
First Steps

Formation Planning

Itrainingn addition to the spiritual formation that occurs in the life of a church body, Restore Hope encourages churches to participate in intentional missional formation groups. We help churches identify resources for missional formation for the local congregation that are implemented “in house” through the local church. Additionally, Restore Hope has created a web-based training resource to be utilized by local churches in small group contexts to prepare people for cross-cultural service. This resource, entitled PANORAMA: A Broad View of the World and Your Place in It, is accessible to churches who select and send group facilitators to a training event called PANORAMA Facilitator Training. For more information on Formation Planning, contact us.

Strategy Development

Is your church ready to move past mission activities to become involved in strategic mission efforts? Strategy development is most often a result of asking the right questions. Restore Hope assists churches in asking the right questions and connecting them to the resources to implement their mission strategy. (Fee:$200/halfday; $400/full day + travel and lodging) For more information on Strategy Development for churches and networks, contact us.

Pre-Commissioning Assessment

School editedMissionary Candidate Assessment – Making sure your long-term missionary candidates are prepared for cross-cultural service is a priority of Restore Hope. Because of our concern for the well-being of the worker, we recommend objective assessment of missionary readiness for service. Restore Hope churches can receive individual and missionary family assessment through The Center for Counseling and Enrichment in Arlington, Texas to include individual and family assessment, educational assessment for children, cultural adaptability testing and more. Click to view the assessment package. For more information on Missionary Candidate Assessment for churches and networks, contact us.

Member Care Resources 

People serving in cross-cultural ministry have specific needs that are unique. Restore Hope believes it is the role of the church to support and care for their workers. However, there are times when professional assistance is needed. Restore Hope provides access to chaplaincy and licensed professional counseling via phone, skype or through personal counseling sessions. For further information on Chaplaincy services or The Center for Counseling and Enrichment, contact us.

Our Services


Missional maturity for the local church is a process. We help the local-church develop and implement cross-cultural training in the church, sending church structure and processes, on-field strategy development, member care, and more.


Yes, you can! Churches can send their workers to the mission field by utilizing our array of services including financial management and accounting services, contracting, contingency management, and logistics.

We want to join you in taking the whole Gospel to the whole world!

Whole Gospel for the Whole World