church
Since April 2019 the Gilead Congregational
Church has become very creative when sharing
God’s love with the Church and Hebron
The Church needed to come into the digital
age. It established Lisa Cox as Minister of
Technology in 2020.
Streaming our worship services over the Internet
was a heavy lift. We moved from one member
holding up an iPhone for “Facebook Live” to
sophisticated wall mounted cameras controlled
by a joystick and software that professional
webcasters use.                                 People have been able to join Gilead Congregational Church’s worship services
Our Interim Pastor, Rev. Matt McCaffrey; wherever they are, thanks to creative streaming technology. Photo by Tonya Maurer.
Minister of Technology, Lisa Cox; Minister of
Music, Andrey Stolyarov; and our Deacons are                   None of this would be successful without collaboration among
able to share Sunday worship services beyond our traditional   pastor, church leadership, technology and music ministers,
Sanctuary walls thanks to these technology improvements.       and the team. We have pivoted successfully between remote
Last summer, the worship team and our dedicated Trustees       and on-site worship through the recent Covid wave, and even
moved equipment between Fellowship Hall and our Garden of      the January “Blizzard Bobby” was no barrier to a full (and fully
Remembrance. We enjoyed in-person services while including     remote) worship gathering.
via live-streaming those who were unable to join us in person.   Gilead Congregational Church’s traditional values and
Cooling October temperatures moved us back indoors. Our          relationships hold strong. Thanks to many helpers we’ve
technology team continues to improve tools and techniques        stepped into a new age of YouTube channels, Facebook Groups,
supporting the live-stream.                                      camera angles, Virtual Choirs, and Zoom coffee hours!

18 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

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                                         Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 19

Tread lightly
Recent damage has occurred at one
of Hebron’s open space parcels, and
we would like to remind residents
that the use of dirt bikes and ATVs is
prohibited in Town parks and open
space properties. These vehicles
cause rutting conditions, posing
a hazard to hikers. The ruts also
accelerate the soil erosion process
from stormwater runoff - damaging
wetlands and watercourses and
making the trails even less stable over
time. We encourage people using
our parks and trails to take iPhone
photos and/or to report violations
to either the Parks and Recreation
Department at 860-530-1281 or the
Police Department at 860-228-3710.
The public should know that
many of our lands were purchased
for passive recreation, natural
resources preservation and wildlife
habitat protection. Over time, the
Town will be posting rule signs at
the access areas of our recreation
and conservation parcels and
“Motorbikes and ATVs Prohibited”
placards at strategic control points.
Moreover, the best protection of
these lands - particularly the remote
ones - is afforded by frequent citizen
usage and the visibility factor (more
eyes = less tracks or vandalism).
The Town will be refining its
park     regulations    to   promote
Hebron’s beautiful landscape, trail
systems and extensive recreational
facilities. Through public outreach
communications, we wish to ensure
the responsible enjoyment and
stewardship of the local treasures
that define Hebron.
Jim Cordier
Conservation and
Inland Wetlands Agent

