
What is Qigong & why should I try it?

Qigong at The Retreat

What is Qigong & why should I try it?

What is Qigong?Qigong at The Retreat

an ancient energy practice originating thousands of years ago in China, passed down by ancient masters who understood how certain movements and postures could rebalance the body, mind, and spirit by connecting to Universal energy. The life force or energy that animates everything in the universe and your body is the very essence of Qigong. It’s no surprise to learn that Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors were Qigong masters. It is not physical exercise. It moves beyond the muscle and tissue and works in your body at the energy level.

Literally meaning “energy work,” Qigong breaks down energy blockages and promotes the free flow of energy throughout your body’s meridian system, the invisible pathways through which Qi moves and that connect everything in your body.

Consistent practice increases and balances your body’s Qi. Working directly on your body’s meridian system—your energy body—it stimulates and nourishes the internal organs, making the energetic communication between them more efficient. And by increasing the effectiveness of all body systems, Qigong helps build Qi. In order to have good health you must have sufficient Qi that flows freely throughout your body and your internal organs must function together in harmony.

In as little as 20 minutes of practice a day, you can replenish your body’s Qi at a very deep level, reawakening your body’s natural self-healing capacity, thus leading to overall better health and wellbeing. In China Qigong movements are given ‘on prescription’ to help patients work on stimulating their body’s natural healing ability for a particular problem.

SHIBASHI : The Self Healing Exercise

Shibashi Qigong places emphasis on synchronizing 18 movements with proper breathing techniques. It is a gentle, beautiful and flowing routine that is both a joy to do and deeply relaxing. It is often referred to as a moving meditation.

Shibashi Qigong is designed to improve the general health and wellbeing of the practitioner. The gentle rocking motions and stretching movements improve circulation and digestion. The chest exercises and controlled breathing are good for lung conditions and asthma. Many other moves help to work on many other areas of the body such as spine, digestion and circulation.

Shibashi is the answer to keeping stress in control. The overall effect of the exercise is to reduce mental stress and physical tension carried in the muscles of the body.

Shibashi is very effective and easy to learn.

This unique program is specifically designed to restore youthful vigor, energy, and overall well-being

Qigong is practiced by over 100 million people worldwide as a way to experience a longer, more active life. The gentle, fluid movements increase energy, open the joints, stretch muscles, and enhance balance.

Shibashi can be the perfect health system:

amongst many other way it can help to increase your well being, there are many scientific studies that have shown that qigong ;

Loosens the Muscles and Builds Power
Strengthens the Organs
Improves Cardio-pulmonary Function
Strengthens the Nerves
Improves Vascular Function
Can Be Used by the Seriously Ill
Helps Prevent Injury to Joints, Ligaments and Bones
Speeds Recovery Time from Injuries and Operations
Builds Athletic and Martial Arts Power
Eases Stress and Balances Emotions
Benefits Sedentary Workers and Meditators

The moves are all done on two feet and are very slow and really gentle. Anyone of any age, fitness level, well or injured can enjoy Shibashi Qigong. You don’t need to be co ordinated, agile or bendy. All you need is an urge to enjoy a really great chill out session that also happens to be good for your body and mind.

For more details on classes and private tuition please contact Victoria at The Retreat

Author Info


A therapist and tutor for over 23 years, Victoria specialises in Relaxation and Wellbeing, Clinical Acupuncture, Holistic and Shamanic therapies.

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