Halloween or All Hallows Eve is here again and this year I thought I’d share a couple of techniques that you can try out, if you aren’t out on your broomsticks. Connecting with your Guides can help you gain clarity regarding situations or answers for questions that you may have, sometimes people do it to see if there are any specific messages their Guides want to give them. Some believe it is our subconscious that we connect to, others believe it’s Angels or Ancestors. Whatever your beliefs you can use the following techniques and adapt them to suit your needs.
It’s the time of year when the veil between our world and the spirit world (or other worlds depending on your beliefs) is at its thinnest, and it’s a great chance to try to connect with your spirit guides or Guardian Angels or those that you believe watch over you. There are many ways to connect and it can be done on any day, not just Halloween, but this is the optimal time to try.
The first technique is to dowse with a pendulum. Not nearly as complicated as many people think it is, pendulum dowsing has been used to divine for thousands of years by practically every culture in existence. There are many ways to dowse with a pendulum but this is a straightforward technique that anyone can use. Take your pendulum ( anything on a length of string, thread or ribbon that swings freely ) and hold it in your hands. Sit with it quietly for a few minutes and then holding it at the end of the thread with your dominant hand allow it to freely swing, once it slows and remains still and steady begin by asking it to show you ‘YES’. Be patient, but eventually your pendulum should either rotate or swing to show you what a positive answer is. In my case my pendulum rotates clockwise for a positive response. Once you have established this ask it to show you a negative response or a ‘NO’. My pendulum swings back and forth for this, yours may spin anticlockwise, or side to side perhaps. Note the
response and the way it moves. To test it out ask a simple yes/no question such as ”is my name …..” and you should get the correct response. Once you have your pendulum attuned to you, you should be able to use it to ask your Guide or Guides questions. If you sit quietly and intend to tune into your guides/guardians for a while, when you feel calm then you can begin. Remember to ask very simple clear questions that only require a yes/no answer. Should your pendulum spin in a different motion to your yes/no motions, rephrase your question. Spend as long as you like doing this, and don’t forget to say thank you when you have
finished. Should you wish to find out the name of your guide or whomever you have contact with, go through the alphabet one letter at a time, you will either get lots of ‘no’ responses and ‘yes’ on the relevant ones, or no reaction and reactions on the relevant ones. Try it out and see what you get!
The second technique is to use a set of divinatory cards such as Angel cards, Tarot cards, Animal Totem cards etc. Halloween is a modern version of the ancient Celtic/Pagan festival of Samhain which marks the end of the harvest and the start of the Winter. Divination was often a large part of the festival using many techniques. In this case if you take your chosen cards, sit quietly with the pack in your hands and intend that you are guided to choose 12 cards, one to be representative of each month ahead of you for the next year.You can ask your guides/Guardians etc to help you choose if you want to.
Split the pack, shuffle them and pick 12 cards at random, the ones you feel guided to choose. You can lay the whole pack out or fan them out or just shuffle through and pull out any you feel drawn to. Keep them in order laying each new one on top of the last in a pile. When you have chosen 12 turn the pile over. The first card will represent the next month ( November ) and each after that the following months for a year. These will be your guide for the next 12 months.
Enjoy your Halloween and remember to have a glass of wine for the Ancestors and Spirits we are closer to, to wish them well and thank them for taking care of us.
I’m getting a pendulum and a drum