There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. –Norman Vincent Peale
Back in the early days of internet advertising, there were all sorts of characters attracted to the allure of instant riches in the Modern Day Gold Rush. Most faded away over time, but their idiosyncratic stories lived on. This is one such story!
To keep up with the seemingly endless demand of the internet boom, we were hiring salespeople with about as much scrutiny as a deckhand on an Alaskan Crab Fishery boat. Can you fog a mirror? Welcome aboard! Every week, the group of new hires would have to present internally to the company executives. And the body language of the new hires, as they made their way up on the stage to present, spoke volumes about their future success.
Most trudged up the stage with their heads hung low, as if bowing before the firing squad. It was no surprise when their delivery fell flat, catapulting them to a short-lived career of tepid mediocrity. But one new hire separated herself from the pack immediately. Upon hearing her name called before the committee, she let out a war cry that could be heard across the auditorium.
All heads turned as she made her down the central aisle. And then, without hesitation or embarrassment, she did something I had never seen before (or since!) in the work environment: a full head-over-feet cartwheel with a twist!
Once on stage, she delivered the pitch with as much gusto as the cartwheel! Most of it was technically incorrect and full of factual errors, but it didn’t seem to matter. Everyone loved it because so much of her heart and soul came through in the delivery.
I immediately turned to my boss and asked him what he thought.
“It was pretty terrible. But I think she is going to be a rock star.”
And then he added matter-of-factly:
“Never underestimate the power of enthusiasm!”
And couldn’t we all use a little more enthusiasm in our personal and professional lives?
Enthusiasm is Contagious
If an entrepreneur haphazardly fumbles his or her way through a presentation, how can they expect to lead a company? If a salesperson isn’t excited about what they are selling, why would anyone else care? If a lawyer does not defend or prosecute with exuberance, why would anyone hire them? If a teacher or coach does not fire up and inspire their students or players, how do they expect to change lives? We have a responsibility to ourselves, our co-workers, our friends and our family to show up each day with fervid passion. Everything we do matters. People notice the little things. And we have to do it all enthusiasm!
Genuine enthusiasm is contagious. It has the power to brighten up a room, lift a collective malaise, and create the baseline for a positive culture. We don’t always need to do cartwheels or deliver fire and brimstone speeches. Not all of us are cut out for the theatrical role. But we we can still demonstrate how much we care through earnestness, effort, and a smile. That doesn’t cost us anything. And it might inspire someone else to care just a little bit more.
Enthusiasm Takes a Village
But life is not all sunshine and puppy dogs. We face real pressure and a host of menacing obstacles as we walk the tightrope of our career, family, and personal responsibilities. There are days when it seems we have the opposite of the Midas touch. There are days when we feel like no one is in our corner. How can we muster enthusiasm when it feels as if the walls are closing in? It won’t be easy, but we can’t let the turkeys get us down!
We don’t have to fake it. No one wants to see a half-hearted cartwheel with an uninspiring delivery. If we aren’t feeling it, we have to take some time for ourselves and heal. We have to take a step back and get the nourishment we need. Perhaps someone else’s enthusiasm can provide the inspiration and inclusivity we need to move forward. We don’t always have to supply the shot of adrenaline. It takes a village!
Enthusiasm Matters
But once we have even a faint flicker, we can muster the enthusiasm from the outside. And eventually that enthusiasm quickly works inside us to lift our spirits. Soon, it is like an upward crescendo of positive energy that inspires everyone in our vortex!
Enthusiasm can’t take the place of substance or execution or relationships. It takes more than a cartwheel to deliver sustained excellence. But, all else being equal, it does matter. It makes a difference. Enthusiasm can forever change, a person, a company, and our little corner of the world.
Never underestimate the power of enthusiasm!
Clarkie, as Bro. Laurerie’s menue stayed, “Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm!”
He was a man ahead of his time!