
Where is Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)

The locality Makgaung suburb of Letsitele is located in the district of Mopani in the province of Limpopo (LP), South Africa. The satellite coordinates of Makgaung suburb of Letsitele are: latitude 24°17'23"S and longitude 30°27'36"E
There are 174 places (city, towns, hamlets …) within a radius of 100 kilometers / 62 miles from the center of Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP), the nearest place in the area is Moetladimo suburb of Trichardtsdal, Limpopo. Below is the table with the 51 places near Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP). In the table are indicated: name of the place, admin, distance[1] in kilometers, distance[1] in miles and the link to the travel sheet with road route.

Position of Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) on the map

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51 places in the vicinity of Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
Moetladimo suburb of TrichardtsdalLimpopo3,40 Km2,12 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Moetladimo suburb of Trichardtsdal
Mamabala-Ditlou suburb of TrichardtsdalLimpopo14,73 Km9,15 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Mamabala-Ditlou suburb of Trichardtsdal
TrichardtsdalLimpopo14,73 Km9,15 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Trichardtsdal
Turkey suburb of TrichardtsdalLimpopo14,73 Km9,15 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Turkey suburb of Trichardtsdal
Penge suburb of BurgersfortLimpopo20,65 Km12,83 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Penge suburb of Burgersfort
Calais suburb of LetsiteleLimpopo21,87 Km13,59 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Calais suburb of Letsitele
Ofcolaco suburb of TzaneenLimpopo24,24 Km15,06 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Ofcolaco suburb of Tzaneen
Tours Village suburb of ShiluvaneLimpopo30,10 Km18,70 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Tours Village suburb of Shiluvane
Pharare suburb of ShiluvaneLimpopo30,66 Km19,05 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Pharare suburb of Shiluvane
Shiluvane suburb of TzaneenLimpopo33,88 Km21,05 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Shiluvane suburb of Tzaneen
Mogopene suburb of ShiluvaneLimpopo33,88 Km21,05 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Mogopene suburb of Shiluvane
Burgersdorp suburb of TzaneenLimpopo35,23 Km21,89 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Burgersdorp suburb of Tzaneen
Mica suburb of HoedspruitLimpopo40,35 Km25,07 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Mica suburb of Hoedspruit
Lenyenye suburb of TzaneenLimpopo40,51 Km25,17 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Lenyenye suburb of Tzaneen
GravelotteLimpopo40,74 Km25,31 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Gravelotte
Moroke suburb of PengeLimpopo41,02 Km25,49 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Moroke suburb of Penge
MamatshaLimpopo44,48 Km27,64 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Mamatsha
Jane Furse Hospital suburb of BurgersfortLimpopo44,70 Km27,77 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Jane Furse Hospital suburb of Burgersfort
BurgersfortLimpopo44,70 Km27,77 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Burgersfort
Mafarana suburb of LetsiteleLimpopo45,76 Km28,43 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Mafarana suburb of Letsitele
Aventura EilandLimpopo45,76 Km28,43 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Aventura Eiland
LetsiteleLimpopo45,76 Km28,43 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Letsitele
Sedan suburb of LetsiteleLimpopo45,76 Km28,43 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Sedan suburb of Letsitele
EilandLimpopo45,76 Km28,43 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Eiland
Bonn suburb of LetsiteleLimpopo45,86 Km28,49 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Bonn suburb of Letsitele
Coblentz suburb of LetsiteleLimpopo45,86 Km28,49 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Coblentz suburb of Letsitele
KhujwanaLimpopo46,01 Km28,59 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Khujwana
Dan suburb of LetabaLimpopo47,69 Km29,63 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Dan suburb of Letaba
Kampersrus suburb of HoedspruitLimpopo49,15 Km30,54 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Kampersrus suburb of Hoedspruit
HoedspruitLimpopo49,68 Km30,87 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Hoedspruit
The Oaks suburb of HoedspruitLimpopo49,68 Km30,87 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - The Oaks suburb of Hoedspruit
Nkowankowa suburb of LetabaLimpopo49,94 Km31,03 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Nkowankowa suburb of Letaba
Mhlaba-Cross suburb of LetabaLimpopo49,94 Km31,03 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Mhlaba-Cross suburb of Letaba
Dan Village suburb of LetabaLimpopo49,94 Km31,03 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Dan Village suburb of Letaba
LetabaLimpopo49,94 Km31,03 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Letaba
Leroro suburb of GraskopMpumalanga50,19 Km31,18 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Leroro suburb of Graskop
SteelpoortLimpopo54,97 Km34,15 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Steelpoort
TshitandaniLimpopo58,02 Km36,05 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Tshitandani
TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Tzaneen
Muhlava suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Muhlava suburb of Tzaneen
Tarentaalrand suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Tarentaalrand suburb of Tzaneen
Julesburg suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Julesburg suburb of Tzaneen
Arborpark suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Arborpark suburb of Tzaneen
Premierpark suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Premierpark suburb of Tzaneen
Mohlahlareng suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Mohlahlareng suburb of Tzaneen
Nwamitwa suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Nwamitwa suburb of Tzaneen
Florapark suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Florapark suburb of Tzaneen
Aquapark suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Aquapark suburb of Tzaneen
SundysideLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Sundyside
Hovheni suburb of TzaneenLimpopo59,30 Km36,85 MiRoute and road distance Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) - Hovheni suburb of Tzaneen

Below is shown the table of main cities with the corresponding distances[1] of the main cities from Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) measured both in kilometers and in miles.

distances[1] from Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) of the main cities
PolokwaneLimpopo111,95 Km69,56 MiRoute and road distance Limpopo - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
NelspruitMpumalanga142,75 Km88,70 MiRoute and road distance Mpumalanga - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
PretoriaGauteng279,39 Km173,60 MiRoute and road distance Gauteng - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
JohannesburgGauteng322,70 Km200,52 MiRoute and road distance Gauteng - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
PietermaritzburgKwaZulu-Natal590,63 Km367,00 MiRoute and road distance KwaZulu-Natal - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
DurbanKwaZulu-Natal621,59 Km386,24 MiRoute and road distance KwaZulu-Natal - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
BloemfonteinFree State686,47 Km426,55 MiRoute and road distance Free State - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
KimberleyNorthern Cape751,71 Km467,09 MiRoute and road distance Northern Cape - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
Port ElizabethEastern Cape1.177,54 Km731,69 MiRoute and road distance Eastern Cape - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
Cape TownWestern Cape1.584,67 Km984,67 MiRoute and road distance Western Cape - Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)

[1]The distances indicated are measured in a straight line, the road distances can be appreciably different. To obtain road distance you can select route planner Road itinerary

To know where is Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) is definitely useful the service by RoadOnMap with:
  • Always up-to-date information on Makgaung suburb of Letsitele Mopani, Limpopo South Africa
  • Exact position of Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP) on the map
  • Geographic coordinates of Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)
  • Calculation of the route to how to get to Makgaung suburb of Letsitele (LP)

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