20 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

‘Making Caterpillars’ – It’s For The Birds                        ecological functions: preserve the watershed; store carbon;
                                                                  and provide support for birds, butterflies, etc.
Great caring + great knowledge inspires solutions to great
challenges. A great challenge is the current rapid decline of     A major component of all these functions is native plants.
wildlife. Douglas Tallamy, Entomologist/Wildlife Ecologist        These plants provide habitat and food for birds. This food isn’t
offers a solution to address                                      just berries/seeds, but also insects/caterpillars. Many baby
this. (Thank you, Michele                                                                         birds must eat caterpillars
Sinkez, of Hebron’s Pollinator                                                                    to survive; a single brood of
Conservation Project [HPCP],                                                                      chickadees needs 6,000-9,000
for introducing Doug’s work!)                                                                     caterpillars! Currently, bird
                                                                                                  parents are not finding the
The      Audubon        Society                                                                   needed caterpillars.       Doug
reports that nearly 1/3 of                                                                        explains     that    “keystone”
North America’s birds have                                                                        native    plants     host    the
disappeared      since    1970–                                                                   greatest number and kinds of
that’s three billion less                                                                         needed      caterpillars/insects/
birds. Connecticut Audubon                                                                        pollinators. Providing these
Society’s Dec. 2021 State of                                                                      keystone plants is something
the Birds report reveals 2/3 of                                                                   we can do. (Milkweed, sole
birds face extinction unless we                                                                   food of Monarch caterpillars,
act immediately. Since 1970,                                                                      is needed; eastern Monarch
Connecticut has lost 17% of                                                                       Butterflies have declined 90%
forest birds and 60% of Wood                                                                      since 2000.) National Wildlife
Thrush (of “crystal waterfall”                                                                    Federation/Doug Tallamy offer
song).      Deforestation of                                                                      a Keystone Plants Search Tool
breeding/wintering grounds is                                                                     by Zip Code: https://www.nwf.
a key threat. Even “common”                                                                       org/NativePlantFinder Top 6
birds are disappearing.                                                                           trees/shrubs for Hebron: oak,
CT Audubon Society offers                                                                         prunus/cherry, native willow,
recommendations to reverse                                                                        birch, quaking aspen, maple.
this course (end of article)                                                                     “Making Caterpillars” also
including both collective                                                                        requires     natural    garden
and individual actions. They                                                                     patterns and care; some
highly recommend preserving                                                                      caterpillars must bury into
natural land, including large To see the beautiful spicebush butterfly, here sipping from a soft soil/leaves for their next
tracts of forest, to address mountain laurel flower, sassafras trees or spicebush must be nearby life stage. Example: beneath
both habitat loss and climate for her caterpillar life stage.                                    native tree canopies, plant
change. Intact forests and                                                                       garden of native shade
wetlands remove massive                                           groundcovers/shrubs. “Leave leaves” in gardens; standing
amounts of carbon dioxide from air, a required Natural Climate    perennials provide winter food (and keep leaves corralled). In
Solution, while providing resilient habitat for wildlife.         spring, shear back dried perennial stems - no more mowing
Some great examples of collective actions that help: Hebron’s     under trees! More patterns: native shrubs alongside treed yard
Open Space acquisitions; Girls Scouts’ Butterfly Way Station,     borders; native shrubs, perennials, trees along water. Doug
Burnt Hill Park; Green Garden Gang/HPCP demonstration             calls this creating a “Home Grown National Park.” https://
Pollinator Gardens, Raymond Brook Preserve/Town Center; 
Native Plant Garden, Gilead Hill Elementary School.               Enjoy these birds, butterflies, and bees you help support!
How else can we help? Professor Tallamy explains how we all       CT Audubon society’s recommendations:                                      https://www.
can be part of the solution. A highly recommended YouTube         c t a u d u b o n . o r g / 2 0 2 1 / 1 2 /c t- s t a t e - o f- t h e - b i r d s - 2 0 2 1 -
video, “Doug Tallamy: Restoring Nature’s Relationships”,          recommendations/ Top Ten actions: https://www.ctaudubon.
shows how our own yards and public lands are needed to help       org/2020/01/10-actions-you-can-take-to-save-connecticuts-
support ecology/birds. In fact, this land can perform important   birds/#sthash.ETzsW2WK.dpbs

                                                                                                    Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 21

Below is the Hebron Budget review and approval schedule (subject to change as necessary). Budget details and meetings access
information will be posted on the Hebron website as information becomes available:
Hebron residents are encouraged to become informed and involved in the budget process.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 – Virtual – BOS/BOF Budget Workshop
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.        Town Manager’s Budget Presentation including CIP Budget
8:00 – 8:15 p.m.        Open Space/Land Acquisition
8:15 – 9:30 p.m.        Miscellaneous General Government

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 – Virtual – BOS/BOF Budget Workshop
7:00 – 7:30 p.m.        Hebron Board of Education
7:30 – 8:00 p.m.        RHAM Board of Education
8:00 – 9:30 p.m.        Miscellaneous General Government

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 – Virtual – BOS/BOF Budget Workshop
7:00 – 7:15 p.m.        Public Works Department
7:15 – 7:30 p.m.        Parks & Recreation Department
7:30 – 7:45 p.m.        Fire Department/Ambulance Service
7:45 – 9:30 p.m.        Miscellaneous General Government

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 – Virtual – BOS/BOF Budget Workshop
7:00 – 7:30 p.m.        Board of Selectmen Public Hearing
7:30 – 8:30 p.m.        Revenues Overview & Discussion/Budget Deliberations
8:30 – 9:30 p.m.        Finalize Selectmen’s FY 22-23 Budget

Monday, April 4, 2022 – Location/Format TBD
6:30 p.m.               RHAM Budget Public Hearing

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 – Location/Format TBD
7:00 p.m.               Board of Finance Budget Workshop

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 – Location/Format TBD
7:00 p.m.               Board of Finance Public Hearing on Budget
Followed by             Board of Finance Meeting to Set the Budget

Monday, May 2, 2022 – Location/Format TBD
6:30 p.m.               RHAM Budget District Meeting

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 – Hebron Elementary School
6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.   Budget Referendum

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic: At this time it is anticipated that all BOS/BOF budget meetings in March will be held in virtual
format and that the May 3, 2022 Budget Referendum vote will be held in person.

