
Session Outline


Biblical Foundations

“Biblical Mandate for Cross-Cultural Mission”
Dennis Wiles – Pastor, First Baptist Church, Arlington, Texas

Theological Basis and Motivation

“Witness to God’s Glory among All Peoples”
Michael Stroope – Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist


“God’s Call”
R. Keith Parks – Former Missionary to Southeast Asia, Former President of the International Mission Board, SBC and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

World Christian Movement

“God’s Redemptive History”
Stan Parks – GCPN Strategic Catalyst, Southeast Asia


Missionary Role

“Role of the Modern Cross-Cultural Witness”
Stan Parks – GCPN Strategic Catalyst, Southeast Asia

Character of a Witness

“Heart and Soul of a Missionary”
Video Panel Discussion
Panelists include:
Katy Carter – Former missionary in Asia
Kathy & Rick Owen, LMFT – Former missionaries in East Africa
Mike Cahill – Former missionary in West Africa
Don & Sue Gardner – Former missionaries in Asia

The Spirit and the Gifts

“Spiritual Gifts in the Cross-Cultural Context”
David Bonnet – Strategic Leader of Education Strategies, Project Restore Hope: Sierra Leone
Cindy Wiles –Executive Director, GCPN

Discipleship and Obedience

“Obedience in the Life of the Believer”
Mike Fritscher – Pastor, Cottonwood Baptist Church, Dublin, Texas

Spiritual Health and Maintenance

“Spiritual Vibrancy”
Dave Bollenbacher – Minister of Missions, Cottonwood Baptist Church, Dublin, Texas and former missionary to Central Asia


Interpersonal Relationships/Resolving Conflict

“Building Relationships Cross Culturally”
Co-Authors include:
Mike Stedham – Associate Pastor, Center for Counseling and Enrichment at First Baptist Church, Arlington, Texas
Carol Bowman – Editor of GCPN’s PANORAMA Series, Adjunct Professor of Communication at Dallas Baptist University, Consultant and Master Trainer

Marriage and Family

 “Partnered Together with Purpose”
Michael Stroope –Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist

Singleness and Community

“Single and Serving in Another Culture”
Katy Carter – Former college campus church planter, Asia.

Teams and Teamwork

“Cross-Cultural Ministry Teams- Becoming Family Along the Journey”
Co-Authors include:
Don Beacham – Pastor of Cross-Cultural Outreach, Grace Community Church, Arlington, Texas
Stan Parks – GCPN Strategic Catalyst, Southeast Asia


“Partnership in Cross-Cultural Ministry”
Stan Parks – GCPN Strategic Catalyst, Southeast Asia


Sending Church

“Cultivating Relationship with the Sending Church”
Matthew Sprink – Pastor of Disciple Making, First Baptist Church, Blue Springs, Missouri


“Advocacy in Cross-Cultural Ministry”
Miriam Plowman – Business Administrator, GCPN

Prayer Networking

“Prayer and Prayer Mobilization”
Kay Parks – Cross-cultural missionary in Southeast Asia and Prayer Advocate/Trainer

Support and Communication

“Financial, Logistical and Communication Support”
Cindy Wiles – Executive Director, GCPN


Mission Field Objectives

Michael Stroope – Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist

Accountability and Reporting

“Means of Accountability”
Michael Stroope – Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist


“Planning My Unique Mission”


Strategic Thinking

Michael Stroope – Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist

Cross-Cultural Living

“Challenges of Cross-Cultural Living”
Michael Stroope – Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist

Ethnographic Methods

“Reading Cultures for Healthy Engagement”

Principles and Methods

“Principles for Selecting Missions Methods”
Michael Stroope Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCNP Missiologist

Biblical Application

“Wonderful Words of Life: Interpreting and Applying the Bible”
Todd Still – Associate Professor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas

Witness Among Other Faiths

“Approaching People of Other Faiths”
Michael Stroope – Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist


“Quest for Understanding Islam”
Kay Lyn McGowan Hopper – Assistant Director of Spiritual Life, Dallas Baptist University


“Hinduism and Contextual Ministry among Hindus”
Rick Hivner – Associate Professor of South Asian Studies, William Carey University, Pasadena, California


“Understanding and Influencing Buddhist People”
Liz Adleta – Executive Director, Global Christian Network Inc.


“Cultural Christianity and Non-Belief”

Animism and Folk Religions

“Understanding Animism and Folk Religion”
Sharon Hill – Former missionary in West Africa for 34 years with the International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention

Evil Forces

“Encountering Evil Forces”
Co-Authors include:
Eddy Hallock – Minister of Missions, Tallowood Baptist Church, Houston, Texas
Ben Sustar – Missionary serving in West Africa

Language Acquisition

“Enhancing Language Learning”
Sharon Hill – Former missionary in West Africa for 34 years with the International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention

Safety and Security

“Best Practices in Missionary Safety and Security”

Holistic Ministry

“A Human Needs Approach to Missions”
Jeff Palmer – Executive Director, Baptist Global Response

Market Skill Engagement

“Integrating Faith and Witness in the Marketplace”
Jayson Berryhill – Creative Director, Three Stream Internet Consulting & Technology Services

Storying the Gospel

“Orality and Storying”
Erika Parks – Mission to Unreached Peoples and Former missionary to Southeast Asia



“Contextualizing the Good News”
Michael Stroope – Associate Professor of Christian Missions, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas and GCPN Missiologist

Church Planting Leadership

“Catalyzing Insider Church Planting Movements”
David Watson – Church Planting Movement Leader and Author

Indigenous Church Leadership

“Leaders Reproducing Leaders”
Stan Parks – GCPN Strategic Catalyst, Southeast Asia

Money and Missions

“Dependency and the Use of Money in Missions”
Ron Hill – Former missionary in West Africa for 34 years with the International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention and GCPN Strategic Catalyst, West Africa

Our Services


Missional maturity for the local church is a process. We help the local-church develop and implement cross-cultural training in the church, sending church structure and processes, on-field strategy development, member care, and more.


Yes, you can! Churches can send their workers to the mission field by utilizing our array of services including financial management and accounting services, contracting, contingency management, and logistics.

We want to join you in taking the whole Gospel to the whole world!

Whole Gospel for the Whole World