

Restore Hope Believes

All people are created in the image of God, possessing potential and promise. Restore Hope is committed to help individuals and communities across the world realize and reach their potential by connecting them with the healing and restorative forces of Christ’s church. Restore Hope engages global churches to implement Christ-centered transformation strategies that include:

  • Agriculture/Agribusiness
  • Church Planting and Discipleship
  • Church Leadership Development
  • Community Development
  • Economic Development
  • Emergency Relief
  • Gospel Proclamation
  • Holistic Ministries
  • Healthcare Strategies
  • Justice Ministries
  • Orphan Sponsorship/Ministries
  • Skills Training Programs
  • Water Resourcing
  • Youth at Risk Programs

146751932Pastors and missions leaders in the Restore Hope Network believe that Jesus chose the church to be the empowered and authoritative force through which His Kingdom would be expanded throughout all ages. Our aim is to see all people know and worship Jesus Christ and His church multiply.

With this aim in mind, Restore Hope encourages every local church to embrace the unique age into which it has been given life. We live in a unique era of God’s kairos time. We possess gospel opportunities in the 21st century that have never before existed in our world. That’s why we encourage every church to attune its ear to the distinct calling it has from God to penetrate particular lost societies, cultures, peoples and communities. In this kairos, God has provided us with limitless means by which the gospel might be revealed among the nations. Restore Hope assists the local church in identifying its God-given strengths, clarifying its calling, equipping and sending its people, and engaging its members so that the church can embrace and accomplish the work God has called it do.

Restore Hope serves churches as churches serve Christ through going, teaching, discipling, baptizing and growing new churches.

Our Services


Missional maturity for the local church is a process. We help the local-church develop and implement cross-cultural training in the church, sending church structure and processes, on-field strategy development, member care, and more.


Yes, you can! Churches can send their workers to the mission field by utilizing our array of services including financial management and accounting services, contracting, contingency management, and logistics.

We want to join you in taking the whole Gospel to the whole world!

Whole Gospel for the Whole World