                                            Email Budget Communications to:
                                               [email protected]
                                           These emails will be forwarded to the
                                        Boards of Selectmen, Finance and Education

22 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1

This year we had an open house for the Gull School House on       on the buildings, we are open, so please stop by and visit.
Marjorie Circle, and the WWII Civilian Aircraft Observation       The Peters House is almost ready for public use. Here are some
Post (the only known remaining post here on the east coast).      before and after pictures. We are still working on the upper
Both the school and the observation post can be reached by        level but the first floor is all most finished. We can’t wait to
parking at the Town Office Building parking lot. We plan to       have it all complete.
open both buildings this spring. If the American flag is flying

                                                                                         Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1 23

» Continued from page 10                                              and/or eliminate their service arrearages, and gain greater
gross rental income, estate or trust income, gross wages,             control or their energy costs. Under the MPP, households
unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, self-               enter into payment arrangements with Eversource or CNG.
employment income, alimony, etc.                                      For all customer payments made by the payment deadline,
                                                                      Eversource or CNG will provide a dollar-for-dollar match of
Households receiving income from self-employment are
                                                                      both the total customer payments and the Connecticut Energy
required to complete a Self-Employment Worksheet, detailing
                                                                      Assistance Program benefit. The resulting match is applied
income for the previous six or twelve calendar months.
                                                                      to the customer’s arrearage, down to a $0 balance. Please
Additionally, at the time of application, each household is           note: through the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program,
required to submit a current copy of their electric utility bill,     assistance may be available to utility heated households who
regardless of the household’s primary heating source.                 are unable to meet their utility payment arrangement amount as
In order to achieve increased administrative simplicity and           determined by Eversource or CNG, through utilizing a “below
reduce procedural burden on applicants, the state will not            budget” worksheet process. The “below budget” worksheet
require households to meet a liquid asset test in order to qualify    process may allow there to be a negotiated reduced payment
for benefits for the 2021-2022 Connecticut Energy Assistance          arrangement with Eversource or CNG.
Program.                                                              The first day for fuel deliveries that could be paid by the
In order for Connecticut Energy Assistance Program awards to          Connecticut Energy Assistance Program was November 1, 2021.
be granted for deliverable fuels or utilities, bills must be in the   If you are currently applying, but received a fuel deliver between
name of a household member                                            November 1, 2021 and your application date, proof of that delivery
                                                                      (invoice) can be submitted for consideration of a credit. The
Basic Benefit awards for vulnerable households of between
                                                                      deadline for fuel authorizations or deliveries will be May 2, 2022.
$475 and $1,015 are determined based on income and household
size. Households with one or more members who is/are either           In addition to receiving energy assistance benefits, eligible
60 years of age or older, disabled, or under the age of 6, are        households may also qualify for:
considered Vulnerable Households.                                     • Weatherization Assistance Program – this includes services
For deliverable fuel heated households (oil, propane, kerosene,         that can improve the energy efficiency of the home and help
coal, wood and wood pellets), a Crisis Assistance Benefit or            to reduce future energy bills along with necessary health
between $500 and $1010, depending on gross household income,            and safety measures Clean, Tune and Test of a household’s
will be available to those who have exhausted their Basic               deliverable fuel heating system
Benefit. Should the Crisis Assistance Benefit also be exhausted,      • Heating System Repair or Replacement – if determined to be
households may qualify for 3 or 4, depending on gross household         unsafe, inoperable, and aged/inefficient with obsolete parts,
income, Safety Net Assistance Benefits of $700 each.                    a household may be eligible repair or replacement of heating
                                                                        systems, tanks and water heaters
For utility heated households (electricity and natural gas), only
                                                                      • Cooling Assistance Program – Eligible program participants
the Basic Benefit will be awarded, and the household will be
                                                                        for cooling units, including installation, will be required
enrolled in Eversource’s or CNG’s Matching Payment Program
                                                                        to provide documentation, including individuals with
(MPP), which enables Connecticut Energy Assistance Program
                                                                        a documented medical condition that is exacerbated by
eligible households to maximize their energy benefits, reduce
                                                                        extreme heat

24 Hebron VIEWS | Vol. 6 Issue 1
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