
Herbal Remedies 2 ~ Cold Feet

Herbal Remedies 2 ~ Cold Feet

Cold feet are a very common problem for both men and women. As a reflexologist I find a lot of chilly tootsies and was inspired to try out a recipe originally created by an ethnobotonaist for a warming foot oil, to help increase circulation. Normally my first port of call is essential oils blended to boost circulation and create heat but I was intrigued enough to try a fresh blend. Using ingredients from your kitchen you can create an amazing, fresh oil to treat your cold feet with, no need to buy expensive essential oils. I have adjusted his original recipe slightly. PLEASE be aware that this oil has fresh chillis in it so keep your hands, and the oil well away from your face and eyes. ALWAYS wash your hands after use. When used for a couple of weeks you’ll be amazed at how well your circulation is boosted. Great for hikers, winter walks or just freezing cold feet in general.

Warming Foot Oil

500ml Base oil ( sunflower oil is recommended as it heats well )

2-4 fresh, whole Red Chillis, choppedginger-1191945_1920

50 g Ginger root, chopped or crushed

50g Black pepper ( ground )

50g Mustard Powder

Place all of the ingredients in a Bain Marie/Double boiler. Stir them well. Heat the mixture gently for an hour.

Strain the mixture through a sieve lined with muslin and carefully filter the oil into sterilized, dark glass bottles.

Apply directly to the skin and massage in each evening to boost circulation.


This oil will keep for around 6 months if kept away from extreme temperature changes.

Author Info


A therapist and tutor for over 23 years, Victoria specialises in Relaxation and Wellbeing, Clinical Acupuncture, Holistic and Shamanic therapies.

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