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Penn Central Deepwater Green

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In 2002, the R&GVRRM repainted ex-Penn Central transfer caboose #18526 back into its as built PC ‘Deepwater Green’ paint color and Penn Central lettering.  Choosing an accurate color was important to the museum and after much research, a paint code for ‘Deepwater Green’ was uncovered in an online Sherwin-Williams fleet color database.    The color listed and used was a General Motors color (supplier color code WA5764 / Sherwin-Williams formula number 2312).

With the formula code along with colorimetric measurements made off of the green samples taken from the car prior to sandblasting to insure a match to the mixed paint, the museum worked with its local Sherwin-Williams automotive paint dealer, Rochester Auto Color, to have the formula code 2312 turned into paint for the caboose.   With Rochester Auto Color having success in getting paint formulas from Sherwin-Williams, they mixed both Sherwin-Williams Acrylyd Plus urethane enamel for the sides of the car and Acrylyd acrylic enamel for the roof in Deepwater Green.   After spraying out some test samples, the resulting paint was colorimetrically very close when measured to samples taken from the car in locations where UV fading would have been minimized.   Thus, the car was painted with the supplied paint.

After eight years, the car’s paint has stayed in excellent shape.   In 2011, we do plan to polish the car to remove a little haze on the paint and return it to its as painted shine, but we remain very pleased with our investment in the Sherwin-Williams paint. The caboose can be seen here in service at the R&GVRRM in October 2011.

We hope this information helps others restoring Penn Central equipment.   There are many other codes for other railroads and construction equipment within that database by searching from this page.  There is no guarantee Sherwin-Williams will have a paint formula for the codes, but it is a place to start to get the information needed to work with your local Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes dealer just as we did.