SGLT2 Inhibitors Lower Need for Gout Therapy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Crystal Arthropathies
Gout Management: Strategies for Improving Quality of LifeThe intense pain and inflammation caused by gout may pose physical limitations that affect the mental and emotional health of patients living with the disease.
Rare and Unusual Clinical Presentations of GoutNumerous case reports have described a wide array of atypical gout affecting nearly every organ, including the spine, skin, nose, and scrotum, among others.
FDA Roundup: Pipeline Drugs for GoutThere have been promising recent advancements in gout treatment, particularly with innovative developments entering phase 3 clinical trials.
How an Ethics Consultant Can Help Resolve ConflictsEthics consultants begin by identifying and clarifying the conflict to ensure it is related to ethics.
Caution Urged About Ageism in Patient CareClinicians need to be aware of their assumptions about patients based on age.
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