11 Ways to Eat Hard-Boiled Eggs That Don't Involve Egg Salad

Want to add more protein to your meal? Throw a hard-boiled egg on it.

Hard-boiled eggs are highly versatile, protein-packed treats that can be utilized and flavored in various methods, take less than 10 minutes to cook, and are an inexpensive way to meet your daily recommended value of protein. Hard-boiled eggs last up to a week in the fridge, so if you cook up a big batch over the weekend, you can add them to a salad, a bowl of ramen, and a host of other meals during the week. Keep reading to find out what we love to eat with hard-boiled eggs, so you can take your meal prep to the next level.

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Salad Topper


Greg DuPree; Food Stylist: Chelsea Zimmer; Prop Stylist: Carla Gonzalez Hart

Whether you're making your own salad or want to save on paying by the pound at the salad bar, adding a hard-boiled egg to a pile of greens is always a good idea. Just slice the egg in half, crumble the yolk with your fork, and you're good to go. To let your egg shine, consider making a composed or chopped salad, like a Niçoise or a Cobb.

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Grain Bowl Topper

Adding a hard-boiled egg to a grain bowl is an incredibly easy way to throw together a leftover-style lunch. If you don't have any leftover base, cook half a cup of brown rice, barley, farro, quinoa, or whatever you desire, top with any veggies of your choice, and throw a hard-boiled egg or two on top. Drizzle with tahini, hot sauce, or whatever dressing you like. This formula is perfect for a well-balanced meal that also travels well.

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Toast Topper

Eggs and toast are a natural combo, but if you don't have time to fry up a fresh egg for your toast, fear not. Add sliced hard-boiled eggs to avocado toast, buttered toast, or, if you're feeling adventurous, a slice of toast slathered with almond butter. Sprinkle with flax seeds or everything bagel seasoning for an extra crunch.

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Deviled Eggs

A plate of deviled eggs, sprinkled with paprika.

sbossert/Getty Images

Family recipes for deviled eggs are endless, and gourmet versions abound. If you want a ritzy snack or are in a rush to serve quick 20-minute appetizers to last-minute guests, break out some of your pre-boiled eggs, slice them in half lengthwise, and scoop out the yolk. Mix with equal parts Greek yogurt, mayo, or smashed avocado, sprinkle in some salt and paprika, and then add a generous dollop of the mixture back into the egg whites. In five minutes, you have a whole new dish!

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Ramen or Soup Topper

In a hurry? Dress up a serving of ramen noodles by tossing a hard-boiled egg on top. No need to even slice it, if you don't feel like it. If you don't have any hard-boiled eggs on hand, you can also cook the egg in the water you boil the noodles with—just drop it in a separate ice bath before you peel it.

Quartered hard-boiled eggs can make an excellent textural addition to both hot and cold soups, like borscht, gazpacho, cream of potato, or even chicken noodle. Just trust us on this.

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Sandwich Topper

You don't have to go full-on egg salad to fit a hard-boiled egg in a sandwich. In fact, a sliced hard-boiled egg adds a nice texture to any sandwich, warm or cold, built between a baguette or pita. Cut the hard-boiled egg into thin slices and stack it atop deli meat, sliced cheese, grilled veggies, or whatever you prefer to stuff between two slices of bread.

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Pizza Topping

English-Muffin Egg Pizzas
Antonis Achilleos

You may not immediately think of eggs when you think of pizza toppings, but this is your sign to revise your thinking. Eggs appear regularly in countries like France, where chefs boil or fry them so the yolk oozes out, and Portugal, where they prefer to slice hard-boiled eggs and toss them on with the cheese and pepperoni. Or you could try a less traditional English Muffin Pizza, which combines olive oil, fresh tomatoes, and grated mozzarella with hard-boiled eggs to make mini personal pizzas.

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Marinated Tea Eggs

Chilled hard-boiled eggs in the shell are perfect for making Chinese-style tea eggs. To do so, crack the cold shell with a spoon, so it's shattered in several places (allowing for the brine to soak through) but with the shell still intact.

Alternatively, you can peel the entire egg for a more thorough coating. Then, steep a bag of black tea in one cup of water, adding 1/4 cup of soy sauce and any preferred seasonings. Once the tea is chilled, allow the eggs to brine for at least 24 hours.

Use the finished product to top soups, noodle dishes, or just to snack on. You can also use this method to brine eggs in various types of tea, vegetable juices, and seasonings, for a more unique hard-boiled egg-eating experience.

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Seasoned Eggs

Let the eggs be the main attraction by dipping them in everything bagel seasoning, taco seasoning, or whatever flavor you desire. Trader Joe's sells seasonings perfect for eggs, but you can also make your own blends and package them in small bags for on-the-go egg snacking.

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Pickled Eggs

Did you know that pickled eggs are a staple in Southern gas stations? While this may seem like a wild concept, pickled eggs are super easy to make and can last up to four months in a jar. To make them, you just need to put together a brine, usually made of vinegar, sugar, water, spices, and salt. There are many different brines out there to choose from, so pick your favorite and enjoy!

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Hard-boiled eggs as a dessert? Just when you think you've seen everything, something new pops up. You make this sweet treat by slicing the hard boiled eggs, sprinkling them with salt and sugar, and torching the top until the sugar caramelizes, just like a creme brulee. Some prefer a soft-boiled egg with this recipe, but the hard-boiled version is much less messy and easier to manage. Serve this at breakfast or, if you're feeling really wild, for dessert at your next dinner party.

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